Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAnisotropicTraits for upscaling with anisotropic relperm (tensorial) input
 CBCBaseA class for building boundary conditions in a uniform way
 CCpGridCellMapperA mapper for Dune::CpGrid cells only
 CExplicitTraits for explicit transport
 CFlowBCA class for representing a flow boundary condition
 CGICellMapperMapper for general grids
 CImmutableSharedDataFullMatrix StoragePolicy which provides immutable object sharing semantics
 CImplicitCapTraits for implicit transport
 CIncompFlowSolverHybridSolve mixed formulation of incompressible flow modelled by Darcy's law
 CIsotropicTraits policies for isotropic (scalar) relperm
 COwnDataFullMatrix StoragePolicy which provides object owning semantics
 CRelPermUpscaleHelperHelper class for relperm upscaling applications
 CReservoirPropertyCapillaryA property class for incompressible two-phase flow
 CReservoirPropertyCapillaryAnisotropicRelpermA property class for incompressible two-phase flow
 CReservoirPropertyCommonA property class for incompressible two-phase flow
 CRockA property class for porous media rock
 CSatBCA class for representing a saturation boundary condition
 CScalarMobilityA wrapper for a scalar
 CSharedDataFullMatrix StoragePolicy which provides object sharing semantics
 CSimulatorTraitsCombines the component traits into a single, parametrized type
 CSinglePhaseUpscalerA class for doing single phase (permeability) upscaling
 CSteadyStateUpscalerA class for doing steady state upscaling
 CSteadyStateUpscalerImplicitA class for doing steady state upscaling
 CSurfvolBCA class for representing a surface volume boundary condition
 CTensorMobilityA wrapper for a tensor
 CUpscalerBaseA base class for upscaling
 CLoggerHelperHelper class for progress logging during time consuming processes
 CMeshColorizerGenerate a coloring of a mesh suitable for threaded assembly. The mesh is assumed structured, and is sliced in strips of alternating colors (two colors). The two color groups can then be assembled in parallel since they will never add to the same DOFs in the linear system. Currently it can only be instanced for a CpGrid
 CMimeticIPAnisoRelpermEvaluator< CellIter, dim, computeInverseIP >Defines a class template for computing a matrix representation of the permeability-dependent inner product $b(v,w) = (v, K^{-1}\,w)$ of the velocity vectors $v$ and $w$. The matrix entries are defined through the mimetic finite difference method of Brezzi et. al
 CMimeticIPEvaluator< GridInterface, RockInterface >Defines a class template for computing a matrix representation of the permeability-dependent inner product $b(v,w) = (v, K^{-1}\,w)$ of the velocity vectors $v$ and $w$. The matrix entries are defined through the mimetic finite difference method of Brezzi et. al