elasticity_upscale_impl.hpp File Reference

Elasticity upscale class - template implementations. More...

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#define IMPL_FUNC(A, B)


 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (std::vector< BoundaryGrid::Vertex >, extractFace(Direction dir, ctype coord))
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (BoundaryGrid, extractMasterFace(Direction dir, ctype coord, SIDE side, bool dc))
master Opm::Elasticity::push_back (extractMasterFace(Y, min[1]))
master Opm::Elasticity::push_back (extractMasterFace(Z, min[2]))
slave Opm::Elasticity::push_back (extractFace(X, max[0]))
slave Opm::Elasticity::push_back (extractFace(Y, max[1]))
slave Opm::Elasticity::push_back (extractFace(Z, max[2]))
 Opm::Elasticity::for (LeafVertexIterator it=start;it!=itend;++it)
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (void, addMPC(Direction dir, int slave, const BoundaryGrid::Vertex &m))
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (void, periodicPlane(Direction plane, Direction dir, const std::vector< BoundaryGrid::Vertex > &slave, const BoundaryGrid &master))
static std::vector
< std::vector< int > > 
Opm::Elasticity::renumber (const BoundaryGrid &b, int n1, int n2, int &totalDOFs)
 Static helper to renumber a Q4 mesh to a P_1/P_N lag mesh. More...
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (int, addBBlockMortar(const BoundaryGrid &b1, const BoundaryGrid &interface, int dir, int n1, int n2, int colofs))
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (void, assembleBBlockMortar(const BoundaryGrid &b1, const BoundaryGrid &interface, int dir, int n1, int n2, int colofs, double alpha))
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (void, fixPoint(Direction dir, GlobalCoordinate coord, const NodeValue &value))
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (bool, isOnPlane(Direction plane, GlobalCoordinate coord, ctype value))
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (void, fixLine(Direction dir, ctype x, ctype y, const NodeValue &value))
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (bool, isOnLine(Direction dir, GlobalCoordinate coord, ctype x, ctype y))
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (bool, isOnPoint(GlobalCoordinate coord, GlobalCoordinate point))
 Opm::Elasticity::if (loadcase >-1)
 Opm::Elasticity::if (matrix) A.getOperator()=0
 Opm::Elasticity::for (int i=0;i< 2;++i)
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (template< int comp > void, averageStress(Dune::FieldVector< ctype, comp > &sigma, const Vector &u, int loadcase))
 Opm::Elasticity::if (file=="uniform")
Opm::DeckConstPtr Opm::Elasticity::deck (parser->parseFile(file, parseMode))
 Opm::Elasticity::if (deck->hasKeyword("YOUNGMOD")&&deck->hasKeyword("POISSONMOD"))
else Opm::Elasticity::if (deck->hasKeyword("LAMEMOD")&&deck->hasKeyword("SHEARMOD"))
else Opm::Elasticity::if (deck->hasKeyword("BULKMOD")&&deck->hasKeyword("SHEARMOD"))
else Opm::Elasticity::if (deck->hasKeyword("PERMX")&&deck->hasKeyword("PORO"))
 Opm::Elasticity::exit (1)
 Opm::Elasticity::if (deck->hasKeyword("SATNUM")) satnum
 Opm::Elasticity::if (deck->hasKeyword("RHO")) rho
 Opm::Elasticity::if (Escale > 0)
 Opm::Elasticity::if (satnum.empty())
 Opm::Elasticity::if (upscaledRho > 0)
 Opm::Elasticity::IMPL_FUNC (void, loadMaterialsFromRocklist(const std::string &file, const std::string &rocklist))
 Opm::Elasticity::determineSideFaces (min, max)
static std::cout<< "Xslave "
<< slave[0].size()
<< " "<< "Yslave "<< slave[1].size()
<< " "<< "Zslave "<< slave[2].size()
<< std::endl;std::cout
<< "Xmaster "<< master[0].size()
<< " "<< "Ymaster "<< master[1].size()
<< " "<< "Zmaster "<< master[2].size()
<< std::endl;periodicPlane(X,
XYZ, slave[0], master[0]);periodicPlane(Y,
XYZ, slave[1], master[1]);periodicPlane(Z,
XYZ, slave[2], master[2]);}IMPL_FUNC(void,
periodicBCsMortar(const double
*min, const double *max, int
n1, int n2, int p1, int p2)){fixCorners(min,
max);std::cout<< "\textracting
nodes on top face..."
<< std::endl;slave.push_back(extractFace(Z,
<< "\treconstructing bottom
face..."<< std::endl;BoundaryGrid
<< "\testablishing couplings
on top/bottom..."<< std::endl;periodicPlane(Z,
XYZ, slave[0], bottom);std::cout
<< "\tinitializing matrix..."
<< std::endl;A.initForAssembly();std::cout
<< "\treconstructing left
face..."<< std::endl;master.push_back(extractMasterFace(X,
min[0], LEFT, true));std::cout
<< "\treconstructing right
face..."<< std::endl;master.push_back(extractMasterFace(X,
max[0], RIGHT, true));std::cout
<< "\treconstructing front
face..."<< std::endl;master.push_back(extractMasterFace(Y,
min[1], LEFT, true));std::cout
<< "\treconstructing back
face..."<< std::endl;master.push_back(extractMasterFace(Y,
max[1], RIGHT, true));std::cout
<< "\testablished YZ
multiplier grid with "<< n2
<< "x1"<< " elements"
<< std::endl;BoundaryGrid::FaceCoord
fmin, fmax;fmin[0]=min[1];fmin[1]=min[2];fmax[0]=max[1];fmax[1]=max[2];BoundaryGrid
fmax, n2, 1, true);fmin[0]=min[0];fmin[1]=min[2];fmax[0]=max[0];fmax[1]=max[2];std::cout
<< "\testablished XZ
multiplier grid with "<< n1
<< "x1"<< " elements"
<< std::endl;BoundaryGrid
fmax, n1, 1, true);addBBlockMortar(master[0],
lambdax, 0, 1, p2, 0);int eqns=addBBlockMortar(master[1],
lambdax, 0, 1, p2,
lambday, 1, 1, p1, eqns);int
lambday, 1, 1, p1, eqns);MatrixOps::fromAdjacency(B,
Bpatt, A.getEqns(), eqns+eqns2);Bpatt.clear();std::cout
<< "\tassembling YZ mortar
matrix..."<< std::endl;assembleBBlockMortar(master[0],
lambdax, 0, 1, p2,
lambdax, 0, 1, p2,
<< "\tassembling XZ mortar
matrix..."<< std::endl;assembleBBlockMortar(master[2],
lambday, 1, 1, p1, eqns);assembleBBlockMortar(master[3],
lambday, 1, 1, p1, eqns,-1.0);master.clear();slave.clear();}template
< class M, class A > void 
Opm::Elasticity::applyMortarBlock (int i, const Matrix &B, M &T, A &upre)
 Opm::Elasticity::if (params.type==ITERATIVE)
std::cerr<< "No direct solver
available"<< std::endl;exit(1);siz=A.getOperator().N();}for(int
i=0;i< 6;++i) b[i].resize(siz);}{try{Dune::InverseOperatorResult
Opm::Elasticity::apply (u[loadcase], b[loadcase], r)


 Opm::Elasticity::min [0] = min[1] = min[2] = 1e5
const LeafVertexIterator Opm::Elasticity::itend = gv.leafGridView().template end<dim>()
LeafVertexIterator Opm::Elasticity::start = gv.leafGridView().template begin<dim>()
static const int Opm::Elasticity::bfunc = 4+(dim-2)*4
Dune::FieldVector< ctype, comp > Opm::Elasticity::eps0 = 0
MaterialMap Opm::Elasticity::cache
std::vector< double > Opm::Elasticity::Emod
std::vector< double > Opm::Elasticity::Poiss
std::vector< int > Opm::Elasticity::satnum
std::vector< double > Opm::Elasticity::rho
 Opm::Elasticity::upscaledRho = -1
Opm::ParseMode Opm::Elasticity::parseMode
std::vector< int > Opm::Elasticity::cells = gv.globalCell()
int Opm::Elasticity::j =0
std::map< Material *, double > Opm::Elasticity::volume
std::cout<< "Number of
materials: "<< cache.size()
<< std::endl;double
< Material *, double >
::iterator it=volume.begin();it!=volume.end();++it)
int Opm::Elasticity::numsolvers = 1

Detailed Description

Elasticity upscale class - template implementations.

Nov 9 2011
Arne Morten Kvarving / SINTEF

Macro Definition Documentation

#define IMPL_FUNC (   A,
template<class GridType, class PC> \
A ElasticityUpscale<GridType, PC>::B