Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===========================================================================
2 //
3 // File: RockJfunc.hpp
4 //
5 // Created: Fri Oct 23 08:59:52 2009
6 //
7 // Author(s): Atgeirr F Rasmussen <>
8 // B�rd Skaflestad <>
9 //
10 // $Date$
11 //
12 // $Revision$
13 //
14 //===========================================================================
16 /*
17  Copyright 2009, 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
18  Copyright 2009, 2010 Statoil ASA.
20  This file is part of The Open Reservoir Simulator Project (OpenRS).
22  OpenRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
23  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
24  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
25  (at your option) any later version.
27  OpenRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  GNU General Public License for more details.
32  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
33  along with OpenRS. If not, see <>.
34 */
39 #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
40 #include <opm/core/utility/NonuniformTableLinear.hpp>
43 #include <fstream>
44 #include <vector>
45 #include <algorithm>
46 #include <cmath>
47 #include <iostream>
49 namespace Opm
50 {
52  class RockJfunc
53  {
54  public:
56  : use_jfunction_scaling_(true), sigma_cos_theta_(1.0)
57  {
58  }
60  void setUseJfunctionScaling(const bool use_j)
61  {
62  use_jfunction_scaling_ = use_j;
63  }
65  void setSigmaAndTheta(const double sigma, const double theta)
66  {
67  sigma_cos_theta_ = sigma*std::cos(theta);
68  }
70  void krw(const double saturation, double& krw_value) const
71  {
72  krw_value = krw_(saturation);
73  }
75  void kro(const double saturation, double& kro_value) const
76  {
77  kro_value = kro_(saturation);
78  }
80  void dkrw(const double saturation, double& dkrw_value) const
81  {
82  dkrw_value = krw_.derivative(saturation);
83  }
85  void dkro(const double saturation, double& dkro_value) const
86  {
87  dkro_value = kro_.derivative(saturation);
88  }
90  double s_min() const
91  {
92  return s_min_;
93  }
94  double s_max() const
95  {
96  return s_max_;
97  }
99  template <template <class> class SP, class OP>
100  double capPress(const FullMatrix<double, SP, OP>& perm, const double poro, const double saturation) const
101  {
102  if (use_jfunction_scaling_) {
103  // p_{cow} = J\frac{\sigma \cos \theta}{\sqrt{k/\phi}}
104  // \sigma \cos \theta is by default approximated by 1.0;
105  // k is approximated by the average of the diagonal terms.
106  double sqrt_k_phi = std::sqrt(trace(perm)/(perm.numRows()*poro));
107  return Jfunc_(saturation)*sigma_cos_theta_/sqrt_k_phi;
108  } else {
109  // The Jfunc_ table actually contains the pressure directly.
110  return Jfunc_(saturation);
111  }
112  }
114  template <template <class> class SP, class OP>
115  double capPressDeriv(const FullMatrix<double, SP, OP>& perm, const double poro, const double saturation) const
116  {
117  if (use_jfunction_scaling_) {
118  // p_{cow} = J\frac{\sigma \cos \theta}{\sqrt{k/\phi}}
119  // \sigma \cos \theta is by default approximated by 1.0;
120  // k is approximated by the average of the diagonal terms.
121  double sqrt_k_phi = std::sqrt(trace(perm)/(perm.numRows()*poro));
122  return Jfunc_.derivative(saturation)*sigma_cos_theta_/sqrt_k_phi;
123  } else {
124  // The Jfunc_ table actually contains the pressure directly.
125  return Jfunc_.derivative(saturation);
126  }
127  }
129  template <template <class> class SP, class OP>
130  double satFromCapPress(const FullMatrix<double, SP, OP>& perm, const double poro, const double cap_press) const
131  {
132  double s = 0;
133  if (use_jfunction_scaling_) {
134  // p_{cow} = J\frac{\sigma \cos \theta}{\sqrt{k/\phi}}
135  // \sigma \cos \theta is by default approximated by 1.0;
136  // k is approximated by the average of the diagonal terms.
137  double sqrt_k_phi = std::sqrt(trace(perm)/(perm.numRows()*poro));
138  s = Jfunc_.inverse(cap_press*sqrt_k_phi/sigma_cos_theta_);
139  } else {
140  // The Jfunc_ table actually contains the pressure directly.
141  s = Jfunc_.inverse(cap_press);
142  }
143  s = std::min(s_max_, std::max(s_min_, s));
144  return s;
145  }
147  void read(const std::string& directory, const std::string& specification)
148  {
149  // For this type of rock, the specification is simply a line with the file name.
150  std::istringstream specstream(specification);
151  std::string rockname;
152  specstream >> rockname;
153  std::string rockfilename = directory + rockname;
154  std::ifstream rock_stream(rockfilename.c_str());
155  if (!rock_stream) {
156  OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not open file " << rockfilename);
157  }
158  readStatoilFormat(rock_stream);
159  }
161  private:
162  void readStatoilFormat(std::istream& is)
163  {
164  /* Skip lines at the top of the file starting with '#' or '--' */
165  char c = is.peek();
166  while ((c == '-' || c == '#') && is) {
167  if (c == '#') {
168  std::string commentline;
169  std::getline(is, commentline);
170  c = is.peek();
171  }
172  else { /* Check if the initial '-' was first byte of the sequence '--' */
173  is.get(c);
174  if (c == '-') {
175  std::string commentline;
176  std::getline(is, commentline);
177  c = is.peek();
178  } else {
179  is.putback(c);
180  }
181  }
182  }
183  if (!is) {
184  OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Something went wrong while skipping optional comment header of rock file.");
185  }
186  typedef Dune::FieldVector<double, 4> Data;
187  std::istream_iterator<Data> start(is);
188  std::istream_iterator<Data> end;
189  std::vector<Data> data(start, end);
190  if (!is.eof()) {
191  OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Reading stopped but we're not at eof: something went wrong reading data of rock file.");
192  }
193  std::vector<double> svals, krw, kro, Jfunc;
194  for (int i = 0; i < int(data.size()); ++i) {
195  svals.push_back(data[i][0]);
196  krw.push_back(data[i][1]);
197  kro.push_back(data[i][2]);
198  Jfunc.push_back(data[i][3]);
199  }
200  if (krw[0] != 0.0) {
201  krw[0] = 0.0;
202  std::cout << "Warning: krw table were modified to go to zero at the beginning." << std::endl;
203  }
204  if (kro.back() != 0.0) {
205  kro.back() = 0.0;
206  std::cout << "Warning: kro table were modified to go to zero at the end." << std::endl;
207  }
208  s_min_ = svals.front();
209  s_max_ = svals.back();
210  krw_ = TabFunc(svals, krw);
211  kro_ = TabFunc(svals, kro);
212  Jfunc_ = TabFunc(svals, Jfunc);
213  std::vector<double> invJfunc(Jfunc);
214  std::reverse(invJfunc.begin(), invJfunc.end());
215  std::vector<double> invsvals(svals);
216  std::reverse(invsvals.begin(), invsvals.end());
217  invJfunc_ = TabFunc(invJfunc, invsvals);
218  }
220  typedef NonuniformTableLinear<double> TabFunc;
221  TabFunc krw_;
222  TabFunc kro_;
223  TabFunc Jfunc_;
224  TabFunc invJfunc_;
225  bool use_jfunction_scaling_;
226  double sigma_cos_theta_;
227  double s_min_;
228  double s_max_;
231  };
233 } // namespace Opm
void setSigmaAndTheta(const double sigma, const double theta)
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:65
double s_max() const
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:94
Definition: BlackoilFluid.hpp:31
double s_min() const
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:90
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:55
void kro(const double saturation, double &kro_value) const
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:75
void dkrw(const double saturation, double &dkrw_value) const
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:80
double satFromCapPress(const FullMatrix< double, SP, OP > &perm, const double poro, const double cap_press) const
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:130
double capPress(const FullMatrix< double, SP, OP > &perm, const double poro, const double saturation) const
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:100
void krw(const double saturation, double &krw_value) const
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:70
double capPressDeriv(const FullMatrix< double, SP, OP > &perm, const double poro, const double saturation) const
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:115
void setUseJfunctionScaling(const bool use_j)
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:60
void dkro(const double saturation, double &dkro_value) const
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:85
Matrix::value_type trace(const Matrix &A)
Compute matrix trace (i.e., sum(diag(A))).
Definition: Matrix.hpp:639
void read(const std::string &directory, const std::string &specification)
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:147
Definition: RockJfunc.hpp:52