linalg Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for linalg:


file  bicgstabsolver.hh [code]
file  blacklist.hh [code]
file  combinedcriterion.hh [code]
file  convergencecriterion.hh [code]
 Define some base class for the convergence criteria of the linear solvers of DUNE-ISTL.
file  domesticoverlapfrombcrsmatrix.hh [code]
file  elementborderlistfromgrid.hh [code]
file  fixpointcriterion.hh [code]
file  foreignoverlapfrombcrsmatrix.hh [code]
file  globalindices.hh [code]
file  ilufirstelement.hh [code]
file  istlpreconditionerwrappers.hh [code]
 Provides wrapper classes for the (non-AMG) preconditioners provided by dune-istl.
file  istlsolverwrappers.hh [code]
 Provides wrapper classes for the iterative linear solvers available in dune-istl.
file  istlsparsematrixadapter.hh [code]
file  linalgparameters.hh [code]
 Declares the parameters for the black oil model.
file  linalgproperties.hh [code]
 Declares the properties required by the black oil model.
file  linearsolverreport.hh [code]
file  matrixblock.hh [code]
file  nullborderlistmanager.hh [code]
file  overlappingbcrsmatrix.hh [code]
file  overlappingblockvector.hh [code]
file  overlappingoperator.hh [code]
file  overlappingpreconditioner.hh [code]
file  overlappingscalarproduct.hh [code]
file  overlaptypes.hh [code]
 This files provides several data structures for storing tuples of indices of remote and/or local processes.
file  parallelamgbackend.hh [code]
file  parallelbasebackend.hh [code]
file  parallelbicgstabbackend.hh [code]
file  parallelistlbackend.hh [code]
file  residreductioncriterion.hh [code]
file  superlubackend.hh [code]
file  vertexborderlistfromgrid.hh [code]
file  weightedresidreductioncriterion.hh [code]