[Opm] Brace yourself for the OPM 2017.10 release

Andreas Lauser and at poware.org
Mon Oct 2 10:52:15 UTC 2017

Dear OPM community,

Once again it is that special time time of the year -- correct; we're getting 
ready for the next OPM release. This time we became very creative and will 
call it "2017.10", and because we've decided to go the high risk route, I'll 
be the guy who will be the responsible for part of your OPM-related back 
pains, i.e., I have the honor to be the release manager for this cycle again.

The modules involved in this release are the same as the ones which were 
included in the 2017.04 release. Here's the list for your convenience, the 
people whom I consider to be their maintainers are given in brackets; please 
yell at me if I got something wrong:

  - opm-data (Alf Birger Rustad)
  - opm-common (Atgeirr Rasmussen, Bård Skaflestad, Arne Morten Kvarving, 
Joakim Hove, Robert Klöfkorn, Tor Harald Sandve, Andreas Lauser)
  - opm-parser (Joakim Hove)
  - opm-output (Joakim Hove)
  - opm-grid (Atgeirr Rasmussen, Robert Klöfkorn, Bård Skaflestad)
  - opm-material (Andreas Lauser, Tor Harald Sandve, Robert Klöfkorn)
  - opm-core (Atgeirr Rasmussen, Robert Klöfkorn, Bård Skaflestad)
  - ewoms (Andreas Lauser, Robert Klöfkorn, Tor Harald Sandve)
  - opm-simulators (Atgeirr Rasmussen, Tor Harald Sandve, Robert Klöfkorn, 
Andreas Lauser)
  - opm-upscaling (Arne Morten Kvarving, Atgeirr Rasmussen, Bård Skaflestad)

The release process is supposed follow the usual drill; if you forgot it, do 
not despair, here it is once more:

- All maintainers take a hard look at all open pull requests and github issues 
for the modules which they are responsible for as soon as possible.
- Also as soon as possible, maintainers update the CHANGELOG file for the 
modules they are responsible for. If you are amongst this group, you probably 
should have look at the changes which got merged since the last release. This 
can be done using the commands

  FROM_DATE="Apr 11, 2017"
  FROM_ID="$(git rev-list -n 1 --first-parent --before="$FROM_DATE" master)"
  git log $FROM_ID..master

- The cut-off date for potentially disruptive code changes is Tuesday, October 
17,  2017. Thereafter, the master branches of all modules will be closed for 
non-trivial, non-regression and non-documentation merges until release 
branches are created.
- The release/2017.10 branches will be created two days later, i.e., on 
Thursday, October 19, 2017. To simplify the bug hunting, the master branches 
are supposed to be only open for non-invasive code changes until the final 
version of the release is ready. I leave it to the digression of the 
maintainers to determine what is "non-invasive" but I will also hold 
maintainers responsible for backporting bugfixes.
- Then Arne will prepare Debian/Ubuntu and RHEL packages packages and the rest 
of the community is expected to happily camp in front of their computer 
screens and test them.
- Finally, the tentative date for the final version is Tuesday, October 24, 
2017. Depending on the outcome of the packaging/testing efforts, 
this may be delayed by a few days.
- Don't forget to party after everything is over!


The Illuminati don't run the world. C programmers do. 
        -- Daniel Angel Muñoz Trejo
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