Declare the properties used by the infrastructure code of the finite volume discretizations. More...

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struct  Opm::Properties::TTag::FvBaseDiscretization
 The type tag for models based on the finite volume schemes. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::LinearSolverSplice< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
struct  Opm::Properties::LocalLinearizerSplice< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
struct  Opm::Properties::Evaluation< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Representation of a function evaluation and all necessary derivatives with regard to the intensive quantities of the primary variables. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::Stencil< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The class describing the stencil of the spatial discretization. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::DiscreteFunctionSpace< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The class describing the discrete function space when dune-fem is used, otherwise it points to the stencil class. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::DiscreteFunction< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
struct  Opm::Properties::Problem< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The type of the problem. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::BaseProblem< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The type of the base class for all problems which use this model. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::Discretization< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The type of the spatial discretization used by the model. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::DiscLocalResidual< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The discretization specific part of the local residual. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::LocalResidual< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The type of the local residual function. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::LocalLinearizer< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The type of the local linearizer. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::LinearizeNonLocalElements< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
struct  Opm::Properties::BaseLinearizer< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Linearizes the global non-linear system of equations. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::EqVector< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 A vector of holding a quantity for each equation (usually at a given spatial location) More...
struct  Opm::Properties::ElementEqVector< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 A vector of holding a quantity for each equation for each DOF of an element. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::RateVector< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Vector containing volumetric or areal rates of quantities. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Type of object for specifying boundary conditions. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::Constraints< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The class which represents a constraint degree of freedom. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::SolutionVector< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Vector containing all primary variables of the grid. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 A vector of primary variables within a sub-control volume. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The secondary variables within a sub-control volume. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::DiscIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The discretization specific part of the intensive quantities. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::ElementContext< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The secondary variables of all degrees of freedom in an element's stencil. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::BoundaryContext< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The secondary variables of a boundary segment. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::ConstraintsContext< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The secondary variables of a constraint degree of freedom. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Data required to calculate a flux over a face. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::GradientCalculator< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::DiscBaseIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The part of the intensive quantities which is specific to the spatial discretization. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::DiscExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The part of the extensive quantities which is specific to the spatial discretization. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::DiscBaseOutputModule< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The part of the VTK ouput modules which is specific to the spatial discretization. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::GridCommHandleFactory< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The class to create grid communication handles. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::ThreadManager< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The OpenMP threads manager. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::UseLinearizationLock< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
struct  Opm::Properties::VtkOutputFormat< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Specify the format the VTK output is written to disk. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::EnableConstraints< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Specify whether the some degrees of fredom can be constraint. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::VertexMapper< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The mapper to find the global index of a vertex. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::ElementMapper< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The mapper to find the global index of an element. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::DofMapper< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The mapper to find the global index of a degree of freedom. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::TimeDiscHistorySize< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 The history size required by the time discretization. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::ExtensiveStorageTerm< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Specify whether the storage terms use extensive quantities or not. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::UseVolumetricResidual< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Specify whether to use volumetric residuals or not. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::EnableExperiments< TypeTag, MyTypeTag >
 Specify if experimental features should be enabled or not. More...
struct  Opm::Properties::Splices< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 set the splices for the finite volume discretizations More...
struct  Opm::Properties::LinearSolverSplice< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 use a parallel BiCGStab linear solver by default More...
struct  Opm::Properties::LocalLinearizerSplice< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 by default, use finite differences to linearize the system of PDEs More...


namespace  Opm
namespace  Opm::Properties
namespace  Opm::Properties::TTag
 The generic type tag for problems using the immiscible multi-phase model.

Detailed Description

Declare the properties used by the infrastructure code of the finite volume discretizations.