[Opm] Dunecontrol and OPM

Tobias Kasper Skovborg Ritschel tobk at dtu.dk
Fri Jun 30 10:34:59 UTC 2017


I'm trying to create a dune module which uses OPM functionality from opm-parser. Relevant dune models, opm-common and opm-parser are installed globally (/usr/local/lib) from source. The duneproject script is able to detect the opm-common and opm-parser modules. I'm trying to build my code with the dunecontrol script, but I can see that -Dopm-common_DIR=/usr/local while the correct path would be /usr/local/lib/dunecontrol/opm-common and similarly for opm-parser. I have attached the error messages from the dunecontrol script in err.txt.

Can you help me figure out what to modify in order to be able to compile my project with dunecontrol?

Best regards
Tobias Ritschel

Tobias Kasper Skovborg Ritschel

PhD student

DTU Compute

Technical University of Denmark

Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Asmussens Allé

Building 303B

2800 Kgs. Lyngby


Direct +45 45255203
tobk at dtu.dk<mailto:tobk at dtu.dk>


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