Opm::gpuistl Namespace Reference


namespace  detail


class  GPUAwareMPISender
 Derived class of GPUSender that handles MPI made with CUDA aware MPI The copOwnerToAll function uses MPI calls refering to data that resides on the GPU in order to send it directly to other GPUs, skipping the staging step on the CPU. More...
class  GpuBlockPreconditioner
 Is an adaptation of Dune::BlockPreconditioner that works within the CuISTL framework. More...
class  GpuDILU
 DILU preconditioner on the GPU. More...
class  GpuJac
 Jacobi preconditioner on the GPU. More...
class  GPUObliviousMPISender
 Derived class of GPUSender that handles MPI calls that should NOT use GPU direct communicatoin The implementation moves data fromthe GPU to the CPU and then sends it using regular MPI. More...
class  GpuOwnerOverlapCopy
 CUDA compatiable variant of Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication. More...
class  GPUSender
 GPUSender is a wrapper class for classes which will implement copOwnerToAll This is implemented with the intention of creating communicators with generic GPUSender To hide implementation that will either use GPU aware MPI or not. More...
class  GpuSeqILU0
 Sequential ILU0 preconditioner on the GPU through the CuSparse library. More...
class  GpuSparseMatrix
 The GpuSparseMatrix class simple wrapper class for a CuSparse matrix. More...
class  GpuView
 The GpuView class is provides a view of some data allocated on the GPU Essenstially is only stores a pointer and a size. More...
class  OpmGpuILU0
 ILU0 preconditioner on the GPU. More...
class  PreconditionerAdapter
 Makes a CUDA preconditioner available to a CPU simulator. More...
class  PreconditionerConvertFieldTypeAdapter
 Converts the field type (eg. double to float) to benchmark single precision preconditioners. More...
class  PreconditionerHolder
 Common interface for adapters that hold preconditioners. More...
class  SolverAdapter
 Wraps a CUDA solver to work with CPU data. More...


void setZeroAtIndexSet (const GpuVector< int > &indexSet)
 The GpuVector class is a simple (arithmetic) vector class for the GPU. More...
std::string toDebugString ()
void setDevice (int mpiRank, int numberOfMpiRanks)
 Sets the correct CUDA device in the setting of MPI. More...

Function Documentation

◆ setDevice()

void Opm::gpuistl::setDevice ( int  mpiRank,
int  numberOfMpiRanks 

Sets the correct CUDA device in the setting of MPI.

This assumes that every node has equally many GPUs, all of the same caliber
This probably needs to be called before MPI_Init if one uses GPUDirect transfers (see eg. https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/752046/teaching-and-curriculum-support/multi-gpu-system-running-mpi-cuda-/ )
If no CUDA device is present, this does nothing.

◆ setZeroAtIndexSet()

void Opm::gpuistl::setZeroAtIndexSet ( const GpuVector< int > &  indexSet)

The GpuVector class is a simple (arithmetic) vector class for the GPU.

we currently only support simple raw primitives for T (double, float and int)
We currently only support arithmetic operations on double and float.
this vector has no notion of block size. The user is responsible for allocating the correct number of primitives (double or floats)

Example usage:

void someFunction() {
auto someDataOnCPU = std::vector<double>({1.0, 2.0, 42.0, 59.9451743, 10.7132692});
auto dataOnGPU = GpuVector<double>(someDataOnCPU);
// Multiply by 4.0:
dataOnGPU *= 4.0;
// Get data back on CPU in another vector:
auto stdVectorOnCPU = dataOnGPU.asStdVector();
@tparam T the type to store. Can be either float, double or int.
template <typename T>
class GpuVector
using field_type = T;
using size_type = size_t;
GpuVector(const GpuVector<T>& other);
explicit GpuVector(const std::vector<T>& data);
GpuVector& operator=(const GpuVector<T>& other);
GpuVector& operator=(T scalar);
explicit GpuVector(const size_t numberOfElements);
GpuVector(const T* dataOnHost, const size_t numberOfElements);
virtual ~GpuVector();
T* data();
const T* data() const;
template <int BlockDimension>
void copyFromHost(const Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<T, BlockDimension>>& bvector)
// TODO: [perf] vector.dim() can be replaced by bvector.N() * BlockDimension
if (detail::to_size_t(m_numberOfElements) != bvector.dim()) {
fmt::format("Given incompatible vector size. GpuVector has size {}, \n"
"however, BlockVector has N() = {}, and dim = {}.",
const auto dataPointer = static_cast<const T*>(&(bvector[0][0]));
copyFromHost(dataPointer, m_numberOfElements);
template <int BlockDimension>
void copyToHost(Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<T, BlockDimension>>& bvector) const
// TODO: [perf] vector.dim() can be replaced by bvector.N() * BlockDimension
if (detail::to_size_t(m_numberOfElements) != bvector.dim()) {
fmt::format("Given incompatible vector size. GpuVector has size {},\n however, the BlockVector "
"has has N() = {}, and dim() = {}.",
const auto dataPointer = static_cast<T*>(&(bvector[0][0]));
copyToHost(dataPointer, m_numberOfElements);
void copyFromHost(const T* dataPointer, size_t numberOfElements);
void copyToHost(T* dataPointer, size_t numberOfElements) const;
void copyFromHost(const std::vector<T>& data);
void copyToHost(std::vector<T>& data) const;
void prepareSendBuf(GpuVector<T>& buffer, const GpuVector<int>& indexSet) const;
void syncFromRecvBuf(GpuVector<T>& buffer, const GpuVector<int>& indexSet) const;
GpuVector<T>& operator*=(const T& scalar);
GpuVector<T>& axpy(T alpha, const GpuVector<T>& y);
GpuVector<T>& operator+=(const GpuVector<T>& other);
GpuVector<T>& operator-=(const GpuVector<T>& other);
T dot(const GpuVector<T>& other) const;
T two_norm() const;
T dot(const GpuVector<T>& other, const GpuVector<int>& indexSet, GpuVector<T>& buffer) const;
T two_norm(const GpuVector<int>& indexSet, GpuVector<T>& buffer) const;
T dot(const GpuVector<T>& other, const GpuVector<int>& indexSet) const;
T two_norm(const GpuVector<int>& indexSet) const;
size_type dim() const;
std::vector<T> asStdVector() const;
template <int blockSize>
Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<T, blockSize>> asDuneBlockVector() const
OPM_ERROR_IF(dim() % blockSize != 0,
fmt::format("blockSize is not a multiple of dim(). Given blockSize = {}, and dim() = {}",
Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<T, blockSize>> returnValue(dim() / blockSize);
return returnValue;
static const int dim
Definition: structuredgridvanguard.hh:67
void syncFromRecvBuf(T *deviceA, T *buffer, size_t numberOfElements, const int *indices)
void prepareSendBuf(const T *deviceA, T *buffer, size_t numberOfElements, const int *indices)
__host__ __device__ std::size_t to_size_t(int i)
to_size_t converts a (on most relevant platforms) a 32 bit signed int to a 64 bits unsigned int
Definition: safe_conversion.hpp:86

◆ toDebugString()

std::string Opm::gpuistl::toDebugString ( )

References Opm::to_string().