[Opm] 4th candidate for 2019.10 release
lorenzo.campoli at uniroma1.it
Wed Nov 13 07:39:52 UTC 2019
Hello dear OPM community,
I successfully checkedout to the new release and I'm going with some
testing, specifically, polymer injection scenarios in water/oil. I run
without problems.
In this regards, I'd like to ask wheher/how is it possible to set up a
simulation for a five spot pattern scenario, thus with vertical wells
with polymer injection in water/oil.
I don't find any example, for the grid generation as well.
Thank you,
Kind regards,
Lorenzo Campoli
On 12.11.2019 17:57, Arne Morten Kvarving wrote:
> rc4 builds are now in testing ppa for xenial and bionic (done building, might take 30 mins before they published).
> ________________________________
> Fra: Opm <opm-bounces at opm-project.org> på vegne av Markus Blatt <markus at dr-blatt.de>
> Sendt: tirsdag 12. november 2019 15:36
> Til: opm at opm-project.org <opm at opm-project.org>
> Emne: [Opm] 4th candidate for 2019.10 release
> Hi,
> third time is the charm, does not seem to hold here.
> This morning a tagged a another release candidate. You get it from git,
> by "git checkout release/2019.10/rc4" after fetching updates for each module.
> Arne Morton will provide binary packages (at least for Ubuntu) in due time.
> It would be nice if everyboday would do some testing. No report will be
> interpreted as "works for me". Optimistic as I am, I intend to tag the
> final release on Friday.
> What changed since rc3 is:
> opm-common: PRs 1068 (improvements related to Aquifer modeling) and 1113 (Apply
> Multz to edit section) have been backported.
> opm-simulators: Print number of OMP threads and MPI processors
> Happy testing!
> Cheers,
> Markus
> --
> Dr. Markus Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dr-blatt.de&data=02%7C01%7Carne.morten.kvarving%40sintef.no%7C9a9572b81c4f470f485d08d7677dd6fd%7Ce1f00f39604145b0b309e0210d8b32af%7C1%7C1%7C637091662488023882&sdata=m1PkG%2BOAQod2%2FA003OS8ucZ9LfD8XO6QNfNXyy0BwuE%3D&reserved=0
> Pedettistr. 38, 85072 Eichstaett, Germany, USt-Id: DE279960836
> Tel.: +49 (0) 160 97590858
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