Go to the documentation of this file.
3// File: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp
5// Created: Thu May 6 11:22:04 2010
7// Author(s): Atgeirr F Rasmussen <>
8// Jostein R Natvig <>
10// $Date$
12// $Revision$
17 Copyright 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
18 Copyright 2010 Statoil ASA.
20 This file is part of The Open Reservoir Simulator Project (OpenRS).
22 OpenRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
23 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
24 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
25 (at your option) any later version.
27 OpenRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30 GNU General Public License for more details.
32 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
33 along with OpenRS. If not, see <>.
44#ifdef USE_TBB
45#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
48#include <iostream>
51namespace Opm
57 namespace EulerUpstreamResidualDetails
58 {
59 template <typename T, template <typename> class StoragePolicy, class OrderingPolicy>
60 FullMatrix<T, OwnData, OrderingPolicy>
61 arithAver(const FullMatrix<T, StoragePolicy, OrderingPolicy>& m1,
62 const FullMatrix<T, StoragePolicy, OrderingPolicy>& m2)
63 {
64 return Opm::utils::arithmeticAverage<FullMatrix<T, StoragePolicy, OrderingPolicy>,
65 FullMatrix<T, OwnData, OrderingPolicy> >(m1, m2);
66 }
68 template <class UpstreamSolver, class PressureSolution>
70 {
72 typedef typename UpstreamSolver::FIt FIt;
73 typedef typename UpstreamSolver::RP::PermTensor PermTensor;
74 typedef typename UpstreamSolver::RP::MutablePermTensor MutablePermTensor;
76 const UpstreamSolver& s;
77 const std::vector<double>& saturation;
79 const PressureSolution& pressure_sol;
80 std::vector<double>& residual;
82 UpdateForCell(const UpstreamSolver& solver,
83 const std::vector<double>& sat,
84 const Vector& grav,
85 const PressureSolution& psol,
86 std::vector<double>& res)
87 : s(solver), saturation(sat), gravity(grav), pressure_sol(psol), residual(res)
88 {
89 }
91 template <class CIt>
92 void operator()(const CIt& c) const
93 {
94 // This is constant for the whole run.
95 const double delta_rho = s.preservoir_properties_->densityDifference();
96 int cell[2];
97 double cell_sat[2];
98 cell[0] = c->index();
99 cell_sat[0] = saturation[cell[0]];
101 // Loop over all cell faces.
102 for (FIt f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
103 // Neighbour face, will be changed if on a periodic boundary.
104 FIt nbface = f;
105 double dS = 0.0;
106 // Compute cell[1], cell_sat[1]
107 if (f->boundary()) {
108 if (s.pboundary_->satCond(*f).isPeriodic()) {
109 nbface = s.bid_to_face_[s.pboundary_->getPeriodicPartner(f->boundaryId())];
110 assert(nbface != f);
111 cell[1] = nbface->cellIndex();
112 assert(cell[0] != cell[1]);
113 // Periodic faces will be visited twice, but only once
114 // should they contribute. We make sure that we skip the
115 // periodic faces half the time.
116 if (cell[0] > cell[1]) {
117 // We skip this face.
118 continue;
119 }
120 cell_sat[1] = saturation[cell[1]];
121 } else {
122 assert(s.pboundary_->satCond(*f).isDirichlet());
123 cell[1] = cell[0];
124 cell_sat[1] = s.pboundary_->satCond(*f).saturation();
125 }
126 } else {
127 cell[1] = f->neighbourCellIndex();
128 assert(cell[0] != cell[1]);
129 if (cell[0] > cell[1]) {
130 // We skip this face.
131 continue;
132 }
133 cell_sat[1] = saturation[cell[1]];
134 }
136 // Get some local properties.
137 const double loc_area = f->area();
138 const double loc_flux = pressure_sol.outflux(f);
139 const Vector loc_normal = f->normal();
141 // We will now try to establish the upstream directions for each
142 // phase. They may be the same, or different (due to gravity).
143 // Recall the equation for v_w (water phase velocity):
144 // v_w = lambda_w * (lambda_o + lambda_w)^{-1}
145 // * (v + lambda_o * K * grad p_{cow} + lambda_o * K * (rho_w - rho_o) * g)
146 // ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
147 // viscous term capillary term gravity term
148 //
149 // For the purpose of upstream weighting, we only consider the viscous and gravity terms.
150 // The question is, in which direction does v_w and v_o point? That is, what is the sign
151 // of v_w*loc_normal and v_o*loc_normal?
152 //
153 // For the case when the mobilities are scalar, the following analysis applies:
154 // The viscous contribution to v_w is loc_area*loc_normal*f_w*v == f_w*loc_flux.
155 // Then the phase fluxes become
156 // flux_w = f_w*(loc_flux + loc_area*loc_normal*lambda_o*K*(rho_w - rho_o)*g)
157 // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
158 // := lambda_o*G (only scalar case)
159 // flux_o = f_o*(loc_flux - lambda_w*G)
160 // In the above, we must decide where to evaluate K, and for this purpose (deciding
161 // upstream directions) we use a K averaged between the two cells.
162 // Since all mobilities and fractional flow functions are positive, the sign
163 // of one of these cases is trivial. If G >= 0, flux_w is in the same direction as
164 // loc_flux, if G <= 0, flux_o is in the same direction as loc_flux.
165 // The phase k for which flux_k and loc_flux are of same sign, is called the trivial
166 // phase in the code below.
167 //
168 // Assuming for the moment that G >=0, we know the direction of the water flux
169 // (same as loc_flux) and evaluate lambda_w in the upstream cell. Then we may use
170 // that lambda_w to evaluate flux_o using the above formula. Knowing flux_o, we know
171 // the direction of the oil flux, and can evaluate lambda_o in the corresponding
172 // upstream cell. Finally, we can use the equation for flux_w to compute that flux.
173 // The opposite case is similar.
174 //
175 // What about tensorial mobilities? In the following code, we make the assumption
176 // that the directions of vectors are not so changed by the multiplication with
177 // mobility tensors that upstream directions change. In other words, we let all
178 // the upstream logic stand as it is. This assumption may need to be revisited.
179 // A worse problem is that
180 // 1) we do not have v, just loc_area*loc_normal*v,
181 // 2) we cannot define G, since the lambdas do not commute with the dot product.
183 typedef typename UpstreamSolver::RP::Mobility Mob;
185 // Doing arithmetic averages. Should we consider harmonic or geometric instead?
186 const MutablePermTensor aver_perm
187 = arithAver(s.preservoir_properties_->permeability(cell[0]),
188 s.preservoir_properties_->permeability(cell[1]));
189 // Computing the raw gravity influence vector = (rho_w - rho_o)Kg
190 Vector grav_influence = prod(aver_perm, gravity);
191 grav_influence *= delta_rho;
192 // Computing G. Note that we do not multiply with the mobility,
193 // so this G is wrong in case of anisotropic relperm.
194 const double G = s.method_gravity_ ?
195 loc_area*inner(loc_normal, grav_influence)
196 : 0.0;
197 const int triv_phase = G >= 0.0 ? 0 : 1;
198 const int ups_cell = loc_flux >= 0.0 ? 0 : 1;
199 // Compute mobility of the trivial phase.
200 Mob m_ups[2];
201 s.preservoir_properties_->phaseMobility(triv_phase, cell[ups_cell],
202 cell_sat[ups_cell], m_ups[triv_phase].mob);
203 // Compute gravity flow of the nontrivial phase.
204 double sign_G[2] = { -1.0, 1.0 };
205 double grav_flux_nontriv = sign_G[triv_phase]*loc_area
206 *inner(loc_normal, m_ups[triv_phase].multiply(grav_influence));
207 // Find flow direction of nontrivial phase.
208 const int ups_cell_nontriv = (loc_flux + grav_flux_nontriv >= 0.0) ? 0 : 1;
209 const int nontriv_phase = (triv_phase + 1) % 2;
210 s.preservoir_properties_->phaseMobility(nontriv_phase, cell[ups_cell_nontriv],
211 cell_sat[ups_cell_nontriv], m_ups[nontriv_phase].mob);
212 // Now we have the upstream phase mobilities in m_ups[].
213 Mob m_tot;
214 m_tot.setToSum(m_ups[0], m_ups[1]);
215 Mob m_totinv;
216 m_totinv.setToInverse(m_tot);
219 const double aver_sat
220 = Opm::utils::arithmeticAverage<double, double>(cell_sat[0], cell_sat[1]);
222 Mob m1c0, m1c1, m2c0, m2c1;
223 s.preservoir_properties_->phaseMobility(0, cell[0], aver_sat, m1c0.mob);
224 s.preservoir_properties_->phaseMobility(0, cell[1], aver_sat, m1c1.mob);
225 s.preservoir_properties_->phaseMobility(1, cell[0], aver_sat, m2c0.mob);
226 s.preservoir_properties_->phaseMobility(1, cell[1], aver_sat, m2c1.mob);
227 Mob m_aver[2];
228 m_aver[0].setToAverage(m1c0, m1c1);
229 m_aver[1].setToAverage(m2c0, m2c1);
230 Mob m_aver_tot;
231 m_aver_tot.setToSum(m_aver[0], m_aver[1]);
232 Mob m_aver_totinv;
233 m_aver_totinv.setToInverse(m_aver_tot);
235 // Viscous (pressure driven) term.
236 if (s.method_viscous_) {
237 // v is not correct for anisotropic relperm.
238 Vector v(loc_normal);
239 v *= loc_flux;
240 const double visc_change = inner(loc_normal, m_ups[0].multiply(m_totinv.multiply(v)));
241 // const double visc_change = (m_ups[0].mob/(m_ups[1].mob + m_ups[0].mob))*loc_flux;
242 // std::cout << "New: " << visc_change_2 << " old: " << visc_change << '\n';
243 dS += visc_change;
244 }
246 // Gravity term.
247 if (s.method_gravity_) {
248 if (cell[0] != cell[1]) {
249 // We only add gravity flux on internal or periodic faces.
250 const double grav_change = loc_area
251 *inner(loc_normal, m_ups[0].multiply(m_totinv.multiply(m_ups[1].multiply(grav_influence))));
252 // const double grav_change = (lambda_one*lambda_two/(lambda_two+lambda_one))*G;
253 // const double grav_change = (lambda_one*lambda_two/(lambda_two+lambda_one))*loc_gravity_flux;
254 dS += grav_change;
255 }
256 }
258 // Capillary term.
259 if (s.method_capillary_) {
260 // J(s_w) = \frac{p_c(s_w)\sqrt{k/\phi}}{\sigma \cos\theta}
261 // p_c = \frac{J \sigma \cos\theta}{\sqrt{k/\phi}}
262 Vector cap_influence = prod(aver_perm, s.estimateCapPressureGradient(f, nbface));
263 const double cap_change = loc_area
264 *inner(loc_normal, m_aver[0].multiply(m_aver_totinv.multiply(m_aver[1].multiply(cap_influence))));
265 dS += cap_change;
266 }
268 // Modify saturation.
269 if (cell[0] != cell[1]){
270 residual[cell[0]] -= dS;
271 residual[cell[1]] += dS;
272 } else {
273 assert(cell[0] == cell[1]);
274 residual[cell[0]] -= dS;
275 }
276 }
277 // Source term.
278 double rate = s.pinjection_rates_->element(cell[0]);
279 if (rate < 0.0) {
280 // For anisotropic relperm, fractionalFlow does not really make sense
281 // as a scalar
282 rate *= s.preservoir_properties_->fractionalFlow(cell[0], cell_sat[0]);
283 }
284 residual[cell[0]] += rate;
285 }
286 };
288 template <typename Iter>
290 {
291 typedef Iter Iterator;
292 IndirectRange(const std::vector<Iter>& iters)
293 : iters_(iters), beg_(0), end_(iters_.size() - 1)
294 {
295 assert(iters_.size() >= 2);
296 }
297#ifdef USE_TBB
298 IndirectRange(IndirectRange& r, tbb::split)
299 : iters_(r.iters_)
300 {
301 int m = (r.beg_ + r.end_)/2;
302 beg_ = m;
303 end_ = r.end_;
304 r.end_ = m;
305 }
307 bool empty() const
308 {
309 return beg_ == end_;
310 }
311 bool is_divisible() const
312 {
313 return end_ - beg_ > 1;
314 }
315 Iter begin() const
316 {
317 return iters_[beg_];
318 }
319 Iter end() const
320 {
321 return iters_[end_];
322 }
323 private:
324 const std::vector<Iter>& iters_;
325 int beg_;
326 int end_;
327 };
329 template <class Updater>
331 {
332 UpdateLoopBody(const Updater& upd)
333 : updater(upd)
334 {
335 }
336 const Updater& updater;
337 template <class Range>
338 void operator()(const Range& r) const
339 {
340 typename Range::Iterator c = r.begin();
341 typename Range::Iterator cend = r.end();
342 for (; c != cend; ++c) {
343 updater(c);
344 }
345 }
346 };
348 } // namespace EulerUpstreamResidualDetails
351 // --------- Member functions -----------
355 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
357 : pgrid_(0),
358 preservoir_properties_(0),
359 pboundary_(0)
360 {
361 }
364 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
365 inline EulerUpstreamResidual<GI, RP, BC>::EulerUpstreamResidual(const GI& g, const RP& r, const BC& b)
366 : pgrid_(&g),
367 preservoir_properties_(&r),
368 pboundary_(&b)
369 {
370 initFinal();
371 }
375 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
376 inline void EulerUpstreamResidual<GI, RP, BC>::initObj(const GI& g, const RP& r, const BC& b)
377 {
378 pgrid_ = &g;
379 preservoir_properties_ = &r;
380 pboundary_ = &b;
381 initFinal();
382 }
387 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
389 {
390 // Build bid_to_face_ mapping for handling periodic conditions.
391 int maxbid = 0;
392 for (typename GI::CellIterator c = pgrid_->cellbegin(); c != pgrid_->cellend(); ++c) {
393 for (typename GI::CellIterator::FaceIterator f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
394 int bid = f->boundaryId();
395 maxbid = std::max(maxbid, bid);
396 }
397 }
398 bid_to_face_.clear();
399 bid_to_face_.resize(maxbid + 1);
400 for (typename GI::CellIterator c = pgrid_->cellbegin(); c != pgrid_->cellend(); ++c) {
401 for (typename GI::CellIterator::FaceIterator f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
402 if (f->boundary() && pboundary_->satCond(*f).isPeriodic()) {
403 bid_to_face_[f->boundaryId()] = f;
404 }
405 }
406 }
408 // Build cell_iters_.
409 const int num_cells_per_iter = std::min(50, pgrid_->numberOfCells());
410 int counter = 0;
411 for (typename GI::CellIterator c = pgrid_->cellbegin(); c != pgrid_->cellend(); ++c, ++counter) {
412 if (counter % num_cells_per_iter == 0) {
413 cell_iters_.push_back(c);
414 }
415 }
416 cell_iters_.push_back(pgrid_->cellend());
417 }
421 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
423 {
424 return *pgrid_;
425 }
429 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
431 {
432 return *preservoir_properties_;
433 }
436 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
438 {
439 return *pboundary_;
440 }
444 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
445 inline void EulerUpstreamResidual<GI, RP, BC>::computeCapPressures(const std::vector<double>& saturation) const
446 {
447 int num_cells = saturation.size();
448 cap_pressures_.resize(num_cells);
449 for (int cell = 0; cell < num_cells; ++cell) {
450 cap_pressures_[cell] = preservoir_properties_->capillaryPressure(cell, saturation[cell]);
451 }
452 }
457 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
458 template <class PressureSolution>
460 computeResidual(const std::vector<double>& saturation,
461 const typename GI::Vector& gravity,
462 const PressureSolution& pressure_sol,
463 const Opm::SparseVector<double>& injection_rates,
464 const bool method_viscous,
465 const bool method_gravity,
466 const bool method_capillary,
467 std::vector<double>& residual) const
468 {
469 // Make sure sat_change is zero, and has the right size.
470 residual.clear();
471 residual.resize(saturation.size(), 0.0);
473 pinjection_rates_ = &injection_rates;
474 method_viscous_ = method_viscous;
475 method_gravity_ = method_gravity;
476 method_capillary_ = method_capillary;
478 // For every face, we will modify residual for adjacent cells.
479 // We loop over every cell and intersection, and modify only if
480 // this cell has lower index than the neighbour, or we are on the boundary.
482 CellUpdater update_cell(*this, saturation, gravity, pressure_sol, residual);
485#ifdef USE_TBB
486 tbb::parallel_for(r, body);
488 body(r);
490 }
495 template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
496 inline typename GI::Vector
498 estimateCapPressureGradient(const FIt& f, const FIt& nbf) const
499 {
500 // At nonperiodic boundaries, we return a zero gradient.
501 // That is (sort of) a trivial Neumann (noflow) condition for the capillary pressure.
502 if (f->boundary() && !pboundary_->satCond(*f).isPeriodic()) {
503 return Vector(0.0);
504 }
505 // Find neighbouring cell and face: nbc and nbf.
506 // If we are not on a periodic boundary, nbf is of course equal to f.
507 auto c = f->cell();
508 auto nb = f->boundary() ? (f == nbf ? c : nbf->cell()) : f->neighbourCell();
510 // Estimate the gradient like a finite difference between
511 // cell centers, except that in order to handle periodic
512 // conditions we pass through the face centroid(s).
513 auto cell_c = c.centroid();
514 auto nb_c = nb.centroid();
515 auto f_c = f->centroid();
516 auto nbf_c = nbf->centroid();
517 double d0 = (cell_c - f_c).two_norm();
518 double d1 = (nb_c - nbf_c).two_norm();
519 int cell = c.index();
520 int nbcell = nb.index();
521 double cp0 = cap_pressures_[cell];
522 double cp1 = cap_pressures_[nbcell];
523 double val = (cp1 - cp0)/(d0 + d1);
524 auto res = nb_c - nbf_c + f_c - cell_c;
525 res /= res.two_norm();
526 res *= val;
527 return res;
528 }
531} // namespace Opm
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual.hpp:58
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:356
void initObj(const GridInterface &grid, const ReservoirProperties &resprop, const BoundaryConditions &boundary)
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:376
void computeResidual(const std::vector< double > &saturation, const typename GridInterface::Vector &gravity, const FlowSolution &flow_sol, const Opm::SparseVector< double > &injection_rates, const bool method_viscous, const bool method_gravity, const bool method_capillary, std::vector< double > &sat_delta) const
const ReservoirProperties & reservoirProperties() const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:430
const GridInterface & grid() const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:422
const BoundaryConditions & boundaryConditions() const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:437
void computeCapPressures(const std::vector< double > &saturation) const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:445
ReservoirProperties RP
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual.hpp:65
Definition: elasticity_upscale_impl.hpp:146
Dune::BlockVector< Dune::FieldVector< double, 1 > > Vector
A vector holding our RHS.
Definition: matrixops.hpp:33
FullMatrix< T, OwnData, OrderingPolicy > arithAver(const FullMatrix< T, StoragePolicy, OrderingPolicy > &m1, const FullMatrix< T, StoragePolicy, OrderingPolicy > &m2)
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:61
Tresult arithmeticAverage(const T &t1, const T &t2)
Definition: Average.hpp:51
Definition: ImplicitAssembly.hpp:43
Dune::FieldVector< typename Matrix::value_type, rows > prod(const Matrix &A, const Dune::FieldVector< typename Matrix::value_type, rows > &x)
Matrix applied to a vector.
Definition: Matrix.hpp:668
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:290
bool is_divisible() const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:311
IndirectRange(const std::vector< Iter > &iters)
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:292
bool empty() const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:307
Iter end() const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:319
Iter Iterator
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:291
Iter begin() const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:315
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:70
UpstreamSolver::FIt FIt
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:72
UpstreamSolver::RP::MutablePermTensor MutablePermTensor
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:74
const UpstreamSolver & s
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:76
UpdateForCell(const UpstreamSolver &solver, const std::vector< double > &sat, const Vector &grav, const PressureSolution &psol, std::vector< double > &res)
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:82
const std::vector< double > & saturation
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:77
const PressureSolution & pressure_sol
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:79
std::vector< double > & residual
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:80
void operator()(const CIt &c) const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:92
const Vector & gravity
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:78
UpstreamSolver::RP::PermTensor PermTensor
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:73
UpstreamSolver::Vector Vector
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:71
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:331
void operator()(const Range &r) const
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:338
UpdateLoopBody(const Updater &upd)
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:332
const Updater & updater
Definition: EulerUpstreamResidual_impl.hpp:336