
Create an output writer that is coupled to a simulator capable of reading Eclipse deck files. Output will be written only when specified in the deck file.

This class is a template since there is no fixed interface for simulators, only an implied type class of common method signatures.
// configuration
ParameterGroup params (argc, argv, false);
// input file
auto deck = make_shared <const Deck> ( ... );
const GridManager manager (*parser);
auto grid = share_obj (*manager.c_grid ());
// timestep ends up here
auto timer = make_shared <SimulatorTimer> ();
// state ends up here
auto state = make_shared <TwophaseState> ();
auto wellState = make_shared <WellState> ();
// set up simulation
auto timeMap = make_shared <const TimeMap> (deck);
auto sim = make_shared <SimulatorIncompTwophase> (params, *grid, ... );
// use this to dump state to disk
auto output = make_shared <SimulatorOutput> (
params, deck, timeMap, grid, timer, state, wellState, sim);
// start simulation
sim.run (timer, state, ... )