Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 COpm::Elasticity::ASMHandler< GridType >Class handling finite element assembly
 COpm::Elasticity::BoundaryGridA class describing a quad grid
 COpm::Elasticity::BoundaryGrid::BoundedPredicatePredicate for checking if a vertex falls within a quads bounding box
 COpm::Elasticity::MPC::DOFA struct for representing one term (DOF number and associated coefficient) in a MPC equation
 COpm::Elasticity::Elasticity< GridType >Elasticity helper class
 COpm::Elasticity::ElasticityUpscale< GridType, PC >The main driver class
 COpm::Elasticity::HexGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >Geometry class for general hexagons
 COpm::Elasticity::HexGeometry< 2, cdim, GridImp >Specialization for 2D quadrilaterals
 COpm::Elasticity::UzawaSolver< X, Y >
 COpm::Elasticity::LagrangeCardinalFunction< ctype, rtype >Represents a cardinal function on a line
 COpm::Elasticity::MPC::LessComparison predicate for MPCs
 COpm::Elasticity::MortarBlockEvaluator< T >
 COpm::Elasticity::LinearShapeFunction< ctype, rtype, dim >Represents a linear shape function on a Q4/Q8 element
 CLoggerHelperHelper class for progress logging during time consuming processes
 COpm::Elasticity::MaterialThis is a base class for linear elastic materials
 COpm::Elasticity::IsotropicIsotropic linear elastic material
 COpm::Elasticity::OrthotropicDOrthotropic linear elastic material with diagonal constitutive matrix
 COpm::Elasticity::OrthotropicSymOrthotropic linear elastic material with symmetric constitutive matrix
 COpm::Elasticity::MatrixOpsHelper class with some matrix operations
 CMeshColorizer< GridType >Generate a coloring of a mesh suitable for threaded assembly. The mesh is assumed structured, and is sliced in strips of alternating colors (two colors). The two color groups can then be assembled in parallel since they will never add to the same DOFs in the linear system. Currently it can only be instanced for a CpGrid
 COpm::Elasticity::MPCA class for representing a general multi-point constraint equation
 COpm::Elasticity::OperatorApplier< T >Class abstracting a preconditioner or an inverse operator
 COpm::Elasticity::P1ShapeFunctionSet< ctype, rtype, dim >Singleton handler for the set of LinearShapeFunction
 COpm::Elasticity::PNShapeFunctionSet< dim >
 COpm::Elasticity::MortarSchurPre< PrecondElasticityBlock >
 COpm::Elasticity::BoundaryGrid::QuadA class describing a linear, quadrilateral element
 COpm::RelPermUpscaleHelperHelper class for relperm upscaling applications
 COpm::SteadyStateUpscalerManager< Traits >
 COpm::SteadyStateUpscalerManagerImplicit< Upscaler >
 COpm::Elasticity::TensorProductFunction< rtype, ctype, ftype, dim >Represents a tensor-product of 1D functions
 COpm::UpscalerBase< Traits >A base class for upscaling
 COpm::SteadyStateUpscaler< Traits >A class for doing steady state upscaling
 COpm::SteadyStateUpscalerImplicit< Traits >A class for doing steady state upscaling
 COpm::UpscalerBase< UpscalingTraitsBasic >
 COpm::SinglePhaseUpscalerA class for doing single phase (permeability) upscaling
 COpm::Elasticity::BoundaryGrid::VertexA class describing a 2D vertex
 COpm::Elasticity::BoundaryGrid::VertexLessPredicate for sorting vertices