common Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for common:


file  ClassName.hpp [code]
 A free function to provide the demangled class name of a given object or type as a string.
file  MathToolbox.hpp [code]
 A traits class which provides basic mathematical functions for arbitrary scalar floating point values.
file  Means.hpp [code]
 Implements some common averages.
file  OpmFinal.hpp [code]
 This file provides a wrapper around the "final" C++-2011 statement.
file  PolynomialUtils.hpp [code]
 Provides free functions to invert polynomials of degree 1, 2 and 3.
file  Spline.hpp [code]
 Class implementing cubic splines.
file  Tabulated1DFunction.hpp [code]
 Implements a linearly interpolated scalar function that depends on one variable.
file  TridiagonalMatrix.hpp [code]
 Provides a tridiagonal matrix that also supports non-zero entries in the upper right and lower left.
file  UniformTabulated2DFunction.hpp [code]
 Implements a scalar function that depends on two variables and which is sampled on an uniform X-Y grid.
file  UniformXTabulated2DFunction.hpp [code]
 Implements a scalar function that depends on two variables and which is sampled uniformly in the X direction, but non-uniformly on the Y axis-.
file  Unused.hpp [code]
 Provides the OPM_UNUSED macro.
file  Valgrind.hpp [code]
 Some templates to wrap the valgrind client request macros.