Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===========================================================================
2 //
3 // File: SteadyStateUpscaler_impl.hpp
4 //
5 // Created: Fri Aug 28 14:07:51 2009
6 //
7 // Author(s): Atgeirr F Rasmussen <>
8 // Brd Skaflestad <>
9 //
10 // $Date$
11 //
12 // $Revision$
13 //
14 //===========================================================================
16 /*
17  Copyright 2009, 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
18  Copyright 2009, 2010 Statoil ASA.
20  This file is part of The Open Reservoir Simulator Project (OpenRS).
22  OpenRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
23  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
24  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
25  (at your option) any later version.
27  OpenRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
28  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
30  GNU General Public License for more details.
32  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
33  along with OpenRS. If not, see <>.
34 */
40 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
41 #include <opm/porsol/common/MatrixInverse.hpp>
42 #include <opm/porsol/common/SimulatorUtilities.hpp>
43 #include <opm/porsol/common/ReservoirPropertyFixedMobility.hpp>
44 #include <opm/porsol/euler/MatchSaturatedVolumeFunctor.hpp>
45 #include <opm/core/utility/Units.hpp>
46 #include <opm/core/io/eclipse/writeECLData.hpp>
47 #include <opm/core/utility/miscUtilities.hpp>
48 #include <algorithm>
49 #include <iostream>
51 namespace Opm
52 {
56  template <class Traits>
58  : Super(),
59  use_gravity_(false),
60  output_vtk_(false),
61  output_ecl_(false),
62  print_inoutflows_(false),
63  simulation_steps_(10),
64  init_stepsize_(10),
65  relperm_threshold_(1.0e-8),
66  maximum_mobility_contrast_(1.0e9),
67  sat_change_year_(1.0e-5),
68  max_it_(100),
69  max_stepsize_(1e4),
70  dt_sat_tol_(1e-2),
71  use_maxdiff_(true)
72  {
73  }
78  template <class Traits>
79  inline void SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit<Traits>::initImpl(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup& param)
80  {
81  Super::initImpl(param);
82  use_gravity_ = param.getDefault("use_gravity", use_gravity_);
83  output_vtk_ = param.getDefault("output_vtk", output_vtk_);
84  output_ecl_ = param.getDefault("output_ecl", output_ecl_);
85  if (output_ecl_) {
86  grid_adapter_.init(Super::grid());
87  }
88  print_inoutflows_ = param.getDefault("print_inoutflows", print_inoutflows_);
89  simulation_steps_ = param.getDefault("simulation_steps", simulation_steps_);
90  init_stepsize_ = Opm::unit::convert::from(param.getDefault("init_stepsize", init_stepsize_),
91  Opm::unit::day);
92  relperm_threshold_ = param.getDefault("relperm_threshold", relperm_threshold_);
93  maximum_mobility_contrast_ = param.getDefault("maximum_mobility_contrast", maximum_mobility_contrast_);
94  sat_change_year_ = param.getDefault("sat_change_year", sat_change_year_);
95  dt_sat_tol_ = param.getDefault("dt_sat_tol", dt_sat_tol_);
96  max_it_ = param.getDefault("max_it", max_it_);
97  max_stepsize_ = Opm::unit::convert::from(param.getDefault("max_stepsize", max_stepsize_),Opm::unit::year);
98  use_maxdiff_ = param.getDefault("use_maxdiff", use_maxdiff_);
99  transport_solver_.init(param);
100  // Set viscosities and densities if given.
101  double v1_default = this->res_prop_.viscosityFirstPhase();
102  double v2_default = this->res_prop_.viscositySecondPhase();
103  this->res_prop_.setViscosities(param.getDefault("viscosity1", v1_default), param.getDefault("viscosity2", v2_default));
104  double d1_default = this->res_prop_.densityFirstPhase();
105  double d2_default = this->res_prop_.densitySecondPhase();
106  this->res_prop_.setDensities(param.getDefault("density1", d1_default), param.getDefault("density2", d2_default));
107  }
112  namespace {
113  double maxMobility(double m1, double m2)
114  {
115  return std::max(m1, m2);
116  }
117  // The matrix variant expects diagonal mobilities.
118  template <class SomeMatrixType>
119  double maxMobility(double m1, SomeMatrixType& m2)
120  {
121  double m = m1;
122  for (int i = 0; i < std::min(m2.numRows(), m2.numCols()); ++i) {
123  m = std::max(m, m2(i,i));
124  }
125  return m;
126  }
127  void thresholdMobility(double& m, double threshold)
128  {
129  m = std::max(m, threshold);
130  }
131  // The matrix variant expects diagonal mobilities.
132  template <class SomeMatrixType>
133  void thresholdMobility(SomeMatrixType& m, double threshold)
134  {
135  for (int i = 0; i < std::min(m.numRows(), m.numCols()); ++i) {
136  m(i, i) = std::max(m(i, i), threshold);
137  }
138  }
139  } // anon namespace
144  template <class Traits>
145  inline std::pair<typename SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit<Traits>::permtensor_t,
146  typename SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit<Traits>::permtensor_t>
148  upscaleSteadyState(const int flow_direction,
149  const std::vector<double>& initial_saturation,
150  const double boundary_saturation,
151  const double pressure_drop,
152  const permtensor_t& upscaled_perm,
153  bool& success)
154  {
155  static int count = 0;
156  ++count;
157  int num_cells = this->ginterf_.numberOfCells();
158  // No source or sink.
159  std::vector<double> src(num_cells, 0.0);
160  Opm::SparseVector<double> injection(num_cells);
161  // Gravity.
162  Dune::FieldVector<double, 3> gravity(0.0);
163  if (use_gravity_) {
164  gravity[2] = Opm::unit::gravity;
165  }
167  if (gravity.two_norm() > 0.0) {
168  OPM_MESSAGE("Warning: Gravity is experimental for flow solver.");
169  }
171  // Put pore volume in vector.
172  std::vector<double> pore_vol;
173  pore_vol.reserve(num_cells);
174  double tot_pore_vol = 0.0;
175  typedef typename GridInterface::CellIterator CellIter;
176  for (CellIter c = this->ginterf_.cellbegin(); c != this->ginterf_.cellend(); ++c) {
177  double cell_pore_vol = c->volume()*this->res_prop_.porosity(c->index());
178  pore_vol.push_back(cell_pore_vol);
179  tot_pore_vol += cell_pore_vol;
180  }
182  // Set up initial saturation profile.
183  std::vector<double> saturation = initial_saturation;
185  // Set up boundary conditions.
186  setupUpscalingConditions(this->ginterf_, this->bctype_, flow_direction,
187  pressure_drop, boundary_saturation, this->twodim_hack_, this->bcond_);
189  // Set up solvers.
190  if (flow_direction == 0) {
191  this->flow_solver_.init(this->ginterf_, this->res_prop_, gravity, this->bcond_);
192  }
193  transport_solver_.initObj(this->ginterf_, this->res_prop_, this->bcond_);
195  // Run pressure solver.
196  this->flow_solver_.solve(this->res_prop_, saturation, this->bcond_, src,
197  this->residual_tolerance_, this->linsolver_verbosity_, this->linsolver_type_);
198  double max_mod = this->flow_solver_.postProcessFluxes();
199  std::cout << "Max mod = " << max_mod << std::endl;
201  // Do a run till steady state.
202  std::vector<double> saturation_old = saturation;
203  bool stationary = false;
204  int it_count = 0;
205  double stepsize = init_stepsize_;
206  double ecl_time = 0.0;
207  std::vector<double> ecl_sat;
208  std::vector<double> ecl_press;
209  std::vector<double> init_saturation(saturation);
210  while ((!stationary) && (it_count < max_it_)) { // && transport_cost < max_transport_cost_)
211  // Run transport solver.
212  std::cout << "Running transport step " << it_count << " with stepsize "
213  << stepsize/Opm::unit::year << " years." << std::endl;
214  bool converged = transport_solver_.transportSolve(saturation, stepsize, gravity,
215  this->flow_solver_.getSolution(), injection);
216  // Run pressure solver.
217  if (converged) {
218  init_saturation = saturation;
219  // this->flow_solver_.solve(this->res_prop_, saturation, this->bcond_, src,
220  // this->residual_tolerance_, this->linsolver_verbosity_, this->linsolver_type_);
221  // max_mod = this->flow_solver_.postProcessFluxes();
222  // std::cout << "Max mod of fluxes= " << max_mod << std::endl;
223  this->flow_solver_.postProcessFluxes();
224  // Print in-out flows if requested.
225  if (print_inoutflows_) {
226  std::pair<double, double> w_io, o_io;
227  computeInOutFlows(w_io, o_io, this->flow_solver_.getSolution(), saturation);
228  std::cout << "Pressure step " << it_count
229  << "\nWater flow [in] " << w_io.first
230  << " [out] " << w_io.second
231  << "\nOil flow [in] " << o_io.first
232  << " [out] " << o_io.second
233  << std::endl;
234  }
235  // Output.
236  if (output_vtk_) {
237  writeVtkOutput(this->ginterf_,
238  this->res_prop_,
239  this->flow_solver_.getSolution(),
240  saturation,
241  std::string("output-steadystate")
242  + '-' + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(count)
243  + '-' + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(flow_direction)
244  + '-' + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(it_count));
245  }
246  if (output_ecl_) {
247  const char* fd = "xyz";
248  std::string basename = std::string("ecldump-steadystate")
249  + '-' + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(boundary_saturation)
250  + '-' + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(fd[flow_direction])
251  + '-' + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pressure_drop);
252  Opm::toBothSat(saturation, ecl_sat);
253  getCellPressure(ecl_press, this->ginterf_, this->flow_solver_.getSolution());
254  Opm::DataMap datamap;
255  datamap["saturation"] = &ecl_sat;
256  datamap["pressure"] = &ecl_press;
257  ecl_time += stepsize;
258  boost::posix_time::ptime ecl_startdate( boost::gregorian::date(2012, 1, 1) );
259  boost::posix_time::ptime ecl_curdate = ecl_startdate + boost::posix_time::seconds(int(ecl_time));
260  Opm::writeECLData(*grid_adapter_.c_grid(), datamap, it_count, ecl_time, ecl_curdate, "./", basename);
261  }
262  // Comparing old to new.
263  int num_cells = saturation.size();
264  double maxdiff = 0.0;
265  double euclidean_diff = 0.0;
266  for (int i = 0; i < num_cells; ++i) {
267  const double sat_diff_cell = saturation[i] - saturation_old[i];
268  maxdiff = std::max(maxdiff, std::fabs(sat_diff_cell));
269  euclidean_diff += sat_diff_cell * sat_diff_cell * pore_vol[i];
270  }
271  euclidean_diff = std::sqrt(euclidean_diff / tot_pore_vol);
272  double ds_year;
273  if (use_maxdiff_) {
274  ds_year = maxdiff*Opm::unit::year/stepsize;
275  std::cout << "Maximum saturation change/year: " << ds_year << std::endl;
276  if (maxdiff < dt_sat_tol_) {
277  stepsize=std::min(max_stepsize_,2*stepsize);
278  }
279  }
280  else {
281  ds_year = euclidean_diff*Opm::unit::year/stepsize;
282  std::cout << "Euclidean saturation change/year: " << ds_year << std::endl;
283  if (euclidean_diff < dt_sat_tol_) {
284  stepsize=std::min(max_stepsize_,2*stepsize);
285  }
286  }
287  if (ds_year < sat_change_year_) {
288  stationary = true;
289  }
290  } else {
291  std::cerr << "Cutting time step\n";
292  init_saturation = saturation_old;
293  stepsize=stepsize/2.0;
294  }
295  ++it_count;
296  // Copy to old.
297  saturation_old = saturation;
298  }
299  success = stationary;
301  // Compute phase mobilities.
302  // First: compute maximal mobilities.
303  typedef typename Super::ResProp::Mobility Mob;
304  Mob m;
305  double m1max = 0;
306  double m2max = 0;
307  for (int c = 0; c < num_cells; ++c) {
308  this->res_prop_.phaseMobility(0, c, saturation[c], m.mob);
309  m1max = maxMobility(m1max, m.mob);
310  this->res_prop_.phaseMobility(1, c, saturation[c], m.mob);
311  m2max = maxMobility(m2max, m.mob);
312  }
313  // Second: set thresholds.
314  const double mob1_abs_thres = relperm_threshold_ / this->res_prop_.viscosityFirstPhase();
315  const double mob1_rel_thres = m1max / maximum_mobility_contrast_;
316  const double mob1_threshold = std::max(mob1_abs_thres, mob1_rel_thres);
317  const double mob2_abs_thres = relperm_threshold_ / this->res_prop_.viscositySecondPhase();
318  const double mob2_rel_thres = m2max / maximum_mobility_contrast_;
319  const double mob2_threshold = std::max(mob2_abs_thres, mob2_rel_thres);
320  // Third: extract and threshold.
321  std::vector<Mob> mob1(num_cells);
322  std::vector<Mob> mob2(num_cells);
323  for (int c = 0; c < num_cells; ++c) {
324  this->res_prop_.phaseMobility(0, c, saturation[c], mob1[c].mob);
325  thresholdMobility(mob1[c].mob, mob1_threshold);
326  this->res_prop_.phaseMobility(1, c, saturation[c], mob2[c].mob);
327  thresholdMobility(mob2[c].mob, mob2_threshold);
328  }
330  // Compute upscaled relperm for each phase.
331  ReservoirPropertyFixedMobility<Mob> fluid_first(mob1);
332  permtensor_t eff_Kw = Super::upscaleEffectivePerm(fluid_first);
333  ReservoirPropertyFixedMobility<Mob> fluid_second(mob2);
334  permtensor_t eff_Ko = Super::upscaleEffectivePerm(fluid_second);
336  // Set the steady state saturation fields for eventual outside access.
337  last_saturation_state_.swap(saturation);
339  // Compute the (anisotropic) upscaled mobilities.
340  // eff_Kw := lambda_w*K
341  // => lambda_w = eff_Kw*inv(K);
342  permtensor_t lambda_w(matprod(eff_Kw, inverse3x3(upscaled_perm)));
343  permtensor_t lambda_o(matprod(eff_Ko, inverse3x3(upscaled_perm)));
345  // Compute (anisotropic) upscaled relative permeabilities.
346  // lambda = k_r/mu
347  permtensor_t k_rw(lambda_w);
348  k_rw *= this->res_prop_.viscosityFirstPhase();
349  permtensor_t k_ro(lambda_o);
350  k_ro *= this->res_prop_.viscositySecondPhase();
351  return std::make_pair(k_rw, k_ro);
352  }
357  template <class Traits>
358  inline const std::vector<double>&
360  {
361  return last_saturation_state_;
362  }
367  template <class Traits>
369  {
370  typedef typename GridInterface::CellIterator CellIter;
371  double pore_vol = 0.0;
372  double sat_vol = 0.0;
373  for (CellIter c = this->ginterf_.cellbegin(); c != this->ginterf_.cellend(); ++c) {
374  double cell_pore_vol = c->volume()*this->res_prop_.porosity(c->index());
375  pore_vol += cell_pore_vol;
376  sat_vol += cell_pore_vol*last_saturation_state_[c->index()];
377  }
378  // Dividing by pore volume gives average saturations.
379  return sat_vol/pore_vol;
380  }
383  template <class Traits>
384  void SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit<Traits>::initSatLimits(std::vector<double>& s) const
385  {
386  for (int c = 0; c < int (s.size()); c++ ) {
387  double s_min = this->res_prop_.s_min(c);
388  double s_max = this->res_prop_.s_max(c);
389  s[c] = std::max(s_min+1e-4, s[c]);
390  s[c] = std::min(s_max-1e-4, s[c]);
391  }
392  }
394  template <class Traits>
395  void SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit<Traits>::setToCapillaryLimit(double average_s, std::vector<double>& s) const
396  {
397  int num_cells = this->ginterf_.numberOfCells();
398  std::vector<double> s_orig(num_cells, average_s);
400  initSatLimits(s_orig);
401  std::vector<double> cap_press(num_cells, 0.0);
402  typedef typename UpscalerBase<Traits>::ResProp ResProp;
403  MatchSaturatedVolumeFunctor<GridInterface, ResProp> func(this->ginterf_, this->res_prop_, s_orig, cap_press);
404  double cap_press_range = 1e2;
405  double mod_low = 1e100;
406  double mod_high = -1e100;
407  Opm::bracketZero(func, 0.0, cap_press_range, mod_low, mod_high);
408  const int max_iter = 40;
409  const double nonlinear_tolerance = 1e-12;
410  int iterations_used = -1;
411  typedef Opm::RegulaFalsi<Opm::ThrowOnError> RootFinder;
412  double mod_correct = RootFinder::solve(func, mod_low, mod_high, max_iter, nonlinear_tolerance, iterations_used);
413  std::cout << "Moved capillary pressure solution by " << mod_correct << " after "
414  << iterations_used << " iterations." << std::endl;
415  s = func.lastSaturations();
416  }
419  template <class Traits>
420  template <class FlowSol>
421  void SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit<Traits>::computeInOutFlows(std::pair<double, double>& water_inout,
422  std::pair<double, double>& oil_inout,
423  const FlowSol& flow_solution,
424  const std::vector<double>& saturations) const
425  {
426  typedef typename GridInterface::CellIterator CellIter;
427  typedef typename CellIter::FaceIterator FaceIter;
429  double side1_flux = 0.0;
430  double side2_flux = 0.0;
431  double side1_flux_oil = 0.0;
432  double side2_flux_oil = 0.0;
433  std::map<int, double> frac_flow_by_bid;
434  int num_cells = this->ginterf_.numberOfCells();
435  std::vector<double> cell_inflows_w(num_cells, 0.0);
436  std::vector<double> cell_outflows_w(num_cells, 0.0);
438  // Two passes: First pass, deal with outflow, second pass, deal with inflow.
439  // This is for the periodic case, so that we are sure all fractional flows have
440  // been set in frac_flow_by_bid.
441  for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
442  for (CellIter c = this->ginterf_.cellbegin(); c != this->ginterf_.cellend(); ++c) {
443  for (FaceIter f = c->facebegin(); f != c->faceend(); ++f) {
444  if (f->boundary()) {
445  double flux = flow_solution.outflux(f);
446  const SatBC& sc = this->bcond_.satCond(f);
447  if (flux < 0.0 && pass == 1) {
448  // This is an inflow face.
449  double frac_flow = 0.0;
450  if (sc.isPeriodic()) {
451  assert(sc.saturationDifference() == 0.0);
452  int partner_bid = this->bcond_.getPeriodicPartner(f->boundaryId());
453  std::map<int, double>::const_iterator it = frac_flow_by_bid.find(partner_bid);
454  if (it == frac_flow_by_bid.end()) {
455  OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not find periodic partner fractional flow. Face bid = " << f->boundaryId()
456  << " and partner bid = " << partner_bid);
457  }
458  frac_flow = it->second;
459  } else {
460  assert(sc.isDirichlet());
461  frac_flow = this->res_prop_.fractionalFlow(c->index(), sc.saturation());
462  }
463  cell_inflows_w[c->index()] += flux*frac_flow;
464  side1_flux += flux*frac_flow;
465  side1_flux_oil += flux*(1.0 - frac_flow);
466  } else if (flux >= 0.0 && pass == 0) {
467  // This is an outflow face.
468  double frac_flow = this->res_prop_.fractionalFlow(c->index(), saturations[c->index()]);
469  if (sc.isPeriodic()) {
470  frac_flow_by_bid[f->boundaryId()] = frac_flow;
471  // std::cout << "Inserted bid " << f->boundaryId() << std::endl;
472  }
473  cell_outflows_w[c->index()] += flux*frac_flow;
474  side2_flux += flux*frac_flow;
475  side2_flux_oil += flux*(1.0 - frac_flow);
476  }
477  }
478  }
479  }
480  }
481  water_inout = std::make_pair(side1_flux, side2_flux);
482  oil_inout = std::make_pair(side1_flux_oil, side2_flux_oil);
483  }
488 } // namespace Opm
virtual void initImpl(const Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup &param)
Override from superclass.
Definition: SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit_impl.hpp:79
Definition: applier.hpp:18
Default constructor.
Definition: SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit_impl.hpp:57
A base class for upscaling.
Definition: UpscalerBase.hpp:52
std::pair< permtensor_t, permtensor_t > upscaleSteadyState(const int flow_direction, const std::vector< double > &initial_saturation, const double boundary_saturation, const double pressure_drop, const permtensor_t &upscaled_perm, bool &success)
Definition: SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit_impl.hpp:148
void computeInOutFlows(std::pair< double, double > &water_inout, std::pair< double, double > &oil_inout, const FlowSol &flow_solution, const std::vector< double > &saturations) const
Definition: SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit_impl.hpp:421
const std::vector< double > & lastSaturationState() const
Definition: SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit_impl.hpp:359
CellIter::FaceIterator FaceIter
Definition: UpscalerBase.hpp:128
Traits::template ResProp< Dimension >::Type ResProp
Definition: UpscalerBase.hpp:60
Definition: elasticity_upscale_impl.hpp:144
void setToCapillaryLimit(double average_s, std::vector< double > &s) const
Definition: SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit_impl.hpp:395
void initSatLimits(std::vector< double > &s) const
Ensure saturations are not outside table.
Definition: SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit_impl.hpp:384
double lastSaturationUpscaled() const
Definition: SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit_impl.hpp:368
GridInterface::CellIterator CellIter
Definition: UpscalerBase.hpp:127
Super::permtensor_t permtensor_t
Definition: SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit.hpp:58