[Opm] Library dependency in building OPM

Markus Blatt markus.blatt at opm-op.com
Thu Jul 22 08:32:03 UTC 2021


please ALWAYS reply to the list!
On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 03:59:11PM +0800, LEI TING wrote:
>   Since it's a remote server and I don't have root access, I use source codes of OPM to compile from source.
>   For all dependencies, I use binary packages from the OPM site:  https://www.opm-project.org/package/redhat/7/, including dune, suitesparse, and trilinos.
>   These 3 packages also depend on other packages, so I use yum to download all dependencies. I can't use 'yum install' because it requires root access. So I use yumdownloader to download all rpm packages, then use rpm2cpio and cpio to uncompress all the rpm packages to my home directory, like: rpm2cpio dune-common.rpm | cpio -div.

Well the problems with are:
1. You will only install the direct dependencies and might miss the packages that they depend on (like openblas)
2. The paths in these packages (libs, includes) are the ones for packages installed on the system.

Let's assume that you manage to get 1) right than you need to edit all the *-config.cmake and *Config.cmake and *.pc files in those packages to get the correct paths.

Personally, I would just download the source of the packages, compile and install them locally.



Markus Blatt
CTO @ OPM-OP AS, Heyerdahlsvei 12b, 0777 Oslo, Norway
https://opm-op.com | +4916097590858

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