Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===========================================================================
2 //
3 // File: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp
4 //
5 // Created: Mon Jun 15 12:53:38 2009
6 //
7 // Author(s): Atgeirr F Rasmussen <>
8 // Bård Skaflestad <>
9 //
10 // $Date$
11 //
12 // $Revision$
13 //
14 //===========================================================================
16 /*
17  Copyright 2009, 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
18  Copyright 2009, 2010 Statoil ASA.
20  This file is part of The Open Reservoir Simulator Project (OpenRS).
22  OpenRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
23  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
24  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
25  (at your option) any later version.
27  OpenRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  GNU General Public License for more details.
32  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
33  along with OpenRS. If not, see <>.
34 */
39 #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
40 #include <opm/core/utility/SparseTable.hpp>
41 #include <opm/core/utility/StopWatch.hpp>
42 #include <dune/grid/common/mcmgmapper.hh>
43 #include <dune/grid/CpGrid.hpp> // How to avoid this? Needed for the explicit mapper specialization below.
45 #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
46 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
48 #include <climits>
49 #include <iostream>
53 namespace Opm
54 {
57  template<int dim>
58  struct AllCellsLayout {
59  bool contains(Dune::GeometryType gt) { return gt.dim() == dim; }
60  };
63  template <class DuneGrid>
64  struct GICellMapper
65  {
66  typedef Dune::LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<DuneGrid, AllCellsLayout> Type;
67  };
71  {
72  explicit CpGridCellMapper(const Dune::CpGrid&)
73  {
74  }
75  template<class EntityType>
76  int map (const EntityType& e) const
77  {
78  return e.index();
79  }
80  };
85  template <>
86  struct GICellMapper<Dune::CpGrid>
87  {
89  };
92  namespace GIE
93  {
94  template <class GridInterface, class EntityPointerType>
95  class Cell;
97  template <class GI>
98  class Face {
99  public:
100  typedef typename GI::DuneIntersectionIterator DuneIntersectionIter;
101  typedef typename GI::GridType::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer CellPtr;
102  typedef typename GI::GridType::ctype Scalar;
103  typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, GI::GridType::dimension> Vector;
104  typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, GI::GridType::dimension-1> LocalVector;
105  typedef int Index;
108  enum { BoundaryMarkerIndex = -999,
109  LocalEndIndex = INT_MAX };
112  : pgrid_(0), iter_(), local_index_(-1)
113  {
114  }
116  Face(const GI& grid,
117  const DuneIntersectionIter& it,
118  const Index loc_ind)
119  : pgrid_(&grid), iter_(it), local_index_(loc_ind)
120  {
121  }
126  Scalar area() const
127  {
128  return iter_->geometry().volume();
129  }
134  Vector centroid() const
135  {
136  //return iter_->geometry().global(localCentroid());
137  return iter_->geometry().center();
138  }
143  Vector normal() const
144  {
145  //return iter_->unitOuterNormal(localCentroid());
146  return iter_->centerUnitOuterNormal();
147  }
152  bool boundary() const
153  {
154  return iter_->boundary();
155  }
160  int boundaryId() const
161  {
162  return iter_->boundaryId();
163  }
168  Cell cell() const
169  {
170  return Cell(*pgrid_, iter_->inside());
171  }
176  Index cellIndex() const
177  {
178  return pgrid_->mapper().map(*iter_->inside());
179  }
184  Cell neighbourCell() const
185  {
186  return Cell(*pgrid_, iter_->outside());
187  }
192  Index neighbourCellIndex() const
193  {
194  if (iter_->boundary()) {
195  return BoundaryMarkerIndex;
196  } else {
197  return pgrid_->mapper().map(*iter_->outside());
198  }
199  }
204  Index index() const
205  {
206  return pgrid_->faceIndex(cellIndex(), localIndex());
207  }
212  Index localIndex() const
213  {
214  return local_index_;
215  }
220  Scalar neighbourCellVolume() const
221  {
222  return iter_->outside()->geometry().volume();
223  }
225  protected:
226  const GI* pgrid_;
227  DuneIntersectionIter iter_;
230  private:
231 // LocalVector localCentroid() const
232 // {
233 // typedef Dune::ReferenceElements<Scalar, GI::GridType::dimension-1> RefElems;
234 // return RefElems::general(iter_->type()).position(0,0);
235 // }
236  };
244  template <class GridInterface>
245  class FaceIterator :
246  public boost::iterator_facade<FaceIterator<GridInterface>,
247  const Face<GridInterface>,
248  boost::forward_traversal_tag>,
249  public Face<GridInterface>
250  {
251  private:
254  public:
262  : FaceType()
263  {
264  }
277  FaceIterator(const GridInterface& grid,
278  const DuneIntersectionIter& it,
279  const int local_index)
280  : FaceType(grid, it, local_index)
281  {
282  }
285  const FaceIterator& dereference() const
286  {
287  return *this;
288  }
291  bool equal(const FaceIterator& other) const
292  {
293  // Note that we do not compare the local_index_ members,
294  // since they may or may not be equal for end iterators.
295  return FaceType::iter_ == other.FaceType::iter_;
296  }
299  void increment()
300  {
301  ++FaceType::iter_;
303  }
306  bool operator<(const FaceIterator& other) const
307  {
308  if (FaceType::cellIndex() == other.FaceType::cellIndex()) {
309  return FaceType::localIndex() < other.FaceType::localIndex();
310  } else {
311  return FaceType::cellIndex() < other.FaceType::cellIndex();
312  }
313  }
314  };
317  template <class GridInterface, class EntityPointerType>
318  class Cell
319  {
320  public:
322  : pgrid_(0), iter_()
323  {
324  }
325  Cell(const GridInterface& grid,
326  const EntityPointerType& it)
327  : pgrid_(&grid), iter_(it)
328  {
329  }
331  typedef typename FaceIterator::Vector Vector;
332  typedef typename FaceIterator::Scalar Scalar;
333  typedef typename FaceIterator::Index Index;
335  FaceIterator facebegin() const
336  {
337  return FaceIterator(*pgrid_, iter_->ileafbegin(), 0);
338  }
340  FaceIterator faceend() const
341  {
342  return FaceIterator(*pgrid_, iter_->ileafend(),
344  }
346  Scalar volume() const
347  {
348  return iter_->geometry().volume();
349  }
351  Vector centroid() const
352  {
353 // typedef Dune::ReferenceElements<Scalar, GridInterface::GridType::dimension> RefElems;
354 // Vector localpt
355 // = RefElems::general(iter_->type()).position(0,0);
356 // return iter_->geometry().global(localpt);
357  return iter_->geometry().center();
358  }
360  Index index() const
361  {
362  return pgrid_->mapper().map(*iter_);
363  }
364  protected:
365  const GridInterface* pgrid_;
366  EntityPointerType iter_;
367  };
370  template <class GridInterface>
372  : public boost::iterator_facade<CellIterator<GridInterface>,
373  const Cell<GridInterface,
374  typename GridInterface::GridType::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator>,
375  boost::forward_traversal_tag>,
376  public Cell<GridInterface, typename GridInterface::GridType::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator>
377  {
378  private:
379  typedef typename GridInterface::GridType::template Codim<0>::LeafIterator DuneCellIter;
381  public:
382  typedef typename CellType::Vector Vector;
383  typedef typename CellType::Scalar Scalar;
384  typedef typename CellType::Index Index;
386  CellIterator(const GridInterface& grid, DuneCellIter it)
387  : CellType(grid, it)
388  {
389  }
391  const CellIterator& dereference() const
392  {
393  return *this;
394  }
396  bool equal(const CellIterator& other) const
397  {
398  return CellType::iter_ == other.CellType::iter_;
399  }
401  void increment()
402  {
403  ++CellType::iter_;
404  }
405  };
407  } // namespace GIE
410  template <class DuneGrid>
412  {
413  public:
414  typedef typename DuneGrid::LeafIntersectionIterator DuneIntersectionIterator;
415  typedef DuneGrid GridType;
418  typedef typename CellIterator::Vector Vector;
419  typedef typename CellIterator::Scalar Scalar;
420  typedef typename CellIterator::Index Index;
424  enum { Dimension = DuneGrid::dimension };
427  : pgrid_(0), num_faces_(0), max_faces_per_cell_(0)
428  {
429  }
430  explicit GridInterfaceEuler(const DuneGrid& grid, bool build_facemap = true)
431  : pgrid_(&grid), pmapper_(new Mapper(grid)), num_faces_(0), max_faces_per_cell_(0)
432  {
433  if (build_facemap) {
434  buildFaceIndices();
435  }
436  }
437  void init(const DuneGrid& grid, bool build_facemap = true)
438  {
439  pgrid_ = &grid;
440  pmapper_.reset(new Mapper(grid));
441  if (build_facemap) {
442  buildFaceIndices();
443  }
444  }
445  CellIterator cellbegin() const
446  {
447  return CellIterator(*this, grid().template leafbegin<0>());
448  }
449  CellIterator cellend() const
450  {
451  return CellIterator(*this, grid().template leafend<0>());
452  }
453  int numberOfCells() const
454  {
455  return grid().size(0);
456  }
457  int numberOfFaces() const
458  {
459  assert(num_faces_ != 0);
460  return num_faces_;
461  }
462  int maxFacesPerCell() const
463  {
464  assert(max_faces_per_cell_ != 0);
465  return max_faces_per_cell_;
466  }
467  const DuneGrid& grid() const
468  {
469  assert(pgrid_);
470  return *pgrid_;
471  }
473  // The following are primarily helpers for the implementation,
474  // perhaps they should be private?
475  const Mapper& mapper() const
476  {
477  assert (pmapper_);
478  return *pmapper_;
479  }
480  Index faceIndex(int cell_index, int local_face_index) const
481  {
482  assert(num_faces_ != 0);
483  return face_indices_[cell_index][local_face_index];
484  }
485  typedef Opm::SparseTable<int>::row_type Indices;
486  Indices faceIndices(int cell_index) const
487  {
488  assert(num_faces_ != 0);
489  return face_indices_[cell_index];
490  }
491  private:
492  const DuneGrid* pgrid_;
493  boost::scoped_ptr<Mapper> pmapper_;
494  int num_faces_;
495  int max_faces_per_cell_;
496  Opm::SparseTable<int> face_indices_;
498  void buildFaceIndices()
499  {
500 #ifdef VERBOSE
501  std::cout << "Building unique face indices... " << std::flush;
502  Opm::time::StopWatch clock;
503  clock.start();
504 #endif
505  typedef CellIterator CI;
506  typedef typename CI::FaceIterator FI;
508  // We build the actual cell to face mapping in two passes.
509  // [code mostly lifted from IncompFlowSolverHybrid::enumerateGridDof(),
510  // but with a twist: This code builds a mapping from cells in index
511  // order to unique face numbers, while the mapping built in the
512  // enumerateGridDof() method was ordered by cell iterator order]
514  // Allocate and reserve structures.
515  const int nc = numberOfCells();
516  std::vector<int> cell(nc, -1);
517  std::vector<int> num_faces(nc); // In index order.
518  std::vector<int> fpos; fpos .reserve(nc + 1);
519  std::vector<int> num_cf; num_cf.reserve(nc); // In iterator order.
520  std::vector<int> faces ;
522  // First pass: enumerate internal faces.
523  int cellno = 0; fpos.push_back(0);
524  int tot_ncf = 0, tot_ncf2 = 0, max_ncf = 0;
525  for (CI c = cellbegin(); c != cellend(); ++c, ++cellno) {
526  const int c0 = c->index();
527  assert((0 <= c0) && (c0 < nc) && (cell[c0] == -1));
528  cell[c0] = cellno;
529  num_cf.push_back(0);
530  int& ncf = num_cf.back();
531  for (FI f = c->facebegin(); f != c-> faceend(); ++f) {
532  if (!f->boundary()) {
533  const int c1 = f->neighbourCellIndex();
534  assert((0 <= c1) && (c1 < nc) && (c1 != c0));
536  if (cell[c1] == -1) {
537  // Previously undiscovered internal face.
538  faces.push_back(c1);
539  }
540  }
541  ++ncf;
542  }
543  num_faces[c0] = ncf;
544  fpos.push_back(int(faces.size()));
545  max_ncf = std::max(max_ncf, ncf);
546  tot_ncf += ncf;
547  tot_ncf2 += ncf * ncf;
548  }
549  assert(cellno == nc);
551  // Build cumulative face sizes enabling direct insertion of
552  // face indices into cfdata later.
553  std::vector<int> cumul_num_faces(numberOfCells() + 1);
554  cumul_num_faces[0] = 0;
555  std::partial_sum(num_faces.begin(), num_faces.end(), cumul_num_faces.begin() + 1);
557  // Avoid (most) allocation(s) inside 'c' loop.
558  std::vector<int> l2g;
559  l2g.reserve(max_ncf);
560  std::vector<double> cfdata(tot_ncf);
561  int total_num_faces = int(faces.size());
563  // Second pass: build cell-to-face mapping, including boundary.
564  typedef std::vector<int>::iterator VII;
565  for (CI c = cellbegin(); c != cellend(); ++c) {
566  const int c0 = c->index();
567  assert ((0 <= c0 ) && ( c0 < nc) &&
568  (0 <= cell[c0]) && (cell[c0] < nc));
569  const int ncf = num_cf[cell[c0]];
570  l2g.resize(ncf, 0);
571  for (FI f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
572  if (f->boundary()) {
573  // External, not counted before. Add new face...
574  l2g[f->localIndex()] = total_num_faces++;
575  } else {
576  // Internal face. Need to determine during
577  // traversal of which cell we discovered this
578  // face first, and extract the face number
579  // from the 'faces' table range of that cell.
581  // Note: std::find() below is potentially
582  // *VERY* expensive (e.g., large number of
583  // seeks in moderately sized data in case of
584  // faulted cells).
585  const int c1 = f->neighbourCellIndex();
586  assert ((0 <= c1 ) && ( c1 < nc) &&
587  (0 <= cell[c1]) && (cell[c1] < nc));
589  int t = c0, seek = c1;
590  if (cell[seek] < cell[t])
591  std::swap(t, seek);
592  int s = fpos[cell[t]], e = fpos[cell[t] + 1];
593  VII p = std::find(faces.begin() + s, faces.begin() + e, seek);
594  assert(p != faces.begin() + e);
595  l2g[f->localIndex()] = p - faces.begin();
596  }
597  }
598  assert(int(l2g.size()) == num_faces[c0]);
599  std::copy(l2g.begin(), l2g.end(), cfdata.begin() + cumul_num_faces[c0]);
600  }
601  num_faces_ = total_num_faces;
602  max_faces_per_cell_ = max_ncf;
603  face_indices_.assign(cfdata.begin(), cfdata.end(),
604  num_faces.begin(), num_faces.end());
606 #ifdef VERBOSE
607  clock.stop();
608  double elapsed = clock.secsSinceStart();
609  std::cout << "done. Time elapsed: " << elapsed << std::endl;
610 #endif
611  }
613  };
617 } // namespace Opm
GridInterfaceEuler< DuneGrid > InterfaceType
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:416
bool operator<(const FaceIterator &other) const
Gives an ordering of intersectionIterators.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:306
CpGridCellMapper Type
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:88
FaceIterator faceend() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:340
GIE::CellIterator< InterfaceType > CellIterator
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:417
Index cellIndex() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:176
Vector normal() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:143
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:109
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:98
Definition: BlackoilFluid.hpp:31
void init(const DuneGrid &grid, bool build_facemap=true)
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:437
const DuneGrid & grid() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:467
const GI * pgrid_
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:226
CellIterator cellend() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:449
int numberOfCells() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:453
int map(const EntityType &e) const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:76
GI::GridType::ctype Scalar
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:102
bool boundary() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:152
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:321
void increment()
Used by iterator facade.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:401
GI::GridType::template Codim< 0 >::EntityPointer CellPtr
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:101
const CellIterator & dereference() const
Used by iterator facade.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:391
CellType::Scalar Scalar
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:383
void increment()
Used by iterator facade.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:299
Index index() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:360
Index index() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:204
CellIterator cellbegin() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:445
Index localIndex() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:212
FaceIterator facebegin() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:335
const FaceIterator & dereference() const
Used by iterator facade.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:285
GIE::FaceIterator< GridInterface > FaceIterator
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:330
General cell layout.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:58
CellIterator::Index Index
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:420
EntityPointerType iter_
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:366
Default constructor.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:261
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:108
GridInterfaceEuler(const DuneGrid &grid, bool build_facemap=true)
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:430
Index neighbourCellIndex() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:192
Index local_index_
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:228
Cell neighbourCell() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:184
const Mapper & mapper() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:475
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:426
Cell(const GridInterface &grid, const EntityPointerType &it)
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:325
FaceIterator::Index Index
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:333
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:95
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:111
Scalar area() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:126
CellIterator::Scalar Scalar
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:419
Intersection (face) iterator for solver-near grid interface.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:245
GICellMapper< DuneGrid >::Type Mapper
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:422
int numberOfFaces() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:457
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:411
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:424
FaceIterator(const GridInterface &grid, const DuneIntersectionIter &it, const int local_index)
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:277
Face< GridInterface >::DuneIntersectionIter DuneIntersectionIter
Type of low-level intersection iterator. Copied from the Dune grid.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:258
int boundaryId() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:160
Scalar neighbourCellVolume() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:220
int maxFacesPerCell() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:462
Dune::FieldVector< Scalar, GI::GridType::dimension-1 > LocalVector
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:104
Vector centroid() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:351
Dune::FieldVector< Scalar, GI::GridType::dimension > Vector
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:103
CellType::Vector Vector
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:382
Cell cell() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:168
DuneGrid GridType
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:415
const GridInterface * pgrid_
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:365
FaceIterator::Vector Vector
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:331
CpGridCellMapper(const Dune::CpGrid &)
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:72
FaceIterator::Scalar Scalar
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:332
A mapper for Dune::CpGrid cells only.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:70
bool equal(const FaceIterator &other) const
Used by iterator facade.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:291
int Index
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:105
Dune::LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper< DuneGrid, AllCellsLayout > Type
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:66
CellIterator(const GridInterface &grid, DuneCellIter it)
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:386
bool equal(const CellIterator &other) const
Used by iterator facade.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:396
DuneGrid::LeafIntersectionIterator DuneIntersectionIterator
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:414
bool contains(Dune::GeometryType gt)
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:59
GIE::Cell< GI, CellPtr > Cell
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:106
Indices faceIndices(int cell_index) const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:486
CellType::Index Index
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:384
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:371
CellIterator::Vector Vector
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:418
GI::DuneIntersectionIterator DuneIntersectionIter
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:100
Vector centroid() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:134
Face(const GI &grid, const DuneIntersectionIter &it, const Index loc_ind)
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:116
Mapper for general grids.
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:64
DuneIntersectionIter iter_
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:227
Scalar volume() const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:346
Opm::SparseTable< int >::row_type Indices
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:485
Index faceIndex(int cell_index, int local_face_index) const
Definition: GridInterfaceEuler.hpp:480