Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >, including all inherited members.

accumulateGroupEfficiencyFactor(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, Scalar &factor)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
checkGroupConstraintsInj(const std::string &name, const std::string &parent, const Group &group, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const int reportStepIdx, const GuideRate *guideRate, const Scalar *rates, Phase injectionPhase, const PhaseUsage &pu, const Scalar efficiencyFactor, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summaryState, const std::vector< Scalar > &resv_coeff, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
checkGroupConstraintsProd(const std::string &name, const std::string &parent, const Group &group, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const int reportStepIdx, const GuideRate *guideRate, const Scalar *rates, const PhaseUsage &pu, const Scalar efficiencyFactor, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summaryState, const std::vector< Scalar > &resv_coeff, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
computeNetworkPressures(const Network::ExtNetwork &network, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const VFPProdProperties< Scalar > &vfp_prod_props, const Schedule &schedule, const int report_time_step)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
getGuideRate(const std::string &name, const Schedule &schedule, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const int reportStepIdx, const GuideRate *guideRate, const GuideRateModel::Target target, const PhaseUsage &pu)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
getGuideRateInj(const std::string &name, const Schedule &schedule, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const int reportStepIdx, const GuideRate *guideRate, const GuideRateModel::Target target, const Phase &injectionPhase, const PhaseUsage &pu)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
getProductionGroupRateVector(const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const PhaseUsage &pu, const std::string &group_name)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
getWellRateVector(const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const PhaseUsage &pu, const std::string &name)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
groupChainTopBot(const std::string &bottom, const std::string &top, const Schedule &schedule, const int report_step)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
groupControlledWells(const Schedule &schedule, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const int report_step, const std::string &group_name, const std::string &always_included_child, const bool is_production_group, const Phase injection_phase)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
setCmodeGroup(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summaryState, const int reportStepIdx, GroupState< Scalar > &group_state)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
setRegionAveragePressureCalculator(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const FieldPropsManager &fp, const PhaseUsage &pu, std::map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< AverageRegionalPressureType > > &regionalAveragePressureCalculator)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
sumSolventRates(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const int reportStepIdx, const bool injector)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
sumWellResRates(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const int reportStepIdx, const int phasePos, const bool injector)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
sumWellSurfaceRates(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const int reportStepIdx, const int phasePos, const bool injector)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateGpMaintTargetForGroups(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const RegionalValues &regional_values, const int reportStepIdx, const double dt, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, GroupState< Scalar > &group_state)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateGroupProductionRates(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, GroupState< Scalar > &group_state)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateGroupTargetReduction(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const bool isInjector, const PhaseUsage &pu, const GuideRate &guide_rate, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, std::vector< Scalar > &groupTargetReduction)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateGuideRateForProductionGroups(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const PhaseUsage &pu, const int reportStepIdx, const double &simTime, WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const Parallel::Communication &comm, GuideRate *guideRate, std::vector< Scalar > &pot)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateGuideRates(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summary_state, const PhaseUsage &pu, int report_step, double sim_time, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const Parallel::Communication &comm, GuideRate *guide_rate, std::vector< Scalar > &pot, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateGuideRatesForInjectionGroups(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summaryState, const PhaseUsage &pu, const int reportStepIdx, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, GuideRate *guideRate, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateGuideRatesForWells(const Schedule &schedule, const PhaseUsage &pu, const int reportStepIdx, const double &simTime, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, const Parallel::Communication &comm, GuideRate *guideRate)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateREINForGroups(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const PhaseUsage &pu, const SummaryState &st, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, bool sum_rank)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateReservoirRatesInjectionGroups(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, GroupState< Scalar > &group_state)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateSurfaceRatesInjectionGroups(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, GroupState< Scalar > &group_state)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateVREPForGroups(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, GroupState< Scalar > &group_state)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateWellRates(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const WellState< Scalar > &wellStateNupcol, WellState< Scalar > &wellState)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
updateWellRatesFromGroupTargetScale(const Scalar scale, const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, bool isInjector, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, WellState< Scalar > &wellState)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static
worstOffendingWell(const Group &group, const Schedule &schedule, const int reportStepIdx, const Group::ProductionCMode &offendedControl, const PhaseUsage &pu, const Parallel::Communication &comm, const WellState< Scalar > &wellState, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)Opm::WellGroupHelpers< Scalar >static