[Opm] Binary Packages for OPM 2020.10 Release Candidate 4 Available

Bård Skaflestad Bard.Skaflestad at sintef.no
Mon Nov 2 15:57:13 UTC 2020

Dear OPM User,

It is my pleasure to announce that the binary packages for the fourth, and expectedly final, release candidate of the 2020.10 OPM release are now available for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (code name Focal Fossa) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (code name Bionic Beaver).  If you would like to participate in testing these new packages and the new features coming into the 2020.10 release, then please add OPM's "testing" package repositories to your package sources and update the packages using 'apt'.

Specifically, the following commands will bring in the new package references

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:opm/testing

sudo apt-get update

Please report any issues you see to the mailing list.

Barring any late-minute issues discovered during testing however we don't anticipate any additional release candidates before the final release.  My current goal is to make the final release tags on Thursday 5th November, around noon CET, and then the final packages will be available within 24 hours of those tags being created.

Best Regards,

Bård Skaflestad

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