Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===========================================================================
2 //
3 // File: EulerUpstreamImplicit_impl.hpp
4 //
5 // Created: Tue Jun 16 14:25:24 2009
6 //
7 // Author(s): Atgeirr F Rasmussen <>
8 // B�rd Skaflestad <>
9 // Halvor M Nilsen <>
10 //
11 // $Date$
12 //
13 // $Revision$
14 //
15 //===========================================================================
17 /*
18  Copyright 2009, 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
19  Copyright 2009, 2010 Statoil ASA.
21  This file is part of The Open Reservoir Simulator Project (OpenRS).
23  OpenRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
24  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
25  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
26  (at your option) any later version.
28  OpenRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
29  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
31  GNU General Public License for more details.
33  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
34  along with OpenRS. If not, see <>.
35 */
40 #include <opm/common/ErrorMacros.hpp>
41 #include <opm/core/utility/Average.hpp>
42 #include <opm/core/utility/Units.hpp>
43 #include <dune/grid/common/Volumes.hpp>
44 #include <opm/core/utility/StopWatch.hpp>
46 #include <opm/core/pressure/tpfa/trans_tpfa.h>
48 #include <cmath>
49 #include <algorithm>
50 #include <limits>
51 #include <vector>
52 #include <array>
53 #include <iostream>
55 namespace Opm
56 {
59  template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
61  {
62  check_sat_ = true;
63  clamp_sat_ = false;
64  }
65  template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
66  inline EulerUpstreamImplicit<GI, RP, BC>::EulerUpstreamImplicit(const GI& g, const RP& r, const BC& b)
67  {
68  check_sat_ = true;
69  clamp_sat_ = false;
70  initObj(g, r, b);
71  }
73  template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
74  inline void EulerUpstreamImplicit<GI, RP, BC>::init(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup& param)
75  {
76  check_sat_ = param.getDefault("check_sat", check_sat_);
77  clamp_sat_ = param.getDefault("clamp_sat", clamp_sat_);
78  //Opm::ImplicitTransportDetails::NRControl ctrl_;
79  ctrl_.max_it = param.getDefault("transport_nr_max_it", 10);
80  max_repeats_ = param.getDefault("transport_max_rep", 10);
81  ctrl_.atol = param.getDefault("transport_atol", 1.0e-6);
82  ctrl_.rtol = param.getDefault("transport_rtol", 5.0e-7);
83  ctrl_.max_it_ls = param.getDefault("transport_max_it_ls", 20);
84  ctrl_.dxtol = param.getDefault("transport_dxtol", 1e-6);
85  ctrl_.verbosity = param.getDefault("transport_verbosity", 0);
86  }
88  template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
89  inline void EulerUpstreamImplicit<GI, RP, BC>::init(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
90  const GI& g, const RP& r, const BC& b)
91  {
92  init(param);
93  initObj(g, r, b);
94  }
97  template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
98  inline void EulerUpstreamImplicit<GI, RP, BC>::initObj(const GI& g, const RP& r, const BC& b)
99  {
100  //residual_computer_.initObj(g, r, b);
102  mygrid_.init(g.grid());
103  porevol_.resize(mygrid_.numCells());
104  for (int i = 0; i < mygrid_.numCells(); ++i){
105  porevol_[i]= mygrid_.cellVolume(i)*r.porosity(i);
106  }
107  // int numf=mygrid_.numFaces();
108  int num_cells = mygrid_.numCells();
109  int ngconn = mygrid_.c_grid()->cell_facepos[num_cells];
110  //std::vector<double> htrans_(ngconn);
111  htrans_.resize(ngconn);
112  const double* perm = &(r.permeability(0)(0,0));
113  tpfa_htrans_compute(mygrid_.c_grid(), perm, &htrans_[0]);
114  // int count = 0;
116  myrp_= r;
118  typedef typename GI::CellIterator CIt;
119  typedef typename CIt::FaceIterator FIt;
120  std::vector<FIt> bid_to_face;
121  int maxbid = 0;
122  for (CIt c = g.cellbegin(); c != g.cellend(); ++c) {
123  for (FIt f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
124  int bid = f->boundaryId();
125  maxbid = std::max(maxbid, bid);
126  }
127  }
129  bid_to_face.resize(maxbid + 1);
130  std::vector<int> egf_cf(mygrid_.numFaces());
131  int cix=0;
132  for (CIt c = g.cellbegin(); c != g.cellend(); ++c) {
133  int loc_fix=0;
134  for (FIt f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
135  if (f->boundary() && b.satCond(*f).isPeriodic()) {
136  bid_to_face[f->boundaryId()] = f;
137  }
138  int egf=f->index();
139  int cf=mygrid_.cellFace(cix,loc_fix);
140  egf_cf[egf]=cf;
141  loc_fix+=1;
142  }
143  cix+=1;
144  }
146 #ifndef NDEBUG
147  const UnstructuredGrid& c_grid=*mygrid_.c_grid();
148 #endif
149  int hf_ind=0;
150  int bf_ind=0;
151  periodic_cells_.resize(0);
152  periodic_faces_.resize(0);
153  periodic_hfaces_.resize(0);
154  periodic_nbfaces_.resize(0);
155  //cell1 = cell0;
156  direclet_cells_.resize(0);
157  direclet_sat_.resize(0);
158  direclet_sat_.resize(0);
159  direclet_hfaces_.resize(0);
161  assert(periodic_cells_.size()==0);
162  for (CIt c = g.cellbegin(); c != g.cellend(); ++c) {
163  int cell0 = c->index();
164  for (FIt f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
165  // Neighbour face, will be changed if on a periodic boundary.
166  // Compute cell[1], cell_sat[1]
167  FIt nbface = f;
168  if (f->boundary()) {
169  bf_ind+=1;
170  if (b.satCond(*f).isPeriodic()) {
171  nbface = bid_to_face[b.getPeriodicPartner(f->boundaryId())];
172  assert(nbface != f);
173  int cell1 = nbface->cellIndex();
174  assert(cell0 != cell1);
176  int f_ind=f->index();
178  int fn_ind=nbface->index();
179  // mapping face indices
180  f_ind=egf_cf[f_ind];
181  fn_ind=egf_cf[fn_ind];
182  assert((c_grid.face_cells[2*f_ind]==-1) || (c_grid.face_cells[2*f_ind+1]==-1));
183  assert((c_grid.face_cells[2*fn_ind]==-1) || (c_grid.face_cells[2*fn_ind+1]==-1));
184  assert((c_grid.face_cells[2*f_ind]==cell0) || (c_grid.face_cells[2*f_ind+1]==cell0));
185  assert((c_grid.face_cells[2*fn_ind]==cell1) || (c_grid.face_cells[2*fn_ind+1]==cell1));
186  periodic_cells_.push_back(cell0);
187  periodic_cells_.push_back(cell1);
188  periodic_faces_.push_back(f_ind);
189  periodic_hfaces_.push_back(hf_ind);
190  periodic_nbfaces_.push_back(fn_ind);
191  } else if (!( b.flowCond(*f).isNeumann() && b.flowCond(*f).outflux() == 0.0)) {
192  //cell1 = cell0;
193  direclet_cells_.push_back(cell0);
194  direclet_sat_.push_back(b.satCond(*f).saturation());
195  direclet_sat_.push_back(1-b.satCond(*f).saturation());//only work for 2 phases
196  direclet_hfaces_.push_back(hf_ind);
197  }
198  }
199  hf_ind+=1;
200  }
201  }
203  mygrid_.makeQPeriodic(periodic_hfaces_,periodic_cells_);
204  // use fractional flow instead of saturation as src
205  TwophaseFluid myfluid(myrp_);
206  int num_b=direclet_cells_.size();
207  for(int i=0; i <num_b; ++i){
208  std::array<double,2> sat = {{direclet_sat_[2*i] ,direclet_sat_[2*i+1] }};
209  std::array<double,2> mob;
210  std::array<double,2*2> dmob;
211  myfluid.mobility(direclet_cells_[i], sat, mob, dmob);
212  double fl = mob[0]/(mob[0]+mob[1]);
213  direclet_sat_[2*i] = fl;
214  direclet_sat_[2*i+1] = 1-fl;
215  }
216  }
218  template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
220  {
221  using namespace std;
222  cout << endl;
223  cout <<"Displaying some members of EulerUpstreamImplicit" << endl;
224  cout << endl;
225  }
227  template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
228  template <class PressureSolution>
229  bool EulerUpstreamImplicit<GI, RP, BC>::transportSolve(std::vector<double>& saturation,
230  const double time,
231  const typename GI::Vector& gravity,
232  const PressureSolution& pressure_sol,
233  const Opm::SparseVector<double>& injection_rates) const
234  {
236  Opm::ReservoirState<2> state(mygrid_.c_grid());
237  {
238  std::vector<double>& sat = state.saturation();
239  for (int i=0; i < mygrid_.numCells(); ++i){
240  sat[2*i] = saturation[i];
241  sat[2*i+1] = 1-saturation[i];
242  }
243  }
245  //int count=0;
246  const UnstructuredGrid* cgrid = mygrid_.c_grid();
247  int numhf = cgrid->cell_facepos[cgrid->number_of_cells];
249  std::vector<double> faceflux(numhf);
251  for (int c = 0, i = 0; c < cgrid->number_of_cells; ++c){
252  for (; i < cgrid->cell_facepos[c + 1]; ++i) {
253  int f= cgrid->cell_faces[i];
254  double outflux = pressure_sol.outflux(i);
255  double sgn = 2.0*(cgrid->face_cells[2*f + 0] == c) - 1;
256  faceflux[f] = sgn * outflux;
257  }
258  }
259  int num_db=direclet_hfaces_.size();
260  std::vector<double> sflux(num_db);
261  for (int i=0; i < num_db;++i){
262  sflux[i]=-pressure_sol.outflux(direclet_hfaces_[i]);
263  }
264  state.faceflux()=faceflux;
266  double dt_transport = time;
267  int nr_transport_steps = 1;
268  Opm::time::StopWatch clock;
269  int repeats = 0;
270  bool finished = false;
271  clock.start();
273  TwophaseFluid myfluid(myrp_);
274  double* tmp_grav=0;
275  const UnstructuredGrid& c_grid=*mygrid_.c_grid();
276  TransportModel model(myfluid,c_grid,porevol_,tmp_grav);
277  model.makefhfQPeriodic(periodic_faces_,periodic_hfaces_, periodic_nbfaces_);
278  model.initGravityTrans(*mygrid_.c_grid(),htrans_);
279  TransportSolver tsolver(model);
280  LinearSolver linsolve_;
281  Opm::ImplicitTransportDetails::NRReport rpt_;
283  Opm::TransportSource tsrc;//create_transport_source(0, 2);
284  // the input flux is assumed to be the saturation times the flux in the transport solver
286  tsrc.nsrc =direclet_cells_.size();
287  tsrc.saturation = direclet_sat_;
288  tsrc.cell = direclet_cells_;
289  tsrc.flux = sflux;
291  while (!finished) {
292  for (int q = 0; q < nr_transport_steps; ++q) {
293  tsolver.solve(*mygrid_.c_grid(), &tsrc, dt_transport, ctrl_, state, linsolve_, rpt_);
294  if(rpt_.flag<0){
295  break;
296  }
297  }
298  if(!(rpt_.flag<0) ){
299  finished =true;
300  }else{
301  if(repeats >max_repeats_){
302  finished=true;
303  }else{
304  OPM_MESSAGE("Warning: Transport failed, retrying with more steps.");
305  nr_transport_steps *= 2;
306  dt_transport = time/nr_transport_steps;
307  if (ctrl_.verbosity){
308  std::cout << "Warning: Transport failed, retrying with more steps. dt = "
309  << dt_transport/Opm::unit::year << " year.\n";
310  }
312  std::vector<double>& sat = state.saturation();
313  for (int i=0; i < mygrid_.numCells(); ++i){
314  sat[2*i] = saturation[i];
315  sat[2*i+1] = 1-saturation[i];
316  }
317  }
318  }
319  repeats +=1;
320  }
321  clock.stop();
322  std::cout << "EulerUpstreamImplicite used " << repeats
323  << " repeats and " << nr_transport_steps <<" steps"<< std::endl;
324 #ifdef VERBOSE
325  std::cout << "Seconds taken by transport solver: " << clock.secsSinceStart() << std::endl;
326 #endif // VERBOSE
327  {
328  std::vector<double>& sat = state.saturation();
329  for (int i=0; i < mygrid_.numCells(); ++i){
330  saturation[i] = sat[2*i];
331  }
332  }
333  if((rpt_.flag<0)){
334  std::cerr << "EulerUpstreamImplicit did not converge" << std::endl;
335  return false;
336  }else{
337  return true;
338  }
339  }
341  template <class GI, class RP, class BC>
342  inline void EulerUpstreamImplicit<GI, RP, BC>::checkAndPossiblyClampSat(std::vector<double>& s) const
343  {
344  int num_cells = s.size();
345  for (int cell = 0; cell < num_cells; ++cell) {
346  if (s[cell] > 1.0 || s[cell] < 0.0) {
347  if (clamp_sat_) {
348  s[cell] = std::max(std::min(s[cell], 1.0), 0.0);
349  } else if (s[cell] > 1.001 || s[cell] < -0.001) {
350  OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Saturation out of range in EulerUpstreamImplicit: Cell " << cell << " sat " << s[cell]);
351  }
352  }
353  }
354  }
356 }
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:120
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:174
Definition: BlackoilFluid.hpp:31
Opm::SinglePointUpwindTwoPhase< TwophaseFluid > TransportModel
Definition: EulerUpstreamImplicit.hpp:123
::std::vector< double > saturation
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:246
void mobility(int c, const Sat &s, Mob &mob, DMob &dmob) const
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:139
void display()
Definition: EulerUpstreamImplicit_impl.hpp:219
int nsrc
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:241
STL namespace.
::std::vector< double > & saturation()
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:69
::std::vector< double > flux
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:245
void checkAndPossiblyClampSat(std::vector< double > &s) const
Definition: EulerUpstreamImplicit_impl.hpp:342
bool transportSolve(std::vector< double > &saturation, const double time, const typename GridInterface::Vector &gravity, const PressureSolution &pressure_sol, const Opm::SparseVector< double > &injection_rates) const
Solve transport equation, evolving.
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:237
void init(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup &param)
Definition: EulerUpstreamImplicit_impl.hpp:74
Opm::ImplicitTransport< TransportModel, JacSys, Opm::MaxNormDune, Opm::ImplicitTransportDefault::VectorNegater, Opm::ImplicitTransportDefault::VectorZero, Opm::ImplicitTransportDefault::MatrixZero, Opm::ImplicitTransportDefault::VectorAssign > TransportSolver
Definition: EulerUpstreamImplicit.hpp:146
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:57
Definition: EulerUpstreamImplicit_impl.hpp:60
::std::vector< int > cell
Definition: ImplicitTransportDefs.hpp:243
void initObj(const GridInterface &grid, const ReservoirProperties &resprop, const BoundaryConditions &boundary)
Definition: EulerUpstreamImplicit_impl.hpp:98