vcfv Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for vcfv:


file  vcfvbaseoutputmodule.hh [code]
 Implements the discretization specific parts of writing files.
file  vcfvdiscretization.hh [code]
 The base class for the vertex centered finite volume discretization scheme.
file  vcfvgradientcalculator.hh [code]
 This class calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points for the vertex centered finite volume (VCFV) discretization.
file  vcfvgridcommhandlefactory.hh [code]
 A class which provides types for DUNE grid handles for communication.
file  vcfvproperties.hh [code]
 Declares the basic properties used by the common infrastructure of the vertex-centered finite volume discretization.
file  vcfvstencil.hh [code]
 Represents the finite volume geometry of a single element in the VCFV discretization.