struct | BaseDiscretizationType |
struct | BaseDiscretizationType< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | BaseEpsilon |
struct | BaseEpsilon< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteDifferenceLocalLinearizer > |
| The base epsilon value for finite difference calculations. More...
struct | BaseLinearizer |
| Linearizes the global non-linear system of equations. More...
struct | BaseProblem |
| The type of the base class for all problems which use this model. More...
struct | BaseProblem< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| The Problem property. More...
struct | BaseProblem< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel > |
| The class for the model. More...
struct | BaseProblem< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
| The type of the base base class for actual problems. More...
struct | BaseProblem< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| The type of the base base class for actual problems. More...
struct | BlackoilConserveSurfaceVolume |
| Enable surface volume scaling. More...
struct | BlackoilConserveSurfaceVolume< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | BlackOilEnergyScalingFactor |
struct | BlackOilEnergyScalingFactor< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | BorderListCreator |
| The class which marks the border indices associated with the degrees of freedom on a process boundary. More...
struct | BorderListCreator< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization > |
struct | BorderListCreator< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| marks the border indices (required for the algebraic overlap stuff) More...
struct | BorderListCreator< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
| Set the border list creator for vertices. More...
struct | BoundaryContext |
| The secondary variables of a boundary segment. More...
struct | BoundaryContext< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | BoundaryRateVector |
| Type of object for specifying boundary conditions. More...
struct | BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct | BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct | BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| Type of object for specifying boundary conditions. More...
struct | BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel > |
| the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct | BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct | BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct | BoundaryRateVector< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| the BoundaryRateVector property More...
struct | Constraints |
| The class which represents a constraint degree of freedom. More...
struct | Constraints< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| The class which represents constraints. More...
struct | ConstraintsContext |
| The secondary variables of a constraint degree of freedom. More...
struct | ConstraintsContext< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | ConvergenceWriter |
struct | DiscBaseIntensiveQuantities |
| The part of the intensive quantities which is specific to the spatial discretization. More...
struct | DiscBaseOutputModule |
| The part of the VTK ouput modules which is specific to the spatial discretization. More...
struct | DiscBaseOutputModule< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization > |
struct | DiscBaseOutputModule< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
struct | DiscExtensiveQuantities |
| The part of the extensive quantities which is specific to the spatial discretization. More...
struct | DiscExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | DiscIntensiveQuantities |
| The discretization specific part of the intensive quantities. More...
struct | DiscIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | DiscLocalResidual |
| The discretization specific part of the local residual. More...
struct | DiscLocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | DiscNewtonMethod |
| The discretization specific part of he implementing the Newton algorithm. More...
struct | DiscNewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseNewtonMethod > |
struct | DiscreteFunction |
struct | DiscreteFunction< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | DiscreteFunctionSpace |
| The class describing the discrete function space when dune-fem is used, otherwise it points to the stencil class. More...
struct | DiscreteFunctionSpace< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization > |
struct | DiscreteFunctionSpace< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
struct | Discretization |
| The type of the spatial discretization used by the model. More...
struct | Discretization< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization > |
| The concrete class which manages the spatial discretization. More...
struct | Discretization< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
| The concrete class which manages the spatial discretization. More...
struct | DofMapper |
| The mapper to find the global index of a degree of freedom. More...
struct | DofMapper< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization > |
| Mapper for the degrees of freedoms. More...
struct | DofMapper< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
| Mapper for the degrees of freedoms. More...
struct | DummySpaceEcfv |
struct | DummySpaceVcfv |
struct | ElementContext |
| The secondary variables of all degrees of freedom in an element's stencil. More...
struct | ElementContext< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| The element context. More...
struct | ElementEqVector |
| A vector of holding a quantity for each equation for each DOF of an element. More...
struct | ElementEqVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| The type for storing a residual for an element. More...
struct | ElementMapper |
| The mapper to find the global index of an element. More...
struct | ElementMapper< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| Mapper for the grid view's elements. More...
struct | EnableBrine |
| Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for salt. More...
struct | EnableBrine< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnableConstraints |
| Specify whether the some degrees of fredom can be constraint. More...
struct | EnableConstraints< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | EnableConvectiveMixing |
| Enable convective mixing? More...
struct | EnableConvectiveMixing< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnableDiffusion |
| Enable diffusive fluxes? More...
struct | EnableDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| disable diffusion by default More...
struct | EnableDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
struct | EnableDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| disable diffusion by default More...
struct | EnableDiffusion< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
struct | EnableDisgasInWater |
| Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for disolution of gas into water. More...
struct | EnableDisgasInWater< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnableDispersion |
| Enable dispersive fluxes? More...
struct | EnableDispersion< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| disable disperison by default More...
struct | EnableEclipseOutput |
struct | EnableEnergy |
| Specify whether energy should be considered as a conservation quantity or not. More...
struct | EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| Disable the energy equation by default. More...
struct | EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel > |
| Disable the energy equation by default. More...
struct | EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| Disable the energy equation by default. More...
struct | EnableEnergy< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| Disable the energy equation by default. More...
struct | EnableExperiments |
| Specify if experimental features should be enabled or not. More...
struct | EnableExperiments< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | EnableExtbo |
| Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for extended BO. ("Second gas" - alternative approach) More...
struct | EnableExtbo< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnableFoam |
| Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for foam. More...
struct | EnableFoam< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnableMech |
struct | EnableMICP |
| Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for MICP. More...
struct | EnableMICP< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnablePolymer |
| Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for polymer. More...
struct | EnablePolymer< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnablePolymerMW |
| Enable the tracking polymer molecular weight tracking and related functionalities. More...
struct | EnablePolymerMW< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnableSaltPrecipitation |
| Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for salt precipitation. More...
struct | EnableSaltPrecipitation< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnableSolvent |
| Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for solvents. ("Second gas") More...
struct | EnableSolvent< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EnableTemperature |
struct | EnableTemperature< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| By default, the blackoil model is isothermal and does not conserve energy. More...
struct | EnableVapwat |
| Enable the ECL-blackoil extension for water evaporation. More...
struct | EnableVapwat< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | EqVector |
| A vector of holding a quantity for each equation (usually at a given spatial location) More...
struct | EqVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| A vector of quanties, each for one equation. More...
struct | Evaluation |
| Representation of a function evaluation and all necessary derivatives with regard to the intensive quantities of the primary variables. More...
struct | Evaluation< TypeTag, TTag::AutoDiffLocalLinearizer > |
| Set the function evaluation w.r.t. the primary variables. More...
struct | Evaluation< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteDifferenceLocalLinearizer > |
struct | ExtensiveQuantities |
| Data required to calculate a flux over a face. More...
struct | ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct | ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel > |
| the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct | ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct | ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel > |
| the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct | ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct | ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| the ExtensiveQuantities property More...
struct | ExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| The class for the quantities required for the flux calculation. More...
struct | ExtensiveStorageTerm |
| Specify whether the storage terms use extensive quantities or not. More...
struct | ExtensiveStorageTerm< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | FlashSolver |
| The type of the flash constraint solver. More...
struct | FlashSolver< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| Use the NCP flash solver by default. More...
struct | Fluid |
| The fluid used by the model. More...
struct | Fluid< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleSinglePhaseModel > |
struct | FluidSystem |
| The fluid systems including the information about the phases. More...
struct | FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| Set the fluid system to the black-oil fluid system by default. More...
struct | FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleSinglePhaseModel > |
| The fluid system to use by default. More...
struct | FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleTwoPhaseModel > |
struct | FluidSystem< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| The fluid system used by the model. More...
struct | FluxModule |
| Specifies the relation used for velocity. More...
struct | FluxModule< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
struct | FluxModule< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
| By default, use the Darcy relation to determine the phase velocity. More...
struct | GasComponentIndex |
| Index of the component which constitutes the gas. More...
struct | GasComponentIndex< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| By default, assume that the gas component is the other than the liquid one. More...
struct | GasPhaseIndex |
| Index of the fluid which represents the non-wetting phase. More...
struct | GasPhaseIndex< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| By default, assume that the non-liquid phase is gaseos. More...
struct | GlobalEqVector |
| Vector containing a quantity of for equation for each DOF of the whole grid. More...
struct | GlobalEqVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| The type for storing a residual for the whole grid. More...
struct | GradientCalculator |
| Calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points. More...
struct | GradientCalculator< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| Calculates the gradient of any quantity given the index of a flux approximation point. More...
struct | GradientCalculator< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
| Calculates the gradient of any quantity given the index of a flux approximation point. More...
struct | Grid |
| The type of the DUNE grid. More...
struct | Grid< TypeTag, TTag::StructuredGridVanguard > |
struct | Grid< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem > |
struct | GridCommHandleFactory |
| The class to create grid communication handles. More...
struct | GridCommHandleFactory< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization > |
| The class to create grid communication handles. More...
struct | GridCommHandleFactory< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
| The class to create grid communication handles. More...
struct | GridView |
struct | GridView< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel > |
struct | GridViewLevel |
| level of the grid view More...
struct | Indices |
| Enumerations used by the model. More...
struct | Indices< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| The indices required by the model. More...
struct | Indices< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| The indices required by the flash-baseed isothermal compositional model. More...
struct | Indices< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel > |
| The indices required by the isothermal immiscible multi-phase model. More...
struct | Indices< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| The indices required by the compositional NCP model. More...
struct | Indices< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| The indices required by the isothermal PVS model. More...
struct | Indices< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| The class with all index definitions for the model. More...
struct | IntensiveQuantities |
| The secondary variables within a sub-control volume. More...
struct | IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct | IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel > |
| the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct | IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct | IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| The class representing intensive quantities. More...
struct | IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel > |
| the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct | IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct | IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| the IntensiveQuantities property More...
struct | IntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| The class for the intensive quantities. More...
struct | LinearizeNonLocalElements |
struct | LinearizeNonLocalElements< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization > |
struct | LinearizeNonLocalElements< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
struct | Linearizer |
| The class which linearizes the non-linear system of equations. More...
struct | Linearizer< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| Linearizer for the global system of equations. More...
struct | LinearSolverBackend |
| The type of the linear solver to be used. More...
struct | LinearSolverBackend< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelAmgLinearSolver > |
struct | LinearSolverBackend< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBiCGStabLinearSolver > |
struct | LinearSolverBackend< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelIstlLinearSolver > |
struct | LinearSolverScalar |
| The floating point type used internally by the linear solver. More...
struct | LinearSolverScalar< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver > |
struct | LinearSolverSplice |
struct | LinearSolverSplice< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| use a parallel BiCGStab linear solver by default More...
struct | LinearSolverWrapper |
struct | LinearSolverWrapper< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelIstlLinearSolver > |
struct | LiquidComponentIndex |
| Index of the component which constitutes the liquid. More...
struct | LiquidComponentIndex< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| By default, assume that component which the liquid is made of has the same index as the liquid phase. More...
struct | LiquidPhaseIndex |
| Index of the fluid which represents the wetting phase. More...
struct | LiquidPhaseIndex< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| By default, assume that the first phase is the liquid one. More...
struct | LocalLinearizer |
| The type of the local linearizer. More...
struct | LocalLinearizer< TypeTag, TTag::AutoDiffLocalLinearizer > |
struct | LocalLinearizer< TypeTag, TTag::FiniteDifferenceLocalLinearizer > |
struct | LocalLinearizerSplice |
struct | LocalLinearizerSplice< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| by default, use finite differences to linearize the system of PDEs More...
struct | LocalResidual |
| The type of the local residual function. More...
struct | LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| Set the local residual function. More...
struct | LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel > |
| Use the immiscible multi-phase local jacobian operator for the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
struct | LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| Use the FlashLocalResidual function for the flash model. More...
struct | LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel > |
| Use the immiscible multi-phase local jacobian operator for the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
struct | LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| Use the Ncp local jacobian operator for the compositional NCP model. More...
struct | LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| Use the PVS local jacobian operator for the PVS model. More...
struct | LocalResidual< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| The local residual operator. More...
struct | MaterialLaw |
| The material law which ought to be used (extracted from the spatial parameters) More...
struct | MaterialLaw< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
| Set the material law to the null law by default. More...
struct | MaterialLaw< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem > |
struct | MaterialLawParams |
| The context material law (extracted from the spatial parameters) More...
struct | MaterialLawParams< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
| Set the property for the material parameters by extracting it from the material law. More...
struct | Model |
| The type of the model. More...
struct | Model< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| The Model property. More...
struct | Model< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel > |
| The class for the model. More...
struct | Model< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| the Model property More...
struct | Model< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel > |
| the Model property More...
struct | Model< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| the Model property More...
struct | Model< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| the Model property More...
struct | Model< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| The global model used. More...
struct | ModelParameterGroup |
| Property which defines the group that is queried for parameters by default. More...
struct | ModelParameterGroup< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel > |
| use the global group as default for the model's parameter group More...
struct | NcpCompositionFromFugacitiesSolver |
struct | NcpFugacitiesBaseWeight |
| The unmodified weight for the fugacity primary variables. More...
struct | NcpFugacitiesBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| The unmodified weight for the fugacity primary variables. More...
struct | NcpPressureBaseWeight |
| The unmodified weight for the pressure primary variable. More...
struct | NcpPressureBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| The unmodified weight for the pressure primary variable. More...
struct | NcpSaturationsBaseWeight |
| The weight for the saturation primary variables. More...
struct | NcpSaturationsBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| The weight for the saturation primary variables. More...
struct | NewtonConvergenceWriter |
| Specifies the type of the class which writes out the Newton convergence. More...
struct | NewtonConvergenceWriter< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseNewtonMethod > |
struct | NewtonConvergenceWriter< TypeTag, TTag::NewtonMethod > |
struct | NewtonMethod |
| Specifies the type of the actual Newton method. More...
struct | NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| Use the black-oil specific newton method. More...
struct | NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| Use the PT flash specific newton method for the flash model. More...
struct | NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseNewtonMethod > |
struct | NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| Use the Ncp specific newton method for the compositional NCP model. More...
struct | NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::NewtonMethod > |
struct | NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| Use the PVS specific newton method for the PVS model. More...
struct | NewtonMethod< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| The class of the Newton method. More...
struct | NonWettingFluid |
struct | NonWettingFluid< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| The non-wetting phase used. More...
struct | NonwettingPhase |
| The non-wetting phase for two-phase models. More...
struct | NonwettingPhase< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleTwoPhaseModel > |
struct | NonwettingPhase< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem > |
struct | NumComponents |
| Number of chemical species in the system. More...
struct | NumComponents< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
| Number of chemical species in the system. More...
struct | NumEq |
| Number of equations in the system of PDEs. More...
struct | NumEq< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
| set the number of equations to the number of phases More...
struct | NumPhases |
| Number of fluid phases in the system. More...
struct | NumPhases< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
| The number of phases is determined by the fluid system. More...
struct | Overlap |
struct | Overlap< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver > |
struct | OverlappingLinearOperator |
struct | OverlappingLinearOperator< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver > |
struct | OverlappingMatrix |
struct | OverlappingMatrix< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver > |
struct | OverlappingScalarProduct |
struct | OverlappingScalarProduct< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver > |
struct | OverlappingVector |
struct | OverlappingVector< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver > |
struct | ParameterTree |
| Property which provides a Dune::ParameterTree. More...
struct | ParameterTree< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel > |
| Set the ParameterTree property. More...
struct | PreconditionerWrapper |
| the preconditioner used by the linear solver More...
struct | PreconditionerWrapper< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver > |
struct | PreconditionerWrapper< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelIstlLinearSolver > |
struct | PrimaryVariables |
| A vector of primary variables within a sub-control volume. More...
struct | PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct | PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel > |
| the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct | PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct | PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| An object representing a local set of primary variables. More...
struct | PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel > |
| the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct | PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct | PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct | PrimaryVariables< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| the PrimaryVariables property More...
struct | Problem |
| The type of the problem. More...
struct | Problem< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem > |
struct | PvsMoleFractionsBaseWeight |
| The basis value for the weight of the mole fraction primary variables. More...
struct | PvsMoleFractionsBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| The basis value for the weight of the mole fraction primary variables. More...
struct | PvsPressureBaseWeight |
| The basis value for the weight of the pressure primary variable. More...
struct | PvsPressureBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| The basis value for the weight of the pressure primary variable. More...
struct | PvsSaturationsBaseWeight |
| The basis value for the weight of the saturation primary variables. More...
struct | PvsSaturationsBaseWeight< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| The basis value for the weight of the saturation primary variables. More...
struct | RateVector |
| Vector containing volumetric or areal rates of quantities. More...
struct | RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::BlackOilModel > |
| the RateVector property More...
struct | RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::FlashModel > |
| the RateVector property More...
struct | RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| A vector for mass/energy rates. More...
struct | RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleModel > |
| the RateVector property More...
struct | RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::NcpModel > |
| the RateVector property More...
struct | RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::PvsModel > |
| the RateVector property More...
struct | RateVector< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| the RateVector property More...
struct | Scalar |
| Property to specify the type of scalar values. More...
struct | Scalar< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel > |
| Set the default type of scalar values to double. More...
struct | Simulator |
| Manages the simulation time. More...
struct | Simulator< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| Set the default type for the time manager. More...
struct | Simulator< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel > |
struct | SolidEnergyLaw |
| The material law for the energy stored in the solid matrix. More...
struct | SolidEnergyLaw< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
struct | SolidEnergyLawParams |
| The parameters of the material law for energy storage of the solid. More...
struct | SolidEnergyLawParams< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
struct | SolutionVector |
| Vector containing all primary variables of the grid. More...
struct | SolutionVector< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| The type of a solution for the whole grid at a fixed time. More...
struct | SparseMatrixAdapter |
| The class that allows to manipulate sparse matrices. More...
struct | SparseMatrixAdapter< TypeTag, TTag::ParallelBaseLinearSolver > |
struct | SpatialDiscretizationSplice |
| The splice to be used for the spatial discretization. More...
struct | SpatialDiscretizationSplice< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
struct | SpatialDiscretizationSplice< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem > |
struct | Splices |
struct | Splices< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| set the splices for the finite volume discretizations More...
struct | Splices< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
| Specify the splices of the MultiPhaseBaseModel type tag. More...
struct | Stencil |
| The class describing the stencil of the spatial discretization. More...
struct | Stencil< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization > |
| Set the stencil. More...
struct | Stencil< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
| Set the stencil. More...
struct | ThermalConductionLaw |
| The material law for thermal conduction. More...
struct | ThermalConductionLaw< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
| set the thermal conduction law to a dummy one by default More...
struct | ThermalConductionLawParams |
| The parameters of the material law for thermal conduction. More...
struct | ThermalConductionLawParams< TypeTag, TTag::MultiPhaseBaseModel > |
struct | ThreadManager |
| The OpenMP threads manager. More...
struct | ThreadManager< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| The OpenMP threads manager. More...
struct | TimeDiscHistorySize |
| The history size required by the time discretization. More...
struct | TimeDiscHistorySize< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| Set the history size of the time discretization to 2 (for implicit euler) More...
struct | UndefinedProperty |
| a tag to mark properties as undefined More...
struct | UseLinearizationLock |
struct | UseLinearizationLock< TypeTag, TTag::EcfvDiscretization > |
struct | UseLinearizationLock< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | UseP1FiniteElementGradients |
struct | UseP1FiniteElementGradients< TypeTag, TTag::VcfvDiscretization > |
| Use two-point gradients by default for the vertex centered finite volume scheme. More...
struct | UseTwoPointGradients |
struct | UseTwoPointGradients< TypeTag, TTag::DiscreteFractureModel > |
struct | UseVolumetricResidual |
| Specify whether to use volumetric residuals or not. More...
struct | UseVolumetricResidual< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
struct | Vanguard |
| Property which provides a Vanguard (manages grids) More...
struct | Vanguard< TypeTag, TTag::NumericModel > |
struct | Vanguard< TypeTag, TTag::StructuredGridVanguard > |
struct | Vanguard< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem > |
struct | VertexMapper |
| The mapper to find the global index of a vertex. More...
struct | VertexMapper< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| Mapper for the grid view's vertices. More...
struct | VtkOutputFormat |
| Specify the format the VTK output is written to disk. More...
struct | VtkOutputFormat< TypeTag, TTag::FvBaseDiscretization > |
| Set the format of the VTK output to ASCII by default. More...
struct | WettingFluid |
struct | WettingFluid< TypeTag, TTag::Richards > |
| The wetting phase used. More...
struct | WettingPhase |
| The wetting phase for two-phase models. More...
struct | WettingPhase< TypeTag, TTag::ImmiscibleTwoPhaseModel > |
struct | WettingPhase< TypeTag, TTag::Tutorial1Problem > |