Finite-Volume Discretizations

Finite volume discretizations represent the spatial domain as a set of piecewise constant functions. More...

Collaboration diagram for Finite-Volume Discretizations:


 The Vertex-Centered-Finite-Volume Scheme.
 The Element-Centered-Finite-Volume Scheme.


file  fvbaseparameters.hh
 Declare the properties used by the infrastructure code of the finite volume discretizations.
file  fvbaseproperties.hh
 Declare the properties used by the infrastructure code of the finite volume discretizations.


class  Opm::FvBaseAdLocalLinearizer< TypeTag >
 Calculates the local residual and its Jacobian for a single element of the grid. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseBoundaryContext< TypeTag >
 Represents all quantities which available on boundary segments. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseConstraints< TypeTag >
 Class to specify constraints for a finite volume spatial discretization. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseConstraintsContext< TypeTag >
 Represents all quantities which available for calculating constraints. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseDiscretization< TypeTag >
 The base class for the finite volume discretization schemes. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseDiscretizationNoAdapt< TypeTag >
 The base class for the finite volume discretization schemes without adaptation. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseDiscretizationFemAdapt< TypeTag >
 The base class for the finite volume discretization schemes. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseElementContext< TypeTag >
 This class stores an array of IntensiveQuantities objects, one intensive quantities object for each of the element's vertices. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag >
 Provide the properties at a face which make sense indepentently of the conserved quantities. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseFdLocalLinearizer< TypeTag >
 Calculates the Jacobian of the local residual for finite volume spatial discretizations using a finite difference method. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseGradientCalculator< TypeTag >
 This class calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points using the two-point approximation scheme. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag >
 Base class for the model specific class which provides access to all intensive (i.e., volume averaged) quantities. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseLinearizer< TypeTag >
 The common code for the linearizers of non-linear systems of equations. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseLocalResidual< TypeTag >
 Element-wise caculation of the residual matrix for models based on a finite volume spatial discretization. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseNewtonConvergenceWriter< TypeTag >
 Writes the intermediate solutions during the Newton scheme for models using a finite volume discretization. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseNewtonMethod< TypeTag >
 A Newton method for models using a finite volume discretization. More...
class  Opm::FvBasePrimaryVariables< TypeTag >
 Represents the primary variables used by the a model. More...
class  Opm::FvBaseProblem< TypeTag >
 Base class for all problems which use a finite volume spatial discretization. More...
class  Opm::TpfaLinearizer< TypeTag >
 The common code for the linearizers of non-linear systems of equations. More...

Detailed Description

Finite volume discretizations represent the spatial domain as a set of piecewise constant functions.