[Opm] WAG CO2

Atgeirr Rasmussen Atgeirr.Rasmussen at sintef.no
Mon Jan 7 07:37:59 UTC 2019

Dear Manoel,

I think your workaround (twin wells) should work, but have not tried myself. I suggest you try first on a small testcase to verify the approach before doing the real case.


Frå: Opm <opm-bounces at opm-project.org> på vegne av Manoel Farias <mlfarias201450 at gmail.com>
Sendt: fredag 4. januar 2019 13:54
Til: opm at opm-project.org
Emne: [Opm] WAG CO2


I am trying to model WAG-CO2 using flow.

When I declared the WSOLVENT keyword, flow stopped because it is not a
valid keyword for water injectors.
My first idea to solve this problem is to create twin wells in each
location, water and gas injectors, and open them alternately. I think that
it will work, but I have 10 injectors.
Is there any alternative way?
By the way, my simplified model with classic WAG is running very fast!

Thanks in advance,


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