Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar > Class Template Reference

#include <Transmissibility.hpp>

Public Types

enum class  TransUpdateQuantities { Trans , All }
 Compute all transmissibilities. More...
using DimMatrix = Dune::FieldMatrix< Scalar, dimWorld, dimWorld >
using DimVector = Dune::FieldVector< Scalar, dimWorld >

Public Member Functions

 Transmissibility (const EclipseState &eclState, const GridView &gridView, const CartesianIndexMapper &cartMapper, const Grid &grid, std::function< std::array< double, dimWorld >(int)> centroids, bool enableEnergy, bool enableDiffusivity, bool enableDispersivity)
const DimMatrixpermeability (unsigned elemIdx) const
 Return the permeability for an element. More...
Scalar transmissibility (unsigned elemIdx1, unsigned elemIdx2) const
 Return the transmissibility for the intersection between two elements. More...
Scalar transmissibilityBoundary (unsigned elemIdx, unsigned boundaryFaceIdx) const
 Return the transmissibility for a given boundary segment. More...
Scalar thermalHalfTrans (unsigned insideElemIdx, unsigned outsideElemIdx) const
 Return the thermal "half transmissibility" for the intersection between two elements. More...
Scalar thermalHalfTransBoundary (unsigned insideElemIdx, unsigned boundaryFaceIdx) const
Scalar diffusivity (unsigned elemIdx1, unsigned elemIdx2) const
 Return the diffusivity for the intersection between two elements. More...
Scalar dispersivity (unsigned elemIdx1, unsigned elemIdx2) const
 Return the dispersivity for the intersection between two elements. More...
void finishInit (const std::function< unsigned int(unsigned int)> &map={})
 Actually compute the transmissibility over a face as a pre-compute step. More...
void update (bool global, TransUpdateQuantities update_quantities=TransUpdateQuantities::All, const std::function< unsigned int(unsigned int)> &map={}, bool applyNncMultRegT=false)

Protected Member Functions

void updateFromEclState_ (bool global)
void removeNonCartesianTransmissibilities_ (bool removeAll)
void applyAllZMultipliers_ (Scalar &trans, unsigned insideFaceIdx, unsigned outsideFaceIdx, unsigned insideCartElemIdx, unsigned outsideCartElemIdx, const TransMult &transMult, const std::array< int, dimWorld > &cartDims, bool pinchTop)
 Apply the Multipliers for the case PINCH(4)==TOPBOT. More...
std::array< std::vector< double >, 3 > createTransmissibilityArrays_ (const std::array< bool, 3 > &is_tran)
 Creates TRANS{XYZ} arrays for modification by FieldProps data. More...
void resetTransmissibilityFromArrays_ (const std::array< bool, 3 > &is_tran, const std::array< std::vector< double >, 3 > &trans)
 overwrites calculated transmissibilities More...
template<class Intersection >
void computeFaceProperties (const Intersection &intersection, const int, const int, const int, const int, DimVector &faceCenterInside, DimVector &faceCenterOutside, DimVector &faceAreaNormal, std::false_type) const
template<class Intersection >
void computeFaceProperties (const Intersection &intersection, const int insideElemIdx, const int insideFaceIdx, const int outsideElemIdx, const int outsideFaceIdx, DimVector &faceCenterInside, DimVector &faceCenterOutside, DimVector &faceAreaNormal, std::true_type) const
void applyNncToGridTrans_ (const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &cartesianToCompressed)
void applyEditNncToGridTrans_ (const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &globalToLocal)
 Multiplies the grid transmissibilities according to EDITNNC. More...
void applyEditNncrToGridTrans_ (const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &globalToLocal)
 Resets the grid transmissibilities according to EDITNNCR. More...
void applyNncMultreg_ (const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &globalToLocal)
void applyEditNncToGridTransHelper_ (const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &globalToLocal, const std::string &keyword, const std::vector< NNCdata > &nncs, const std::function< KeywordLocation(const NNCdata &)> &getLocation, const std::function< void(Scalar &, const Scalar &)> &apply)
void extractPermeability_ ()
void extractPermeability_ (const std::function< unsigned int(unsigned int)> &map)
void extractPorosity_ ()
void extractDispersion_ ()
void computeHalfTrans_ (Scalar &halfTrans, const DimVector &areaNormal, int faceIdx, const DimVector &distance, const DimMatrix &perm) const
void computeHalfDiffusivity_ (Scalar &halfDiff, const DimVector &areaNormal, const DimVector &distance, const Scalar &poro) const
DimVector distanceVector_ (const DimVector &faceCenter, const unsigned &cellIdx) const
void applyMultipliers_ (Scalar &trans, unsigned faceIdx, unsigned cartElemIdx, const TransMult &transMult) const
void applyNtg_ (Scalar &trans, unsigned faceIdx, unsigned elemIdx, const std::vector< double > &ntg) const

Protected Attributes

std::vector< DimMatrixpermeability_
std::vector< Scalar > porosity_
std::vector< Scalar > dispersion_
std::unordered_map< std::uint64_t, Scalar > trans_
const EclipseState & eclState_
const GridView & gridView_
const CartesianIndexMapper & cartMapper_
const Grid & grid_
std::function< std::array< double, dimWorld >(int)> centroids_
Scalar transmissibilityThreshold_
std::map< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned >, Scalar > transBoundary_
std::map< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned >, Scalar > thermalHalfTransBoundary_
bool enableEnergy_
bool enableDiffusivity_
bool enableDispersivity_
bool warnEditNNC_ = true
std::unordered_map< std::uint64_t, Scalar > thermalHalfTrans_
std::unordered_map< std::uint64_t, Scalar > diffusivity_
std::unordered_map< std::uint64_t, Scalar > dispersivity_
const LookUpData< Grid, GridView > lookUpData_
const LookUpCartesianData< Grid, GridView > lookUpCartesianData_

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DimMatrix

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
using Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::DimMatrix = Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, dimWorld, dimWorld>

◆ DimVector

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
using Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::DimVector = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ TransUpdateQuantities

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
enum class Opm::Transmissibility::TransUpdateQuantities

Compute all transmissibilities.

[in]globalWhether or not to call update() on all processes. Also, this updates the "thermal half transmissibilities" if energy is enabled.
[in]transIndicating whether we only allocate and upate trans_ without considering thermalHalfTrans_, diffusivity_, dispersivity_. For many usage, we only need trans_, e.g. weights for domain decomposition, INIT file output. It might change following further development. Trans only update the trans_, which is related to permeability All upate rans_, thermalHalfTrans_, diffusivity_ and dispersivity_.
[in]applyNncMultRegTWhether or not to apply regional multipliers to explicit NNCs. Explicit NNCs are those entered directly in the input data, e.g., through the NNC/EDITNNC/EDITNNCR keywords, or the result of generating connections to or within numerical aquifers. Default value: false, meaning do not apply regional multipliers to explicit NNCs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Transmissibility()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::Transmissibility ( const EclipseState &  eclState,
const GridView &  gridView,
const CartesianIndexMapper &  cartMapper,
const Grid &  grid,
std::function< std::array< double, dimWorld >(int)>  centroids,
bool  enableEnergy,
bool  enableDiffusivity,
bool  enableDispersivity 

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyAllZMultipliers_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::applyAllZMultipliers_ ( Scalar &  trans,
unsigned  insideFaceIdx,
unsigned  outsideFaceIdx,
unsigned  insideCartElemIdx,
unsigned  outsideCartElemIdx,
const TransMult &  transMult,
const std::array< int, dimWorld > &  cartDims,
bool  pinchTop 

Apply the Multipliers for the case PINCH(4)==TOPBOT.

pinchTopWhether PINCH(5) is TOP, otherwise ALL is assumed.

◆ applyEditNncrToGridTrans_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::applyEditNncrToGridTrans_ ( const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &  globalToLocal)

Resets the grid transmissibilities according to EDITNNCR.

◆ applyEditNncToGridTrans_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::applyEditNncToGridTrans_ ( const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &  globalToLocal)

Multiplies the grid transmissibilities according to EDITNNC.

◆ applyEditNncToGridTransHelper_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::applyEditNncToGridTransHelper_ ( const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &  globalToLocal,
const std::string &  keyword,
const std::vector< NNCdata > &  nncs,
const std::function< KeywordLocation(const NNCdata &)> &  getLocation,
const std::function< void(Scalar &, const Scalar &)> &  apply 

References Opm::details::isId().

◆ applyMultipliers_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::applyMultipliers_ ( Scalar &  trans,
unsigned  faceIdx,
unsigned  cartElemIdx,
const TransMult &  transMult 
) const

◆ applyNncMultreg_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::applyNncMultreg_ ( const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &  globalToLocal)

References Opm::details::isId().

◆ applyNncToGridTrans_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::applyNncToGridTrans_ ( const std::unordered_map< std::size_t, int > &  cartesianToCompressed)

References Opm::details::isId().

◆ applyNtg_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::applyNtg_ ( Scalar &  trans,
unsigned  faceIdx,
unsigned  elemIdx,
const std::vector< double > &  ntg 
) const

◆ computeFaceProperties() [1/2]

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
template<class Intersection >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::computeFaceProperties ( const Intersection &  intersection,
const int  insideElemIdx,
const int  insideFaceIdx,
const int  outsideElemIdx,
const int  outsideFaceIdx,
DimVector faceCenterInside,
DimVector faceCenterOutside,
DimVector faceAreaNormal,
) const

Alternatively, the actual area of the refined face can be computed as follows:

◆ computeFaceProperties() [2/2]

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
template<class Intersection >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::computeFaceProperties ( const Intersection &  intersection,
const int  ,
const int  ,
const int  ,
const int  ,
DimVector faceCenterInside,
DimVector faceCenterOutside,
DimVector faceAreaNormal,
) const

◆ computeHalfDiffusivity_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::computeHalfDiffusivity_ ( Scalar &  halfDiff,
const DimVector areaNormal,
const DimVector distance,
const Scalar &  poro 
) const

◆ computeHalfTrans_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::computeHalfTrans_ ( Scalar &  halfTrans,
const DimVector areaNormal,
int  faceIdx,
const DimVector distance,
const DimMatrix perm 
) const

◆ createTransmissibilityArrays_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::array< std::vector< double >, 3 > Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::createTransmissibilityArrays_ ( const std::array< bool, 3 > &  is_tran)

Creates TRANS{XYZ} arrays for modification by FieldProps data.

is_tranWhether TRAN{XYZ} will be modified. If entry is false the array will be empty
an array of vector (TRANX, TRANY, TRANZ}

References Opm::details::isId().

◆ diffusivity()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
Scalar Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::diffusivity ( unsigned  elemIdx1,
unsigned  elemIdx2 
) const

Return the diffusivity for the intersection between two elements.

References Opm::details::isId().

◆ dispersivity()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
Scalar Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::dispersivity ( unsigned  elemIdx1,
unsigned  elemIdx2 
) const

Return the dispersivity for the intersection between two elements.

References Opm::details::isId().

◆ distanceVector_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::DimVector Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::distanceVector_ ( const DimVector faceCenter,
const unsigned &  cellIdx 
) const

◆ extractDispersion_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::extractDispersion_

◆ extractPermeability_() [1/2]

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::extractPermeability_

◆ extractPermeability_() [2/2]

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::extractPermeability_ ( const std::function< unsigned int(unsigned int)> &  map)

◆ extractPorosity_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::extractPorosity_

◆ finishInit()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::finishInit ( const std::function< unsigned int(unsigned int)> &  map = {})

Actually compute the transmissibility over a face as a pre-compute step.

This code actually uses the direction specific "centroids" of each element. These "centroids" are not the identical barycenter of the element, but the middle of the centers of the faces of the logical Cartesian cells, i.e., the centers of the faces of the reference elements. We do things this way because the barycenter of the element can be located outside of the element for sufficiently "ugly" (i.e., thin and "non-flat") elements which in turn leads to quite wrong permeabilities. This approach is probably not always correct either but at least it seems to be much better.

◆ permeability()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
const DimMatrix & Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::permeability ( unsigned  elemIdx) const

◆ removeNonCartesianTransmissibilities_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::removeNonCartesianTransmissibilities_ ( bool  removeAll)

◆ resetTransmissibilityFromArrays_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::resetTransmissibilityFromArrays_ ( const std::array< bool, 3 > &  is_tran,
const std::array< std::vector< double >, 3 > &  trans 

overwrites calculated transmissibilities

is_tranWhether TRAN{XYZ} have been modified.
transArrays with modified transmissibilities TRAN{XYZ}

References Opm::details::isId().

◆ thermalHalfTrans()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
Scalar Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::thermalHalfTrans ( unsigned  insideElemIdx,
unsigned  outsideElemIdx 
) const

Return the thermal "half transmissibility" for the intersection between two elements.

The "half transmissibility" features all sub-expressions of the "thermal transmissibility" which can be precomputed, i.e. they are not dependent on the current solution:

H_t = A * (n*d)/(d*d);

where A is the area of the intersection between the inside and outside elements, n is the outer unit normal, and d is the distance between the center of the inside cell and the center of the intersection.

References Opm::details::directionalIsId().

◆ thermalHalfTransBoundary()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
Scalar Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::thermalHalfTransBoundary ( unsigned  insideElemIdx,
unsigned  boundaryFaceIdx 
) const

◆ transmissibility()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
Scalar Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::transmissibility ( unsigned  elemIdx1,
unsigned  elemIdx2 
) const

Return the transmissibility for the intersection between two elements.

References Opm::details::isId().

◆ transmissibilityBoundary()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
Scalar Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::transmissibilityBoundary ( unsigned  elemIdx,
unsigned  boundaryFaceIdx 
) const

Return the transmissibility for a given boundary segment.

◆ update()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::update ( bool  global,
TransUpdateQuantities  update_quantities = TransUpdateQuantities::All,
const std::function< unsigned int(unsigned int)> &  map = {},
bool  applyNncMultRegT = false 

◆ updateFromEclState_()

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
void Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::updateFromEclState_ ( bool  global)

Member Data Documentation

◆ cartMapper_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
const CartesianIndexMapper& Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::cartMapper_

◆ centroids_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::function<std::array<double,dimWorld>(int)> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::centroids_

◆ diffusivity_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::unordered_map<std::uint64_t, Scalar> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::diffusivity_

◆ dispersion_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::vector<Scalar> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::dispersion_

◆ dispersivity_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::unordered_map<std::uint64_t, Scalar> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::dispersivity_

◆ eclState_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
const EclipseState& Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::eclState_

◆ enableDiffusivity_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
bool Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::enableDiffusivity_

◆ enableDispersivity_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
bool Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::enableDispersivity_

◆ enableEnergy_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
bool Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::enableEnergy_

◆ grid_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
const Grid& Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::grid_

◆ gridView_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
const GridView& Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::gridView_

◆ lookUpCartesianData_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
const LookUpCartesianData<Grid,GridView> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::lookUpCartesianData_

◆ lookUpData_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
const LookUpData<Grid,GridView> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::lookUpData_

◆ permeability_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::vector<DimMatrix> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::permeability_

◆ porosity_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::vector<Scalar> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::porosity_

◆ thermalHalfTrans_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::unordered_map<std::uint64_t, Scalar> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::thermalHalfTrans_

◆ thermalHalfTransBoundary_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::map<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, Scalar> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::thermalHalfTransBoundary_

◆ trans_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::unordered_map<std::uint64_t, Scalar> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::trans_

◆ transBoundary_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
std::map<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, Scalar> Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::transBoundary_

◆ transmissibilityThreshold_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
Scalar Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::transmissibilityThreshold_

◆ warnEditNNC_

template<class Grid , class GridView , class ElementMapper , class CartesianIndexMapper , class Scalar >
bool Opm::Transmissibility< Grid, GridView, ElementMapper, CartesianIndexMapper, Scalar >::warnEditNNC_ = true

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