[Opm] Solvent models comparative

Manoel Farias mlfarias201450 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 10:49:10 UTC 2018

Dear All,

I am working in a solvent model with 511,000 active cells. It is a
conceptual model. So, it has a constant permeability PERMX=PERMY=1000
mD and PERMZ=100 mD and only one PVT em relative permeabilities set.
My runs using MISCIBLE option were very slow and unstable. Flow had to
apply cuts in several timesteps and numerical convergence problems happened
all the time.
Just to compare, I tried a solvent run without the miscible option. I got a
fast and clean run, without numerical convergence problems using the same
data set!
I would like to know if the production results obtained using MISCIBLE
would be significantly different.
Are there other important points I've missed?
The main target for this study is to understand the influence of
waterflood, gas injection and  85% CO2 injection on oil recovery factor.

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,


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