
Override certain properties with values from elsewhere.

This allows mixing of property objects from several sources, such as rock and fluid properties from a file but unsaturated properties from a function. Care must be taken to setup the shadowing so no inconsistencies arise.

This object is mutable; if you change some properties it will affect all clients that have references to it. It is thus recommended to only use the mutable portion when constructing the object, before passing it to clients.
std::vector<double> poro;
IncompPropertiesFromDeck fromDeck(deck, grid);
simulate (IncompPropertiesShadow(fromDeck).usePorosity(poro));
/* Copyright (c) 2013 Uni Research AS.
This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later. */
namespace Opm
struct IncompPropertiesShadow : public IncompPropertiesInterface
IncompPropertiesShadow (const IncompPropertiesInterface& original);
virtual int numDimensions () const;
virtual int numCells () const;
virtual const double* porosity () const;
virtual const double* permeability () const;
virtual int numPhases () const;
virtual const double* viscosity () const;
virtual const double* density () const;
virtual const double* surfaceDensity () const;
virtual void relperm (const int n,
const double* s,
const int* cells,
double* kr,
double* dkrds) const;
virtual void capPress (const int n,
const double* s,
const int* cells,
double* pc,
double* dpcds) const;
virtual void satRange (const int n,
const int* cells,
double* smin,
double* smax) const;
IncompPropertiesShadow& usePorosity (const double* poro);
IncompPropertiesShadow& usePorosity (const IncompPropertiesInterface& other);
IncompPropertiesShadow& usePermeability (const double* perm);
IncompPropertiesShadow& usePermeability (const IncompPropertiesInterface& other);
IncompPropertiesShadow& useViscosity (const double* visc);
IncompPropertiesShadow& useViscosity (const IncompPropertiesInterface& other);
IncompPropertiesShadow& useDensity (const double* dens);
IncompPropertiesShadow& useDensity (const IncompPropertiesInterface& other);
IncompPropertiesShadow& useSurfaceDensity (const IncompPropertiesInterface& other);
IncompPropertiesShadow& useRockProps (const IncompPropertiesInterface& other);
IncompPropertiesShadow& useFluidProps (const IncompPropertiesInterface& other);
IncompPropertiesShadow& useRockAndFluidProps (const IncompPropertiesInterface& other);
const IncompPropertiesInterface& prototype_;
int shadowed_;
static const int POROSITY = 1 << 1;
static const int PERMEABILITY = 1 << 2;
static const int VISCOSITY = 1 << 3;
static const int DENSITY = 1 << 4;
static const int SURFACE_DENSITY = 1 << 5;
const double* poro_;
const double* perm_;
const double* visc_;
const double* dens_;
const double* surf_;
} /* namespace Opm */
// body of inline methods are defined here:
Definition: AnisotropicEikonal.hpp:44
virtual int numDimensions() const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:29
virtual int numCells() const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:34
IncompPropertiesShadow & useDensity(const double *dens)
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:128
IncompPropertiesShadow & useRockAndFluidProps(const IncompPropertiesInterface &other)
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:190
virtual void satRange(const int n, const int *cells, double *smin, double *smax) const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:67
virtual void capPress(const int n, const double *s, const int *cells, double *pc, double *dpcds) const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:58
virtual const double * density() const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:94
virtual const double * surfaceDensity() const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:99
virtual const double * permeability() const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:84
IncompPropertiesShadow(const IncompPropertiesInterface &original)
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:14
IncompPropertiesShadow & useSurfaceDensity(const double *surf)
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:135
IncompPropertiesShadow & useFluidProps(const IncompPropertiesInterface &other)
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:185
IncompPropertiesShadow & usePorosity(const double *poro)
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:107
IncompPropertiesShadow & usePermeability(const double *perm)
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:114
virtual const double * porosity() const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:79
virtual const double * viscosity() const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:89
IncompPropertiesShadow & useViscosity(const double *visc)
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:121
virtual int numPhases() const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:39
IncompPropertiesShadow & useRockProps(const IncompPropertiesInterface &other)
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:180
virtual void relperm(const int n, const double *s, const int *cells, double *kr, double *dkrds) const
Definition: IncompPropertiesShadow_impl.hpp:49