Go to the documentation of this file.
1// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
2// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
4 Copyright 2023 INRIA
5 Copyright 2024 SINTEF Digital
7 This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
9 OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
23 module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
24 copyright holders.
34#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/BlackOilFluidSystem.hpp>
35#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/DryGasPvt.hpp>
36#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/WetGasPvt.hpp>
37#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/LiveOilPvt.hpp>
38#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/DeadOilPvt.hpp>
39#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/ConstantCompressibilityOilPvt.hpp>
40#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/blackoilpvt/ConstantCompressibilityWaterPvt.hpp>
44#include <opm/output/eclipse/EclipseIO.hpp>
58#include <algorithm>
59#include <functional>
60#include <set>
61#include <string>
62#include <vector>
64namespace Opm {
72template <class TypeTag>
73class FlowProblemBlackoil : public FlowProblem<TypeTag>
75 // TODO: the naming of the Types might be able to be adjusted
78 using typename FlowProblemType::Scalar;
79 using typename FlowProblemType::Simulator;
80 using typename FlowProblemType::GridView;
81 using typename FlowProblemType::FluidSystem;
82 using typename FlowProblemType::Vanguard;
84 using typename FlowProblemType::EqVector;
91 // TODO: potentially some cleaning up depending on the usage later here
117 using typename FlowProblemType::RateVector;
119 using typename FlowProblemType::Indices;
121 using typename FlowProblemType::ElementContext;
123 using typename FlowProblemType::MaterialLaw;
124 using typename FlowProblemType::DimMatrix;
135 using ModuleParams = typename BlackOilLocalResidualTPFA<TypeTag>::ModuleParams;
137 using InitialFluidState = typename EquilInitializer<TypeTag>::ScalarFluidState;
140 using DamarisWriterType = DamarisWriter<TypeTag>;
151 static void registerParameters()
152 {
157 DamarisWriterType::registerParameters();
160 }
165 explicit FlowProblemBlackoil(Simulator& simulator)
166 : FlowProblemType(simulator)
167 , thresholdPressures_(simulator)
168 , mixControls_(simulator.vanguard().schedule())
169 , actionHandler_(simulator.vanguard().eclState(),
170 simulator.vanguard().schedule(),
171 simulator.vanguard().actionState(),
172 simulator.vanguard().summaryState(),
173 this->wellModel_,
174 simulator.vanguard().grid().comm())
175 {
176 this->model().addOutputModule(new VtkTracerModule<TypeTag>(simulator));
178 // Tell the black-oil extensions to initialize their internal data structures
179 const auto& vanguard = simulator.vanguard();
181 BlackOilBrineParams<Scalar> brineParams;
182 brineParams.template initFromState<enableBrine,
183 enableSaltPrecipitation>(vanguard.eclState());
184 BrineModule::setParams(std::move(brineParams));
186 DiffusionModule::initFromState(vanguard.eclState());
187 DispersionModule::initFromState(vanguard.eclState());
189 BlackOilExtboParams<Scalar> extboParams;
190 extboParams.template initFromState<enableExtbo>(vanguard.eclState());
191 ExtboModule::setParams(std::move(extboParams));
194 foamParams.template initFromState<enableFoam>(vanguard.eclState());
195 FoamModule::setParams(std::move(foamParams));
198 micpParams.template initFromState<enableMICP>(vanguard.eclState());
199 MICPModule::setParams(std::move(micpParams));
201 BlackOilPolymerParams<Scalar> polymerParams;
202 polymerParams.template initFromState<enablePolymer, enablePolymerMolarWeight>(vanguard.eclState());
203 PolymerModule::setParams(std::move(polymerParams));
205 BlackOilSolventParams<Scalar> solventParams;
206 solventParams.template initFromState<enableSolvent>(vanguard.eclState(), vanguard.schedule());
207 SolventModule::setParams(std::move(solventParams));
209 // create the ECL writer
210 eclWriter_ = std::make_unique<EclWriterType>(simulator);
211 enableEclOutput_ = Parameters::Get<Parameters::EnableEclOutput>();
213 // create Damaris writer
214 damarisWriter_ = std::make_unique<DamarisWriterType>(simulator);
215 enableDamarisOutput_ = Parameters::Get<Parameters::EnableDamarisOutput>();
217 }
222 void beginEpisode() override
223 {
226 auto& simulator = this->simulator();
227 int episodeIdx = simulator.episodeIndex();
228 const auto& schedule = simulator.vanguard().schedule();
230 // Evaluate UDQ assign statements to make sure the settings are
231 // available as UDA controls for the current report step.
232 actionHandler_.evalUDQAssignments(episodeIdx, simulator.vanguard().udqState());
234 if (episodeIdx >= 0) {
235 const auto& oilVap = schedule[episodeIdx].oilvap();
236 if (oilVap.getType() == OilVaporizationProperties::OilVaporization::VAPPARS) {
237 FluidSystem::setVapPars(oilVap.vap1(), oilVap.vap2());
238 } else {
239 FluidSystem::setVapPars(0.0, 0.0);
240 }
241 }
243 ConvectiveMixingModule::beginEpisode(simulator.vanguard().eclState(), simulator.vanguard().schedule(), episodeIdx, moduleParams_.convectiveMixingModuleParam);
244 }
250 {
251 // TODO: there should be room to remove duplication for this function,
252 // but there is relatively complicated logic in the function calls in this function
253 // some refactoring is needed for this function
254 FlowProblemType::finishInit();
255 auto& simulator = this->simulator();
257 auto finishTransmissibilities = [updated = false, this]() mutable
258 {
259 if (updated) { return; }
260 this->transmissibilities_.finishInit([&vg = this->simulator().vanguard()](const unsigned int it) {
261 return vg.gridIdxToEquilGridIdx(it);
262 });
263 updated = true;
264 };
266 // calculating the TRANX, TRANY, TRANZ and NNC for output purpose
267 // for parallel running, it is based on global trans_
268 // for serial running, it is based on the transmissibilities_
269 // we try to avoid for the parallel running, has both global trans_ and transmissibilities_ allocated at the same time
270 if (enableEclOutput_) {
271 if (simulator.vanguard().grid().comm().size() > 1) {
272 if (simulator.vanguard().grid().comm().rank() == 0)
273 eclWriter_->setTransmissibilities(&simulator.vanguard().globalTransmissibility());
274 } else {
275 finishTransmissibilities();
276 eclWriter_->setTransmissibilities(&simulator.problem().eclTransmissibilities());
277 }
279 std::function<unsigned int(unsigned int)> equilGridToGrid = [&simulator](unsigned int i) {
280 return simulator.vanguard().gridEquilIdxToGridIdx(i);
281 };
282 eclWriter_->extractOutputTransAndNNC(equilGridToGrid);
283 }
284 simulator.vanguard().releaseGlobalTransmissibilities();
286 const auto& eclState = simulator.vanguard().eclState();
287 const auto& schedule = simulator.vanguard().schedule();
289 // Set the start time of the simulation
290 simulator.setStartTime(schedule.getStartTime());
291 simulator.setEndTime(schedule.simTime(schedule.size() - 1));
293 // We want the episode index to be the same as the report step index to make
294 // things simpler, so we have to set the episode index to -1 because it is
295 // incremented by endEpisode(). The size of the initial time step and
296 // length of the initial episode is set to zero for the same reason.
297 simulator.setEpisodeIndex(-1);
298 simulator.setEpisodeLength(0.0);
300 // the "NOGRAV" keyword from Frontsim or setting the EnableGravity to false
301 // disables gravity, else the standard value of the gravity constant at sea level
302 // on earth is used
303 this->gravity_ = 0.0;
304 if (Parameters::Get<Parameters::EnableGravity>())
305 this->gravity_[dim - 1] = 9.80665;
306 if (!eclState.getInitConfig().hasGravity())
307 this->gravity_[dim - 1] = 0.0;
309 if (this->enableTuning_) {
310 // if support for the TUNING keyword is enabled, we get the initial time
311 // steping parameters from it instead of from command line parameters
312 const auto& tuning = schedule[0].tuning();
313 this->initialTimeStepSize_ = tuning.TSINIT.has_value() ? tuning.TSINIT.value() : -1.0;
314 this->maxTimeStepAfterWellEvent_ = tuning.TMAXWC;
315 }
317 this->initFluidSystem_();
321 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx) &&
322 FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)) {
323 this->maxOilSaturation_.resize(this->model().numGridDof(), 0.0);
324 }
326 this->readRockParameters_(simulator.vanguard().cellCenterDepths(),
327 [&simulator](const unsigned idx)
328 {
329 std::array<int,dim> coords;
330 simulator.vanguard().cartesianCoordinate(idx, coords);
331 for (auto& c : coords) {
332 ++c;
333 }
334 return coords;
335 });
339 // write the static output files (EGRID, INIT)
340 if (enableEclOutput_) {
341 eclWriter_->writeInit();
342 }
344 finishTransmissibilities();
346 const auto& initconfig = eclState.getInitConfig();
347 this->tracerModel_.init(initconfig.restartRequested());
348 if (initconfig.restartRequested())
350 else
353 this->tracerModel_.prepareTracerBatches();
355 this->updatePffDofData_();
357 if constexpr (getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnablePolymer>()) {
358 const auto& vanguard = this->simulator().vanguard();
359 const auto& gridView = vanguard.gridView();
360 int numElements = gridView.size(/*codim=*/0);
361 this->polymer_.maxAdsorption.resize(numElements, 0.0);
362 }
366 // compute and set eq weights based on initial b values
369 if (this->enableDriftCompensation_) {
370 this->drift_.resize(this->model().numGridDof());
371 this->drift_ = 0.0;
372 }
374 if (this->enableVtkOutput_ && eclState.getIOConfig().initOnly()) {
375 simulator.setTimeStepSize(0.0);
377 }
379 // after finishing the initialization and writing the initial solution, we move
380 // to the first "real" episode/report step
381 // for restart the episode index and start is already set
382 if (!initconfig.restartRequested()) {
383 simulator.startNextEpisode(schedule.seconds(1));
384 simulator.setEpisodeIndex(0);
385 simulator.setTimeStepIndex(0);
386 }
388 // TODO: move to the end for later refactoring of the function finishInit()
389 // deal with DRSDT
390 this->mixControls_.init(this->model().numGridDof(),
391 this->episodeIndex(),
392 eclState.runspec().tabdims().getNumPVTTables());
393 }
398 void endTimeStep () override
399 {
400 FlowProblemType::endTimeStep();
402 const bool isSubStep = !this->simulator().episodeWillBeOver();
404 // For CpGrid with LGRs, ecl/vtk output is not supported yet.
405 const auto& grid = this->simulator().vanguard().gridView().grid();
407 using GridType = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<decltype(grid)>>;
408 constexpr bool isCpGrid = std::is_same_v<GridType, Dune::CpGrid>;
409 if (!isCpGrid || (grid.maxLevel() == 0)) {
410 this->eclWriter_->evalSummaryState(isSubStep);
411 }
413 {
414 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(applyActions);
416 const int episodeIdx = this->episodeIndex();
417 auto& simulator = this->simulator();
419 // Re-ordering in case of Alugrid
420 this->actionHandler_
421 .applyActions(episodeIdx, simulator.time() + simulator.timeStepSize(),
422 [this](const bool global)
423 {
424 using TransUpdateQuantities = typename Vanguard::TransmissibilityType::TransUpdateQuantities;
425 this->transmissibilities_
426 .update(global, TransUpdateQuantities::All, [&vg = this->simulator().vanguard()]
427 (const unsigned int i)
428 {
429 return vg.gridIdxToEquilGridIdx(i);
430 });
431 });
432 }
434 // Deal with "clogging" for the MICP model
435 if constexpr (enableMICP) {
436 auto& model = this->model();
437 const auto& residual = model.linearizer().residual();
439 for (unsigned globalDofIdx = 0; globalDofIdx < residual.size(); ++globalDofIdx) {
440 auto& phi = this->referencePorosity_[/*timeIdx=*/1][globalDofIdx];
441 MICPModule::checkCloggingMICP(model, phi, globalDofIdx);
442 }
443 }
445 }
449 void endEpisode() override
450 {
451 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(endEpisode);
452 const int episodeIdx = this->episodeIndex();
453 // Rerun UDQ assignents following action processing on the final
454 // time step of this episode to make sure that any UDQ ASSIGN
455 // operations triggered in action blocks take effect. This is
456 // mainly to work around a shortcoming of the ScheduleState copy
457 // constructor which clears pending UDQ assignments under the
458 // assumption that all such assignments have been processed. If an
459 // action block happens to trigger on the final time step of an
460 // episode and that action block runs a UDQ assignment, then that
461 // assignment would be dropped and the rest of the simulator will
462 // never see its effect without this hack.
463 this->actionHandler_
464 .evalUDQAssignments(episodeIdx, this->simulator().vanguard().udqState());
466 FlowProblemType::endEpisode();
467 }
469 void writeReports(const SimulatorTimer& timer) {
470 if (enableEclOutput_){
471 eclWriter_->writeReports(timer);
472 }
473 }
480 void writeOutput(bool verbose = true)
481 {
482 FlowProblemType::writeOutput(verbose);
484 bool isSubStep = !this->simulator().episodeWillBeOver();
486 data::Solution localCellData = {};
488 // N.B. the Damaris output has to be done before the ECL output as the ECL one
489 // does all kinds of std::move() relocation of data
490 if (enableDamarisOutput_) {
491 damarisWriter_->writeOutput(localCellData, isSubStep) ;
492 }
494 if (enableEclOutput_){
495 eclWriter_->writeOutput(std::move(localCellData), isSubStep);
496 }
497 }
500 {
501 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(finalizeOutput);
502 // this will write all pending output to disk
503 // to avoid corruption of output files
504 eclWriter_.reset();
505 }
512 {
513 FlowProblemType::initialSolutionApplied();
515 // let the object for threshold pressures initialize itself. this is done only at
516 // this point, because determining the threshold pressures may require to access
517 // the initial solution.
518 this->thresholdPressures_.finishInit();
520 if (this->simulator().episodeIndex() == 0) {
521 eclWriter_->writeInitialFIPReport();
522 }
523 }
526 unsigned globalDofIdx,
527 unsigned timeIdx) const override
528 {
529 this->aquiferModel_.addToSource(rate, globalDofIdx, timeIdx);
531 // Add source term from deck
532 const auto& source = this->simulator().vanguard().schedule()[this->episodeIndex()].source();
533 std::array<int,3> ijk;
534 this->simulator().vanguard().cartesianCoordinate(globalDofIdx, ijk);
536 if (source.hasSource(ijk)) {
537 const int pvtRegionIdx = this->pvtRegionIndex(globalDofIdx);
538 static std::array<SourceComponent, 3> sc_map = {SourceComponent::WATER, SourceComponent::OIL, SourceComponent::GAS};
539 static std::array<int, 3> phidx_map = {FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx};
540 static std::array<int, 3> cidx_map = {waterCompIdx, oilCompIdx, gasCompIdx};
542 for (unsigned i = 0; i < phidx_map.size(); ++i) {
543 const auto phaseIdx = phidx_map[i];
544 const auto sourceComp = sc_map[i];
545 const auto compIdx = cidx_map[i];
546 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx)) {
547 continue;
548 }
549 Scalar mass_rate = source.rate({ijk, sourceComp}) / this->model().dofTotalVolume(globalDofIdx);
550 if constexpr (getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::BlackoilConserveSurfaceVolume>()) {
551 mass_rate /= FluidSystem::referenceDensity(phaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx);
552 }
553 rate[Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(compIdx)] += mass_rate;
554 }
556 if constexpr (enableSolvent) {
557 Scalar mass_rate = source.rate({ijk, SourceComponent::SOLVENT}) / this->model().dofTotalVolume(globalDofIdx);
558 if constexpr (getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::BlackoilConserveSurfaceVolume>()) {
559 const auto& solventPvt = SolventModule::solventPvt();
560 mass_rate /= solventPvt.referenceDensity(pvtRegionIdx);
561 }
562 rate[Indices::contiSolventEqIdx] += mass_rate;
563 }
564 if constexpr (enablePolymer) {
565 rate[Indices::polymerConcentrationIdx] += source.rate({ijk, SourceComponent::POLYMER}) / this->model().dofTotalVolume(globalDofIdx);
566 }
567 if constexpr (enableEnergy) {
568 for (unsigned i = 0; i < phidx_map.size(); ++i) {
569 const auto phaseIdx = phidx_map[i];
570 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx)) {
571 continue;
572 }
573 const auto sourceComp = sc_map[i];
574 if (source.hasHrate({ijk, sourceComp})) {
575 rate[Indices::contiEnergyEqIdx] += source.hrate({ijk, sourceComp}) / this->model().dofTotalVolume(globalDofIdx);
576 } else {
577 const auto& intQuants = this->simulator().model().intensiveQuantities(globalDofIdx, /*timeIdx*/ 0);
578 auto fs = intQuants.fluidState();
579 // if temperature is not set, use cell temperature as default
580 if (source.hasTemperature({ijk, sourceComp})) {
581 Scalar temperature = source.temperature({ijk, sourceComp});
582 fs.setTemperature(temperature);
583 }
584 const auto& h = FluidSystem::enthalpy(fs, phaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx);
585 Scalar mass_rate = source.rate({ijk, sourceComp})/ this->model().dofTotalVolume(globalDofIdx);
586 Scalar energy_rate = getValue(h)*mass_rate;
587 rate[Indices::contiEnergyEqIdx] += energy_rate;
588 }
589 }
590 }
591 }
593 // if requested, compensate systematic mass loss for cells which were "well
594 // behaved" in the last time step
595 if (this->enableDriftCompensation_) {
596 const auto& simulator = this->simulator();
597 const auto& model = this->model();
599 // we use a lower tolerance for the compensation too
600 // assure the added drift from the last step does not
601 // cause convergence issues on the current step
602 Scalar maxCompensation = model.newtonMethod().tolerance()/10;
603 Scalar poro = this->porosity(globalDofIdx, timeIdx);
604 Scalar dt = simulator.timeStepSize();
605 EqVector dofDriftRate = this->drift_[globalDofIdx];
606 dofDriftRate /= dt*model.dofTotalVolume(globalDofIdx);
608 // restrict drift compensation to the CNV tolerance
609 for (unsigned eqIdx = 0; eqIdx < numEq; ++ eqIdx) {
610 Scalar cnv = std::abs(dofDriftRate[eqIdx])*dt*model.eqWeight(globalDofIdx, eqIdx)/poro;
611 if (cnv > maxCompensation) {
612 dofDriftRate[eqIdx] *= maxCompensation/cnv;
613 }
614 }
616 for (unsigned eqIdx = 0; eqIdx < numEq; ++ eqIdx)
617 rate[eqIdx] -= dofDriftRate[eqIdx];
618 }
619 }
626 template <class LhsEval>
627 LhsEval permFactTransMultiplier(const IntensiveQuantities& intQuants) const
628 {
629 OPM_TIMEBLOCK_LOCAL(permFactTransMultiplier);
630 if (!enableSaltPrecipitation)
631 return 1.0;
633 const auto& fs = intQuants.fluidState();
634 unsigned tableIdx = fs.pvtRegionIndex();
635 LhsEval porosityFactor = decay<LhsEval>(1. - fs.saltSaturation());
636 porosityFactor = min(porosityFactor, 1.0);
637 const auto& permfactTable = BrineModule::permfactTable(tableIdx);
638 return permfactTable.eval(porosityFactor, /*extrapolation=*/true);
639 }
641 // temporary solution to facilitate output of initial state from flow
642 const InitialFluidState& initialFluidState(unsigned globalDofIdx) const
643 { return initialFluidStates_[globalDofIdx]; }
645 std::vector<InitialFluidState>& initialFluidStates()
646 { return initialFluidStates_; }
648 const std::vector<InitialFluidState>& initialFluidStates() const
649 { return initialFluidStates_; }
651 const EclipseIO& eclIO() const
652 { return eclWriter_->eclIO(); }
655 { return eclWriter_->setSubStepReport(report); }
658 { return eclWriter_->setSimulationReport(report); }
660 InitialFluidState boundaryFluidState(unsigned globalDofIdx, const int directionId) const
661 {
662 OPM_TIMEBLOCK_LOCAL(boundaryFluidState);
663 const auto& bcprop = this->simulator().vanguard().schedule()[this->episodeIndex()].bcprop;
664 if (bcprop.size() > 0) {
665 FaceDir::DirEnum dir = FaceDir::FromIntersectionIndex(directionId);
667 // index == 0: no boundary conditions for this
668 // global cell and direction
669 if (this->bcindex_(dir)[globalDofIdx] == 0)
670 return initialFluidStates_[globalDofIdx];
672 const auto& bc = bcprop[this->bcindex_(dir)[globalDofIdx]];
673 if (bc.bctype == BCType::DIRICHLET )
674 {
675 InitialFluidState fluidState;
676 const int pvtRegionIdx = this->pvtRegionIndex(globalDofIdx);
677 fluidState.setPvtRegionIndex(pvtRegionIdx);
679 switch (bc.component) {
680 case BCComponent::OIL:
681 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx))
682 throw std::logic_error("oil is not active and you're trying to add oil BC");
684 fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, 1.0);
685 break;
686 case BCComponent::GAS:
687 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx))
688 throw std::logic_error("gas is not active and you're trying to add gas BC");
690 fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, 1.0);
691 break;
692 case BCComponent::WATER:
693 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx))
694 throw std::logic_error("water is not active and you're trying to add water BC");
696 fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, 1.0);
697 break;
698 case BCComponent::SOLVENT:
699 case BCComponent::POLYMER:
701 throw std::logic_error("you need to specify a valid component (OIL, WATER or GAS) when DIRICHLET type is set in BC");
702 }
703 fluidState.setTotalSaturation(1.0);
704 double pressure = initialFluidStates_[globalDofIdx].pressure(this->refPressurePhaseIdx_());
705 const auto pressure_input = bc.pressure;
706 if (pressure_input) {
707 pressure = *pressure_input;
708 }
710 std::array<Scalar, numPhases> pc = {0};
711 const auto& matParams = this->materialLawParams(globalDofIdx);
712 MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pc, matParams, fluidState);
713 Valgrind::CheckDefined(pressure);
714 Valgrind::CheckDefined(pc);
715 for (unsigned activePhaseIdx = 0; activePhaseIdx < FluidSystem::numActivePhases(); ++activePhaseIdx) {
716 const auto phaseIdx = FluidSystem::activeToCanonicalPhaseIdx(activePhaseIdx);
718 fluidState.setPc(phaseIdx, pc[phaseIdx]);
719 if (Indices::oilEnabled)
720 fluidState.setPressure(phaseIdx, pressure + (pc[phaseIdx] - pc[oilPhaseIdx]));
721 else if (Indices::gasEnabled)
722 fluidState.setPressure(phaseIdx, pressure + (pc[phaseIdx] - pc[gasPhaseIdx]));
723 else if (Indices::waterEnabled)
724 //single (water) phase
725 fluidState.setPressure(phaseIdx, pressure);
726 }
728 double temperature = initialFluidStates_[globalDofIdx].temperature(0); // we only have one temperature
729 const auto temperature_input = bc.temperature;
730 if(temperature_input)
731 temperature = *temperature_input;
732 fluidState.setTemperature(temperature);
734 if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas()) {
735 fluidState.setRs(0.0);
736 fluidState.setRv(0.0);
737 }
738 if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGasInWater()) {
739 fluidState.setRsw(0.0);
740 }
741 if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedWater())
742 fluidState.setRvw(0.0);
744 for (unsigned activePhaseIdx = 0; activePhaseIdx < FluidSystem::numActivePhases(); ++activePhaseIdx) {
745 const auto phaseIdx = FluidSystem::activeToCanonicalPhaseIdx(activePhaseIdx);
747 const auto& b = FluidSystem::inverseFormationVolumeFactor(fluidState, phaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx);
748 fluidState.setInvB(phaseIdx, b);
750 const auto& rho = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, phaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx);
751 fluidState.setDensity(phaseIdx, rho);
752 if (enableEnergy) {
753 const auto& h = FluidSystem::enthalpy(fluidState, phaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx);
754 fluidState.setEnthalpy(phaseIdx, h);
755 }
756 }
757 fluidState.checkDefined();
758 return fluidState;
759 }
760 }
761 return initialFluidStates_[globalDofIdx];
762 }
765 const std::unique_ptr<EclWriterType>& eclWriter() const
766 {
767 return eclWriter_;
768 }
770 void setConvData(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& data)
771 {
772 eclWriter_->mutableOutputModule().setCnvData(data);
773 }
779 Scalar maxGasDissolutionFactor(unsigned timeIdx, unsigned globalDofIdx) const
780 {
781 return this->mixControls_.maxGasDissolutionFactor(timeIdx, globalDofIdx,
782 this->episodeIndex(),
783 this->pvtRegionIndex(globalDofIdx));
784 }
790 Scalar maxOilVaporizationFactor(unsigned timeIdx, unsigned globalDofIdx) const
791 {
792 return this->mixControls_.maxOilVaporizationFactor(timeIdx, globalDofIdx,
793 this->episodeIndex(),
794 this->pvtRegionIndex(globalDofIdx));
795 }
806 {
807 int episodeIdx = this->episodeIndex();
808 return !this->mixControls_.drsdtActive(episodeIdx) &&
809 !this->mixControls_.drvdtActive(episodeIdx) &&
810 this->rockCompPoroMultWc_.empty() &&
811 this->rockCompPoroMult_.empty();
812 }
820 template <class Context>
821 void initial(PrimaryVariables& values, const Context& context, unsigned spaceIdx, unsigned timeIdx) const
822 {
823 unsigned globalDofIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
825 values.setPvtRegionIndex(pvtRegionIndex(context, spaceIdx, timeIdx));
826 values.assignNaive(initialFluidStates_[globalDofIdx]);
828 SolventModule::assignPrimaryVars(values,
829 enableSolvent ? this->solventSaturation_[globalDofIdx] : 0.0,
830 enableSolvent ? this->solventRsw_[globalDofIdx] : 0.0);
832 if constexpr (enablePolymer)
833 values[Indices::polymerConcentrationIdx] = this->polymer_.concentration[globalDofIdx];
835 if constexpr (enablePolymerMolarWeight)
836 values[Indices::polymerMoleWeightIdx]= this->polymer_.moleWeight[globalDofIdx];
838 if constexpr (enableBrine) {
839 if (enableSaltPrecipitation && values.primaryVarsMeaningBrine() == PrimaryVariables::BrineMeaning::Sp) {
840 values[Indices::saltConcentrationIdx] = initialFluidStates_[globalDofIdx].saltSaturation();
841 }
842 else {
843 values[Indices::saltConcentrationIdx] = initialFluidStates_[globalDofIdx].saltConcentration();
844 }
845 }
847 if constexpr (enableMICP){
848 values[Indices::microbialConcentrationIdx] = this->micp_.microbialConcentration[globalDofIdx];
849 values[Indices::oxygenConcentrationIdx]= this->micp_.oxygenConcentration[globalDofIdx];
850 values[Indices::ureaConcentrationIdx]= this->micp_.ureaConcentration[globalDofIdx];
851 values[Indices::calciteConcentrationIdx]= this->micp_.calciteConcentration[globalDofIdx];
852 values[Indices::biofilmConcentrationIdx]= this->micp_.biofilmConcentration[globalDofIdx];
853 }
855 values.checkDefined();
856 }
859 Scalar drsdtcon(unsigned elemIdx, int episodeIdx) const
860 {
861 return this->mixControls_.drsdtcon(elemIdx, episodeIdx,
862 this->pvtRegionIndex(elemIdx));
863 }
870 template <class Context>
871 void boundary(BoundaryRateVector& values,
872 const Context& context,
873 unsigned spaceIdx,
874 unsigned timeIdx) const
875 {
876 OPM_TIMEBLOCK_LOCAL(eclProblemBoundary);
877 if (!context.intersection(spaceIdx).boundary())
878 return;
880 if constexpr (!enableEnergy || !enableThermalFluxBoundaries)
881 values.setNoFlow();
882 else {
883 // in the energy case we need to specify a non-trivial boundary condition
884 // because the geothermal gradient needs to be maintained. for this, we
885 // simply assume the initial temperature at the boundary and specify the
886 // thermal flow accordingly. in this context, "thermal flow" means energy
887 // flow due to a temerature gradient while assuming no-flow for mass
888 unsigned interiorDofIdx = context.interiorScvIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
889 unsigned globalDofIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(interiorDofIdx, timeIdx);
890 values.setThermalFlow(context, spaceIdx, timeIdx, this->initialFluidStates_[globalDofIdx] );
891 }
893 if (this->nonTrivialBoundaryConditions()) {
894 unsigned indexInInside = context.intersection(spaceIdx).indexInInside();
895 unsigned interiorDofIdx = context.interiorScvIndex(spaceIdx, timeIdx);
896 unsigned globalDofIdx = context.globalSpaceIndex(interiorDofIdx, timeIdx);
897 unsigned pvtRegionIdx = pvtRegionIndex(context, spaceIdx, timeIdx);
898 const auto [type, massrate] = this->boundaryCondition(globalDofIdx, indexInInside);
899 if (type == BCType::THERMAL)
900 values.setThermalFlow(context, spaceIdx, timeIdx, this->boundaryFluidState(globalDofIdx, indexInInside));
901 else if (type == BCType::FREE || type == BCType::DIRICHLET)
902 values.setFreeFlow(context, spaceIdx, timeIdx, this->boundaryFluidState(globalDofIdx, indexInInside));
903 else if (type == BCType::RATE)
904 values.setMassRate(massrate, pvtRegionIdx);
905 }
906 }
912 Scalar thresholdPressure(unsigned elem1Idx, unsigned elem2Idx) const
913 { return thresholdPressures_.thresholdPressure(elem1Idx, elem2Idx); }
916 { return thresholdPressures_; }
919 { return thresholdPressures_; }
921 const ModuleParams& moduleParams() const
922 {
923 return moduleParams_;
924 }
926 template<class Serializer>
927 void serializeOp(Serializer& serializer)
928 {
929 serializer(static_cast<FlowProblemType&>(*this));
930 serializer(mixControls_);
931 serializer(*eclWriter_);
932 }
935 void updateExplicitQuantities_(int episodeIdx, int timeStepSize, const bool first_step_after_restart) override
936 {
937 this->updateExplicitQuantities_(first_step_after_restart);
939 if constexpr (getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnablePolymer>())
940 updateMaxPolymerAdsorption_();
942 mixControls_.updateExplicitQuantities(episodeIdx, timeStepSize);
943 }
946 {
947 // we need to update the max polymer adsoption data for all elements
948 this->updateProperty_("FlowProblemBlackoil::updateMaxPolymerAdsorption_() failed:",
949 [this](unsigned compressedDofIdx, const IntensiveQuantities& iq)
950 {
951 this->updateMaxPolymerAdsorption_(compressedDofIdx,iq);
952 });
953 }
955 bool updateMaxPolymerAdsorption_(unsigned compressedDofIdx, const IntensiveQuantities& iq)
956 {
957 const Scalar pa = scalarValue(iq.polymerAdsorption());
958 auto& mpa = this->polymer_.maxAdsorption;
959 if (mpa[compressedDofIdx] < pa) {
960 mpa[compressedDofIdx] = pa;
961 return true;
962 } else {
963 return false;
964 }
965 }
968 {
969 std::vector<Scalar> sumInvB(numPhases, 0.0);
970 const auto& gridView = this->gridView();
971 ElementContext elemCtx(this->simulator());
972 for(const auto& elem: elements(gridView, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
973 elemCtx.updatePrimaryStencil(elem);
974 int elemIdx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
975 const auto& dofFluidState = this->initialFluidStates_[elemIdx];
976 for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
977 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx))
978 continue;
980 sumInvB[phaseIdx] += dofFluidState.invB(phaseIdx);
981 }
982 }
984 std::size_t numDof = this->model().numGridDof();
985 const auto& comm = this->simulator().vanguard().grid().comm();
986 comm.sum(sumInvB.data(),sumInvB.size());
987 Scalar numTotalDof = comm.sum(numDof);
989 for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
990 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx))
991 continue;
993 Scalar avgB = numTotalDof / sumInvB[phaseIdx];
994 unsigned solventCompIdx = FluidSystem::solventComponentIndex(phaseIdx);
995 unsigned activeSolventCompIdx = Indices::canonicalToActiveComponentIndex(solventCompIdx);
996 this->model().setEqWeight(activeSolventCompIdx, avgB);
997 }
998 }
1000 // update the parameters needed for DRSDT and DRVDT
1002 {
1003 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(updateCompositionChangeLimits);
1004 // update the "last Rs" values for all elements, including the ones in the ghost
1005 // and overlap regions
1006 int episodeIdx = this->episodeIndex();
1007 std::array<bool,3> active{this->mixControls_.drsdtConvective(episodeIdx),
1008 this->mixControls_.drsdtActive(episodeIdx),
1009 this->mixControls_.drvdtActive(episodeIdx)};
1010 if (!active[0] && !active[1] && !active[2]) {
1011 return false;
1012 }
1014 this->updateProperty_("FlowProblemBlackoil::updateCompositionChangeLimits_()) failed:",
1015 [this,episodeIdx,active](unsigned compressedDofIdx,
1016 const IntensiveQuantities& iq)
1017 {
1018 const DimMatrix& perm = this->intrinsicPermeability(compressedDofIdx);
1019 const Scalar distZ = active[0] ? this->simulator().vanguard().cellThickness(compressedDofIdx) : 0.0;
1020 const int pvtRegionIdx = this->pvtRegionIndex(compressedDofIdx);
1021 this->mixControls_.update(compressedDofIdx,
1022 iq,
1023 episodeIdx,
1024 this->gravity_[dim - 1],
1025 perm[dim - 1][dim - 1],
1026 distZ,
1027 pvtRegionIdx);
1028 }
1029 );
1031 return true;
1032 }
1036 {
1037 // Throw an exception if the grid has LGRs. Refined grid are not supported for restart.
1038 if(this->simulator().vanguard().grid().maxLevel() > 0) {
1039 throw std::invalid_argument("Refined grids are not yet supported for restart ");
1040 }
1042 // Set the start time of the simulation
1043 auto& simulator = this->simulator();
1044 const auto& schedule = simulator.vanguard().schedule();
1045 const auto& eclState = simulator.vanguard().eclState();
1046 const auto& initconfig = eclState.getInitConfig();
1047 const int restart_step = initconfig.getRestartStep();
1048 {
1049 simulator.setTime(schedule.seconds(restart_step));
1051 simulator.startNextEpisode(simulator.startTime() + simulator.time(),
1052 schedule.stepLength(restart_step));
1053 simulator.setEpisodeIndex(restart_step);
1054 }
1055 this->eclWriter_->beginRestart();
1057 Scalar dt = std::min(this->eclWriter_->restartTimeStepSize(), simulator.episodeLength());
1058 simulator.setTimeStepSize(dt);
1060 std::size_t numElems = this->model().numGridDof();
1061 this->initialFluidStates_.resize(numElems);
1062 if constexpr (enableSolvent) {
1063 this->solventSaturation_.resize(numElems, 0.0);
1064 this->solventRsw_.resize(numElems, 0.0);
1065 }
1067 if constexpr (enablePolymer)
1068 this->polymer_.concentration.resize(numElems, 0.0);
1070 if constexpr (enablePolymerMolarWeight) {
1071 const std::string msg {"Support of the RESTART for polymer molecular weight "
1072 "is not implemented yet. The polymer weight value will be "
1073 "zero when RESTART begins"};
1074 OpmLog::warning("NO_POLYMW_RESTART", msg);
1075 this->polymer_.moleWeight.resize(numElems, 0.0);
1076 }
1078 if constexpr (enableMICP) {
1079 this->micp_.resize(numElems);
1080 }
1082 // Initialize mixing controls before trying to set any lastRx valuesx
1083 this->mixControls_.init(numElems, restart_step, eclState.runspec().tabdims().getNumPVTTables());
1085 for (std::size_t elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < numElems; ++elemIdx) {
1086 auto& elemFluidState = this->initialFluidStates_[elemIdx];
1087 elemFluidState.setPvtRegionIndex(pvtRegionIndex(elemIdx));
1088 this->eclWriter_->outputModule().initHysteresisParams(simulator, elemIdx);
1089 this->eclWriter_->outputModule().assignToFluidState(elemFluidState, elemIdx);
1091 // Note: Function processRestartSaturations_() mutates the
1092 // 'ssol' argument--the value from the restart file--if solvent
1093 // is enabled. Then, store the updated solvent saturation into
1094 // 'solventSaturation_'. Otherwise, just pass a dummy value to
1095 // the function and discard the unchanged result. Do not index
1096 // into 'solventSaturation_' unless solvent is enabled.
1097 {
1098 auto ssol = enableSolvent
1099 ? this->eclWriter_->outputModule().getSolventSaturation(elemIdx)
1100 : Scalar(0);
1102 this->processRestartSaturations_(elemFluidState, ssol);
1104 if constexpr (enableSolvent) {
1105 this->solventSaturation_[elemIdx] = ssol;
1106 this->solventRsw_[elemIdx] = this->eclWriter_->outputModule().getSolventRsw(elemIdx);
1107 }
1108 }
1110 // For CO2STORE and H2STORE we need to set the initial temperature for isothermal simulations
1111 bool isThermal = eclState.getSimulationConfig().isThermal();
1112 bool needTemperature = (eclState.runspec().co2Storage() || eclState.runspec().h2Storage());
1113 if (!isThermal && needTemperature) {
1114 const auto& fp = simulator.vanguard().eclState().fieldProps();
1115 elemFluidState.setTemperature(fp.get_double("TEMPI")[elemIdx]);
1116 }
1118 this->mixControls_.updateLastValues(elemIdx, elemFluidState.Rs(), elemFluidState.Rv());
1120 if constexpr (enablePolymer)
1121 this->polymer_.concentration[elemIdx] = this->eclWriter_->outputModule().getPolymerConcentration(elemIdx);
1122 if constexpr (enableMICP){
1123 this->micp_.microbialConcentration[elemIdx] = this->eclWriter_->outputModule().getMicrobialConcentration(elemIdx);
1124 this->micp_.oxygenConcentration[elemIdx] = this->eclWriter_->outputModule().getOxygenConcentration(elemIdx);
1125 this->micp_.ureaConcentration[elemIdx] = this->eclWriter_->outputModule().getUreaConcentration(elemIdx);
1126 this->micp_.biofilmConcentration[elemIdx] = this->eclWriter_->outputModule().getBiofilmConcentration(elemIdx);
1127 this->micp_.calciteConcentration[elemIdx] = this->eclWriter_->outputModule().getCalciteConcentration(elemIdx);
1128 }
1129 // if we need to restart for polymer molecular weight simulation, we need to add related here
1130 }
1132 const int episodeIdx = this->episodeIndex();
1133 this->mixControls_.updateMaxValues(episodeIdx, simulator.timeStepSize());
1135 // assign the restart solution to the current solution. note that we still need
1136 // to compute real initial solution after this because the initial fluid states
1137 // need to be correct for stuff like boundary conditions.
1138 auto& sol = this->model().solution(/*timeIdx=*/0);
1139 const auto& gridView = this->gridView();
1140 ElementContext elemCtx(simulator);
1141 for (const auto& elem : elements(gridView, Dune::Partitions::interior)) {
1142 elemCtx.updatePrimaryStencil(elem);
1143 int elemIdx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(/*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
1144 this->initial(sol[elemIdx], elemCtx, /*spaceIdx=*/0, /*timeIdx=*/0);
1145 }
1147 // make sure that the ghost and overlap entities exhibit the correct
1148 // solution. alternatively, this could be done in the loop above by also
1149 // considering non-interior elements. Since the initial() method might not work
1150 // 100% correctly for such elements, let's play safe and explicitly synchronize
1151 // using message passing.
1152 this->model().syncOverlap();
1154 this->eclWriter_->endRestart();
1155 }
1158 {
1159 const auto& simulator = this->simulator();
1161 // initial condition corresponds to hydrostatic conditions.
1162 EquilInitializer<TypeTag> equilInitializer(simulator, *(this->materialLawManager_));
1164 std::size_t numElems = this->model().numGridDof();
1165 this->initialFluidStates_.resize(numElems);
1166 for (std::size_t elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < numElems; ++elemIdx) {
1167 auto& elemFluidState = this->initialFluidStates_[elemIdx];
1168 elemFluidState.assign(equilInitializer.initialFluidState(elemIdx));
1169 }
1170 }
1173 {
1174 const auto& simulator = this->simulator();
1175 const auto& vanguard = simulator.vanguard();
1176 const auto& eclState = vanguard.eclState();
1177 const auto& fp = eclState.fieldProps();
1178 bool has_swat = fp.has_double("SWAT");
1179 bool has_sgas = fp.has_double("SGAS");
1180 bool has_rs = fp.has_double("RS");
1181 bool has_rv = fp.has_double("RV");
1182 bool has_rvw = fp.has_double("RVW");
1183 bool has_pressure = fp.has_double("PRESSURE");
1184 bool has_salt = fp.has_double("SALT");
1185 bool has_saltp = fp.has_double("SALTP");
1187 // make sure all required quantities are enables
1188 if (Indices::numPhases > 1) {
1189 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx) && !has_swat)
1190 throw std::runtime_error("The ECL input file requires the presence of the SWAT keyword if "
1191 "the water phase is active");
1192 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx) && !has_sgas && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(oilPhaseIdx))
1193 throw std::runtime_error("The ECL input file requires the presence of the SGAS keyword if "
1194 "the gas phase is active");
1195 }
1196 if (!has_pressure)
1197 throw std::runtime_error("The ECL input file requires the presence of the PRESSURE "
1198 "keyword if the model is initialized explicitly");
1199 if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas() && !has_rs)
1200 throw std::runtime_error("The ECL input file requires the RS keyword to be present if"
1201 " dissolved gas is enabled");
1202 if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil() && !has_rv)
1203 throw std::runtime_error("The ECL input file requires the RV keyword to be present if"
1204 " vaporized oil is enabled");
1205 if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedWater() && !has_rvw)
1206 throw std::runtime_error("The ECL input file requires the RVW keyword to be present if"
1207 " vaporized water is enabled");
1208 if (enableBrine && !has_salt)
1209 throw std::runtime_error("The ECL input file requires the SALT keyword to be present if"
1210 " brine is enabled and the model is initialized explicitly");
1211 if (enableSaltPrecipitation && !has_saltp)
1212 throw std::runtime_error("The ECL input file requires the SALTP keyword to be present if"
1213 " salt precipitation is enabled and the model is initialized explicitly");
1215 std::size_t numDof = this->model().numGridDof();
1217 initialFluidStates_.resize(numDof);
1219 std::vector<double> waterSaturationData;
1220 std::vector<double> gasSaturationData;
1221 std::vector<double> pressureData;
1222 std::vector<double> rsData;
1223 std::vector<double> rvData;
1224 std::vector<double> rvwData;
1225 std::vector<double> tempiData;
1226 std::vector<double> saltData;
1227 std::vector<double> saltpData;
1229 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(waterPhaseIdx) && Indices::numPhases > 1)
1230 waterSaturationData = fp.get_double("SWAT");
1231 else
1232 waterSaturationData.resize(numDof);
1234 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(gasPhaseIdx) && FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(oilPhaseIdx))
1235 gasSaturationData = fp.get_double("SGAS");
1236 else
1237 gasSaturationData.resize(numDof);
1239 pressureData = fp.get_double("PRESSURE");
1240 if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas())
1241 rsData = fp.get_double("RS");
1243 if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil())
1244 rvData = fp.get_double("RV");
1246 if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedWater())
1247 rvwData = fp.get_double("RVW");
1249 // initial reservoir temperature
1250 tempiData = fp.get_double("TEMPI");
1252 // initial salt concentration data
1253 if constexpr (enableBrine)
1254 saltData = fp.get_double("SALT");
1256 // initial precipitated salt saturation data
1257 if constexpr (enableSaltPrecipitation)
1258 saltpData = fp.get_double("SALTP");
1260 // calculate the initial fluid states
1261 for (std::size_t dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < numDof; ++dofIdx) {
1262 auto& dofFluidState = initialFluidStates_[dofIdx];
1264 dofFluidState.setPvtRegionIndex(pvtRegionIndex(dofIdx));
1267 // set temperature
1269 Scalar temperatureLoc = tempiData[dofIdx];
1270 if (!std::isfinite(temperatureLoc) || temperatureLoc <= 0)
1271 temperatureLoc = FluidSystem::surfaceTemperature;
1272 dofFluidState.setTemperature(temperatureLoc);
1275 // set salt concentration
1277 if constexpr (enableBrine)
1278 dofFluidState.setSaltConcentration(saltData[dofIdx]);
1281 // set precipitated salt saturation
1283 if constexpr (enableSaltPrecipitation)
1284 dofFluidState.setSaltSaturation(saltpData[dofIdx]);
1287 // set saturations
1289 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx))
1290 dofFluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx,
1291 waterSaturationData[dofIdx]);
1293 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)){
1294 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx)){
1295 dofFluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx,
1296 1.0
1297 - waterSaturationData[dofIdx]);
1298 }
1299 else
1300 dofFluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx,
1301 gasSaturationData[dofIdx]);
1302 }
1303 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx))
1304 dofFluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx,
1305 1.0
1306 - waterSaturationData[dofIdx]
1307 - gasSaturationData[dofIdx]);
1310 // set phase pressures
1312 Scalar pressure = pressureData[dofIdx]; // oil pressure (or gas pressure for water-gas system or water pressure for single phase)
1314 // this assumes that capillary pressures only depend on the phase saturations
1315 // and possibly on temperature. (this is always the case for ECL problems.)
1316 std::array<Scalar, numPhases> pc = {0};
1317 const auto& matParams = this->materialLawParams(dofIdx);
1318 MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pc, matParams, dofFluidState);
1319 Valgrind::CheckDefined(pressure);
1320 Valgrind::CheckDefined(pc);
1321 for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
1322 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx))
1323 continue;
1325 if (Indices::oilEnabled)
1326 dofFluidState.setPressure(phaseIdx, pressure + (pc[phaseIdx] - pc[oilPhaseIdx]));
1327 else if (Indices::gasEnabled)
1328 dofFluidState.setPressure(phaseIdx, pressure + (pc[phaseIdx] - pc[gasPhaseIdx]));
1329 else if (Indices::waterEnabled)
1330 //single (water) phase
1331 dofFluidState.setPressure(phaseIdx, pressure);
1332 }
1334 if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas())
1335 dofFluidState.setRs(rsData[dofIdx]);
1336 else if (Indices::gasEnabled && Indices::oilEnabled)
1337 dofFluidState.setRs(0.0);
1339 if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil())
1340 dofFluidState.setRv(rvData[dofIdx]);
1341 else if (Indices::gasEnabled && Indices::oilEnabled)
1342 dofFluidState.setRv(0.0);
1344 if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedWater())
1345 dofFluidState.setRvw(rvwData[dofIdx]);
1348 // set invB_
1350 for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
1351 if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx))
1352 continue;
1354 const auto& b = FluidSystem::inverseFormationVolumeFactor(dofFluidState, phaseIdx, pvtRegionIndex(dofIdx));
1355 dofFluidState.setInvB(phaseIdx, b);
1357 const auto& rho = FluidSystem::density(dofFluidState, phaseIdx, pvtRegionIndex(dofIdx));
1358 dofFluidState.setDensity(phaseIdx, rho);
1360 }
1361 }
1362 }
1365 void processRestartSaturations_(InitialFluidState& elemFluidState, Scalar& solventSaturation)
1366 {
1367 // each phase needs to be above certain value to be claimed to be existing
1368 // this is used to recover some RESTART running with the defaulted single-precision format
1369 const Scalar smallSaturationTolerance = 1.e-6;
1370 Scalar sumSaturation = 0.0;
1371 for (std::size_t phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
1372 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx)) {
1373 if (elemFluidState.saturation(phaseIdx) < smallSaturationTolerance)
1374 elemFluidState.setSaturation(phaseIdx, 0.0);
1376 sumSaturation += elemFluidState.saturation(phaseIdx);
1377 }
1379 }
1380 if constexpr (enableSolvent) {
1381 if (solventSaturation < smallSaturationTolerance)
1382 solventSaturation = 0.0;
1384 sumSaturation += solventSaturation;
1385 }
1387 assert(sumSaturation > 0.0);
1389 for (std::size_t phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
1390 if (FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(phaseIdx)) {
1391 const Scalar saturation = elemFluidState.saturation(phaseIdx) / sumSaturation;
1392 elemFluidState.setSaturation(phaseIdx, saturation);
1393 }
1394 }
1395 if constexpr (enableSolvent) {
1396 solventSaturation = solventSaturation / sumSaturation;
1397 }
1398 }
1401 {
1402 FlowProblemType::readInitialCondition_();
1404 if constexpr (enableSolvent || enablePolymer || enablePolymerMolarWeight || enableMICP)
1405 this->readBlackoilExtentionsInitialConditions_(this->model().numGridDof(),
1406 enableSolvent,
1407 enablePolymer,
1408 enablePolymerMolarWeight,
1409 enableMICP);
1411 }
1413 void handleSolventBC(const BCProp::BCFace& bc, RateVector& rate) const override
1414 {
1415 if constexpr (!enableSolvent)
1416 throw std::logic_error("solvent is disabled and you're trying to add solvent to BC");
1418 rate[Indices::solventSaturationIdx] = bc.rate;
1419 }
1421 void handlePolymerBC(const BCProp::BCFace& bc, RateVector& rate) const override
1422 {
1423 if constexpr (!enablePolymer)
1424 throw std::logic_error("polymer is disabled and you're trying to add polymer to BC");
1426 rate[Indices::polymerConcentrationIdx] = bc.rate;
1427 }
1429 void updateExplicitQuantities_(const bool first_step_after_restart)
1430 {
1431 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(updateExplicitQuantities);
1432 const bool invalidateFromMaxWaterSat = this->updateMaxWaterSaturation_();
1433 const bool invalidateFromMinPressure = this->updateMinPressure_();
1435 // update hysteresis and max oil saturation used in vappars
1436 const bool invalidateFromHyst = this->updateHysteresis_();
1437 const bool invalidateFromMaxOilSat = this->updateMaxOilSaturation_();
1439 // deal with DRSDT and DRVDT
1440 const bool invalidateDRDT = !first_step_after_restart && this->updateCompositionChangeLimits_();
1442 // the derivatives may have changed
1443 const bool invalidateIntensiveQuantities
1444 = invalidateFromMaxWaterSat || invalidateFromMinPressure || invalidateFromHyst || invalidateFromMaxOilSat || invalidateDRDT;
1445 if (invalidateIntensiveQuantities) {
1446 OPM_TIMEBLOCK(beginTimeStepInvalidateIntensiveQuantities);
1447 this->model().invalidateAndUpdateIntensiveQuantities(/*timeIdx=*/0);
1448 }
1450 this->updateRockCompTransMultVal_();
1451 }
1455 std::vector<InitialFluidState> initialFluidStates_;
1458 std::unique_ptr<EclWriterType> eclWriter_;
1460 bool enableDamarisOutput_ = false ;
1461 std::unique_ptr<DamarisWriterType> damarisWriter_;
1467 ModuleParams moduleParams_;
1470} // namespace Opm
Class handling Action support in simulator.
Definition: ActionHandler.hpp:51
Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by brine.
Definition: blackoilbrinemodules.hh:50
static void setParams(BlackOilBrineParams< Scalar > &&params)
Set parameters.
Definition: blackoilbrinemodules.hh:81
Definition: blackoilconvectivemixingmodule.hh:58
Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation.
Definition: blackoildiffusionmodule.hh:48
Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the dispersion equation.
Definition: blackoildispersionmodule.hh:48
Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model.
Definition: blackoilextbomodules.hh:59
static void setParams(BlackOilExtboParams< Scalar > &&params)
Set parameters.
Definition: blackoilextbomodules.hh:90
Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model to include the effects of ...
Definition: blackoilfoammodules.hh:60
static void setParams(BlackOilFoamParams< Scalar > &&params)
Set parameters.
Definition: blackoilfoammodules.hh:92
Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by MICP.
Definition: blackoilmicpmodules.hh:49
static void setParams(BlackOilMICPParams< Scalar > &&params)
Set parameters.
Definition: blackoilmicpmodules.hh:83
Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by polymer.
Definition: blackoilpolymermodules.hh:54
static void setParams(BlackOilPolymerParams< Scalar > &&params)
Set parameters.
Definition: blackoilpolymermodules.hh:88
Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by solvents.
Definition: blackoilsolventmodules.hh:58
static void setParams(BlackOilSolventParams< Scalar > &&params)
Set parameters.
Definition: blackoilsolventmodules.hh:90
Collects necessary output values and pass them to Damaris server processes.
Definition: DamarisWriter.hpp:90
Collects necessary output values and pass it to opm-common's ECL output.
Definition: EclWriter.hpp:101
static void registerParameters()
Definition: EclWriter.hpp:124
Computes the initial condition based on the EQUIL keyword from ECL.
Definition: EquilInitializer.hpp:58
const ScalarFluidState & initialFluidState(unsigned elemIdx) const
Return the initial thermodynamic state which should be used as the initial condition.
Definition: EquilInitializer.hpp:195
BlackOilFluidState< Scalar, FluidSystem, enableTemperature, enableEnergy, enableDissolution, enableVapwat, enableBrine, enableSaltPrecipitation, has_disgas_in_water, Indices::numPhases > ScalarFluidState
Definition: EquilInitializer.hpp:98
void readRockParameters_(const std::vector< Scalar > &cellCenterDepths, std::function< std::array< int, 3 >(const unsigned)> ijkIndex)
Definition: FlowGenericProblem_impl.hpp:138
This problem simulates an input file given in the data format used by the commercial ECLiPSE simulato...
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:74
void updateExplicitQuantities_(int episodeIdx, int timeStepSize, const bool first_step_after_restart) override
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:935
bool updateMaxPolymerAdsorption_(unsigned compressedDofIdx, const IntensiveQuantities &iq)
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:955
void handlePolymerBC(const BCProp::BCFace &bc, RateVector &rate) const override
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1421
void readInitialCondition_() override
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1400
void readEquilInitialCondition_() override
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1157
void handleSolventBC(const BCProp::BCFace &bc, RateVector &rate) const override
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1413
Scalar maxGasDissolutionFactor(unsigned timeIdx, unsigned globalDofIdx) const
Returns the maximum value of the gas dissolution factor at the current time for a given degree of fre...
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:779
const std::vector< InitialFluidState > & initialFluidStates() const
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:648
void processRestartSaturations_(InitialFluidState &elemFluidState, Scalar &solventSaturation)
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1365
std::vector< InitialFluidState > & initialFluidStates()
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:645
FlowProblemBlackoil(Simulator &simulator)
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:165
bool enableEclOutput_
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1457
Scalar drsdtcon(unsigned elemIdx, int episodeIdx) const
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:859
Scalar maxOilVaporizationFactor(unsigned timeIdx, unsigned globalDofIdx) const
Returns the maximum value of the oil vaporization factor at the current time for a given degree of fr...
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:790
std::vector< InitialFluidState > initialFluidStates_
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1455
void endTimeStep() override
Called by the simulator after each time integration.
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:398
void updateMaxPolymerAdsorption_()
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:945
const InitialFluidState & initialFluidState(unsigned globalDofIdx) const
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:642
void endEpisode() override
Called by the simulator after the end of an episode.
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:449
void setSubStepReport(const SimulatorReportSingle &report)
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:654
void initial(PrimaryVariables &values, const Context &context, unsigned spaceIdx, unsigned timeIdx) const
Evaluate the initial value for a control volume.
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:821
void finishInit()
Called by the Opm::Simulator in order to initialize the problem.
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:249
const FlowThresholdPressure< TypeTag > & thresholdPressure() const
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:915
void finalizeOutput()
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:499
LhsEval permFactTransMultiplier(const IntensiveQuantities &intQuants) const
Calculate the transmissibility multiplier due to porosity reduction.
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:627
void boundary(BoundaryRateVector &values, const Context &context, unsigned spaceIdx, unsigned timeIdx) const
Evaluate the boundary conditions for a boundary segment.
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:871
InitialFluidState boundaryFluidState(unsigned globalDofIdx, const int directionId) const
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:660
std::unique_ptr< EclWriterType > eclWriter_
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1458
void initialSolutionApplied() override
Callback used by the model to indicate that the initial solution has been determined for all degrees ...
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:511
const ModuleParams & moduleParams() const
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:921
void readEclRestartSolution_()
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1035
FlowThresholdPressure< TypeTag > & thresholdPressure()
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:918
FlowThresholdPressure< TypeTag > thresholdPressures_
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1453
void readExplicitInitialCondition_() override
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1172
void beginEpisode() override
Called by the simulator before an episode begins.
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:222
bool recycleFirstIterationStorage() const
Return if the storage term of the first iteration is identical to the storage term for the solution o...
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:805
void serializeOp(Serializer &serializer)
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:927
MixingRateControls< FluidSystem > mixControls_
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1463
void writeReports(const SimulatorTimer &timer)
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:469
ModuleParams moduleParams_
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1467
void setSimulationReport(const SimulatorReport &report)
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:657
void addToSourceDense(RateVector &rate, unsigned globalDofIdx, unsigned timeIdx) const override
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:525
void computeAndSetEqWeights_()
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:967
ActionHandler< Scalar > actionHandler_
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1465
void writeOutput(bool verbose=true)
Write the requested quantities of the current solution into the output files.
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:480
void updateExplicitQuantities_(const bool first_step_after_restart)
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1429
static void registerParameters()
Registers all available parameters for the problem and the model.
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:151
const std::unique_ptr< EclWriterType > & eclWriter() const
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:765
const EclipseIO & eclIO() const
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:651
Scalar thresholdPressure(unsigned elem1Idx, unsigned elem2Idx) const
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:912
void setConvData(const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &data)
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:770
bool updateCompositionChangeLimits_()
Definition: FlowProblemBlackoil.hpp:1001
This problem simulates an input file given in the data format used by the commercial ECLiPSE simulato...
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:91
@ numComponents
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:113
@ enableSolvent
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:127
@ enablePolymer
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:124
unsigned pvtRegionIndex(const Context &context, unsigned spaceIdx, unsigned timeIdx) const
Returns the index of the relevant region for thermodynmic properties.
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:813
Scalar porosity(const Context &context, unsigned spaceIdx, unsigned timeIdx) const
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:668
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Vanguard > Vanguard
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:104
@ enableMICP
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:123
@ waterCompIdx
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:139
@ enableDiffusion
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:117
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Scalar > Scalar
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:98
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::EqVector > EqVector
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:103
@ numEq
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:111
@ enableEnergy
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:119
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::ElementContext > ElementContext
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:145
GlobalEqVector drift_
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1650
bool enableDriftCompensation_
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1649
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::RateVector > RateVector
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:142
@ enableThermalFluxBoundaries
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:129
@ dim
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:107
Dune::FieldMatrix< Scalar, dimWorld, dimWorld > DimMatrix
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:160
int episodeIndex() const
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:297
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Indices > Indices
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:154
@ enableTemperature
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:128
@ gasPhaseIdx
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:131
@ oilCompIdx
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:138
@ enableExperiments
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:120
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GlobalEqVector > GlobalEqVector
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:102
@ dimWorld
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:108
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Simulator > Simulator
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:143
@ enableSaltPrecipitation
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:126
@ enablePolymerMolarWeight
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:125
@ enableConvectiveMixing
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:115
TracerModel tracerModel_
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1659
WellModel wellModel_
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1652
virtual void beginEpisode()
Called by the simulator before an episode begins.
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:305
@ numPhases
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:112
void readThermalParameters_()
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1349
@ enableFoam
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:122
@ enableBrine
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:116
@ waterPhaseIdx
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:133
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::IntensiveQuantities > IntensiveQuantities
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:155
bool enableVtkOutput_
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1655
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::GridView > GridView
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:99
static void registerParameters()
Registers all available parameters for the problem and the model.
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:178
void updatePffDofData_()
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1461
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables > PrimaryVariables
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:141
@ enableExtbo
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:121
@ gasCompIdx
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:137
void readBoundaryConditions_()
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1492
Vanguard::TransmissibilityType transmissibilities_
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1644
void writeOutput(bool verbose=true)
Write the requested quantities of the current solution into the output files.
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:489
@ oilPhaseIdx
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:132
@ enableDispersion
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:118
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > FluidSystem
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:101
GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::MaterialLaw > MaterialLaw
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:151
void readMaterialParameters_()
Definition: FlowProblem.hpp:1315
This class calculates the threshold pressure for grid faces according to the Eclipse Reference Manual...
Definition: FlowThresholdPressure.hpp:59
Class handling mixing rate controls for a FlowProblemBlackoil.
Definition: MixingRateControls.hpp:46
Definition: SimulatorTimer.hpp:39
VTK output module for the tracer model's parameters.
Definition: VtkTracerModule.hpp:57
static void registerParameters()
Register all run-time parameters for the tracer VTK output module.
Definition: VtkTracerModule.hpp:83
Definition: DeferredLogger.hpp:46
static const int dim
Definition: structuredgridvanguard.hh:67
Definition: blackoilboundaryratevector.hh:37
typename Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl< TypeTag, Property >::type::type GetPropType
get the type alias defined in the property (equivalent to old macro GET_PROP_TYPE(....
Definition: propertysystem.hh:235
Struct holding the parameters for the BlackoilBrineModule class.
Definition: blackoilbrineparams.hpp:44
Struct holding the parameters for the BlackoilExtboModule class.
Definition: blackoilextboparams.hpp:49
Struct holding the parameters for the BlackoilFoamModule class.
Definition: blackoilfoamparams.hpp:46
Definition: blackoillocalresidualtpfa.hh:133
Struct holding the parameters for the BlackOilMICPModule class.
Definition: blackoilmicpparams.hpp:42
Struct holding the parameters for the BlackOilPolymerModule class.
Definition: blackoilpolymerparams.hpp:45
Struct holding the parameters for the BlackOilSolventModule class.
Definition: blackoilsolventparams.hpp:49
Definition: SimulatorReport.hpp:100
A struct for returning timing data from a simulator to its caller.
Definition: SimulatorReport.hpp:34