Opm::Properties Namespace Reference


namespace  Detail
 implementation details for template meta programming
namespace  Tag
namespace  TTag
 The generic type tag for problems using the immiscible multi-phase model.


struct  BaseDiscretizationType
struct  BaseDiscretizationType< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  BaseEpsilon
struct  BaseEpsilon< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteDifferenceLocalLinearizer >
 The base epsilon value for finite difference calculations. More...
struct  BaseLinearizer
 Linearizes the global non-linear system of equations. More...
struct  BaseProblem
 The type of the base class for all problems which use this model. More...
struct  BaseProblem< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 The Problem property. More...
struct  BaseProblem< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel >
 The class for the model. More...
struct  BaseProblem< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
 The type of the base base class for actual problems. More...
struct  BaseProblem< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 The type of the base base class for actual problems. More...
struct  BlackoilConserveSurfaceVolume
 Enable surface volume scaling. More...
struct  BlackoilConserveSurfaceVolume< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  BlackOilEnergyScalingFactor
struct  BlackOilEnergyScalingFactor< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  BorderListCreator
 The class which marks the border indices associated with the degrees of freedom on a process boundary. More...
struct  BorderListCreator< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization >
struct  BorderListCreator< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 marks the border indices (required for the algebraic overlap stuff) More...
struct  BorderListCreator< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
 Set the border list creator for vertices. More...
struct  BoundaryContext
 The secondary variables of a boundary segment. More...
struct  BoundaryContext< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  BoundaryRateVector
 Type of object for specifying boundary conditions. More...
struct  BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct  BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct  BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 Type of object for specifying boundary conditions. More...
struct  BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel >
 the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct  BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct  BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct  BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct  Constraints
 The class which represents a constraint degree of freedom. More...
struct  Constraints< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 The class which represents constraints. More...
struct  ConstraintsContext
 The secondary variables of a constraint degree of freedom. More...
struct  ConstraintsContext< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  ConvergenceWriter
struct  DiscBaseIntensiveQuantities
 The part of the intensive quantities which is specific to the spatial discretization. More...
struct  DiscBaseOutputModule
 The part of the VTK ouput modules which is specific to the spatial discretization. More...
struct  DiscBaseOutputModule< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization >
struct  DiscBaseOutputModule< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
struct  DiscExtensiveQuantities
 The part of the extensive quantities which is specific to the spatial discretization. More...
struct  DiscExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  DiscIntensiveQuantities
 The discretization specific part of the intensive quantities. More...
struct  DiscIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  DiscLocalResidual
 The discretization specific part of the local residual. More...
struct  DiscLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  DiscNewtonMethod
 The discretization specific part of he implementing the Newton algorithm. More...
struct  DiscNewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseNewtonMethod >
struct  DiscreteFunction
struct  DiscreteFunction< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  DiscreteFunctionSpace
 The class describing the discrete function space when dune-fem is used, otherwise it points to the stencil class. More...
struct  DiscreteFunctionSpace< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization >
struct  DiscreteFunctionSpace< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
struct  Discretization
 The type of the spatial discretization used by the model. More...
struct  Discretization< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization >
 The concrete class which manages the spatial discretization. More...
struct  Discretization< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
 The concrete class which manages the spatial discretization. More...
struct  DofMapper
 The mapper to find the global index of a degree of freedom. More...
struct  DofMapper< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization >
 Mapper for the degrees of freedoms. More...
struct  DofMapper< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
 Mapper for the degrees of freedoms. More...
struct  DummySpaceEcfv
struct  DummySpaceVcfv
struct  ElementContext
 The secondary variables of all degrees of freedom in an element's stencil. More...
struct  ElementContext< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 The element context. More...
struct  ElementEqVector
 A vector of holding a quantity for each equation for each DOF of an element. More...
struct  ElementEqVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 The type for storing a residual for an element. More...
struct  ElementMapper
 The mapper to find the global index of an element. More...
struct  ElementMapper< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 Mapper for the grid view's elements. More...
struct  EnableBrine
 Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for salt. More...
struct  EnableBrine< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnableConstraints
 Specify whether the some degrees of fredom can be constraint. More...
struct  EnableConstraints< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  EnableConvectiveMixing
 Enable convective mixing? More...
struct  EnableConvectiveMixing< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnableDiffusion
 Enable diffusive fluxes? More...
struct  EnableDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 disable diffusion by default More...
struct  EnableDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
struct  EnableDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 disable diffusion by default More...
struct  EnableDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
struct  EnableDisgasInWater
 Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for disolution of gas into water. More...
struct  EnableDisgasInWater< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnableDispersion
 Enable dispersive fluxes? More...
struct  EnableDispersion< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 disable disperison by default More...
struct  EnableEclipseOutput
struct  EnableEnergy
 Specify whether energy should be considered as a conservation quantity or not. More...
struct  EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 Disable the energy equation by default. More...
struct  EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel >
 Disable the energy equation by default. More...
struct  EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 Disable the energy equation by default. More...
struct  EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 Disable the energy equation by default. More...
struct  EnableExperiments
 Specify if experimental features should be enabled or not. More...
struct  EnableExperiments< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  EnableExtbo
 Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for extended BO. ("Second gas" - alternative approach) More...
struct  EnableExtbo< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnableFoam
 Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for foam. More...
struct  EnableFoam< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnableMech
struct  EnableMICP
 Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for MICP. More...
struct  EnableMICP< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnablePolymer
 Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for polymer. More...
struct  EnablePolymer< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnablePolymerMW
 Enable the tracking polymer molecular weight tracking and related functionalities. More...
struct  EnablePolymerMW< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnableSaltPrecipitation
 Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for salt precipitation. More...
struct  EnableSaltPrecipitation< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnableSolvent
 Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for solvents. ("Second gas") More...
struct  EnableSolvent< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EnableTemperature
struct  EnableTemperature< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 By default, the blackoil model is isothermal and does not conserve energy. More...
struct  EnableVapwat
 Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for water evaporation. More...
struct  EnableVapwat< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  EqVector
 A vector of holding a quantity for each equation (usually at a given spatial location) More...
struct  EqVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 A vector of quanties, each for one equation. More...
struct  Evaluation
 Representation of a function evaluation and all necessary derivatives with regard to the intensive quantities of the primary variables. More...
struct  Evaluation< TypeTag, TTag::AutoDiffLocalLinearizer >
 Set the function evaluation w.r.t. the primary variables. More...
struct  Evaluation< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteDifferenceLocalLinearizer >
struct  ExtensiveQuantities
 Data required to calculate a flux over a face. More...
struct  ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct  ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel >
 the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct  ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct  ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel >
 the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct  ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct  ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct  ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The class for the quantities required for the flux calculation. More...
struct  ExtensiveStorageTerm
 Specify whether the storage terms use extensive quantities or not. More...
struct  ExtensiveStorageTerm< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  FlashSolver
 The type of the flash constraint solver. More...
struct  FlashSolver< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 Use the NCP flash solver by default. More...
struct  Fluid
 The fluid used by the model. More...
struct  Fluid< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleSinglePhaseModel >
struct  FluidSystem
 The fluid systems including the information about the phases. More...
struct  FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 Set the fluid system to the black-oil fluid system by default. More...
struct  FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleSinglePhaseModel >
 The fluid system to use by default. More...
struct  FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleTwoPhaseModel >
struct  FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The fluid system used by the model. More...
struct  FluxModule
 Specifies the relation used for velocity. More...
struct  FluxModule< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
struct  FluxModule< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
 By default, use the Darcy relation to determine the phase velocity. More...
struct  GasComponentIndex
 Index of the component which constitutes the gas. More...
struct  GasComponentIndex< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 By default, assume that the gas component is the other than the liquid one. More...
struct  GasPhaseIndex
 Index of the fluid which represents the non-wetting phase. More...
struct  GasPhaseIndex< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 By default, assume that the non-liquid phase is gaseos. More...
struct  GlobalEqVector
 Vector containing a quantity of for equation for each DOF of the whole grid. More...
struct  GlobalEqVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 The type for storing a residual for the whole grid. More...
struct  GradientCalculator
 Calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points. More...
struct  GradientCalculator< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 Calculates the gradient of any quantity given the index of a flux approximation point. More...
struct  GradientCalculator< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
 Calculates the gradient of any quantity given the index of a flux approximation point. More...
struct  Grid
 The type of the DUNE grid. More...
struct  Grid< TypeTag, TTag::StructuredGridVanguard >
struct  Grid< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem >
struct  GridCommHandleFactory
 The class to create grid communication handles. More...
struct  GridCommHandleFactory< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization >
 The class to create grid communication handles. More...
struct  GridCommHandleFactory< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
 The class to create grid communication handles. More...
struct  GridView
struct  GridView< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel >
struct  GridViewLevel
 level of the grid view More...
struct  Indices
 Enumerations used by the model. More...
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 The indices required by the model. More...
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 The indices required by the flash-baseed isothermal compositional model. More...
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel >
 The indices required by the isothermal immiscible multi-phase model. More...
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 The indices required by the compositional NCP model. More...
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 The indices required by the isothermal PVS model. More...
struct  Indices< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The class with all index definitions for the model. More...
struct  IntensiveQuantities
 The secondary variables within a sub-control volume. More...
struct  IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct  IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel >
 the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct  IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct  IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 The class representing intensive quantities. More...
struct  IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel >
 the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct  IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct  IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct  IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The class for the intensive quantities. More...
struct  LinearizeNonLocalElements
struct  LinearizeNonLocalElements< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization >
struct  LinearizeNonLocalElements< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
struct  Linearizer
 The class which linearizes the non-linear system of equations. More...
struct  Linearizer< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 Linearizer for the global system of equations. More...
struct  LinearSolverBackend
 The type of the linear solver to be used. More...
struct  LinearSolverBackend< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelAmgLinearSolver >
struct  LinearSolverBackend< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBiCGStabLinearSolver >
struct  LinearSolverBackend< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelIstlLinearSolver >
struct  LinearSolverScalar
 The floating point type used internally by the linear solver. More...
struct  LinearSolverScalar< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver >
struct  LinearSolverSplice
struct  LinearSolverSplice< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 use a parallel BiCGStab linear solver by default More...
struct  LinearSolverWrapper
struct  LinearSolverWrapper< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelIstlLinearSolver >
struct  LiquidComponentIndex
 Index of the component which constitutes the liquid. More...
struct  LiquidComponentIndex< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 By default, assume that component which the liquid is made of has the same index as the liquid phase. More...
struct  LiquidPhaseIndex
 Index of the fluid which represents the wetting phase. More...
struct  LiquidPhaseIndex< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 By default, assume that the first phase is the liquid one. More...
struct  LocalLinearizer
 The type of the local linearizer. More...
struct  LocalLinearizer< TypeTag, TTag::AutoDiffLocalLinearizer >
struct  LocalLinearizer< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteDifferenceLocalLinearizer >
struct  LocalLinearizerSplice
struct  LocalLinearizerSplice< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 by default, use finite differences to linearize the system of PDEs More...
struct  LocalResidual
 The type of the local residual function. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 Set the local residual function. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel >
 Use the immiscible multi-phase local jacobian operator for the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 Use the FlashLocalResidual function for the flash model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel >
 Use the immiscible multi-phase local jacobian operator for the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 Use the Ncp local jacobian operator for the compositional NCP model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 Use the PVS local jacobian operator for the PVS model. More...
struct  LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The local residual operator. More...
struct  MaterialLaw
 The material law which ought to be used (extracted from the spatial parameters) More...
struct  MaterialLaw< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
 Set the material law to the null law by default. More...
struct  MaterialLaw< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem >
struct  MaterialLawParams
 The context material law (extracted from the spatial parameters) More...
struct  MaterialLawParams< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
 Set the property for the material parameters by extracting it from the material law. More...
struct  Model
 The type of the model. More...
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 The Model property. More...
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel >
 The class for the model. More...
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 the Model property More...
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel >
 the Model property More...
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 the Model property More...
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 the Model property More...
struct  Model< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The global model used. More...
struct  ModelParameterGroup
 Property which defines the group that is queried for parameters by default. More...
struct  ModelParameterGroup< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel >
 use the global group as default for the model's parameter group More...
struct  NcpCompositionFromFugacitiesSolver
struct  NcpFugacitiesBaseWeight
 The unmodified weight for the fugacity primary variables. More...
struct  NcpFugacitiesBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 The unmodified weight for the fugacity primary variables. More...
struct  NcpPressureBaseWeight
 The unmodified weight for the pressure primary variable. More...
struct  NcpPressureBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 The unmodified weight for the pressure primary variable. More...
struct  NcpSaturationsBaseWeight
 The weight for the saturation primary variables. More...
struct  NcpSaturationsBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 The weight for the saturation primary variables. More...
struct  NewtonConvergenceWriter
 Specifies the type of the class which writes out the Newton convergence. More...
struct  NewtonConvergenceWriter< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseNewtonMethod >
struct  NewtonConvergenceWriter< TypeTag, TTag::NewtonMethod >
struct  NewtonMethod
 Specifies the type of the actual Newton method. More...
struct  NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 Use the black-oil specific newton method. More...
struct  NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 Use the PT flash specific newton method for the flash model. More...
struct  NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseNewtonMethod >
struct  NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 Use the Ncp specific newton method for the compositional NCP model. More...
struct  NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::NewtonMethod >
struct  NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 Use the PVS specific newton method for the PVS model. More...
struct  NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The class of the Newton method. More...
struct  NonWettingFluid
struct  NonWettingFluid< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The non-wetting phase used. More...
struct  NonwettingPhase
 The non-wetting phase for two-phase models. More...
struct  NonwettingPhase< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleTwoPhaseModel >
struct  NonwettingPhase< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem >
struct  NumComponents
 Number of chemical species in the system. More...
struct  NumComponents< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
 Number of chemical species in the system. More...
struct  NumEq
 Number of equations in the system of PDEs. More...
struct  NumEq< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
 set the number of equations to the number of phases More...
struct  NumPhases
 Number of fluid phases in the system. More...
struct  NumPhases< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
 The number of phases is determined by the fluid system. More...
struct  Overlap
struct  Overlap< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver >
struct  OverlappingLinearOperator
struct  OverlappingLinearOperator< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver >
struct  OverlappingMatrix
struct  OverlappingMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver >
struct  OverlappingScalarProduct
struct  OverlappingScalarProduct< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver >
struct  OverlappingVector
struct  OverlappingVector< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver >
struct  ParameterTree
 Property which provides a Dune::ParameterTree. More...
struct  ParameterTree< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel >
 Set the ParameterTree property. More...
struct  PreconditionerWrapper
 the preconditioner used by the linear solver More...
struct  PreconditionerWrapper< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver >
struct  PreconditionerWrapper< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelIstlLinearSolver >
struct  PrimaryVariables
 A vector of primary variables within a sub-control volume. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel >
 the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 An object representing a local set of primary variables. More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel >
 the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct  PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct  Problem
 The type of the problem. More...
struct  Problem< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem >
struct  PvsMoleFractionsBaseWeight
 The basis value for the weight of the mole fraction primary variables. More...
struct  PvsMoleFractionsBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 The basis value for the weight of the mole fraction primary variables. More...
struct  PvsPressureBaseWeight
 The basis value for the weight of the pressure primary variable. More...
struct  PvsPressureBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 The basis value for the weight of the pressure primary variable. More...
struct  PvsSaturationsBaseWeight
 The basis value for the weight of the saturation primary variables. More...
struct  PvsSaturationsBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 The basis value for the weight of the saturation primary variables. More...
struct  RateVector
 Vector containing volumetric or areal rates of quantities. More...
struct  RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel >
 the RateVector property More...
struct  RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel >
 the RateVector property More...
struct  RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 A vector for mass/energy rates. More...
struct  RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel >
 the RateVector property More...
struct  RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel >
 the RateVector property More...
struct  RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel >
 the RateVector property More...
struct  RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 the RateVector property More...
struct  Scalar
 Property to specify the type of scalar values. More...
struct  Scalar< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel >
 Set the default type of scalar values to double. More...
struct  Simulator
 Manages the simulation time. More...
struct  Simulator< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 Set the default type for the time manager. More...
struct  Simulator< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel >
struct  SolidEnergyLaw
 The material law for the energy stored in the solid matrix. More...
struct  SolidEnergyLaw< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
struct  SolidEnergyLawParams
 The parameters of the material law for energy storage of the solid. More...
struct  SolidEnergyLawParams< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
struct  SolutionVector
 Vector containing all primary variables of the grid. More...
struct  SolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time. More...
struct  SparseMatrixAdapter
 The class that allows to manipulate sparse matrices. More...
struct  SparseMatrixAdapter< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver >
struct  SpatialDiscretizationSplice
 The splice to be used for the spatial discretization. More...
struct  SpatialDiscretizationSplice< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
struct  SpatialDiscretizationSplice< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem >
struct  Splices
struct  Splices< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 set the splices for the finite volume discretizations More...
struct  Splices< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
 Specify the splices of the MultiPhaseBaseModel type tag. More...
struct  Stencil
 The class describing the stencil of the spatial discretization. More...
struct  Stencil< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization >
 Set the stencil. More...
struct  Stencil< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
 Set the stencil. More...
struct  ThermalConductionLaw
 The material law for thermal conduction. More...
struct  ThermalConductionLaw< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
 set the thermal conduction law to a dummy one by default More...
struct  ThermalConductionLawParams
 The parameters of the material law for thermal conduction. More...
struct  ThermalConductionLawParams< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel >
struct  ThreadManager
 The OpenMP threads manager. More...
struct  ThreadManager< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 The OpenMP threads manager. More...
struct  TimeDiscHistorySize
 The history size required by the time discretization. More...
struct  TimeDiscHistorySize< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 Set the history size of the time discretization to 2 (for implicit euler) More...
struct  UndefinedProperty
 a tag to mark properties as undefined More...
struct  UseLinearizationLock
struct  UseLinearizationLock< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization >
struct  UseLinearizationLock< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  UseP1FiniteElementGradients
struct  UseP1FiniteElementGradients< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization >
 Use two-point gradients by default for the vertex centered finite volume scheme. More...
struct  UseTwoPointGradients
struct  UseTwoPointGradients< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel >
struct  UseVolumetricResidual
 Specify whether to use volumetric residuals or not. More...
struct  UseVolumetricResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
struct  Vanguard
 Property which provides a Vanguard (manages grids) More...
struct  Vanguard< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel >
struct  Vanguard< TypeTag, TTag::StructuredGridVanguard >
struct  Vanguard< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem >
struct  VertexMapper
 The mapper to find the global index of a vertex. More...
struct  VertexMapper< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 Mapper for the grid view's vertices. More...
struct  VtkOutputFormat
 Specify the format the VTK output is written to disk. More...
struct  VtkOutputFormat< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization >
 Set the format of the VTK output to ASCII by default. More...
struct  WettingFluid
struct  WettingFluid< TypeTag, TTag::Richards >
 The wetting phase used. More...
struct  WettingPhase
 The wetting phase for two-phase models. More...
struct  WettingPhase< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleTwoPhaseModel >
struct  WettingPhase< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem >


static const int dim = 2

Variable Documentation

◆ dim