Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CBlackoilStateSimulator state for a blackoil simulator
 CBlackoilStateToFluidStateThis is an light weight "impedance adaption" class with a well defined API for saturation and PVT functions
 CDGBasisInterfaceBase class for Discontinuous Galerkin bases, intended for time-of-flight computations
 CDynamicListEconLimitedTo handle the wells and connections violating economic limits
 CExplicitArraysFluidStateThis is a fluid state which translates global arrays and translates them to a subset of the fluid state API
 CExplicitArraysSatDerivativesFluidStateThis is a fluid state which translates global arrays and translates them to a subset of the fluid state API
 CLinearSolverInterfaceAbstract interface for linear solvers
 CLinearSolverIstlConcrete class encapsulating some dune-istl linear solvers
 CLinearSolverPetscConcrete class encapsulating some Petsc linear solvers
 CLinearSolverUmfpackConcrete class encapsulating the UMFPACK direct linear solver
 CSaturationPropsFromDeckInterface to saturation functions from deck
 CSimulatorReportA struct for returning timing data from a simulator to its caller
 CTransportSolverTwophaseInterfaceBase class for two-phase incompressible transport solvers
 CTransportSolverTwophaseReorderImplements a reordering transport solver for incompressible two-phase flow
 CWellStateThe state of a set of wells