[Opm] PDESoft 2018: extended abstract submission deadline.

Robert Kloefkorn Robert.Kloefkorn at iris.no
Fri Feb 2 10:16:27 UTC 2018

Dear OPM community,

the PDE Software Frameworks 2018 conference takes place May 28-30 in
Bergen, Norway. This conference provides a forum for the developers and
users of software solving the diverse stages of the numerical PDE
process, and for discussing future directions of research and development.

I would like to encourage you or a member of your team to submit an
abstract to the conference. The abstract submission deadline has been
extended until February 19th. For more information, see


Hoping to hear from you!

Best wishes,

Robert Kloefkorn,
Marie E. Rognes,
Eirik Keilegavlen

Dr. Robert Kloefkorn

Senior Research Scientist | http://www.iris.no
International Research Institute of Stavanger (Bergen office)
Thormoehlensgt. 55 | 5006 Bergen
Phone: +47 51 87 56 23

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