Go to the documentation of this file.
2 Copyright 2020 Equinor ASA
4 This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
6 OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with OPM. If not, see <>.
20#ifndef OPENCL_HPP
21#define OPENCL_HPP
23#include <string>
24#include <memory>
25#include <cstddef>
29namespace Opm::Accelerator {
31using spmv_blocked_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int,
32 const cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
33using spmv_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int,
34 const cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
35using residual_blocked_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int,
36 cl::Buffer&, const cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
37using residual_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int,
38 cl::Buffer&, const cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
39using ilu_apply1_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const cl::Buffer&,
40 cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
41using ilu_apply2_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
42 cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
43using stdwell_apply_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
44 cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
45 const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::Buffer&,
46 cl::LocalSpaceArg, cl::LocalSpaceArg, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
47using ilu_decomp_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
48 cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const int, cl::LocalSpaceArg>;
49using isaiL_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
50 cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int>;
51using isaiU_kernel_type = cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&,
52 cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int>;
54template<class Scalar>
58 static int verbosity;
59 static cl::CommandQueue *queue;
60 static std::vector<Scalar> tmp; // used as tmp CPU buffer for dot() and norm()
61 static bool initialized;
62 static std::size_t preferred_workgroup_size_multiple; // stores CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE
64 static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg> > dot_k;
65 static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg> > norm_k;
66 static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, const Scalar, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int> > axpy_k;
67 static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, const Scalar, const unsigned int> > scale_k;
68 static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<const Scalar, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int> > vmul_k;
69 static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const Scalar, const Scalar, const unsigned int> > custom_k;
70 static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<const cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int> > full_to_pressure_restriction_k;
71 static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int, const unsigned int> > add_coarse_pressure_correction_k;
72 static std::unique_ptr<cl::KernelFunctor<const cl::Buffer&, cl::Buffer&, const cl::Buffer&, const unsigned int> > prolongate_vector_k;
73 static std::unique_ptr<spmv_blocked_kernel_type> spmv_blocked_k;
74 static std::unique_ptr<spmv_blocked_kernel_type> spmv_blocked_add_k;
75 static std::unique_ptr<spmv_kernel_type> spmv_k;
76 static std::unique_ptr<spmv_kernel_type> spmv_noreset_k;
77 static std::unique_ptr<residual_blocked_kernel_type> residual_blocked_k;
78 static std::unique_ptr<residual_kernel_type> residual_k;
79 static std::unique_ptr<ilu_apply1_kernel_type> ILU_apply1_k;
80 static std::unique_ptr<ilu_apply2_kernel_type> ILU_apply2_k;
81 static std::unique_ptr<stdwell_apply_kernel_type> stdwell_apply_k;
82 static std::unique_ptr<ilu_decomp_kernel_type> ilu_decomp_k;
83 static std::unique_ptr<isaiL_kernel_type> isaiL_k;
84 static std::unique_ptr<isaiU_kernel_type> isaiU_k;
86 OpenclKernels(){}; // disable instantiation
89 static const std::string axpy_str;
90 static const std::string scale_str;
91 static const std::string vmul_str;
92 static const std::string dot_1_str;
93 static const std::string norm_str;
94 static const std::string custom_str;
95 static const std::string full_to_pressure_restriction_str;
96 static const std::string add_coarse_pressure_correction_str;
97 static const std::string prolongate_vector_str;
98 static const std::string spmv_blocked_str;
99 static const std::string spmv_blocked_add_str;
100 static const std::string spmv_str;
101 static const std::string spmv_noreset_str;
102 static const std::string residual_blocked_str;
103 static const std::string residual_str;
105 static const std::string ILU_apply1_str;
106 static const std::string ILU_apply2_str;
108 static const std::string ILU_apply1_fm_str;
109 static const std::string ILU_apply2_fm_str;
111 static const std::string stdwell_apply_str;
112 static const std::string ILU_decomp_str;
113 static const std::string isaiL_str;
114 static const std::string isaiU_str;
116 static void init(cl::Context *context, cl::CommandQueue *queue, std::vector<cl::Device>& devices, int verbosity);
118 static Scalar dot(cl::Buffer& in1, cl::Buffer& in2, cl::Buffer& out, int N);
119 static Scalar norm(cl::Buffer& in, cl::Buffer& out, int N);
120 static void axpy(cl::Buffer& in, const Scalar a, cl::Buffer& out, int N);
121 static void scale(cl::Buffer& in, const Scalar a, int N);
122 static void vmul(const Scalar alpha, cl::Buffer& in1, cl::Buffer& in2, cl::Buffer& out, int N);
123 static void custom(cl::Buffer& p, cl::Buffer& v, cl::Buffer& r, const Scalar omega, const Scalar beta, int N);
124 static void full_to_pressure_restriction(const cl::Buffer& fine_y, cl::Buffer& weights, cl::Buffer& coarse_y, int Nb);
125 static void add_coarse_pressure_correction(cl::Buffer& coarse_x, cl::Buffer& fine_x, int pressure_idx, int Nb);
126 static void prolongate_vector(const cl::Buffer& in, cl::Buffer& out, const cl::Buffer& cols, int N);
127 static void spmv(cl::Buffer& vals, cl::Buffer& cols, cl::Buffer& rows, const cl::Buffer& x, cl::Buffer& b, int Nb, unsigned int block_size, bool reset = true, bool add = false);
128 static void residual(cl::Buffer& vals, cl::Buffer& cols, cl::Buffer& rows, cl::Buffer& x, const cl::Buffer& rhs, cl::Buffer& out, int Nb, unsigned int block_size);
130 static void ILU_apply1(cl::Buffer& rowIndices, cl::Buffer& vals, cl::Buffer& cols, cl::Buffer& rows, cl::Buffer& diagIndex,
131 const cl::Buffer& y, cl::Buffer& x, cl::Buffer& rowsPerColor, int color, int Nb, unsigned int block_size);
133 static void ILU_apply2(cl::Buffer& rowIndices, cl::Buffer& vals, cl::Buffer& cols, cl::Buffer& rows, cl::Buffer& diagIndex,
134 cl::Buffer& invDiagVals, cl::Buffer& x, cl::Buffer& rowsPerColor, int color, int Nb, unsigned int block_size);
136 static void ILU_decomp(int firstRow, int lastRow, cl::Buffer& rowIndices, cl::Buffer& vals, cl::Buffer& cols, cl::Buffer& rows,
137 cl::Buffer& diagIndex, cl::Buffer& invDiagVals, int Nb, unsigned int block_size);
139 static void apply_stdwells(cl::Buffer& d_Cnnzs_ocl, cl::Buffer &d_Dnnzs_ocl, cl::Buffer &d_Bnnzs_ocl,
140 cl::Buffer &d_Ccols_ocl, cl::Buffer &d_Bcols_ocl, cl::Buffer &d_x, cl::Buffer &d_y,
141 int dim, int dim_wells, cl::Buffer &d_val_pointers_ocl, int num_std_wells);
143 static void isaiL(cl::Buffer& diagIndex, cl::Buffer& colPointers, cl::Buffer& mapping, cl::Buffer& nvc,
144 cl::Buffer& luIdxs, cl::Buffer& xxIdxs, cl::Buffer& dxIdxs, cl::Buffer& LUvals, cl::Buffer& invLvals, unsigned int Nb);
146 static void isaiU(cl::Buffer& diagIndex, cl::Buffer& colPointers, cl::Buffer& rowIndices, cl::Buffer& mapping,
147 cl::Buffer& nvc, cl::Buffer& luIdxs, cl::Buffer& xxIdxs, cl::Buffer& dxIdxs, cl::Buffer& LUvals,
148 cl::Buffer& invDiagVals, cl::Buffer& invUvals, unsigned int Nb);
152#define DECLARE_ILU(T) \
153 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::ILU_apply1_str; \
154 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::ILU_apply2_str;
156#define DECLARE_ILU(T) \
157 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::ILU_apply1_fm_str; \
158 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::ILU_apply2_fm_str;
161#define DECLARE_INSTANCE(T) \
163 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::axpy_str; \
164 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::scale_str; \
165 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::vmul_str; \
166 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::dot_1_str; \
167 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::norm_str; \
168 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::custom_str; \
169 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::full_to_pressure_restriction_str; \
170 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::add_coarse_pressure_correction_str; \
171 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::prolongate_vector_str; \
172 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::spmv_blocked_str; \
173 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::spmv_blocked_add_str; \
174 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::spmv_str; \
175 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::spmv_noreset_str; \
176 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::residual_blocked_str; \
177 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::residual_str; \
178 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::stdwell_apply_str; \
179 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::ILU_decomp_str; \
180 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::isaiL_str; \
181 template<> const std::string OpenclKernels<T>::isaiU_str;
189} // namespace Opm::Accelerator
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:56
static Scalar norm(cl::Buffer &in, cl::Buffer &out, int N)
static const std::string ILU_apply2_fm_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:109
static const std::string ILU_apply1_fm_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:108
static void residual(cl::Buffer &vals, cl::Buffer &cols, cl::Buffer &rows, cl::Buffer &x, const cl::Buffer &rhs, cl::Buffer &out, int Nb, unsigned int block_size)
static void apply_stdwells(cl::Buffer &d_Cnnzs_ocl, cl::Buffer &d_Dnnzs_ocl, cl::Buffer &d_Bnnzs_ocl, cl::Buffer &d_Ccols_ocl, cl::Buffer &d_Bcols_ocl, cl::Buffer &d_x, cl::Buffer &d_y, int dim, int dim_wells, cl::Buffer &d_val_pointers_ocl, int num_std_wells)
static const std::string prolongate_vector_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:97
static const std::string add_coarse_pressure_correction_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:96
static void spmv(cl::Buffer &vals, cl::Buffer &cols, cl::Buffer &rows, const cl::Buffer &x, cl::Buffer &b, int Nb, unsigned int block_size, bool reset=true, bool add=false)
static const std::string vmul_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:91
static const std::string custom_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:94
static const std::string residual_blocked_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:102
static const std::string ILU_decomp_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:112
static void ILU_decomp(int firstRow, int lastRow, cl::Buffer &rowIndices, cl::Buffer &vals, cl::Buffer &cols, cl::Buffer &rows, cl::Buffer &diagIndex, cl::Buffer &invDiagVals, int Nb, unsigned int block_size)
static void ILU_apply1(cl::Buffer &rowIndices, cl::Buffer &vals, cl::Buffer &cols, cl::Buffer &rows, cl::Buffer &diagIndex, const cl::Buffer &y, cl::Buffer &x, cl::Buffer &rowsPerColor, int color, int Nb, unsigned int block_size)
static Scalar dot(cl::Buffer &in1, cl::Buffer &in2, cl::Buffer &out, int N)
static const std::string spmv_blocked_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:98
static void init(cl::Context *context, cl::CommandQueue *queue, std::vector< cl::Device > &devices, int verbosity)
static void vmul(const Scalar alpha, cl::Buffer &in1, cl::Buffer &in2, cl::Buffer &out, int N)
static const std::string isaiU_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:114
static void add_coarse_pressure_correction(cl::Buffer &coarse_x, cl::Buffer &fine_x, int pressure_idx, int Nb)
static const std::string axpy_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:89
static const std::string scale_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:90
static void isaiU(cl::Buffer &diagIndex, cl::Buffer &colPointers, cl::Buffer &rowIndices, cl::Buffer &mapping, cl::Buffer &nvc, cl::Buffer &luIdxs, cl::Buffer &xxIdxs, cl::Buffer &dxIdxs, cl::Buffer &LUvals, cl::Buffer &invDiagVals, cl::Buffer &invUvals, unsigned int Nb)
static const std::string stdwell_apply_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:111
static const std::string norm_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:93
static void full_to_pressure_restriction(const cl::Buffer &fine_y, cl::Buffer &weights, cl::Buffer &coarse_y, int Nb)
static const std::string spmv_blocked_add_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:99
static const std::string spmv_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:100
static const std::string isaiL_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:113
static void axpy(cl::Buffer &in, const Scalar a, cl::Buffer &out, int N)
static void ILU_apply2(cl::Buffer &rowIndices, cl::Buffer &vals, cl::Buffer &cols, cl::Buffer &rows, cl::Buffer &diagIndex, cl::Buffer &invDiagVals, cl::Buffer &x, cl::Buffer &rowsPerColor, int color, int Nb, unsigned int block_size)
static void isaiL(cl::Buffer &diagIndex, cl::Buffer &colPointers, cl::Buffer &mapping, cl::Buffer &nvc, cl::Buffer &luIdxs, cl::Buffer &xxIdxs, cl::Buffer &dxIdxs, cl::Buffer &LUvals, cl::Buffer &invLvals, unsigned int Nb)
static const std::string spmv_noreset_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:101
static void prolongate_vector(const cl::Buffer &in, cl::Buffer &out, const cl::Buffer &cols, int N)
static const std::string residual_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:103
static const std::string full_to_pressure_restriction_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:95
static const std::string dot_1_str
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:92
static void custom(cl::Buffer &p, cl::Buffer &v, cl::Buffer &r, const Scalar omega, const Scalar beta, int N)
static void scale(cl::Buffer &in, const Scalar a, int N)
Definition: amgclSolverBackend.hpp:44
cl::KernelFunctor< cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int, cl::Buffer &, const cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::LocalSpaceArg > residual_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:38
cl::KernelFunctor< cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int > isaiL_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:50
cl::KernelFunctor< cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::Buffer &, cl::LocalSpaceArg, cl::LocalSpaceArg, cl::LocalSpaceArg > stdwell_apply_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:46
cl::KernelFunctor< cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg > ilu_apply1_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:40
cl::KernelFunctor< const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const int, cl::LocalSpaceArg > ilu_decomp_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:48
cl::KernelFunctor< cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg > ilu_apply2_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:42
cl::KernelFunctor< cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int, const cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg > spmv_blocked_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:32
cl::KernelFunctor< cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int, const cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::LocalSpaceArg > spmv_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:34
cl::KernelFunctor< cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int, cl::Buffer &, const cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int, cl::LocalSpaceArg > residual_blocked_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:36
cl::KernelFunctor< cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, cl::Buffer &, const unsigned int > isaiU_kernel_type
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:52
void reset()
Reset parameter system.
static const int dim
Definition: structuredgridvanguard.hh:67
Definition: openclKernels.hpp:161