OPM Flow manual

The manual for OPM Flow is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, version 4.0 or later.

If you find errors, inconsistencies or omissions in the manual, please post an issue at our github repository.

The current version of the manual in PDF format: OPM Flow Reference Manual 2024.10

For how to run the simulator from python and for how to run a python script from within the simulation (PYACTION keyword), use the OPM Online Python Documentation.
Here, you also find the class documentation of opm.common and opm.simulators.
If you find errors, inconsistencies or omissions in the python documentation, please post an issue at our python docu github.

Revision history:

March 19, 20242024-10
September 17, 20242024-04
March 15, 20232023-10
June 8, 20232023-04
December 14, 20222022-10
May 18, 20222022-04 Rev-0
November 17, 20212021-10 Rev-0
June 28, 20212021-04 Rev-1
June 17, 20202021-04 Rev-0
December 23, 20202020-10 Rev-0
August 21, 20202020-4 Rev-1
May 25, 20202020-4 Rev-0
December 5, 20192019-10 Rev-1
June 20, 20192019-04 Rev-0
January 2, 20192018-10 Rev-2
November 11, 20182018-10 Rev-1
October 4, 20172017-10 Rev-0

BibTeX reference for the manual:

  author = {
    David Baxendale and
    Jostein Alvestad and Kai Bao and Markus Blatt and
    Joshua Charles Bowden and Paul Egberts and Joakim Hove and Håkon Hægland and
    Matthew Goodfield and Vegard Kippe and Peter Kirkham and Stein Krogstad and
    Arne Morten Kvarving and Kjetil Olsen Lye and Robert Klöfkorm and David Landa-Marbán and Andreas Lauser and
    Cintia Goncalves Machado and Lisa Julia Nebel and Halvor Møll Nilsen and Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen and
    Antonella Ritorto and Alf Birger Rustad and Tor Harald Sandve and Ove Sævareid and
    Bård Skaflestad and Torbjørn Skille and Svenn Tveit and Pieter J. Verveer
  title = {OPM Flow Reference Manual (2024-10)},
  publisher = {Open Porous Media initiative},
  year = {2025},
  url = {https://opm-project.org/?page_id=955}