[Opm] Reading EGRID in Flow

Lex Rijkels lex.rijkels at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 08:36:23 UTC 2019

Dear Flow community,
Could you please point out what I am doing wrong when reading EGRID files
into Flow?

- According to the manual GDFILE will read EGRIDs, but the examples use
"INCLUDE 'NORNE.EGRID' /". Indeed, Flow gives an error when I use GDFILE
instead of INCLUDE.
- But it seems that INCLUDE expects normal keywords. It complains that it
does not recognize the file header of formatted EGRID files. I've tried
stripping header info etc, but Flow keeps complaining. Eventually I was
left with just COORDs and then I got a segmentation fault.
- If I feed it unformatted EGRID files with INCLUDE, Flow gets stuck on
reading an empty string and stops. It seems it does not like the binary
file format.
- It did not seem to make a difference if I added U or F (or UNFORMATTED)
to the include statement, as in the GDFILE documentation.

I interpret this as: INCLUDE just expects normal keywords, not EGRID
information; but the GDFILE command is not recognised. Am I missing

A bit of extra info:
- The manual claims that unformatted (binary) EGRIDs generated on Windows
cannot be read in Unix. That's why I also tried formatted EGRIDs.
- Interestingly ResInsight does not seem to have problems reading Unix
EGRIDs into a Windows environment.
- Is there a way to make Flow read binary Windows EGRIDs? Typically, these
come from a Windows Petrel installation. Can the binary files be converted?
(dos2unix does not seem to do the trick)

Thanks a lot for your help,
Kind regards,
Lex Rijkels

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