
Indices of the columns' underlaying cells in the full grid.

Consecutive indices from the fine grid, not this one, for each of the columns, i.e. cells in this grid, as one flat list.

The values are sorted in z-order, starting from the top and moving downwards to the bottom. This is useful because you can keep a running counter for the depth, filling items as you go. (For this to be really useful, the original grid should be reordered so that cells in the z-direction are closer).

Use this field together with the col_cellpos to iterate through a column in the fine grid.

TopSurf* ts = ...;
rlw_int col_cells (ts->number_of_cells, ts->col_cellpos, ts->col_cells);
for (int col = 0; col < col_cells.cols(); ++col) {
for (int block = 0; block < col_cells.size (col); ++block) {
... col_cells[col][block] ...
See also
TopSurf::column, TopSurf::col_cellpos