blackoil Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for blackoil:


file  blackoilboundaryratevector.hh [code]
file  blackoilbrinemodules.hh [code]
 Contains the classes required to extend the black-oil model by brine.
file  blackoilbrineparams.hh [code]
 Contains the parameters required to extend the black-oil model by brine.
file  blackoilconvectivemixingmodule.hh [code]
 Classes required for dynamic convective mixing.
file  blackoildarcyfluxmodule.hh [code]
 This file contains the default flux module of the blackoil model.
file  blackoildiffusionmodule.hh [code]
 Classes required for molecular diffusion.
file  blackoildispersionmodule.hh [code]
 Classes required for mechanical dispersion.
file  blackoilenergymodules.hh [code]
 Contains the classes required to extend the black-oil model by energy.
file  blackoilextbomodules.hh [code]
 Contains the classes required to extend the black-oil model by solvent component. For details, refer: [*] T.H. Sandve, O. Sævareid and I. Aavatsmark: “Improved Extended Blackoil Formulation for CO2 EOR Simulations.” in ECMOR XVII – The 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, September 2020.
file  blackoilextboparams.hh [code]
 Contains the parameters required to extend the black-oil model by solvent component. For details, refer: [*] T.H. Sandve, O. Sævareid and I. Aavatsmark: “Improved Extended Blackoil Formulation for CO2 EOR Simulations.” in ECMOR XVII – The 17th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, September 2020.
file  blackoilextensivequantities.hh [code]
file  blackoilfoammodules.hh [code]
 Contains the classes required to extend the black-oil model to include the effects of foam.
file  blackoilfoamparams.hh [code]
 Contains the parameters to extend the black-oil model to include the effects of foam.
file  blackoilindices.hh [code]
file  blackoilintensivequantities.hh [code]
file  blackoillocalresidual.hh [code]
file  blackoillocalresidualtpfa.hh [code]
file  blackoilmicpmodules.hh [code]
 Contains the classes required to extend the black-oil model by MICP.
file  blackoilmicpparams.hh [code]
 Contains the parameters required to extend the black-oil model by MICP.
file  blackoilmodel.hh [code]
file  blackoilnewtonmethod.hh [code]
file  blackoilnewtonmethodparameters.hh [code]
file  blackoilonephaseindices.hh [code]
file  blackoilpolymermodules.hh [code]
 Contains the classes required to extend the black-oil model by polymer.
file  blackoilpolymerparams.hh [code]
 Contains the parameters required to extend the black-oil model by polymer.
file  blackoilprimaryvariables.hh [code]
file  blackoilproblem.hh [code]
file  blackoilproperties.hh [code]
 Declares the properties required by the black oil model.
file  blackoilratevector.hh [code]
file  blackoilsolventmodules.hh [code]
 Contains the classes required to extend the black-oil model by solvents.
file  blackoilsolventparams.hh [code]
 Contains the parameters required to extend the black-oil model by solvents.
file  blackoiltwophaseindices.hh [code]