[Opm] Error using mpirun after compiling from source

Josimar Alves da Silva jsilva.mit at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 17:23:41 UTC 2020


I am a new user of the opm-project. I compiled the prerequisites and the
opm modules from source on a Ubuntu machine. The opm version that I used is
the 2020.10-pre from the master branch. I did not find any errors during
this process. I tested the installation by running the norne dataset and it
worked fine.

However, when I try to run the same dataset using mpirun I get an error
message. I copy below the error message and I can send the complete output
message if needed. The command that I called was:

mpirun -np 2 flow --parameter-file=NORNE_JS.PARAM

Note that if I run something like this, then it works fine:

flow --parameter-file=NORNE_JS.PARAM

Could you please help me to understand why the mpirun does not work? Is it
possible that there was an error during the installation from source? How
would I go about fixing it?

Thank you in advance,

Summary of the error message:

Warning: Region to region summary keyword: RGFT at
/home/josimar/OPM/test/norne/INCLUDE/SUMMARY/summary.data, line 74 is
ignored [0m
Warning: Region to region summary keyword: RWFT at
/home/josimar/OPM/test/norne/INCLUDE/SUMMARY/summary.data, line 76 is
ignored [0m
[GRS4:11127] *** Process received signal ***
[GRS4:11127] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[GRS4:11127] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[GRS4:11127] Failing at address: 0x55b34de1a000
[GRS4:11127] [ 0]
[GRS4:11127] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x18f046)[0x7fd964ef7046]
[GRS4:11127] [ 2]
[GRS4:11127] [ 3]
[GRS4:11127] [ 4]
[GRS4:11127] [ 5]
[GRS4:11127] [ 6]
[GRS4:11127] [ 7]
[GRS4:11127] [ 8]
[GRS4:11127] [ 9]
[GRS4:11127] [10]
[GRS4:11127] [11]
[GRS4:11127] [12]
[GRS4:11127] [13]
[GRS4:11127] [14]
[GRS4:11127] [15]
[GRS4:11127] [16]
[GRS4:11127] [17]
[GRS4:11127] [18]
[GRS4:11127] [19]
[GRS4:11127] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node GRS4 exited on signal
11 (Segmentation fault).

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