Dune::Amg Namespace Reference


class  AggregationLevelTransferPolicyCpr
 A LeveTransferPolicy that used aggregation to construct the coarse level system. More...
class  AMGCPR
 Parallel algebraic multigrid based on agglomeration. More...
struct  ConstructionTraits< MultithreadDILU< M, X, Y > >
 Policy for the construction of the MultithreadDILU smoother. More...
class  ConstructionTraits< Opm::GhostLastMatrixAdapter< M, X, Y, C > >
struct  ConstructionTraits< Opm::ParallelOverlappingILU0< Matrix, Domain, Range, ParallelInfo > >
 Tells AMG how to construct the Opm::ParallelOverlappingILU0 smoother. More...
struct  ConstructionTraits< Opm::ParallelRestrictedOverlappingSchwarz< Range, Domain, ParallelInfo, SeqPreconditioner > >
 Tells AMG how to construct the Opm::ParallelOverlappingILU0 smoother. More...
class  KAMG
class  KAmgTwoGrid
class  LevelTransferPolicyCpr
 Abstract base class for transfer between levels and creation of the coarse level system. More...
class  OneStepAMGCoarseSolverPolicyCpr
 A policy class for solving the coarse level system using one step of AMG. More...
class  PressureSolverPolicy
struct  SmootherTraits< Opm::ParallelOverlappingILU0< M, X, Y, C > >
struct  SmootherTraits< Opm::ParallelRestrictedOverlappingSchwarz< Range, Domain, ParallelInfo, SeqPreconditioner > >
 Tells AMG how to use Opm::ParallelOverlappingILU0 smoother. More...
class  TwoLevelMethodCpr


template<class M , class T >
void redistributeMatrixAmg (M &, M &, SequentialInformation &, SequentialInformation &, T &)
template<class M , class PI >
std::enable_if<!std::is_same< PI, SequentialInformation >::value, void >::type redistributeMatrixAmg (M &mat, M &matRedist, PI &info, PI &infoRedist, Dune::RedistributeInformation< PI > &redistInfo)

Function Documentation

◆ redistributeMatrixAmg() [1/2]

template<class M , class T >
void Dune::Amg::redistributeMatrixAmg ( M &  ,
M &  ,
SequentialInformation &  ,
SequentialInformation &  ,
T &   

◆ redistributeMatrixAmg() [2/2]

template<class M , class PI >
std::enable_if<!std::is_same< PI, SequentialInformation >::value, void >::type Dune::Amg::redistributeMatrixAmg ( M &  mat,
M &  matRedist,
PI &  info,
PI &  infoRedist,
Dune::RedistributeInformation< PI > &  redistInfo 