class | aligned_allocator |
class | aligned_allocator< void, Alignment > |
class | BaseAuxiliaryModule |
| Base class for specifying auxiliary equations. More...
class | BaseOutputModule |
| The base class for writer modules. More...
class | BaseOutputWriter |
| The base class for all output writers. More...
class | BaseVanguard |
| Provides the base class for most (all?) simulator vanguards. More...
class | BlackOilBoundaryRateVector |
| Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilBrineIntensiveQuantities |
class | BlackOilBrineIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilBrineModule |
| Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by brine. More...
struct | BlackOilBrineParams |
| Struct holding the parameters for the BlackoilBrineModule class. More...
class | BlackOilConvectiveMixingModule |
class | BlackOilConvectiveMixingModule< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilConvectiveMixingModule< TypeTag, true > |
class | BlackOilDarcyExtensiveQuantities |
| Specifies the extensive quantities for the black-oil model if using Darcy relation. More...
struct | BlackOilDarcyFluxModule |
| Provides a Darcy flux module for the blackoil model. More...
class | BlackOilDiffusionExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class | BlackOilDiffusionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class | BlackOilDiffusionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class | BlackOilDiffusionIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class | BlackOilDiffusionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class | BlackOilDiffusionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class | BlackOilDiffusionModule |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class | BlackOilDiffusionModule< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class | BlackOilDiffusionModule< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class | BlackOilDispersionExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate dispersive mass fluxes. More...
class | BlackOilDispersionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilDispersionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate dispersive mass fluxes. More...
class | BlackOilDispersionIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of dispersive fluxes. More...
class | BlackOilDispersionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilDispersionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true > |
class | BlackOilDispersionModule |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the dispersion equation. More...
class | BlackOilDispersionModule< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the dispersion equation. More...
class | BlackOilDispersionModule< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the dispersion equation. More...
class | BlackOilEnergyExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the energy specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class | BlackOilEnergyExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the energys extension of the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilEnergyModule |
| Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by energy. More...
class | BlackOilExtboExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the solvent specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class | BlackOilExtboExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilExtboIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the solvents extension of the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilExtboIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilExtboModule |
| Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model. More...
struct | BlackOilExtboParams |
| Struct holding the parameters for the BlackoilExtboModule class. More...
class | BlackOilExtensiveQuantities |
| This template class contains the data which is required to calculate the fluxes of the fluid phases over a face of a finite volume for the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilFoamIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the polymers extension of the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilFoamIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilFoamModule |
| Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model to include the effects of foam. More...
struct | BlackOilFoamParams |
| Struct holding the parameters for the BlackoilFoamModule class. More...
struct | BlackOilIndices |
| The primary variable and equation indices for the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilIntensiveQuantities |
| Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilLocalResidual |
| Calculates the local residual of the black oil model. More...
class | BlackOilLocalResidualTPFA |
| Calculates the local residual of the black oil model. More...
class | BlackOilMICPExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the MICP specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class | BlackOilMICPExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilMICPIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the MICP extension of the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilMICPIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilMICPModule |
| Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by MICP. More...
struct | BlackOilMICPParams |
| Struct holding the parameters for the BlackOilMICPModule class. More...
class | BlackOilModel |
| A fully-implicit black-oil flow model. More...
class | BlackOilNewtonMethod |
| A newton solver which is specific to the black oil model. More...
struct | BlackOilOnePhaseIndices |
| The primary variable and equation indices for the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilPolymerExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the polymer specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class | BlackOilPolymerExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilPolymerIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the polymers extension of the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilPolymerIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilPolymerModule |
| Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by polymer. More...
struct | BlackOilPolymerParams |
| Struct holding the parameters for the BlackOilPolymerModule class. More...
class | BlackOilPrimaryVariables |
| Represents the primary variables used by the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilProblem |
| Base class for all problems which use the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilRateVector |
| Implements a vector representing mass, molar or volumetric rates for the black oil model. More...
class | BlackOilSolventExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the solvent specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class | BlackOilSolventExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilSolventIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the solvents extension of the black-oil model. More...
class | BlackOilSolventIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
class | BlackOilSolventModule |
| Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by solvents. More...
struct | BlackOilSolventParams |
| Struct holding the parameters for the BlackOilSolventModule class. More...
struct | BlackOilTwoPhaseIndices |
| The primary variable and equation indices for the black-oil model. More...
class | BoundaryPressureCallback |
| Callback class for a phase pressure. More...
class | CopyRestrictProlong |
struct | CopyRestrictProlongTraits |
class | CubeGridVanguard |
| Provides a simulator vanguad which creates a regular grid made of quadrilaterals. More...
class | DarcyBaseProblem |
| Provides the defaults for the parameters required by the Darcy velocity approach. More...
class | DarcyExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the Darcy flux module. More...
struct | DarcyFluxModule |
| Specifies a flux module which uses the Darcy relation. More...
class | DarcyIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the intensive quantities for the Darcy flux module. More...
class | DensityCallback |
| Callback class for the density of a phase. More...
class | DgfVanguard |
| Provides a simulator vanguard which creates a grid by parsing a Dune Grid Format (DGF) file. More...
class | DiffusionExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class | DiffusionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class | DiffusionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class | DiffusionIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class | DiffusionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class | DiffusionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class | DiffusionModule |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class | DiffusionModule< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class | DiffusionModule< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
struct | DirectionalMobility |
class | DiscreteFractureExtensiveQuantities |
| This class expresses all intensive quantities of the discrete fracture model. More...
class | DiscreteFractureIntensiveQuantities |
| Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the discret fracture immiscible multi-phase model. More...
class | DiscreteFractureLocalResidual |
| Calculates the local residual of the discrete fracture immiscible multi-phase model. More...
class | DiscreteFractureModel |
| A fully-implicit multi-phase flow model which assumes immiscibility of the phases and is able to include fractures in the domain. More...
class | DiscreteFracturePrimaryVariables |
| Represents the primary variables used by the discrete fracture multi-phase model. More...
class | DiscreteFractureProblem |
| The base class for the problems of ECFV discretizations which deal with a multi-phase flow through a porous medium. More...
class | EcfvBaseOutputModule |
| Implements the discretization specific parts of writing files. More...
class | EcfvDiscretization |
| The base class for the element-centered finite-volume discretization scheme. More...
class | EcfvGridCommHandleFactory |
| A class which provides types for DUNE grid handles for communication. More...
class | EcfvStencil |
| Represents the stencil (finite volume geometry) of a single element in the ECFV discretization. More...
class | EmptyRestrictProlong |
struct | EmptyRestrictProlongTraits |
class | EnergyExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate energy fluxes. More...
class | EnergyExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate energy fluxes. More...
class | EnergyExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the quantities required to calculate energy fluxes. More...
class | EnergyIndices |
| Provides the indices required for the energy equation. More...
struct | EnergyIndices< PVOffset, false > |
| Provides the indices required for the energy equation. More...
struct | EnergyIndices< PVOffset, true > |
| Provides the indices required for the energy equation. More...
class | EnergyIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the energy equation. More...
class | EnergyIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the energy equation. More...
class | EnergyIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the volumetric quantities required for the energy equation. More...
class | EnergyModule |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the energy equation. More...
class | EnergyModule< TypeTag, false > |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the energy equation. More...
class | EnergyModule< TypeTag, true > |
| Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the energy equation. More...
class | FlashBoundaryRateVector |
| Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit compositional multi-phase model which is based on flash calculations. More...
class | FlashExtensiveQuantities |
| This template class contains the data which is required to calculate all fluxes of components over a face of a finite volume for the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations. More...
class | FlashIndices |
| Defines the primary variable and equation indices for the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations. More...
class | FlashIntensiveQuantities |
| Contains the intensive quantities of the flash-based compositional multi-phase model. More...
class | FlashLocalResidual |
| Calculates the local residual of the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations. More...
class | FlashModel |
| A compositional multi-phase model based on flash-calculations. More...
class | FlashNewtonMethod |
| A Newton solver specific to the PTFlash model. More...
class | FlashPrimaryVariables |
| Represents the primary variables used by the compositional flow model based on flash calculations. More...
class | FlashRateVector |
class | ForchheimerBaseProblem |
| Provides the defaults for the parameters required by the Forchheimer velocity approach. More...
class | ForchheimerExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the Forchheimer flux module. More...
struct | ForchheimerFluxModule |
| Specifies a flux module which uses the Forchheimer relation. More...
class | ForchheimerIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the intensive quantities for the Forchheimer module. More...
class | FractureMapper |
| Stores the topology of fractures. More...
class | FunctionRunnerTasklet |
| A simple tasklet that runs a function that returns void and does not take any arguments a given number of times. More...
class | FvBaseAdLocalLinearizer |
| Calculates the local residual and its Jacobian for a single element of the grid. More...
class | FvBaseBoundaryContext |
| Represents all quantities which available on boundary segments. More...
class | FvBaseConstraints |
| Class to specify constraints for a finite volume spatial discretization. More...
class | FvBaseConstraintsContext |
| Represents all quantities which available for calculating constraints. More...
class | FvBaseDiscretization |
| The base class for the finite volume discretization schemes. More...
class | FvBaseDiscretizationFemAdapt |
| The base class for the finite volume discretization schemes. More...
class | FvBaseDiscretizationNoAdapt |
| The base class for the finite volume discretization schemes without adaptation. More...
class | FvBaseElementContext |
| This class stores an array of IntensiveQuantities objects, one intensive quantities object for each of the element's vertices. More...
class | FvBaseExtensiveQuantities |
| Provide the properties at a face which make sense indepentently of the conserved quantities. More...
class | FvBaseFdLocalLinearizer |
| Calculates the Jacobian of the local residual for finite volume spatial discretizations using a finite difference method. More...
class | FvBaseGradientCalculator |
| This class calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points using the two-point approximation scheme. More...
class | FvBaseIntensiveQuantities |
| Base class for the model specific class which provides access to all intensive (i.e., volume averaged) quantities. More...
class | FvBaseLinearizer |
| The common code for the linearizers of non-linear systems of equations. More...
class | FvBaseLocalResidual |
| Element-wise caculation of the residual matrix for models based on a finite volume spatial discretization. More...
class | FvBaseNewtonConvergenceWriter |
| Writes the intermediate solutions during the Newton scheme for models using a finite volume discretization. More...
class | FvBaseNewtonMethod |
| A Newton method for models using a finite volume discretization. More...
class | FvBasePrimaryVariables |
| Represents the primary variables used by the a model. More...
class | FvBaseProblem |
| Base class for all problems which use a finite volume spatial discretization. More...
class | GenericGuard |
| A simple class which makes sure that a cleanup function is called once the object is destroyed. More...
class | GridCommHandleGhostSync |
| Data handle for parallel communication which can be used to set the values values of ghost and overlap DOFs from their respective master processes. More...
class | GridCommHandleMax |
| Data handle for parallel communication which takes the maximum of all values that are attached to DOFs. More...
class | GridCommHandleMin |
| Provides data handle for parallel communication which takes the minimum of all values that are attached to DOFs. More...
class | GridCommHandleSum |
| Data handle for parallel communication which sums up all values are attached to DOFs. More...
class | ImmiscibleBoundaryRateVector |
| Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit multi-phase model which assumes immiscibility. More...
class | ImmiscibleExtensiveQuantities |
| This class provides the data all quantities that are required to calculate the fluxes of the fluid phases over a face of a finite volume for the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
struct | ImmiscibleIndices |
| The indices for the isothermal multi-phase model. More...
class | ImmiscibleIntensiveQuantities |
| Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume for the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
class | ImmiscibleLocalResidual |
| Calculates the local residual of the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
class | ImmiscibleModel |
| A fully-implicit multi-phase flow model which assumes immiscibility of the phases. More...
class | ImmisciblePrimaryVariables |
| Represents the primary variables used by the immiscible multi-phase, model. More...
class | ImmiscibleRateVector |
| Implements a vector representing rates of conserved quantities. More...
struct | LinearizationType |
class | MatrixBlock |
class | MolarDensityCallback |
| Callback class for the molar density of a phase. More...
class | MoleFractionCallback |
| Callback class for a mole fraction of a component in a phase. More...
class | MpiBuffer |
| Simplifies handling of buffers to be used in conjunction with MPI. More...
class | MultiPhaseBaseExtensiveQuantities |
| This class calculates the pressure potential gradients and the filter velocities for multi-phase flow in porous media. More...
class | MultiPhaseBaseModel |
| A base class for fully-implicit multi-phase porous-media flow models which assume multiple fluid phases. More...
class | MultiPhaseBaseProblem |
| The base class for the problems of ECFV discretizations which deal with a multi-phase flow through a porous medium. More...
class | NcpBoundaryRateVector |
| Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit compositional multi-phase NCP model. More...
class | NcpExtensiveQuantities |
| This template class represents the extensive quantities of the compositional NCP model. More...
struct | NcpIndices |
| The primary variable and equation indices for the compositional multi-phase NCP model. More...
class | NcpIntensiveQuantities |
| Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the compositional multi-phase NCP model. More...
class | NcpLocalResidual |
| Details needed to calculate the local residual in the compositional multi-phase NCP-model . More...
class | NcpModel |
| A compositional multi-phase model based on non-linear complementarity functions. More...
class | NcpNewtonMethod |
| A Newton solver specific to the NCP model. More...
class | NcpPrimaryVariables |
| Represents the primary variables used by the compositional multi-phase NCP model. More...
class | NcpRateVector |
| Implements a vector representing mass, molar or volumetric rates. More...
class | NewtonMethod |
| The multi-dimensional Newton method. More...
class | NullConvergenceWriter |
| A convergence writer for the Newton method which does nothing. More...
class | P1FeGradientCalculator |
| This class calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points using first order finite elemens ansatz functions. More...
class | PffGridVector |
| A random-access container which stores data attached to a grid's degrees of freedom in a prefetch friendly manner. More...
class | PressureCallback |
| Callback class for a phase pressure. More...
class | PvsBoundaryRateVector |
| Implements a rate vector on the boundary for the fully implicit compositional multi-phase primary variable switching compositional model. More...
class | PvsExtensiveQuantities |
| Contains all data which is required to calculate all fluxes at a flux integration point for the primary variable switching model. More...
class | PvsIndices |
| The indices for the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model. More...
class | PvsIntensiveQuantities |
| Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model. More...
class | PvsLocalResidual |
| Element-wise calculation of the local residual for the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model. More...
class | PvsModel |
| A generic compositional multi-phase model using primary-variable switching. More...
class | PvsNewtonMethod |
| A newton solver which is specific to the compositional multi-phase PVS model. More...
class | PvsPrimaryVariables |
| Represents the primary variables used in the primary variable switching compositional model. More...
class | PvsRateVector |
| Implements a vector representing molar, mass or volumetric rates. More...
class | QuadrialteralQuadratureGeometry |
| Quadrature geometry for quadrilaterals. More...
class | Restart |
| Load or save a state of a problem to/from the harddisk. More...
class | RichardsBoundaryRateVector |
| Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit Richards model. More...
class | RichardsExtensiveQuantities |
| Calculates and stores the data which is required to calculate the flux of fluid over a face of a finite volume. More...
struct | RichardsIndices |
| Indices for the primary variables/conservation equations of the Richards model. More...
class | RichardsIntensiveQuantities |
| Intensive quantities required by the Richards model. More...
class | RichardsLocalResidual |
| Element-wise calculation of the residual for the Richards model. More...
class | RichardsModel |
| This model implements a variant of the Richards equation for quasi-twophase flow. More...
class | RichardsNewtonMethod |
| A Richards model specific Newton method. More...
class | RichardsPrimaryVariables |
| Represents the primary variables used in the Richards model. More...
class | RichardsRateVector |
| Implements a vector representing mass, molar or volumetric rates. More...
class | SimplexGridVanguard |
| Provides a simulator vanguard which a creates regular grid made of simplices. More...
class | Simulator |
| Manages the initializing and running of time dependent problems. More...
class | StructuredGridVanguard |
| Helper class for grid instantiation of the lens problem. More...
class | TaskletInterface |
| The base class for tasklets. More...
class | TaskletRunner |
| Handles where a given tasklet is run. More...
struct | TaskletRunnerHelper_ |
class | TemperatureCallback |
| Callback class for temperature. More...
class | ThreadedEntityIterator |
| Provides an STL-iterator like interface to iterate over the enties of a GridView in OpenMP threaded applications. More...
class | ThreadManager |
| Simplifies multi-threaded capabilities. More...
class | Timer |
| Provides an encapsulation to measure the system time. More...
class | TimerGuard |
| A simple class which makes sure that a timer gets stopped if an exception is thrown. More...
class | TpfaLinearizer |
| The common code for the linearizers of non-linear systems of equations. More...
class | TransBaseProblem |
| Provides the defaults for the parameters required by the transmissibility based volume flux calculation. More...
class | TransExtensiveQuantities |
| Provides the transmissibility based flux module. More...
struct | TransFluxModule |
| Specifies a flux module which uses transmissibilities. More...
class | TransIntensiveQuantities |
| Provides the intensive quantities for the transmissibility based flux module. More...
class | Tutorial1Problem |
| Tutorial problem using the "immiscible" model. More...
class | UnstructuredGridVanguard |
| Provides a simulator vanguard which creates a grid by parsing an unstructured grid file. More...
class | VcfvBaseOutputModule |
| Implements the discretization specific parts of writing files. More...
class | VcfvDiscretization |
| The base class for the vertex centered finite volume discretization scheme. More...
class | VcfvGridCommHandleFactory |
| A class which provides types for DUNE grid handles for communication. More...
class | VcfvStencil |
| Represents the finite volume geometry of a single element in the VCFV discretization. More...
class | VelocityCallback |
| Callback class for the velocity of a phase at the center of a DOF. More...
class | VelocityComponentCallback |
| Callback class for the velocity of a phase at the center of a DOF. More...
class | ViscosityCallback |
| Callback class for the viscosity of a phase. More...
class | VtkBlackOilEnergyModule |
| VTK output module for the black oil model's energy related quantities. More...
class | VtkBlackOilMICPModule |
| VTK output module for the MICP model's related quantities. More...
class | VtkBlackOilModule |
| VTK output module for the black oil model's parameters. More...
class | VtkBlackOilPolymerModule |
| VTK output module for the black oil model's polymer related quantities. More...
class | VtkBlackOilSolventModule |
| VTK output module for the black oil model's solvent related quantities. More...
class | VtkCompositionModule |
| VTK output module for the fluid composition. More...
class | VtkDiffusionModule |
| VTK output module for quantities which make sense for models which incorperate molecular diffusion. More...
class | VtkDiscreteFractureModule |
| VTK output module for quantities which make sense for all models which deal with discrete fractures in porous media. More...
class | VtkEnergyModule |
| VTK output module for quantities which make sense for models which assume thermal equilibrium. More...
class | VtkMultiPhaseModule |
| VTK output module for quantities which make sense for all models which deal with multiple fluid phases in porous media that don't use flashy concepts like interfacial area. More...
class | VtkMultiWriter |
| Simplifies writing multi-file VTK datasets. More...
class | VtkPhasePresenceModule |
| VTK output module for the fluid composition. More...
class | VtkPrimaryVarsModule |
| VTK output module for the fluid composition. More...
class | VtkPTFlashModule |
| VTK output module for the PT Flash calculation This module deals with the following quantities: K, equilibrium ratio for all the components L, liquid fraction in the two-phase system. More...
class | VtkScalarFunction |
| Provides a vector-valued function using Dune::FieldVectors as elements. More...
class | VtkTemperatureModule |
| VTK output module for the temperature in which assume thermal equilibrium. More...
class | VtkTensorFunction |
| Provides a tensor-valued function using Dune::FieldMatrix objects as elements. More...
class | VtkVectorFunction |
| Provides a vector-valued function using Dune::FieldVectors as elements. More...