Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===========================================================================
2 //
3 // File: setupBoundaryConditions.hpp
4 //
5 // Created: Fri Aug 21 09:07:09 2009
6 //
7 // Author(s): Atgeirr F Rasmussen <>
8 // Bård Skaflestad <>
9 //
10 // $Date$
11 //
12 // $Revision$
13 //
14 //===========================================================================
16 /*
17  Copyright 2009, 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
18  Copyright 2009, 2010 Statoil ASA.
20  This file is part of The Open Reservoir Simulator Project (OpenRS).
22  OpenRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
23  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
24  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
25  (at your option) any later version.
27  OpenRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  GNU General Public License for more details.
32  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
33  along with OpenRS. If not, see <>.
34 */
39 #include <opm/core/utility/parameters/ParameterGroup.hpp>
40 #include <opm/core/utility/Units.hpp>
44 namespace Opm
45 {
50  template <class GridInterface, class BCs>
51  inline void setupBoundaryConditions(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
52  const GridInterface& g,
53  BCs& bcs)
54  {
55  if (param.getDefault("upscaling", false)) {
56  int bct = param.get<int>("boundary_condition_type");
57  int pddir = param.getDefault("pressure_drop_direction", 0);
58  double pdrop = param.getDefault("boundary_pressuredrop", 1.0e5);
59  double bdy_sat = param.getDefault("boundary_saturation", 1.0);
60  bool twodim_hack = param.getDefault("2d_hack", false);
61  setupUpscalingConditions(g, bct, pddir, pdrop, bdy_sat, twodim_hack, bcs);
62  return;
63  }
64  if (param.getDefault("region_based_bcs", false)) {
65  setupRegionBasedConditions(param, g, bcs);
66  return;
67  }
68  // Make flow equation boundary conditions.
69  // Default is pressure 1.0e5 on the left, 0.0 on the right.
70  // Recall that the boundary ids range from 1 to 6 for the cartesian edges,
71  // and that boundary id 0 means interiour face/intersection.
72  std::string flow_bc_type = param.getDefault<std::string>("flow_bc_type", "dirichlet");
74  double leftval = 1.0*Opm::unit::barsa;
75  double rightval = 0.0;
76  if (flow_bc_type == "neumann") {
77  bct = FlowBC::Neumann;
78  leftval = param.get<double>("left_flux");
79  rightval = param.getDefault<double>("right_flux", -leftval);
80  } else if (flow_bc_type == "dirichlet") {
81  leftval = param.getDefault<double>("left_pressure", leftval);
82  rightval = param.getDefault<double>("right_pressure", rightval);
83  } else if (flow_bc_type == "periodic") {
84  OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Periodic conditions not here yet.");
85  } else {
86  OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown flow boundary condition type " << flow_bc_type);
87  }
88  bcs.resize(7);
89  bcs.flowCond(1) = FlowBC(bct, leftval);
90  bcs.flowCond(2) = FlowBC(bct, rightval);
92  // Default transport boundary conditions are used.
93  }
98  template <class GridInterface, class BCs>
99  inline void setupUpscalingConditions(const GridInterface& g,
100  int bct,
101  int pddir,
102  double pdrop,
103  double bdy_sat,
104  bool twodim_hack,
105  BCs& bcs)
106  {
107  // Caution: This enum is copied from Upscaler.hpp.
108  enum BoundaryConditionType { Fixed = 0, Linear = 1, Periodic = 2, PeriodicSingleDirection = 3, Noflow = 4 };
109  if (bct < 0 || bct > 2) {
110  OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Illegal boundary condition type (0-2 are legal): " << bct); // Later on, we may allow 3 and 4.
111  }
112  BoundaryConditionType bctype = static_cast<BoundaryConditionType>(bct);
113  assert(pddir >=0 && pddir <= 2);
115  // Flow conditions.
116  switch (bctype) {
117  case Fixed:
118  {
119  // assert(!g.uniqueBoundaryIds());
120  bcs.clear();
121  bcs.resize(7);
122  bcs.flowCond(2*pddir + 1) = FlowBC(FlowBC::Dirichlet, pdrop);
123  bcs.flowCond(2*pddir + 2) = FlowBC(FlowBC::Dirichlet, 0.0);
124  bcs.satCond(2*pddir + 1) = SatBC(SatBC::Dirichlet, bdy_sat); // The only possible inflow location.
125  for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
126  bcs.setCanonicalBoundaryId(i, i);
127  }
128  break;
129  }
130  case Linear:
131  {
132  // assert(g.uniqueBoundaryIds());
133  createLinear(bcs, g, pdrop, pddir, bdy_sat, twodim_hack);
134  break;
135  }
136  case Periodic:
137  {
138  // assert(g.uniqueBoundaryIds());
139  FlowBC fb(FlowBC::Periodic, 0.0);
140  std::array<FlowBC, 6> fcond = {{ fb, fb, fb, fb, fb, fb }};
141  fcond[2*pddir] = FlowBC(FlowBC::Periodic, pdrop);
142  fcond[2*pddir + 1] = FlowBC(FlowBC::Periodic, -pdrop);
143  SatBC sb(SatBC::Periodic, 0.0);
144  std::array<SatBC, 6> scond = {{ sb, sb, sb, sb, sb, sb }};
145  if (twodim_hack) {
146 // fcond[2] = FlowBC(FlowBC::Neumann, 0.0);
147 // fcond[3] = FlowBC(FlowBC::Neumann, 0.0);
148  fcond[4] = FlowBC(FlowBC::Neumann, 0.0);
149  fcond[5] = FlowBC(FlowBC::Neumann, 0.0);
150 // scond[2] = SatBC(SatBC::Dirichlet, 1.0);
151 // scond[3] = SatBC(SatBC::Dirichlet, 1.0);
152  scond[4] = SatBC(SatBC::Dirichlet, 1.0);
153  scond[5] = SatBC(SatBC::Dirichlet, 1.0);
154  }
155  createPeriodic(bcs, g, fcond, scond);
156  break;
157  }
158  default:
159  OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Error in switch statement, should never be here.");
160  }
162  // Default transport boundary conditions are used.
163  }
167  namespace
168  {
169  template <class Vector>
170  bool isInside(const Vector& low, const Vector& high, const Vector& pt)
171  {
172  return low[0] < pt[0]
173  && low[1] < pt[1]
174  && low[2] < pt[2]
175  && high[0] > pt[0]
176  && high[1] > pt[1]
177  && high[2] > pt[2];
178  }
179  } // anon namespace
182  template <class GridInterface, class BCs>
183  inline void setupRegionBasedConditions(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
184  const GridInterface& g,
185  BCs& bcs)
186  {
187  // Extract region and pressure value for Dirichlet bcs.
188  typedef typename GridInterface::Vector Vector;
189  Vector low;
190  low[0] = param.getDefault("dir_block_low_x", 0.0);
191  low[1] = param.getDefault("dir_block_low_y", 0.0);
192  low[2] = param.getDefault("dir_block_low_z", 0.0);
193  Vector high;
194  high[0] = param.getDefault("dir_block_high_x", 1.0);
195  high[1] = param.getDefault("dir_block_high_y", 1.0);
196  high[2] = param.getDefault("dir_block_high_z", 1.0);
197  double dir_block_pressure = param.get<double>("dir_block_pressure");
199  // Set flow conditions for that region.
200  // For this to work correctly, unique boundary ids should be used,
201  // otherwise conditions may spread outside the given region, to all
202  // faces with the same bid as faces inside the region.
203  typedef typename GridInterface::CellIterator CI;
204  typedef typename CI::FaceIterator FI;
205  int max_bid = 0;
206  std::vector<int> dir_bids;
207  for (CI c = g.cellbegin(); c != g.cellend(); ++c) {
208  for (FI f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
209  int bid = f->boundaryId();
210  max_bid = std::max(bid, max_bid);
211  if (bid != 0 && isInside(low, high, f->centroid())) {
212  dir_bids.push_back(bid);
213  }
214  }
215  }
216  bcs.resize(max_bid + 1);
217  for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = dir_bids.begin(); it != dir_bids.end(); ++it) {
218  bcs.flowCond(*it) = FlowBC(FlowBC::Dirichlet, dir_block_pressure);
219  }
221  // Transport BCs are defaulted.
222  }
226 } // namespace Opm
Definition: BoundaryConditions.hpp:58
A class for representing a saturation boundary condition.
Definition: BoundaryConditions.hpp:175
void createPeriodic(BCs &fbcs, const GridInterface &g, const std::array< FlowBC, 2 *GridInterface::Dimension > &fconditions, const std::array< SatBC, 2 *GridInterface::Dimension > &sconditions, double spatial_tolerance=1e-6)
Makes a boundary condition object representing periodic boundary conditions in any cartesian directio...
Definition: PeriodicHelpers.hpp:105
Definition: BlackoilFluid.hpp:31
void createLinear(BCs &fbcs, const GridInterface &g, const double pdrop, const int pddir, const double bdy_sat, const bool twodim_hack=false, const double spatial_tolerance=1e-6)
Makes a boundary condition object representing linear boundary conditions in any cartesian direction...
Definition: PeriodicHelpers.hpp:224
void setupUpscalingConditions(const GridInterface &g, int bct, int pddir, double pdrop, double bdy_sat, bool twodim_hack, BCs &bcs)
Definition: setupBoundaryConditions.hpp:99
Definition: BoundaryConditions.hpp:58
Enum for the allowed boundary condition types. So far, we support Dirichlet, Neumann and Periodic con...
Definition: BoundaryConditions.hpp:58
void setupBoundaryConditions(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup &param, const GridInterface &g, BCs &bcs)
Setup boundary conditions for a simulation. It is assumed that the boundary ids are 1-6...
Definition: setupBoundaryConditions.hpp:51
void setupRegionBasedConditions(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup &param, const GridInterface &g, BCs &bcs)
Definition: setupBoundaryConditions.hpp:183
Definition: BoundaryConditions.hpp:58
A class for representing a flow boundary condition.
Definition: BoundaryConditions.hpp:121