Go to the documentation of this file.
2 Copyright 2015 Andreas Lauser
4 This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
6 OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with OPM. If not, see <>.
23#include <opm/core/props/pvt/PvtInterface.hpp>
24#include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
26#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
27#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Tables/OilvisctTable.hpp>
29#include <vector>
31namespace Opm
35 class ThermalOilPvtWrapper : public PvtInterface
36 {
37 public:
39 {}
43 void initFromDeck(std::shared_ptr<const PvtInterface> isothermalPvt,
44 const Opm::Deck& deck,
45 const Opm::EclipseState& eclipseState)
46 {
47 isothermalPvt_ = isothermalPvt;
49 int numRegions;
50 auto tables = eclipseState->getTableManager();
52 if (deck->hasKeyword("PVTO"))
53 numRegions = tables->getPvtoTables().size();
54 else if (deck->hasKeyword("PVDO"))
55 numRegions = tables->getPvdoTables().size();
56 else if (deck->hasKeyword("PVCDO"))
57 numRegions = deck->getKeyword("PVCDO").size();
58 else
59 OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Oil phase was not initialized using a known way");
61 // viscosity
62 if (deck->hasKeyword("VISCREF")) {
63 oilvisctTables_ = &tables->getOilvisctTables();
64 const auto& viscrefKeyword = deck->getKeyword("VISCREF");
66 assert(int(oilvisctTables_->size()) == numRegions);
67 assert(int(viscrefKeyword.size()) == numRegions);
69 viscrefPress_.resize(numRegions);
70 viscrefRs_.resize(numRegions);
71 muRef_.resize(numRegions);
72 for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
73 const auto& viscrefRecord = viscrefKeyword.getRecord(regionIdx);
74 viscrefPress_[regionIdx] = viscrefRecord.getItem("REFERENCE_PRESSURE").getSIDouble(0);
75 viscrefRs_[regionIdx] = viscrefRecord.getItem("REFERENCE_RS").getSIDouble(0);
77 // temperature used to calculate the reference viscosity [K]. the
78 // value does not really matter if the underlying PVT object really
79 // is isothermal...
80 double Tref = 273.15 + 20;
82 // compute the reference viscosity using the isothermal PVT object.
83 double tmp1, tmp2;
84 isothermalPvt_->mu(1,
85 &regionIdx,
86 &viscrefPress_[regionIdx],
87 &Tref,
88 &viscrefRs_[regionIdx],
89 &muRef_[regionIdx],
90 &tmp1,
91 &tmp2);
92 }
93 }
95 // quantities required for density. note that we just always use the values
96 // for the first EOS. (since EOS != PVT region.)
97 tref_ = 0.0;
98 if (deck->hasKeyword("THERMEX1")) {
99 oilCompIdx_ = deck->getKeyword("OCOMPIDX").getRecord(0).getItem("OIL_COMPONENT_INDEX").get< int >(0) - 1;
101 // always use the values of the first EOS
102 tref_ = deck->getKeyword("TREF").getRecord(0).getItem("TEMPERATURE").getSIDouble(oilCompIdx_);
103 pref_ = deck->getKeyword("PREF").getRecord(0).getItem("PRESSURE").getSIDouble(oilCompIdx_);
104 cref_ = deck->getKeyword("CREF").getRecord(0).getItem("COMPRESSIBILITY").getSIDouble(oilCompIdx_);
105 thermex1_ = deck->getKeyword("THERMEX1").getRecord(0).getItem("EXPANSION_COEFF").getSIDouble(oilCompIdx_);
106 }
107 }
109 virtual void mu(const int n,
110 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
111 const double* p,
112 const double* T,
113 const double* z,
114 double* output_mu) const
115 {
116 if (oilvisctTables_)
117 // TODO: temperature dependence for viscosity depending on z
118 OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error,
119 "temperature dependent viscosity as a function of z "
120 "is not yet implemented!");
122 // compute the isothermal viscosity
123 isothermalPvt_->mu(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, T, z, output_mu);
124 }
126 virtual void mu(const int n,
127 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
128 const double* p,
129 const double* T,
130 const double* r,
131 double* output_mu,
132 double* output_dmudp,
133 double* output_dmudr) const
134 {
135 // compute the isothermal viscosity and its derivatives
136 isothermalPvt_->mu(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, T, r, output_mu, output_dmudp, output_dmudr);
138 if (!oilvisctTables_)
139 // isothermal case
140 return;
142 // temperature dependence
143 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
144 int regionIdx = getPvtRegionIndex_(pvtRegionIdx, i);
146 // calculate the viscosity of the isothermal keyword for the reference
147 // pressure given by the VISCREF keyword.
148 double muRef = muRef_[regionIdx];
150 // compute the viscosity deviation due to temperature
151 double alpha;
152 {
153 const OilvisctTable& oilvisctTable = oilvisctTables_->getTable<OilvisctTable>(regionIdx);
154 double muOilvisct = oilvisctTable.evaluate("Viscosity", T[i]);
155 alpha = muOilvisct/muRef;
156 }
158 output_mu[i] *= alpha;
159 output_dmudp[i] *= alpha;
160 output_dmudr[i] *= alpha;
161 // TODO (?): derivative of viscosity w.r.t. temperature.
162 }
163 }
165 virtual void mu(const int n,
166 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
167 const double* p,
168 const double* T,
169 const double* r,
170 const PhasePresence* cond,
171 double* output_mu,
172 double* output_dmudp,
173 double* output_dmudr) const
174 {
175 // compute the isothermal viscosity and its derivatives
176 isothermalPvt_->mu(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, T, r, cond, output_mu, output_dmudp, output_dmudr);
178 if (!oilvisctTables_)
179 // isothermal case
180 return;
182 // temperature dependence
183 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
184 int regionIdx = getPvtRegionIndex_(pvtRegionIdx, i);
186 // calculate the viscosity of the isothermal keyword for the reference
187 // pressure given by the VISCREF keyword.
188 double muRef = muRef_[regionIdx];
190 // compute the viscosity deviation due to temperature
191 double alpha;
192 {
193 const OilvisctTable& oilvisctTable = oilvisctTables_->getTable<OilvisctTable>(regionIdx);
194 double muOilvisct = oilvisctTable.evaluate("Viscosity", T[i]);
195 alpha = muOilvisct/muRef;
196 }
197 output_mu[i] *= alpha;
198 output_dmudp[i] *= alpha;
199 output_dmudr[i] *= alpha;
200 // TODO (?): derivative of viscosity w.r.t. temperature.
201 }
202 }
204 virtual void B(const int n,
205 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
206 const double* p,
207 const double* T,
208 const double* z,
209 double* output_B) const
210 {
211 // isothermal case
212 isothermalPvt_->B(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, T, z, output_B);
214 if (thermex1_ <= 0.0)
215 // isothermal case
216 return;
218 // deal with the temperature dependence of the oil phase. we use equation
219 // (3.208) from the Eclipse 2011.1 Reference Manual, but we calculate rho_ref
220 // using the isothermal keyword instead of using the value for the
221 // components, so the oil compressibility is already dealt with there. Note
222 // that we only do the part for the oil component here, the part for
223 // dissolved gas is ignored so far.
224 double cT1 = thermex1_;
225 double TRef = tref_;
226 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
227 double alpha = (1 + cT1*(T[i] - TRef));
228 output_B[i] *= alpha;
229 }
230 }
232 virtual void dBdp(const int n,
233 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
234 const double* p,
235 const double* T,
236 const double* z,
237 double* output_B,
238 double* output_dBdp) const
239 {
240 isothermalPvt_->dBdp(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, T, z, output_B, output_dBdp);
242 if (thermex1_ <= 0.0)
243 // isothermal case
244 return;
246 // deal with the temperature dependence of the oil phase. we use equation
247 // (3.208) from the Eclipse 2011.1 Reference Manual, but we calculate rho_ref
248 // using the isothermal keyword instead of using the value for the
249 // components, so the oil compressibility is already dealt with there. Note
250 // that we only do the part for the oil component here, the part for
251 // dissolved gas is ignored so far.
252 double cT1 = thermex1_;
253 double TRef = tref_;
254 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
255 double alpha = (1 + cT1*(T[i] - TRef));
256 output_B[i] *= alpha;
257 output_dBdp[i] *= alpha;
258 }
259 }
261 virtual void b(const int n,
262 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
263 const double* p,
264 const double* T,
265 const double* r,
266 double* output_b,
267 double* output_dbdp,
268 double* output_dbdr) const
269 {
270 isothermalPvt_->b(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, T, r, output_b, output_dbdp, output_dbdr);
272 if (thermex1_ <= 0.0)
273 // isothermal case
274 return;
276 // deal with the temperature dependence of the oil phase. we use equation
277 // (3.208) from the Eclipse 2011.1 Reference Manual, but we calculate rho_ref
278 // using the isothermal keyword instead of using the value for the
279 // components, so the oil compressibility is already dealt with there. Note
280 // that we only do the part for the oil component here, the part for
281 // dissolved gas is ignored so far.
282 double cT1 = thermex1_;
283 double TRef = tref_;
284 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
285 double alpha = 1.0/(1 + cT1*(T[i] - TRef));
286 output_b[i] *= alpha;
287 output_dbdp[i] *= alpha;
288 output_dbdr[i] *= alpha;
289 }
290 }
292 virtual void b(const int n,
293 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
294 const double* p,
295 const double* T,
296 const double* r,
297 const PhasePresence* cond,
298 double* output_b,
299 double* output_dbdp,
300 double* output_dbdr) const
301 {
302 isothermalPvt_->b(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, T, r, cond, output_b, output_dbdp, output_dbdr);
304 if (thermex1_ <= 0.0)
305 // isothermal case
306 return;
308 // deal with the temperature dependence of the oil phase. we use equation
309 // (3.208) from the Eclipse 2011.1 Reference Manual, but we calculate rho_ref
310 // using the isothermal keyword instead of using the value for the
311 // components, so the oil compressibility is already dealt with there. Note
312 // that we only do the part for the oil component here, the part for
313 // dissolved gas is ignored so far.
314 double cT1 = thermex1_;
315 double TRef = tref_;
316 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
317 double alpha = 1.0/(1 + cT1*(T[i] - TRef));
318 output_b[i] *= alpha;
319 output_dbdp[i] *= alpha;
320 output_dbdr[i] *= alpha;
321 }
322 }
324 virtual void rsSat(const int n,
325 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
326 const double* p,
327 double* output_rsSat,
328 double* output_drsSatdp) const
329 {
330 isothermalPvt_->rsSat(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, output_rsSat, output_drsSatdp);
331 }
333 virtual void rvSat(const int n,
334 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
335 const double* p,
336 double* output_rvSat,
337 double* output_drvSatdp) const
338 {
339 isothermalPvt_->rvSat(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, output_rvSat, output_drvSatdp);
340 }
342 virtual void R(const int n,
343 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
344 const double* p,
345 const double* z,
346 double* output_R) const
347 {
348 isothermalPvt_->R(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, z, output_R);
349 }
351 virtual void dRdp(const int n,
352 const int* pvtRegionIdx,
353 const double* p,
354 const double* z,
355 double* output_R,
356 double* output_dRdp) const
357 {
358 isothermalPvt_->dRdp(n, pvtRegionIdx, p, z, output_R, output_dRdp);
359 }
361 private:
362 int getPvtRegionIndex_(const int* pvtRegionIdx, int cellIdx) const
363 {
364 if (!pvtRegionIdx)
365 return 0;
366 return pvtRegionIdx[cellIdx];
367 }
369 // the PVT propertied for the isothermal case
370 std::shared_ptr<const PvtInterface> isothermalPvt_;
372 // The PVT properties needed for temperature dependence of the viscosity. We need
373 // to store one value per PVT region.
374 std::vector<double> viscrefPress_;
375 std::vector<double> viscrefRs_;
376 std::vector<double> muRef_;
378 const TableContainer* oilvisctTables_;
380 // The PVT properties needed for temperature dependence of the density. This is
381 // specified as one value per EOS in the manual, but we unconditionally use the
382 // expansion coefficient of the first EOS...
383 int oilCompIdx_;
384 double tref_;
385 double pref_;
386 double cref_;
387 double thermex1_;
388 };
Definition: BlackoilPhases.hpp:59
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:36
virtual void mu(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, const double *T, const double *r, const PhasePresence *cond, double *output_mu, double *output_dmudp, double *output_dmudr) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:165
virtual void rsSat(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, double *output_rsSat, double *output_drsSatdp) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:324
void initFromDeck(std::shared_ptr< const PvtInterface > isothermalPvt, const Opm::Deck &deck, const Opm::EclipseState &eclipseState)
set the tables which specify the temperature dependence of the oil viscosity
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:43
virtual void b(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, const double *T, const double *r, const PhasePresence *cond, double *output_b, double *output_dbdp, double *output_dbdr) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:292
virtual void mu(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, const double *T, const double *z, double *output_mu) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:109
virtual void R(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, const double *z, double *output_R) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:342
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:38
virtual void rvSat(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, double *output_rvSat, double *output_drvSatdp) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:333
virtual void dBdp(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, const double *T, const double *z, double *output_B, double *output_dBdp) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:232
virtual void b(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, const double *T, const double *r, double *output_b, double *output_dbdp, double *output_dbdr) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:261
virtual void dRdp(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, const double *z, double *output_R, double *output_dRdp) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:351
virtual void mu(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, const double *T, const double *r, double *output_mu, double *output_dmudp, double *output_dmudr) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:126
virtual void B(const int n, const int *pvtRegionIdx, const double *p, const double *T, const double *z, double *output_B) const
Definition: ThermalOilPvtWrapper.hpp:204
Definition: AnisotropicEikonal.hpp:44