Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 COpm::AllCellsLayout< dim >General cell layout
 COpm::AnisotropicTraits for upscaling with anisotropic relperm (tensorial) input
 COpm::BCBase< T >A class for building boundary conditions in a uniform way
 COpm::BCBase< double >
 COpm::BCBase< Dune::FieldVector< double, numComponents > >
 CDumux::BlackoilComponent< Scalar >A component class for the black oil model, intended to be used for all three components
 COpm::BlackoilInitialization< Simulator >Base class for initialization codes
 COpm::BlackoilSimulator< GridT, Rock, FluidT, Wells, FlowSolver, TransportSolver >
 COpm::GIE::Cell< GridInterface, EntityPointerType >
 COpm::GIE::Cell< GridInterface, GridInterface::GridType::template Codim< 0 >::LeafIterator >
 COpm::CpGridCellMapperA mapper for Dune::CpGrid cells only
 COpm::DummyVec< T >
 COpm::EulerUpstream< GridInterface, ReservoirProperties, BoundaryConditions >
 COpm::EulerUpstreamImplicit< GridInterface, ReservoirProperties, BoundaryConditions >
 COpm::EulerUpstreamResidual< GridInterface, ReservoirProperties, BoundaryConditions >
 COpm::Explicit< IsotropyPolicy >Traits for explicit transport
 COpm::GIE::Face< GI >
 COpm::GIE::Face< GridInterface >
 COpm::SimulatorTraits< RelpermPolicy, TransportPolicy >::FlowSolver< GridInterface, BoundaryConditions >The pressure/flow solver type
 COpm::FluidMatrixInteractionBlackoilParams< ScalarT >
 COpm::FluidMatrixInteractionBlackoilParams< double >
 COpm::GICellMapper< DuneGrid >Mapper for general grids
 COpm::GICellMapper< Dune::CpGrid >
 COpm::GridInterfaceEuler< DuneGrid >
 COpm::GridInterfaceEuler< GridType >
 COpm::ImmutableSharedData< T >FullMatrix StoragePolicy which provides immutable object sharing semantics
 COpm::ImplicitCap< IsotropyPolicy >Traits for implicit transport
 COpm::ImplicitCapillarity< GridInterface, ReservoirProperties, BoundaryConditions, InnerProd >
 COpm::IncompFlowSolverHybrid< GridInterface, RockInterface, BCInterface, InnerProduct >Solve mixed formulation of incompressible flow modelled by Darcy's law

\[@f{aligned}{ v &= -K\lamda(\nabla p + \rho\vec{g}), \\ \nabla\cdot v &= q. \end

] The solver is based on a hybrid discretization scheme which yields a system of linear equations of the form

\[@f{bmatrix}{ B & C & D \\ C^{T} & 0 & 0 \\ D^{T} & 0 & 0 }\, @f{bmatrix}{v \\ -p \\ \pi\end


\begin{bmatrix}f \\ g \\ h\end{bmatrix}

] where $v$ represents the interface fluxes for each interface for each cell, $p$ are the cell pressures and $\pi$ are the interface pressures

 COpm::IncompFlowSolverHybrid< GridInterface, ReservoirProperties, BoundaryConditions, InnerProd >
 COpm::EulerUpstreamResidualDetails::IndirectRange< Iter >
 COpm::IsotropicTraits policies for isotropic (scalar) relperm
 CTpfaCompressibleAssembler::LinearSystemEncapsulate a sparse linear system in CSR format
 COpm::MatchSaturatedVolumeFunctor< GridInterface, ReservoirProperties >
 COpm::ImplicitTransportDefault::MatrixBlockAssembler< ISTLTypeDetails::ScalarBCRSMatrix >
 COpm::ImplicitTransportDefault::MatrixZero< ISTLTypeDetails::ScalarBCRSMatrix >
 COpm::MaxNormDune< Vector >
 COpm::MaxNormStl< Vector >
 COpm::MimeticIPAnisoRelpermEvaluator< GridInterface, RockInterface >
 CMimeticIPAnisoRelpermEvaluator< CellIter, dim, computeInverseIP >Defines a class template for computing a matrix representation of the permeability-dependent inner product $b(v,w) = (v, K^{-1}\,w)$ of the velocity vectors $v$ and $w$. The matrix entries are defined through the mimetic finite difference method of Brezzi et. al
 COpm::MimeticIPEvaluator< GridInterface, RockInterface >
 CMimeticIPEvaluator< GridInterface, RockInterface >Defines a class template for computing a matrix representation of the permeability-dependent inner product $b(v,w) = (v, K^{-1}\,w)$ of the velocity vectors $v$ and $w$. The matrix entries are defined through the mimetic finite difference method of Brezzi et. al
 COpm::OwnData< T >FullMatrix StoragePolicy which provides object owning semantics
 COpm::ReservoirPropertyCommon< dim, RPImpl, RockType >A property class for incompressible two-phase flow
 COpm::ReservoirPropertyCommon< dim, ReservoirPropertyCapillary< dim >, RockJfunc >
 COpm::ReservoirPropertyCommon< dim, ReservoirPropertyCapillaryAnisotropicRelperm< dim >, RockAnisotropicRelperm >
 COpm::ReservoirPropertyFixedMobility< Mobility >
 COpm::ReservoirState< np >
 COpm::Isotropic::ResProp< Dimension >The reservoir property type
 COpm::Anisotropic::ResProp< Dimension >The reservoir property type
 COpm::Rock< dim >A property class for porous media rock
 COpm::ScalarMobilityA wrapper for a scalar
 COpm::SharedData< T >FullMatrix StoragePolicy which provides object sharing semantics
 COpm::SimulatorBase< SimTraits >
 COpm::BlackoilSimulator< GridT, Rock, FluidT, Wells, FlowSolver, TransportSolver >::State
 COpm::TensorMobility< dim >A wrapper for a tensor
 COpm::TpfaCompressible< GridInterface, RockInterface, FluidInterface, WellsInterface, BCInterface >
 CTpfaCompressibleAssemblerEncapsulates the cfs_tpfa (= compressible flow solver two-point flux approximation) solver modules
 COpm::Explicit< IsotropyPolicy >::TransportSolver< GridInterface, BoundaryConditions >
 COpm::ImplicitCap< IsotropyPolicy >::TransportSolver< GridInterface, BoundaryConditions >
 COpm::EulerUpstreamResidualDetails::UpdateForCell< UpstreamSolver, PressureSolution >
 COpm::EulerUpstreamResidualDetails::UpdateLoopBody< Updater >
 COpm::ImplicitTransportDefault::VectorAdder< ISTLTypeDetails::ScalarBlockVector >
 COpm::ImplicitTransportDefault::VectorAssign< ISTLTypeDetails::ScalarBlockVector >
 COpm::ImplicitTransportDefault::VectorBlockAssembler< ISTLTypeDetails::ScalarBlockVector >
 COpm::ImplicitTransportDefault::VectorNegater< ISTLTypeDetails::ScalarBlockVector >
 COpm::ImplicitTransportDefault::VectorZero< ISTLTypeDetails::ScalarBlockVector >