File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 baseauxiliarymodule.hhBase class for specifying auxiliary equations.
 basegridmanager.hhProvides the base class for most (all?) grid managers.
 baseoutputmodule.hhThe base class for writer modules.
 baseoutputwriter.hhThe base class for all output writers.
 basicproperties.hhDefines a type tags and some fundamental properties all models
 blacklist.hhExpresses which degrees of freedom are blacklisted for the parallel linear solvers and which domestic indices they correspond to.
 blackoilboundaryratevector.hhImplements a boundary vector for the fully implicit black-oil model.
 blackoilextensivequantities.hhThis template class contains the data which is required to calculate the fluxes of the fluid phases over a face of a finite volume for the black-oil model.
 blackoilindices.hhThe primary variable and equation indices for the black-oil model.
 blackoilintensivequantities.hhContains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the black-oil model.
 blackoillocalresidual.hhCalculates the local residual of the black oil model.
 blackoilmodel.hhA fully-implicit black-oil flow model.
 blackoilnewtonmethod.hhA newton solver which is specific to the black oil model.
 blackoilprimaryvariables.hhRepresents the primary variables used by the black-oil model.
 blackoilproblem.hhBase class for all problems which use the black-oil model.
 blackoilproperties.hhDeclares the properties required by the black oil model
 blackoilratevector.hhImplements a vector representing mass, molar or volumetric rates for the black oil model.
 convergencecriterion.hhBase class for all convergence criteria which only defines an virtual API.
 cubegridmanager.hhProvides a grid manager which a regular grid made of quadrilaterals.
 darcyfluxmodule.hhThis file contains the necessary classes to calculate the volumetric fluxes out of a pressure potential gradient using the Darcy relation
 declval.hhProvides a std::declval equivalent
 dgfgridmanager.hhProvides a grid manager which reads Dune Grid Format (DGF) files.
 diffusionmodule.hhClasses required for molecular diffusion
 discretefractureextensivequantities.hhThis class expresses all intensive quantities of the discrete fracture model.
 discretefractureintensivequantities.hhContains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the discret fracture immiscible multi-phase model.
 discretefracturelocalresidual.hhCalculates the local residual of the discrete fracture immiscible multi-phase model.
 discretefracturemodel.hhA fully-implicit multi-phase flow model which assumes immiscibility of the phases and is able to include fractures in the domain.
 discretefractureprimaryvariables.hhRepresents the primary variables used by the discrete fracture multi-phase model.
 discretefractureproblem.hhThe base class for the problems of ECFV discretizations which deal with a multi-phase flow through a porous medium.
 discretefractureproperties.hhDefines the properties required for the immiscible multi-phase model which considers discrete fractures
 domesticoverlapfrombcrsmatrix.hhThis class creates and manages the foreign overlap given an initial list of border indices and a BCRS matrix.
 ecfvbaseoutputmodule.hhImplements the discretization specific parts of writing files.
 ecfvdiscretization.hhThe base class for the element-centered finite-volume discretization scheme.
 ecfvgridcommhandlefactory.hhA class which provides types for DUNE grid handles for communication.
 ecfvproperties.hhDeclare the basic properties used by the common infrastructure of the element-centered finite volume discretization
 ecfvstencil.hhRepresents the stencil (finite volume geometry) of a single element in the ECFV discretization.
 elementborderlistfromgrid.hhUses communication on the grid to find the initial seed list of indices for methods which use element-based degrees of freedom.
 energymodule.hhContains the classes required to consider energy as a conservation quantity in a multi-phase module
 fixpointcriterion.hhProvides a convergence criterion for the linear solvers which looks at the weighted maximum of the difference between two iterations.
 flashboundaryratevector.hhImplements a boundary vector for the fully implicit compositional multi-phase model which is based on flash calculations.
 flashextensivequantities.hhThis template class contains the data which is required to calculate all fluxes of components over a face of a finite volume for the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations.
 flashindices.hhDefines the primary variable and equation indices for the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations.
 flashintensivequantities.hhContains the intensive quantities of the flash-based compositional multi-phase model.
 flashlocalresidual.hhCalculates the local residual of the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations.
 flashmodel.hhA compositional multi-phase model based on flash-calculations.
 flashprimaryvariables.hhRepresents the primary variables used by the compositional flow model based on flash calculations.
 flashproperties.hhDeclares the properties required by the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations
 flashratevector.hhImplements a vector representing rates of conserved quantities.
 flux.hhThis file contains the necessary classes to calculate the velocity out of a pressure potential gradient
 forchheimerfluxmodule.hhThis file contains the necessary classes to calculate the volumetric fluxes out of a pressure potential gradient using the Forchhheimer approach
 foreignoverlapfrombcrsmatrix.hhThis class creates and manages the foreign overlap given an initial list of border indices and a BCRS matrix.
 fracturemapper.hhStores the topology of fractures.
 fvbaseadlocallinearizer.hhCalculates the local residual and its Jacobian for a single element of the grid.
 fvbaseboundarycontext.hhRepresents all quantities which available on boundary segments.
 fvbaseconstraints.hhClass to specify constraints for a finite volume spatial discretization.
 fvbaseconstraintscontext.hhRepresents all quantities which available for calculating constraints.
 fvbasediscretization.hhThe base class for the finite volume discretization schemes.
 fvbaseelementcontext.hhThis class stores an array of IntensiveQuantities objects, one intensive quantities object for each of the element's vertices.
 fvbaseextensivequantities.hhProvide the properties at a face which make sense indepentently of the conserved quantities.
 fvbasefdlocallinearizer.hhCalculates the Jacobian of the local residual for finite volume spatial discretizations using a finite difference method.
 fvbasegradientcalculator.hhThis class calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points using the two-point approximation scheme.
 fvbaseintensivequantities.hhBase class for the model specific class which provides access to all intensive (i.e., volume averaged) quantities.
 fvbaselinearizer.hhThe common code for the linearizers of non-linear systems of equations.
 fvbaselocalresidual.hhElement-wise caculation of the residual matrix for models based on a finite volume spatial discretization.
 fvbasenewtonconvergencewriter.hhWrites the intermediate solutions during the Newton scheme for models using a finite volume discretization.
 fvbasenewtonmethod.hhA Newton method for models using a finite volume discretization.
 fvbaseprimaryvariables.hhRepresents the primary variables used by the a model.
 fvbaseproblem.hhBase class for all problems which use a finite volume spatial discretization.
 fvbaseproperties.hhDeclare the properties used by the infrastructure code of the finite volume discretizations
 globalindices.hhThis class maps domestic row indices to and from "global" indices which is used to construct an algebraic overlap for the parallel linear solvers.
 gridcommhandles.hhProvides data handles for parallel communication which operate on DOFs
 immiscibleboundaryratevector.hhImplements a boundary vector for the fully implicit multi-phase model which assumes immiscibility.
 immiscibleextensivequantities.hhThis class provides the data all quantities that are required to calculate the fluxes of the fluid phases over a face of a finite volume for the immiscible multi-phase model.
 immiscibleindices.hhThe indices for the isothermal multi-phase model.
 immiscibleintensivequantities.hhContains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume for the immiscible multi-phase model.
 immisciblelocalresidual.hhCalculates the local residual of the immiscible multi-phase model.
 immisciblemodel.hhA fully-implicit multi-phase flow model which assumes immiscibility of the phases.
 immiscibleprimaryvariables.hhRepresents the primary variables used by the immiscible multi-phase, model.
 immiscibleproperties.hhDefines the properties required for the immiscible multi-phase model
 immiscibleratevector.hhImplements a vector representing rates of conserved quantities.
 locks.hhThis file implements various objects which provide mutual exclusion capabilities for multi-threaded applications that use OpenMP
 mpibuffer.hhSimplifies handling of buffers to be used in conjunction with MPI.
 multiphasebaseextensivequantities.hhThis class calculates the pressure potential gradients and the filter velocities for multi-phase flow in porous media.
 multiphasebasemodel.hhA base class for fully-implicit multi-phase porous-media flow models which assume multiple fluid phases.
 multiphasebaseproblem.hhThe base class for the problems of ECFV discretizations which deal with a multi-phase flow through a porous medium.
 multiphasebaseproperties.hhDefines the common properties required by the porous medium multi-phase models
 ncpboundaryratevector.hhImplements a boundary vector for the fully implicit compositional multi-phase NCP model.
 ncpextensivequantities.hhThis template class represents the extensive quantities of the compositional NCP model.
 ncpindices.hhThe primary variable and equation indices for the compositional multi-phase NCP model.
 ncpintensivequantities.hhContains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the compositional multi-phase NCP model.
 ncplocalresidual.hhDetails needed to calculate the local residual in the compositional multi-phase NCP-model .
 ncpmodel.hhA compositional multi-phase model based on non-linear complementarity functions.
 ncpnewtonmethod.hhA Newton solver specific to the NCP model.
 ncpprimaryvariables.hhRepresents the primary variables used by the compositional multi-phase NCP model.
 ncpproperties.hhDeclares the properties required for the NCP compositional multi-phase model
 ncpratevector.hhImplements a vector representing mass, molar or volumetric rates.
 newtonmethod.hhThe multi-dimensional Newton method.
 nullborderlistmanager.hhThis is a grid manager which does not create any border list.
 nullconvergencewriter.hhA convergence writer for the Newton method which does nothing.
 overlappingbcrsmatrix.hhAn overlap aware block-compressed row storage (BCRS) matrix.
 overlappingblockvector.hhAn overlap aware block vector.
 overlappingoperator.hhAn overlap aware linear operator usable by ISTL.
 overlappingpreconditioner.hhAn overlap aware preconditioner for any ISTL linear solver.
 overlappingscalarproduct.hhAn overlap aware ISTL scalar product.
 overlaptypes.hhThis files provides several data structures for storing tuples of indices of remote and/or local processes
 parallelamgbackend.hhProvides a linear solver backend using the parallel algebraic multi-grid (AMG) linear solver from DUNE-ISTL.
 paralleliterativebackend.hhImplements a generic linear solver abstraction.
 parametersystem.hhThis file provides the infrastructure to retrieve run-time parameters
 propertysystem.hhProvides the magic behind the eWoms property system
 pvsboundaryratevector.hhImplements a rate vector on the boundary for the fully implicit compositional multi-phase primary variable switching compositional model.
 pvsextensivequantities.hhContains all data which is required to calculate all fluxes at a flux integration point for the primary variable switching model.
 pvsindices.hhThe indices for the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model.
 pvsintensivequantities.hhContains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model.
 pvslocalresidual.hhElement-wise calculation of the local residual for the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model.
 pvsmodel.hhA generic compositional multi-phase model using primary-variable switching.
 pvsnewtonmethod.hhA newton solver which is specific to the compositional multi-phase PVS model.
 pvsprimaryvariables.hhRepresents the primary variables used in the primary variable switching compositional model.
 pvsproperties.hhDeclares the properties required for the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model
 pvsratevector.hhImplements a vector representing molar, mass or volumetric rates.
 quad.hhThis file provides the infrastructure to use quad-precision floating point values in the numerical models
 quadraturegeometries.hhQuadrature geometry for quadrilaterals.
 quantitycallbacks.hhThis method contains all callback classes for quantities that are required by some extensive quantities
 residreductioncriterion.hhProvides a convergence criterion which looks at the reduction of the two-norm of the residual for the linear solvers.
 restart.hhLoad or save a state of a problem to/from the harddisk.
 richardsboundaryratevector.hhImplements a boundary vector for the fully implicit Richards model.
 richardsextensivequantities.hhCalculates and stores the data which is required to calculate the flux of fluid over a face of a finite volume.
 richardsindices.hhIndices for the primary variables/conservation equations of the Richards model.
 richardsintensivequantities.hhIntensive quantities required by the Richards model.
 richardslocalresidual.hhElement-wise calculation of the residual for the Richards model.
 richardsmodel.hhThis model implements a variant of the Richards equation for quasi-twophase flow.
 richardsnewtonmethod.hhA Richards model specific Newton method.
 richardsprimaryvariables.hhRepresents the primary variables used in the Richards model.
 richardsproperties.hhContains the property declarations for the Richards model
 richardsratevector.hhImplements a vector representing mass, molar or volumetric rates.
 simplexgridmanager.hhProvides a grid manager which a regular grid made of simplices.
 simulator.hhManages the initializing and running of time dependent problems.
 solverpreconditioner.hhAn ISTL preconditioner that solves the linear system of equations locally on each rank.
 solvers.hhCopy of dune-istl's linear solvers with added support for pluggable convergence criteria
 start.hhProvides convenience routines to bring up the simulation at runtime
 stokesboundaryratevector.hhImplements a boundary vector for the fully implicit (Navier-)Stokes model.
 stokesextensivequantities.hhContains the data which is required to calculate the mass and momentum fluxes over the face of a sub-control-volume for the Stokes model.
 stokesindices.hhThe primary variable and equation indices of the (Navier-)Stokes model.
 stokesintensivequantities.hhContains the intensive quantities of the Stokes model.
 stokeslocalresidual.hhThe local residual function for problems using the Stokes model.
 stokesmodel.hhA model for the Navier-Stokes equations.
 stokesproblem.hhBase class for all problems which use the Stokes model.
 stokesproperties.hhDeclares the properties required by the Stokes model
 threadedentityiterator.hhProvides an STL-iterator like interface to iterate over the enties of a GridView in OpenMP threaded applications.
 threadmanager.hhSimplifies multi-threaded capabilities.
 timer.hhProvides an encapsulation to measure the system time.
 tutorial1problem.hhTutorial problem using the "immiscible" model.
 vcfvbaseoutputmodule.hhImplements the discretization specific parts of writing files.
 vcfvdiscretization.hhThe base class for the vertex centered finite volume discretization scheme.
 vcfvgradientcalculator.hhThis class calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points for the vertex centered finite volume (VCFV) discretization.
 vcfvgridcommhandlefactory.hhA class which provides types for DUNE grid handles for communication.
 vcfvproperties.hhDeclares the basic properties used by the common infrastructure of the vertex-centered finite volume discretization
 vcfvstencil.hhRepresents the finite volume geometry of a single element in the VCFV discretization.
 vertexborderlistfromgrid.hhUses communication on the grid to find the initial seed list of indices.
 vtkblackoilmodule.hhVTK output module for the black oil model's parameters.
 vtkcompositionmodule.hhVTK output module for the fluid composition.
 vtkdiffusionmodule.hhVTK output module for quantities which make sense for models which incorperate molecular diffusion.
 vtkdiscretefracturemodule.hhVTK output module for quantities which make sense for all models which deal with discrete fractures in porous media.
 vtkenergymodule.hhVTK output module for quantities which make sense for models which assume thermal equilibrium.
 vtkmultiphasemodule.hhVTK output module for quantities which make sense for all models which deal with multiple fluid phases in porous media that don't use flashy concepts like interfacial area.
 vtkmultiwriter.hhSimplifies writing multi-file VTK datasets.
 vtkphasepresencemodule.hhVTK output module for the fluid composition.
 vtkprimaryvarsmodule.hhVTK output module for the fluid composition.
 vtkscalarfunction.hhProvides a vector-valued function using Dune::FieldVectors as elements.
 vtktemperaturemodule.hhVTK output module for the temperature in which assume thermal equilibrium.
 vtktensorfunction.hhProvides a tensor-valued function using Dune::FieldMatrix objects as elements.
 vtkvectorfunction.hhProvides a vector-valued function using Dune::FieldVectors as elements.
 weightedresidreductioncriterion.hhConvergence criterion which looks at the weighted absolute value of the residual.