Go to the documentation of this file.
1// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6// NOTE: This file is a modified version of dune/istl/paamg/amg.hh from
7// dune-istl release 2.6.0. Modifications have been kept as minimal as possible.
10#include <opm/common/TimingMacros.hpp>
11#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
12#include <dune/common/version.hh>
13#include <dune/istl/paamg/amg.hh>
14#include <dune/istl/paamg/smoother.hh>
15#include <dune/istl/paamg/transfer.hh>
16#include <dune/istl/paamg/hierarchy.hh>
17#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
18#include <dune/istl/scalarproducts.hh>
19#include <dune/istl/superlu.hh>
20#include <dune/istl/umfpack.hh>
21#include <dune/istl/solvertype.hh>
22#include <dune/common/typetraits.hh>
23#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
25#include <memory>
27namespace Dune
29 namespace Amg
30 {
33#if HAVE_MPI
34 template<class M, class T>
35 void redistributeMatrixAmg(M&, M&, SequentialInformation&, SequentialInformation&, T&)
36 {
37 // noop
38 }
40 template<class M, class PI>
41 typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<PI,SequentialInformation>::value,void>::type
42 redistributeMatrixAmg(M& mat, M& matRedist, PI& info, PI& infoRedist,
43 Dune::RedistributeInformation<PI>& redistInfo)
44 {
45 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(redistributeMatrixAmg);
46 info.buildGlobalLookup(mat.N());
47 redistributeMatrixEntries(mat, matRedist, info, infoRedist, redistInfo);
48 info.freeGlobalLookup();
49 }
69 template<class M, class X, class S, class P, class K, class A>
70 class KAMG;
72 template<class T>
85 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI=SequentialInformation,
86 class A=std::allocator<X> >
87 class AMGCPR : public PreconditionerWithUpdate<X,X>
88 {
89 template<class M1, class X1, class S1, class P1, class K1, class A1>
90 friend class KAMG;
92 friend class KAmgTwoGrid<AMGCPR>;
94 public:
96 typedef M Operator;
105 typedef MatrixHierarchy<M, ParallelInformation, A> OperatorHierarchy;
107 typedef typename OperatorHierarchy::ParallelInformationHierarchy ParallelInformationHierarchy;
110 typedef X Domain;
112 typedef X Range;
114 typedef InverseOperator<X,X> CoarseSolver;
120 typedef S Smoother;
123 typedef typename SmootherTraits<Smoother>::Arguments SmootherArgs;
134 AMGCPR(const OperatorHierarchy& matrices, CoarseSolver& coarseSolver,
135 const SmootherArgs& smootherArgs, const Parameters& parms);
148 template<class C>
149 AMGCPR(const Operator& fineOperator, const C& criterion,
150 const SmootherArgs& smootherArgs=SmootherArgs(),
156 AMGCPR(const AMGCPR& amg);
158 ~AMGCPR();
161 void pre(Domain& x, Range& b);
164 void apply(Domain& v, const Range& d);
167 virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const
168 {
169 return category_;
170 }
173 void post(Domain& x);
179 template<class A1>
180 void getCoarsestAggregateNumbers(std::vector<std::size_t,A1>& cont);
182 std::size_t levels();
184 std::size_t maxlevels();
195 {
196 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(recalculateHierarch);
197 auto copyFlags = NegateSet<typename PI::OwnerSet>();
198 const auto& matrices = matrices_->matrices();
199 const auto& aggregatesMapHierarchy = matrices_->aggregatesMaps();
200 const auto& infoHierarchy = matrices_->parallelInformation();
201 const auto& redistInfoHierarchy = matrices_->redistributeInformation();
202 BaseGalerkinProduct productBuilder;
203 auto aggregatesMap = aggregatesMapHierarchy.begin();
204 auto info = infoHierarchy.finest();
205 auto redistInfo = redistInfoHierarchy.begin();
206 auto matrix = matrices.finest();
207 auto coarsestMatrix = matrices.coarsest();
209 using Matrix = typename M::matrix_type;
211#if HAVE_MPI
212 if(matrix.isRedistributed()) {
213 redistributeMatrixAmg(const_cast<Matrix&>(matrix->getmat()),
214 const_cast<Matrix&>(matrix.getRedistributed().getmat()),
215 const_cast<PI&>(*info), const_cast<PI&>(info.getRedistributed()),
216 const_cast<Dune::RedistributeInformation<PI>&>(*redistInfo));
217 }
220 for(; matrix!=coarsestMatrix; ++aggregatesMap) {
221 const Matrix& fine = (matrix.isRedistributed() ? matrix.getRedistributed() : *matrix).getmat();
222 ++matrix;
223 ++info;
224 ++redistInfo;
225 productBuilder.calculate(fine, *(*aggregatesMap), const_cast<Matrix&>(matrix->getmat()), *info, copyFlags);
226#if HAVE_MPI
227 if(matrix.isRedistributed()) {
228 redistributeMatrixAmg(const_cast<Matrix&>(matrix->getmat()),
229 const_cast<Matrix&>(matrix.getRedistributed().getmat()),
230 const_cast<PI&>(*info), const_cast<PI&>(info.getRedistributed()),
231 const_cast<Dune::RedistributeInformation<PI>&>(*redistInfo));
232 }
234 }
235 }
240 template<class C>
241 void updateSolver(C& criterion, const Operator& /* matrix */, const PI& pinfo);
246 virtual void update();
252 bool usesDirectCoarseLevelSolver() const;
254 private:
261 template<class C>
262 void createHierarchies(C& criterion, Operator& matrix,
263 const PI& pinfo)
264 {
265 //OPM_TIMEBLOCK(createHierarchies);
266 // create shared_ptr with empty deleter
267 std::shared_ptr< Operator > op( &matrix, []( Operator* ) {});
268 std::shared_ptr< PI > pifo( const_cast< PI* > (&pinfo), []( PI * ) {});
269 createHierarchies( criterion, op, pifo);
270 }
272 template<class C>
273 void createHierarchies(C& criterion, std::shared_ptr< Operator > matrix,
274 std::shared_ptr< PI > pinfo );
276 void setupCoarseSolver();
284 struct LevelContext
285 {
290 typename Hierarchy<Smoother,A>::Iterator smoother;
294 typename OperatorHierarchy::ParallelMatrixHierarchy::ConstIterator matrix;
298 typename ParallelInformationHierarchy::Iterator pinfo;
302 typename OperatorHierarchy::RedistributeInfoList::const_iterator redist;
306 typename OperatorHierarchy::AggregatesMapList::const_iterator aggregates;
310 typename Hierarchy<Domain,A>::Iterator lhs;
314 typename Hierarchy<Domain,A>::Iterator update;
318 typename Hierarchy<Range,A>::Iterator rhs;
322 std::size_t level;
323 };
330 void mgc(LevelContext& levelContext);
332 void additiveMgc();
340 void moveToFineLevel(LevelContext& levelContext,bool processedFineLevel);
346 bool moveToCoarseLevel(LevelContext& levelContext);
352 void initIteratorsWithFineLevel(LevelContext& levelContext);
355 std::shared_ptr<OperatorHierarchy> matrices_;
357 SmootherArgs smootherArgs_;
359 std::shared_ptr<Hierarchy<Smoother,A> > smoothers_;
361 std::shared_ptr<CoarseSolver> solver_;
363 std::shared_ptr< Hierarchy<Range,A> > rhs_;
365 std::shared_ptr< Hierarchy<Domain,A> > lhs_;
367 std::shared_ptr< Hierarchy<Domain,A> > update_;
369 using ScalarProduct = Dune::ScalarProduct<X>;
371 std::shared_ptr<ScalarProduct> scalarProduct_;
373 std::size_t gamma_;
375 std::size_t preSteps_;
377 std::size_t postSteps_;
378 bool buildHierarchy_;
379 bool additive;
380 bool coarsesolverconverged;
381 std::shared_ptr<Smoother> coarseSmoother_;
383 SolverCategory::Category category_;
385 std::size_t verbosity_;
386 };
388 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
390 : matrices_(amg.matrices_), smootherArgs_(amg.smootherArgs_),
391 smoothers_(amg.smoothers_), solver_(amg.solver_),
392 rhs_(), lhs_(), update_(),
393 scalarProduct_(amg.scalarProduct_), gamma_(amg.gamma_),
394 preSteps_(amg.preSteps_), postSteps_(amg.postSteps_),
395 buildHierarchy_(amg.buildHierarchy_),
396 additive(amg.additive), coarsesolverconverged(amg.coarsesolverconverged),
397 coarseSmoother_(amg.coarseSmoother_),
398 category_(amg.category_),
399 verbosity_(amg.verbosity_)
400 {
401 if(amg.rhs_)
402 rhs_.reset( new Hierarchy<Range,A>(*amg.rhs_) );
403 if(amg.lhs_)
404 lhs_.reset( new Hierarchy<Domain,A>(*amg.lhs_) );
405 if(amg.update_)
406 update_.reset( new Hierarchy<Domain,A>(*amg.update_) );
407 }
409 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
411 const SmootherArgs& smootherArgs,
412 const Parameters& parms)
413 : matrices_(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(matrices)), smootherArgs_(smootherArgs),
414 smoothers_(new Hierarchy<Smoother,A>), solver_(&coarseSolver),
415 rhs_(), lhs_(), update_(), scalarProduct_(0),
416 gamma_(parms.getGamma()), preSteps_(parms.getNoPreSmoothSteps()),
417 postSteps_(parms.getNoPostSmoothSteps()), buildHierarchy_(false),
418 additive(parms.getAdditive()), coarsesolverconverged(true),
419 coarseSmoother_(),
420// #warning should category be retrieved from matrices?
421 category_(SolverCategory::category(*smoothers_->coarsest())),
422 verbosity_(parms.debugLevel())
423 {
424 assert(matrices_->isBuilt());
426 // build the necessary smoother hierarchies
427 matrices_->coarsenSmoother(*smoothers_, smootherArgs_);
428 }
430 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
431 template<class C>
433 const C& criterion,
434 const SmootherArgs& smootherArgs,
435 const PI& pinfo)
436 : smootherArgs_(smootherArgs),
437 smoothers_(new Hierarchy<Smoother,A>), solver_(),
438 rhs_(), lhs_(), update_(), scalarProduct_(),
439 gamma_(criterion.getGamma()), preSteps_(criterion.getNoPreSmoothSteps()),
440 postSteps_(criterion.getNoPostSmoothSteps()), buildHierarchy_(true),
441 additive(criterion.getAdditive()), coarsesolverconverged(true),
442 coarseSmoother_(),
443 category_(SolverCategory::category(pinfo)),
444 verbosity_(criterion.debugLevel())
445 {
446 if(SolverCategory::category(matrix) != SolverCategory::category(pinfo))
447 DUNE_THROW(InvalidSolverCategory, "Matrix and Communication must have the same SolverCategory!");
448 createHierarchies(criterion, const_cast<Operator&>(matrix), pinfo);
449 }
451 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
453 {
454 if(buildHierarchy_) {
455 if(solver_)
456 solver_.reset();
457 if(coarseSmoother_)
458 coarseSmoother_.reset();
459 }
460 }
462 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
463 template<class C>
464 void AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>::updateSolver(C& /* criterion */, const Operator& /* matrix */, const PI& /* pinfo */)
465 {
466 update();
467 }
469 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
471 {
472 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(update);
473 Timer watch;
474 smoothers_.reset(new Hierarchy<Smoother,A>);
475 solver_.reset();
476 coarseSmoother_.reset();
477 scalarProduct_.reset();
478 buildHierarchy_= true;
479 coarsesolverconverged = true;
480 smoothers_.reset(new Hierarchy<Smoother,A>);
481 recalculateHierarchy();
482 matrices_->coarsenSmoother(*smoothers_, smootherArgs_);
483 setupCoarseSolver();
484 if (verbosity_>0 && matrices_->parallelInformation().finest()->communicator().rank()==0) {
485 std::cout << "Recalculating galerkin and coarse smoothers "<< matrices_->maxlevels() << " levels "
486 << watch.elapsed() << " seconds." << std::endl;
487 }
488 }
490 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
491 template<class C>
492 void AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>::createHierarchies(C& criterion, std::shared_ptr< Operator > matrix,
493 std::shared_ptr< PI > pinfo )
494 {
495 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(createHierarchies);
496 Timer watch;
497 matrices_.reset(new OperatorHierarchy(matrix, pinfo));
499 matrices_->template build<NegateSet<typename PI::OwnerSet> >(criterion);
501 // build the necessary smoother hierarchies
502 matrices_->coarsenSmoother(*smoothers_, smootherArgs_);
503 setupCoarseSolver();
504 if(verbosity_>0 && matrices_->parallelInformation().finest()->communicator().rank()==0)
505 std::cout<<"Building hierarchy of "<<matrices_->maxlevels()<<" levels "
506 <<"(inclusive coarse solver) took "<<watch.elapsed()<<" seconds."<<std::endl;
507 }
509 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
510 void AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>::setupCoarseSolver()
511 {
512 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(setupCoarseSolver);
513 // test whether we should solve on the coarse level. That is the case if we
514 // have that level and if there was a redistribution on this level then our
515 // communicator has to be valid (size()>0) as the smoother might try to communicate
516 // in the constructor.
517 if(buildHierarchy_ && matrices_->levels()==matrices_->maxlevels()
518 && ( ! matrices_->redistributeInformation().back().isSetup() ||
519 matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest().getRedistributed().communicator().size() ) )
520 {
521 // We have the carsest level. Create the coarse Solver
522 SmootherArgs sargs(smootherArgs_);
523 sargs.iterations = 1;
525 typename ConstructionTraits<Smoother>::Arguments cargs;
526 cargs.setArgs(sargs);
527 if(matrices_->redistributeInformation().back().isSetup()) {
528 // Solve on the redistributed partitioning
529 cargs.setMatrix(matrices_->matrices().coarsest().getRedistributed().getmat());
530 cargs.setComm(matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest().getRedistributed());
531 }else{
532 cargs.setMatrix(matrices_->matrices().coarsest()->getmat());
533 cargs.setComm(*matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest());
534 }
536 coarseSmoother_ = ConstructionTraits<Smoother>::construct(cargs);
537 scalarProduct_ = createScalarProduct<X>(cargs.getComm(),category());
539 typedef DirectSolverSelector< typename M::matrix_type, X > SolverSelector;
541 // Use superlu if we are purely sequential or with only one processor on the coarsest level.
542 if( SolverSelector::isDirectSolver &&
543 (std::is_same<ParallelInformation,SequentialInformation>::value // sequential mode
544 || matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest()->communicator().size()==1 //parallel mode and only one processor
545 || (matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest().isRedistributed()
546 && matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest().getRedistributed().communicator().size()==1
547 && matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest().getRedistributed().communicator().size()>0) )
548 )
549 { // redistribute and 1 proc
550 if(matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest().isRedistributed())
551 {
552 if(matrices_->matrices().coarsest().getRedistributed().getmat().N()>0)
553 {
554 // We are still participating on this level
555 solver_.reset(SolverSelector::create(matrices_->matrices().coarsest().getRedistributed().getmat(), false, false));
556 }
557 else
558 solver_.reset();
559 }
560 else
561 {
562 solver_.reset(SolverSelector::create(matrices_->matrices().coarsest()->getmat(), false, false));
563 }
564 if(verbosity_>0 && matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest()->communicator().rank()==0)
565 std::cout<< "Using a direct coarse solver (" << SolverSelector::name() << ")" << std::endl;
566 }
567 else
568 {
569 if(matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest().isRedistributed())
570 {
571 if(matrices_->matrices().coarsest().getRedistributed().getmat().N()>0)
572 // We are still participating on this level
574 // we have to allocate these types using the rebound allocator
575 // in order to ensure that we fulfill the alignement requirements
576 solver_.reset(new BiCGSTABSolver<X>(const_cast<M&>(matrices_->matrices().coarsest().getRedistributed()),
577 // Cast needed for Dune <=2.5
578 reinterpret_cast<typename
579 std::conditional<std::is_same<PI,SequentialInformation>::value,
580 Dune::SeqScalarProduct<X>,
581 Dune::OverlappingSchwarzScalarProduct<X,PI> >::type&>(*scalarProduct_),
582 *coarseSmoother_, 1E-2, 1000, 0));
583 else
584 solver_.reset();
585 }else
586 {
587 solver_.reset(new BiCGSTABSolver<X>(const_cast<M&>(*matrices_->matrices().coarsest()),
588 // Cast needed for Dune <=2.5
589 reinterpret_cast<typename
590 std::conditional<std::is_same<PI,SequentialInformation>::value,
591 Dune::SeqScalarProduct<X>,
592 Dune::OverlappingSchwarzScalarProduct<X,PI> >::type&>(*scalarProduct_),
593 *coarseSmoother_, 1E-2, 1000, 0));
594 // // we have to allocate these types using the rebound allocator
595 // // in order to ensure that we fulfill the alignement requirements
596 // using Alloc = typename A::template rebind<BiCGSTABSolver<X>>::other;
597 // Alloc alloc;
598 // auto p = alloc.allocate(1);
599 // alloc.construct(p,
600 // const_cast<M&>(*matrices_->matrices().coarsest()),
601 // *scalarProduct_,
602 // *coarseSmoother_, 1E-2, 1000, 0);
603 // solver_.reset(p,[](BiCGSTABSolver<X>* p){
604 // Alloc alloc;
605 // alloc.destroy(p);
606 // alloc.deallocate(p,1);
607 // });
608 }
609 }
610 }
611 }
613 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
615 {
617 // Detect Matrix rows where all offdiagonal entries are
618 // zero and set x such that A_dd*x_d=b_d
619 // Thus users can be more careless when setting up their linear
620 // systems.
621 typedef typename M::matrix_type Matrix;
622 typedef typename Matrix::ConstRowIterator RowIter;
623 typedef typename Matrix::ConstColIterator ColIter;
624 typedef typename Matrix::block_type Block;
625 Block zero;
626 zero=typename Matrix::field_type();
628 const Matrix& mat=matrices_->matrices().finest()->getmat();
629 for(RowIter row=mat.begin(); row!=mat.end(); ++row) {
630 bool isDirichlet = true;
631 bool hasDiagonal = false;
632 Block diagonal;
633 for(ColIter col=row->begin(); col!=row->end(); ++col) {
634 if(row.index()==col.index()) {
635 diagonal = *col;
636 hasDiagonal = false;
637 }else{
638 if(*col!=zero)
639 isDirichlet = false;
640 }
641 }
642 if(isDirichlet && hasDiagonal)
643 diagonal.solve(x[row.index()], b[row.index()]);
644 }
646 if(smoothers_->levels()>0)
647 smoothers_->finest()->pre(x,b);
648 else
649 // No smoother to make x consistent! Do it by hand
650 matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest()->copyOwnerToAll(x,x);
653 typedef std::shared_ptr< Range > RangePtr ;
654 typedef std::shared_ptr< Domain > DomainPtr;
656 // Hierarchy takes ownership of pointers
657 RangePtr copy( new Range(b) );
658 rhs_.reset( new Hierarchy<Range,A>(copy) );
659 DomainPtr dcopy( new Domain(x) );
660 lhs_.reset( new Hierarchy<Domain,A>(dcopy) );
661 DomainPtr dcopy2( new Domain(x) );
662 update_.reset( new Hierarchy<Domain,A>(dcopy2) );
664 matrices_->coarsenVector(*rhs_);
665 matrices_->coarsenVector(*lhs_);
666 matrices_->coarsenVector(*update_);
668 // Preprocess all smoothers
669 typedef typename Hierarchy<Smoother,A>::Iterator Iterator;
670 typedef typename Hierarchy<Range,A>::Iterator RIterator;
671 typedef typename Hierarchy<Domain,A>::Iterator DIterator;
672 Iterator coarsest = smoothers_->coarsest();
673 Iterator smoother = smoothers_->finest();
674 RIterator rhs = rhs_->finest();
675 DIterator lhs = lhs_->finest();
676 if(smoothers_->levels()>0) {
678 assert(lhs_->levels()==rhs_->levels());
679 assert(smoothers_->levels()==lhs_->levels() || matrices_->levels()==matrices_->maxlevels());
680 assert(smoothers_->levels()+1==lhs_->levels() || matrices_->levels()<matrices_->maxlevels());
682 if(smoother!=coarsest)
683 for(++smoother, ++lhs, ++rhs; smoother != coarsest; ++smoother, ++lhs, ++rhs)
684 smoother->pre(*lhs,*rhs);
685 smoother->pre(*lhs,*rhs);
686 }
689 // The preconditioner might change x and b. So we have to
690 // copy the changes to the original vectors.
691 x = *lhs_->finest();
692 b = *rhs_->finest();
694 }
695 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
697 {
698 return matrices_->levels();
699 }
700 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
702 {
703 return matrices_->maxlevels();
704 }
707 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
709 {
710 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(apply);
711 LevelContext levelContext;
713 if(additive) {
714 *(rhs_->finest())=d;
715 additiveMgc();
716 v=*lhs_->finest();
717 }else{
718 // Init all iterators for the current level
719 initIteratorsWithFineLevel(levelContext);
722 *levelContext.lhs = v;
723 *levelContext.rhs = d;
724 *levelContext.update=0;
725 levelContext.level=0;
727 mgc(levelContext);
729 if(postSteps_==0||matrices_->maxlevels()==1)
730 levelContext.pinfo->copyOwnerToAll(*levelContext.update, *levelContext.update);
732 v=*levelContext.update;
733 }
735 }
737 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
738 void AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>::initIteratorsWithFineLevel(LevelContext& levelContext)
739 {
740 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(initIteratorsWithFineLevel);
741 levelContext.smoother = smoothers_->finest();
742 levelContext.matrix = matrices_->matrices().finest();
743 levelContext.pinfo = matrices_->parallelInformation().finest();
744 levelContext.redist =
745 matrices_->redistributeInformation().begin();
746 levelContext.aggregates = matrices_->aggregatesMaps().begin();
747 levelContext.lhs = lhs_->finest();
748 levelContext.update = update_->finest();
749 levelContext.rhs = rhs_->finest();
750 }
752 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
753 bool AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>
754 ::moveToCoarseLevel(LevelContext& levelContext)
755 {
756 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(moveToCoarseLevel);
757 bool processNextLevel=true;
759 if(levelContext.redist->isSetup()) {
760 levelContext.redist->redistribute(static_cast<const Range&>(*levelContext.rhs),
761 levelContext.rhs.getRedistributed());
762 processNextLevel = levelContext.rhs.getRedistributed().size()>0;
763 if(processNextLevel) {
764 //restrict defect to coarse level right hand side.
765 typename Hierarchy<Range,A>::Iterator fineRhs = levelContext.rhs++;
766 ++levelContext.pinfo;
767 Transfer<typename OperatorHierarchy::AggregatesMap::AggregateDescriptor,Range,ParallelInformation>
768 ::restrictVector(*(*levelContext.aggregates), *levelContext.rhs,
769 static_cast<const Range&>(fineRhs.getRedistributed()),
770 *levelContext.pinfo);
771 }
772 }else{
773 //restrict defect to coarse level right hand side.
774 typename Hierarchy<Range,A>::Iterator fineRhs = levelContext.rhs++;
775 ++levelContext.pinfo;
776 Transfer<typename OperatorHierarchy::AggregatesMap::AggregateDescriptor,Range,ParallelInformation>
777 ::restrictVector(*(*levelContext.aggregates),
778 *levelContext.rhs, static_cast<const Range&>(*fineRhs),
779 *levelContext.pinfo);
780 }
782 if(processNextLevel) {
783 // prepare coarse system
784 ++levelContext.lhs;
785 ++levelContext.update;
786 ++levelContext.matrix;
787 ++levelContext.level;
788 ++levelContext.redist;
790 if(levelContext.matrix != matrices_->matrices().coarsest() || matrices_->levels()<matrices_->maxlevels()) {
791 // next level is not the globally coarsest one
792 ++levelContext.smoother;
793 ++levelContext.aggregates;
794 }
795 // prepare the update on the next level
796 *levelContext.update=0;
797 }
798 return processNextLevel;
799 }
801 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
802 void AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>
803 ::moveToFineLevel(LevelContext& levelContext, bool processNextLevel)
804 {
805 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(moveToFineLevel);
806 if(processNextLevel) {
807 if(levelContext.matrix != matrices_->matrices().coarsest() || matrices_->levels()<matrices_->maxlevels()) {
808 // previous level is not the globally coarsest one
809 --levelContext.smoother;
810 --levelContext.aggregates;
811 }
812 --levelContext.redist;
813 --levelContext.level;
814 //prolongate and add the correction (update is in coarse left hand side)
815 --levelContext.matrix;
817 //typename Hierarchy<Domain,A>::Iterator coarseLhs = lhs--;
818 --levelContext.lhs;
819 --levelContext.pinfo;
820 }
821 if(levelContext.redist->isSetup()) {
822 // Need to redistribute during prolongateVector
823 levelContext.lhs.getRedistributed()=0;
824 Transfer<typename OperatorHierarchy::AggregatesMap::AggregateDescriptor,Range,ParallelInformation>
825 ::prolongateVector(*(*levelContext.aggregates), *levelContext.update, *levelContext.lhs,
826 levelContext.lhs.getRedistributed(),
827 matrices_->getProlongationDampingFactor(),
828 *levelContext.pinfo, *levelContext.redist);
829 }else{
830 *levelContext.lhs=0;
831 Transfer<typename OperatorHierarchy::AggregatesMap::AggregateDescriptor,Range,ParallelInformation>
832 ::prolongateVector(*(*levelContext.aggregates), *levelContext.update, *levelContext.lhs,
833 matrices_->getProlongationDampingFactor(),
834 *levelContext.pinfo);
835 }
838 if(processNextLevel) {
839 --levelContext.update;
840 --levelContext.rhs;
841 }
843 *levelContext.update += *levelContext.lhs;
844 }
846 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
848 {
849 return IsDirectSolver< CoarseSolver>::value;
850 }
852 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
853 void AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>::mgc(LevelContext& levelContext){
854 //OPM_TIMEBLOCK(mgc);
855 if(levelContext.matrix == matrices_->matrices().coarsest() && levels()==maxlevels()) {
856 // Solve directly
858 res.converged=true; // If we do not compute this flag will not get updated
859 if(levelContext.redist->isSetup()) {
860 levelContext.redist->redistribute(*levelContext.rhs, levelContext.rhs.getRedistributed());
861 if(levelContext.rhs.getRedistributed().size()>0) {
862 // We are still participating in the computation
863 levelContext.pinfo.getRedistributed().copyOwnerToAll(levelContext.rhs.getRedistributed(),
864 levelContext.rhs.getRedistributed());
865 solver_->apply(levelContext.update.getRedistributed(),
866 levelContext.rhs.getRedistributed(), res);
867 }
868 levelContext.redist->redistributeBackward(*levelContext.update, levelContext.update.getRedistributed());
869 levelContext.pinfo->copyOwnerToAll(*levelContext.update, *levelContext.update);
870 }else{
871 levelContext.pinfo->copyOwnerToAll(*levelContext.rhs, *levelContext.rhs);
872 solver_->apply(*levelContext.update, *levelContext.rhs, res);
873 }
875 if (!res.converged)
876 coarsesolverconverged = false;
877 }else{
878 // presmoothing
879 presmooth(levelContext, preSteps_);
882 bool processNextLevel = moveToCoarseLevel(levelContext);
884 if(processNextLevel) {
885 // next level
886 for(std::size_t i=0; i<gamma_; i++)
887 mgc(levelContext);
888 }
890 moveToFineLevel(levelContext, processNextLevel);
892 *lhs=0;
895 if(levelContext.matrix == matrices_->matrices().finest()) {
896 coarsesolverconverged = matrices_->parallelInformation().finest()->communicator().prod(coarsesolverconverged);
897 if(!coarsesolverconverged){
898 //DUNE_THROW(MathError, "Coarse solver did not converge");
899 }
900 }
901 // postsmoothing
902 postsmooth(levelContext, postSteps_);
904 }
905 }
907 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
908 void AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>::additiveMgc(){
909 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(additiveMgc);
910 // restrict residual to all levels
911 typename ParallelInformationHierarchy::Iterator pinfo=matrices_->parallelInformation().finest();
912 typename Hierarchy<Range,A>::Iterator rhs=rhs_->finest();
913 typename Hierarchy<Domain,A>::Iterator lhs = lhs_->finest();
914 typename OperatorHierarchy::AggregatesMapList::const_iterator aggregates=matrices_->aggregatesMaps().begin();
916 for(typename Hierarchy<Range,A>::Iterator fineRhs=rhs++; fineRhs != rhs_->coarsest(); fineRhs=rhs++, ++aggregates) {
917 ++pinfo;
918 Transfer<typename OperatorHierarchy::AggregatesMap::AggregateDescriptor,Range,ParallelInformation>
919 ::restrictVector(*(*aggregates), *rhs, static_cast<const Range&>(*fineRhs), *pinfo);
920 }
922 // pinfo is invalid, set to coarsest level
923 //pinfo = matrices_->parallelInformation().coarsest
924 // calculate correction for all levels
925 lhs = lhs_->finest();
926 typename Hierarchy<Smoother,A>::Iterator smoother = smoothers_->finest();
928 for(rhs=rhs_->finest(); rhs != rhs_->coarsest(); ++lhs, ++rhs, ++smoother) {
929 // presmoothing
930 *lhs=0;
931 smoother->apply(*lhs, *rhs);
932 }
934 // Coarse level solve
937 pinfo->copyOwnerToAll(*rhs, *rhs);
938 solver_->apply(*lhs, *rhs, res);
940 if(!res.converged)
941 DUNE_THROW(MathError, "Coarse solver did not converge");
943 *lhs=0;
945 // Prologate and add up corrections from all levels
946 --pinfo;
947 --aggregates;
949 for(typename Hierarchy<Domain,A>::Iterator coarseLhs = lhs--; coarseLhs != lhs_->finest(); coarseLhs = lhs--, --aggregates, --pinfo) {
950 Transfer<typename OperatorHierarchy::AggregatesMap::AggregateDescriptor,Range,ParallelInformation>
951 ::prolongateVector(*(*aggregates), *coarseLhs, *lhs, 1.0, *pinfo);
952 }
953 }
957 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
958 void AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>::post([[maybe_unused]] Domain& x)
959 {
960 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(post);
961 // Postprocess all smoothers
962 typedef typename Hierarchy<Smoother,A>::Iterator Iterator;
963 typedef typename Hierarchy<Domain,A>::Iterator DIterator;
964 Iterator coarsest = smoothers_->coarsest();
965 Iterator smoother = smoothers_->finest();
966 DIterator lhs = lhs_->finest();
967 if(smoothers_->levels()>0) {
968 if(smoother != coarsest || matrices_->levels()<matrices_->maxlevels())
969 smoother->post(*lhs);
970 if(smoother!=coarsest)
971 for(++smoother, ++lhs; smoother != coarsest; ++smoother, ++lhs)
972 smoother->post(*lhs);
973 smoother->post(*lhs);
974 }
975 //delete &(*lhs_->finest());
976 lhs_.reset();
977 //delete &(*update_->finest());
978 update_.reset();
979 //delete &(*rhs_->finest());
980 rhs_.reset();
981 }
983 template<class M, class X, class S, class PI, class A>
984 template<class A1>
985 void AMGCPR<M,X,S,PI,A>::getCoarsestAggregateNumbers(std::vector<std::size_t,A1>& cont)
986 {
987 matrices_->getCoarsestAggregatesOnFinest(cont);
988 }
990 } // end namespace Amg
991} // end namespace Dune
Parallel algebraic multigrid based on agglomeration.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:88
Definition: amgcpr.hh:70
Definition: amgcpr.hh:73
Interface class adding the update() method to the preconditioner interface.
Definition: PreconditionerWithUpdate.hpp:32
M Operator
The matrix operator type.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:96
Hierarchy< Smoother, A >::Iterator smoother
The iterator over the smoothers.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:290
AMGCPR(const OperatorHierarchy &matrices, CoarseSolver &coarseSolver, const SmootherArgs &smootherArgs, const Parameters &parms)
Construct a new amg with a specific coarse solver.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:410
Hierarchy< Domain, A >::Iterator update
The iterator over the updates.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:314
Hierarchy< Range, A >::Iterator rhs
The iterator over the right hand sided.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:318
MatrixHierarchy< M, ParallelInformation, A > OperatorHierarchy
The operator hierarchy type.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:105
ParallelInformationHierarchy::Iterator pinfo
The iterator over the parallel information.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:298
virtual SolverCategory::Category category() const
Category of the preconditioner (see SolverCategory::Category)
Definition: amgcpr.hh:167
void apply(Domain &v, const Range &d)
Definition: amgcpr.hh:708
void pre(Domain &x, Range &b)
Definition: amgcpr.hh:614
OperatorHierarchy::ParallelMatrixHierarchy::ConstIterator matrix
The iterator over the matrices.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:294
void getCoarsestAggregateNumbers(std::vector< std::size_t, A1 > &cont)
Get the aggregate number of each unknown on the coarsest level.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:985
void post(Domain &x)
Definition: amgcpr.hh:958
OperatorHierarchy::ParallelInformationHierarchy ParallelInformationHierarchy
The parallal data distribution hierarchy type.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:107
Definition: amgcpr.hh:452
void recalculateHierarchy()
Recalculate the matrix hierarchy.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:194
SmootherTraits< Smoother >::Arguments SmootherArgs
The argument type for the construction of the smoother.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:123
X Range
The range type.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:112
X Domain
The domain type.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:110
std::size_t maxlevels()
Definition: amgcpr.hh:701
S Smoother
The type of the smoother.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:120
void updateSolver(C &criterion, const Operator &, const PI &pinfo)
Update the coarse solver and the hierarchies.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:464
OperatorHierarchy::AggregatesMapList::const_iterator aggregates
The iterator over the aggregates maps.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:306
virtual void update()
Update the coarse solver and the hierarchies.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:470
PI ParallelInformation
The type of the parallel information. Either OwnerOverlapCommunication or another type describing the...
Definition: amgcpr.hh:103
InverseOperator< X, X > CoarseSolver
the type of the coarse solver.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:114
std::size_t level
The level index.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:322
Hierarchy< Domain, A >::Iterator lhs
The iterator over the left hand side.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:310
bool usesDirectCoarseLevelSolver() const
Check whether the coarse solver used is a direct solver.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:847
Smoother SmootherType
Definition: amgcpr.hh:286
OperatorHierarchy::RedistributeInfoList::const_iterator redist
The iterator over the redistribution information.
Definition: amgcpr.hh:302
std::size_t levels()
Definition: amgcpr.hh:696
void redistributeMatrixAmg(M &, M &, SequentialInformation &, SequentialInformation &, T &)
Definition: amgcpr.hh:35
Definition: SupportsFaceTag.hpp:27
Dune::InverseOperatorResult InverseOperatorResult
Definition: BdaBridge.hpp:32