[Opm] about opm

Alf Birger Rustad abir at equinor.com
Mon Oct 15 14:37:23 UTC 2018

Hi Lorenzo,

I can only give you my take on it, others will most probably have differing perspectives. OPM and Dumux have close relations. Large parts of the reservoir simulator code in OPM is based on Dumux, and both projects have a preference for using Dune for grid and linear algebra. Dumux provides a broad toolkit for a number of flow processes beyond reservoir simulation. OPM has been more focused on industry needs, in particular black-oil formulations. Hence, OPM's reservoir simulator can work as a drop-in replacement for industry simulators, and consequently builds a bridge between the more academic efforts in Dumux and the industry. Actually, we specifically try to make it easy to combine code from OPM and Dumux, we want to enable joint efforts.

For your particular problem, OPM may be the better option, since it fits within the black-oil setting. You will find example models in our data-set repository, and in our test-data repository:

Use the manual to edit one of these data-sets so that is fits your needs:

You probably do not need to build anything, unless you seek specific formulations to capture the fingering. We provide Ubutnu packages, and very soon a new release with all the latest and greatest goodies. Install instructions are here:

Check out Resinsight for your post-processing, installed from the same Ubuntu archive, documentation provided online here:

Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
From: Opm <opm-bounces at opm-project.org> On Behalf Of lc
Sent: 15. oktober 2018 15:21
To: opm at opm-project.org
Subject: [Opm] about opm

Dear developers and users,

I recently discovered dumux and opm.

To me it is not clear what is the difference between these two codes, which relation among them?

Which is the most updated and maintained?

My task is to simulate viscous fingers due to water/oil interaction with Buckley-Leverett (2d at least) equations including capillarity effect with possibly injection/extraction. Is there any tutorial/example about this?

Which code should I use? Where to find the clearest installation/usage instructions for ubuntu (from source)

Kind regards,

Lorenzo Campoli

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