Opm Namespace Reference


namespace  detail
namespace  Linear
namespace  Parameters
namespace  Properties


class  aligned_allocator
class  aligned_allocator< void, Alignment >
class  BaseAuxiliaryModule
 Base class for specifying auxiliary equations. More...
class  BaseOutputModule
 The base class for writer modules. More...
class  BaseOutputWriter
 The base class for all output writers. More...
class  BaseVanguard
 Provides the base class for most (all?) simulator vanguards. More...
class  BlackOilBoundaryRateVector
 Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilBrineIntensiveQuantities
class  BlackOilBrineIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilBrineModule
 Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by brine. More...
struct  BlackOilBrineParams
 Struct holding the parameters for the BlackoilBrineModule class. More...
class  BlackOilConvectiveMixingModule
class  BlackOilConvectiveMixingModule< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilConvectiveMixingModule< TypeTag, true >
class  BlackOilDarcyExtensiveQuantities
 Specifies the extensive quantities for the black-oil model if using Darcy relation. More...
struct  BlackOilDarcyFluxModule
 Provides a Darcy flux module for the blackoil model. More...
class  BlackOilDiffusionExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class  BlackOilDiffusionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class  BlackOilDiffusionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class  BlackOilDiffusionIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class  BlackOilDiffusionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class  BlackOilDiffusionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class  BlackOilDiffusionModule
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class  BlackOilDiffusionModule< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class  BlackOilDiffusionModule< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class  BlackOilDispersionExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the quantities required to calculate dispersive mass fluxes. More...
class  BlackOilDispersionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilDispersionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the quantities required to calculate dispersive mass fluxes. More...
class  BlackOilDispersionIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of dispersive fluxes. More...
class  BlackOilDispersionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilDispersionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true >
class  BlackOilDispersionModule
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the dispersion equation. More...
class  BlackOilDispersionModule< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the dispersion equation. More...
class  BlackOilDispersionModule< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the dispersion equation. More...
class  BlackOilEnergyExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the energy specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class  BlackOilEnergyExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the energys extension of the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilEnergyIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilEnergyModule
 Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by energy. More...
class  BlackOilExtboExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the solvent specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class  BlackOilExtboExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilExtboIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the solvents extension of the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilExtboIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilExtboModule
 Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model. More...
struct  BlackOilExtboParams
 Struct holding the parameters for the BlackoilExtboModule class. More...
class  BlackOilExtensiveQuantities
 This template class contains the data which is required to calculate the fluxes of the fluid phases over a face of a finite volume for the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilFoamIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the polymers extension of the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilFoamIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilFoamModule
 Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model to include the effects of foam. More...
struct  BlackOilFoamParams
 Struct holding the parameters for the BlackoilFoamModule class. More...
struct  BlackOilIndices
 The primary variable and equation indices for the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilIntensiveQuantities
 Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilLocalResidual
 Calculates the local residual of the black oil model. More...
class  BlackOilLocalResidualTPFA
 Calculates the local residual of the black oil model. More...
class  BlackOilMICPExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the MICP specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class  BlackOilMICPExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilMICPIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the MICP extension of the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilMICPIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilMICPModule
 Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by MICP. More...
struct  BlackOilMICPParams
 Struct holding the parameters for the BlackOilMICPModule class. More...
class  BlackOilModel
 A fully-implicit black-oil flow model. More...
class  BlackOilNewtonMethod
 A newton solver which is specific to the black oil model. More...
struct  BlackOilOnePhaseIndices
 The primary variable and equation indices for the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilPolymerExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the polymer specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class  BlackOilPolymerExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilPolymerIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the polymers extension of the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilPolymerIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilPolymerModule
 Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by polymer. More...
struct  BlackOilPolymerParams
 Struct holding the parameters for the BlackOilPolymerModule class. More...
class  BlackOilPrimaryVariables
 Represents the primary variables used by the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilProblem
 Base class for all problems which use the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilRateVector
 Implements a vector representing mass, molar or volumetric rates for the black oil model. More...
class  BlackOilSolventExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the solvent specific extensive quantities to the generic black-oil module's extensive quantities. More...
class  BlackOilSolventExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilSolventIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the equations needed by the solvents extension of the black-oil model. More...
class  BlackOilSolventIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
class  BlackOilSolventModule
 Contains the high level supplements required to extend the black oil model by solvents. More...
struct  BlackOilSolventParams
 Struct holding the parameters for the BlackOilSolventModule class. More...
struct  BlackOilTwoPhaseIndices
 The primary variable and equation indices for the black-oil model. More...
class  BoundaryPressureCallback
 Callback class for a phase pressure. More...
class  CopyRestrictProlong
struct  CopyRestrictProlongTraits
class  CubeGridVanguard
 Provides a simulator vanguad which creates a regular grid made of quadrilaterals. More...
class  DarcyBaseProblem
 Provides the defaults for the parameters required by the Darcy velocity approach. More...
class  DarcyExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the Darcy flux module. More...
struct  DarcyFluxModule
 Specifies a flux module which uses the Darcy relation. More...
class  DarcyIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the intensive quantities for the Darcy flux module. More...
class  DensityCallback
 Callback class for the density of a phase. More...
class  DgfVanguard
 Provides a simulator vanguard which creates a grid by parsing a Dune Grid Format (DGF) file. More...
class  DiffusionExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class  DiffusionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class  DiffusionExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the quantities required to calculate diffusive mass fluxes. More...
class  DiffusionIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class  DiffusionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class  DiffusionIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the calculation of molecular diffusive fluxes. More...
class  DiffusionModule
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class  DiffusionModule< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
class  DiffusionModule< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the diffusion equation. More...
struct  DirectionalMobility
class  DiscreteFractureExtensiveQuantities
 This class expresses all intensive quantities of the discrete fracture model. More...
class  DiscreteFractureIntensiveQuantities
 Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the discret fracture immiscible multi-phase model. More...
class  DiscreteFractureLocalResidual
 Calculates the local residual of the discrete fracture immiscible multi-phase model. More...
class  DiscreteFractureModel
 A fully-implicit multi-phase flow model which assumes immiscibility of the phases and is able to include fractures in the domain. More...
class  DiscreteFracturePrimaryVariables
 Represents the primary variables used by the discrete fracture multi-phase model. More...
class  DiscreteFractureProblem
 The base class for the problems of ECFV discretizations which deal with a multi-phase flow through a porous medium. More...
class  EcfvBaseOutputModule
 Implements the discretization specific parts of writing files. More...
class  EcfvDiscretization
 The base class for the element-centered finite-volume discretization scheme. More...
class  EcfvGridCommHandleFactory
 A class which provides types for DUNE grid handles for communication. More...
class  EcfvStencil
 Represents the stencil (finite volume geometry) of a single element in the ECFV discretization. More...
class  EmptyRestrictProlong
struct  EmptyRestrictProlongTraits
class  EnergyExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the quantities required to calculate energy fluxes. More...
class  EnergyExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the quantities required to calculate energy fluxes. More...
class  EnergyExtensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the quantities required to calculate energy fluxes. More...
class  EnergyIndices
 Provides the indices required for the energy equation. More...
struct  EnergyIndices< PVOffset, false >
 Provides the indices required for the energy equation. More...
struct  EnergyIndices< PVOffset, true >
 Provides the indices required for the energy equation. More...
class  EnergyIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the energy equation. More...
class  EnergyIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the energy equation. More...
class  EnergyIntensiveQuantities< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the volumetric quantities required for the energy equation. More...
class  EnergyModule
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the energy equation. More...
class  EnergyModule< TypeTag, false >
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the energy equation. More...
class  EnergyModule< TypeTag, true >
 Provides the auxiliary methods required for consideration of the energy equation. More...
class  FlashBoundaryRateVector
 Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit compositional multi-phase model which is based on flash calculations. More...
class  FlashExtensiveQuantities
 This template class contains the data which is required to calculate all fluxes of components over a face of a finite volume for the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations. More...
class  FlashIndices
 Defines the primary variable and equation indices for the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations. More...
class  FlashIntensiveQuantities
 Contains the intensive quantities of the flash-based compositional multi-phase model. More...
class  FlashLocalResidual
 Calculates the local residual of the compositional multi-phase model based on flash calculations. More...
class  FlashModel
 A compositional multi-phase model based on flash-calculations. More...
class  FlashNewtonMethod
 A Newton solver specific to the PTFlash model. More...
class  FlashPrimaryVariables
 Represents the primary variables used by the compositional flow model based on flash calculations. More...
class  FlashRateVector
class  ForchheimerBaseProblem
 Provides the defaults for the parameters required by the Forchheimer velocity approach. More...
class  ForchheimerExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the Forchheimer flux module. More...
struct  ForchheimerFluxModule
 Specifies a flux module which uses the Forchheimer relation. More...
class  ForchheimerIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the intensive quantities for the Forchheimer module. More...
class  FractureMapper
 Stores the topology of fractures. More...
class  FunctionRunnerTasklet
 A simple tasklet that runs a function that returns void and does not take any arguments a given number of times. More...
class  FvBaseAdLocalLinearizer
 Calculates the local residual and its Jacobian for a single element of the grid. More...
class  FvBaseBoundaryContext
 Represents all quantities which available on boundary segments. More...
class  FvBaseConstraints
 Class to specify constraints for a finite volume spatial discretization. More...
class  FvBaseConstraintsContext
 Represents all quantities which available for calculating constraints. More...
class  FvBaseDiscretization
 The base class for the finite volume discretization schemes. More...
class  FvBaseDiscretizationFemAdapt
 The base class for the finite volume discretization schemes. More...
class  FvBaseDiscretizationNoAdapt
 The base class for the finite volume discretization schemes without adaptation. More...
class  FvBaseElementContext
 This class stores an array of IntensiveQuantities objects, one intensive quantities object for each of the element's vertices. More...
class  FvBaseExtensiveQuantities
 Provide the properties at a face which make sense indepentently of the conserved quantities. More...
class  FvBaseFdLocalLinearizer
 Calculates the Jacobian of the local residual for finite volume spatial discretizations using a finite difference method. More...
class  FvBaseGradientCalculator
 This class calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points using the two-point approximation scheme. More...
class  FvBaseIntensiveQuantities
 Base class for the model specific class which provides access to all intensive (i.e., volume averaged) quantities. More...
class  FvBaseLinearizer
 The common code for the linearizers of non-linear systems of equations. More...
class  FvBaseLocalResidual
 Element-wise caculation of the residual matrix for models based on a finite volume spatial discretization. More...
class  FvBaseNewtonConvergenceWriter
 Writes the intermediate solutions during the Newton scheme for models using a finite volume discretization. More...
class  FvBaseNewtonMethod
 A Newton method for models using a finite volume discretization. More...
class  FvBasePrimaryVariables
 Represents the primary variables used by the a model. More...
class  FvBaseProblem
 Base class for all problems which use a finite volume spatial discretization. More...
class  GenericGuard
 A simple class which makes sure that a cleanup function is called once the object is destroyed. More...
class  GridCommHandleGhostSync
 Data handle for parallel communication which can be used to set the values values of ghost and overlap DOFs from their respective master processes. More...
class  GridCommHandleMax
 Data handle for parallel communication which takes the maximum of all values that are attached to DOFs. More...
class  GridCommHandleMin
 Provides data handle for parallel communication which takes the minimum of all values that are attached to DOFs. More...
class  GridCommHandleSum
 Data handle for parallel communication which sums up all values are attached to DOFs. More...
class  ImmiscibleBoundaryRateVector
 Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit multi-phase model which assumes immiscibility. More...
class  ImmiscibleExtensiveQuantities
 This class provides the data all quantities that are required to calculate the fluxes of the fluid phases over a face of a finite volume for the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
struct  ImmiscibleIndices
 The indices for the isothermal multi-phase model. More...
class  ImmiscibleIntensiveQuantities
 Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume for the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
class  ImmiscibleLocalResidual
 Calculates the local residual of the immiscible multi-phase model. More...
class  ImmiscibleModel
 A fully-implicit multi-phase flow model which assumes immiscibility of the phases. More...
class  ImmisciblePrimaryVariables
 Represents the primary variables used by the immiscible multi-phase, model. More...
class  ImmiscibleRateVector
 Implements a vector representing rates of conserved quantities. More...
struct  LinearizationType
class  MatrixBlock
class  MolarDensityCallback
 Callback class for the molar density of a phase. More...
class  MoleFractionCallback
 Callback class for a mole fraction of a component in a phase. More...
class  MpiBuffer
 Simplifies handling of buffers to be used in conjunction with MPI. More...
class  MultiPhaseBaseExtensiveQuantities
 This class calculates the pressure potential gradients and the filter velocities for multi-phase flow in porous media. More...
class  MultiPhaseBaseModel
 A base class for fully-implicit multi-phase porous-media flow models which assume multiple fluid phases. More...
class  MultiPhaseBaseProblem
 The base class for the problems of ECFV discretizations which deal with a multi-phase flow through a porous medium. More...
class  NcpBoundaryRateVector
 Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit compositional multi-phase NCP model. More...
class  NcpExtensiveQuantities
 This template class represents the extensive quantities of the compositional NCP model. More...
struct  NcpIndices
 The primary variable and equation indices for the compositional multi-phase NCP model. More...
class  NcpIntensiveQuantities
 Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the compositional multi-phase NCP model. More...
class  NcpLocalResidual
 Details needed to calculate the local residual in the compositional multi-phase NCP-model . More...
class  NcpModel
 A compositional multi-phase model based on non-linear complementarity functions. More...
class  NcpNewtonMethod
 A Newton solver specific to the NCP model. More...
class  NcpPrimaryVariables
 Represents the primary variables used by the compositional multi-phase NCP model. More...
class  NcpRateVector
 Implements a vector representing mass, molar or volumetric rates. More...
class  NewtonMethod
 The multi-dimensional Newton method. More...
class  NullConvergenceWriter
 A convergence writer for the Newton method which does nothing. More...
class  P1FeGradientCalculator
 This class calculates gradients of arbitrary quantities at flux integration points using first order finite elemens ansatz functions. More...
class  PffGridVector
 A random-access container which stores data attached to a grid's degrees of freedom in a prefetch friendly manner. More...
class  PressureCallback
 Callback class for a phase pressure. More...
class  PvsBoundaryRateVector
 Implements a rate vector on the boundary for the fully implicit compositional multi-phase primary variable switching compositional model. More...
class  PvsExtensiveQuantities
 Contains all data which is required to calculate all fluxes at a flux integration point for the primary variable switching model. More...
class  PvsIndices
 The indices for the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model. More...
class  PvsIntensiveQuantities
 Contains the quantities which are are constant within a finite volume in the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model. More...
class  PvsLocalResidual
 Element-wise calculation of the local residual for the compositional multi-phase primary variable switching model. More...
class  PvsModel
 A generic compositional multi-phase model using primary-variable switching. More...
class  PvsNewtonMethod
 A newton solver which is specific to the compositional multi-phase PVS model. More...
class  PvsPrimaryVariables
 Represents the primary variables used in the primary variable switching compositional model. More...
class  PvsRateVector
 Implements a vector representing molar, mass or volumetric rates. More...
class  QuadrialteralQuadratureGeometry
 Quadrature geometry for quadrilaterals. More...
class  Restart
 Load or save a state of a problem to/from the harddisk. More...
class  RichardsBoundaryRateVector
 Implements a boundary vector for the fully implicit Richards model. More...
class  RichardsExtensiveQuantities
 Calculates and stores the data which is required to calculate the flux of fluid over a face of a finite volume. More...
struct  RichardsIndices
 Indices for the primary variables/conservation equations of the Richards model. More...
class  RichardsIntensiveQuantities
 Intensive quantities required by the Richards model. More...
class  RichardsLocalResidual
 Element-wise calculation of the residual for the Richards model. More...
class  RichardsModel
 This model implements a variant of the Richards equation for quasi-twophase flow. More...
class  RichardsNewtonMethod
 A Richards model specific Newton method. More...
class  RichardsPrimaryVariables
 Represents the primary variables used in the Richards model. More...
class  RichardsRateVector
 Implements a vector representing mass, molar or volumetric rates. More...
class  SimplexGridVanguard
 Provides a simulator vanguard which a creates regular grid made of simplices. More...
class  Simulator
 Manages the initializing and running of time dependent problems. More...
class  StructuredGridVanguard
 Helper class for grid instantiation of the lens problem. More...
class  TaskletInterface
 The base class for tasklets. More...
class  TaskletRunner
 Handles where a given tasklet is run. More...
struct  TaskletRunnerHelper_
class  TemperatureCallback
 Callback class for temperature. More...
class  ThreadedEntityIterator
 Provides an STL-iterator like interface to iterate over the enties of a GridView in OpenMP threaded applications. More...
class  ThreadManager
 Simplifies multi-threaded capabilities. More...
class  Timer
 Provides an encapsulation to measure the system time. More...
class  TimerGuard
 A simple class which makes sure that a timer gets stopped if an exception is thrown. More...
class  TpfaLinearizer
 The common code for the linearizers of non-linear systems of equations. More...
class  TransBaseProblem
 Provides the defaults for the parameters required by the transmissibility based volume flux calculation. More...
class  TransExtensiveQuantities
 Provides the transmissibility based flux module. More...
struct  TransFluxModule
 Specifies a flux module which uses transmissibilities. More...
class  TransIntensiveQuantities
 Provides the intensive quantities for the transmissibility based flux module. More...
class  Tutorial1Problem
 Tutorial problem using the "immiscible" model. More...
class  UnstructuredGridVanguard
 Provides a simulator vanguard which creates a grid by parsing an unstructured grid file. More...
class  VcfvBaseOutputModule
 Implements the discretization specific parts of writing files. More...
class  VcfvDiscretization
 The base class for the vertex centered finite volume discretization scheme. More...
class  VcfvGridCommHandleFactory
 A class which provides types for DUNE grid handles for communication. More...
class  VcfvStencil
 Represents the finite volume geometry of a single element in the VCFV discretization. More...
class  VelocityCallback
 Callback class for the velocity of a phase at the center of a DOF. More...
class  VelocityComponentCallback
 Callback class for the velocity of a phase at the center of a DOF. More...
class  ViscosityCallback
 Callback class for the viscosity of a phase. More...
class  VtkBlackOilEnergyModule
 VTK output module for the black oil model's energy related quantities. More...
class  VtkBlackOilMICPModule
 VTK output module for the MICP model's related quantities. More...
class  VtkBlackOilModule
 VTK output module for the black oil model's parameters. More...
class  VtkBlackOilPolymerModule
 VTK output module for the black oil model's polymer related quantities. More...
class  VtkBlackOilSolventModule
 VTK output module for the black oil model's solvent related quantities. More...
class  VtkCompositionModule
 VTK output module for the fluid composition. More...
class  VtkDiffusionModule
 VTK output module for quantities which make sense for models which incorperate molecular diffusion. More...
class  VtkDiscreteFractureModule
 VTK output module for quantities which make sense for all models which deal with discrete fractures in porous media. More...
class  VtkEnergyModule
 VTK output module for quantities which make sense for models which assume thermal equilibrium. More...
class  VtkMultiPhaseModule
 VTK output module for quantities which make sense for all models which deal with multiple fluid phases in porous media that don't use flashy concepts like interfacial area. More...
class  VtkMultiWriter
 Simplifies writing multi-file VTK datasets. More...
class  VtkPhasePresenceModule
 VTK output module for the fluid composition. More...
class  VtkPrimaryVarsModule
 VTK output module for the fluid composition. More...
class  VtkPTFlashModule
 VTK output module for the PT Flash calculation This module deals with the following quantities: K, equilibrium ratio for all the components L, liquid fraction in the two-phase system. More...
class  VtkScalarFunction
 Provides a vector-valued function using Dune::FieldVectors as elements. More...
class  VtkTemperatureModule
 VTK output module for the temperature in which assume thermal equilibrium. More...
class  VtkTensorFunction
 Provides a tensor-valued function using Dune::FieldMatrix objects as elements. More...
class  VtkVectorFunction
 Provides a vector-valued function using Dune::FieldVectors as elements. More...


template<class TypeTag , template< class, class > class Property>
using GetProp = typename Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl< TypeTag, Property >::type
 get the type of a property (equivalent to old macro GET_PROP(...)) More...
template<class TypeTag , template< class, class > class Property>
using GetPropType = typename Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl< TypeTag, Property >::type::type
 get the type alias defined in the property (equivalent to old macro GET_PROP_TYPE(...)) More...
template<class TypeTag , class SpliceTypeTag , template< class, class > class Property>
using GetSplicePropType = typename Properties::Detail::GetSplicePropImpl< TypeTag, SpliceTypeTag, Property >::type::type


enum  ElementType { none , simplex , cube }
 The types of reference elements available. More...


std::vector< std::string > gatherStrings (const std::string &local_string)
 From each rank, gather its string (if not empty) into a vector. More...
void * aligned_alloc (std::size_t alignment, std::size_t size) noexcept
void aligned_free (void *ptr) noexcept
template<class T1 , class T2 , std::size_t Alignment>
bool operator== (const aligned_allocator< T1, Alignment > &, const aligned_allocator< T2, Alignment > &) noexcept
template<class T1 , class T2 , std::size_t Alignment>
bool operator!= (const aligned_allocator< T1, Alignment > &, const aligned_allocator< T2, Alignment > &) noexcept
template<class Callback >
GenericGuard< Callback > make_guard (Callback &callback)
template<int temporalLocality = 3, int writeOnly = 0, class T = void>
void prefetch (const T &val, unsigned n=1)
 Template function which emits prefetch instructions for a range of memory. More...
template<class TypeTag , template< class, class > class Property>
constexpr auto getPropValue ()
 get the value data member of a property More...
template<class Scalar >
int signum (Scalar val)
 Template function which returns the sign of a floating point value. More...
template<class K , int n, int m>
K & firstmatrixelement (MatrixBlock< K, n, m > &A)

Typedef Documentation

◆ GetProp

template<class TypeTag , template< class, class > class Property>
using Opm::GetProp = typedef typename Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl<TypeTag, Property>::type

get the type of a property (equivalent to old macro GET_PROP(...))

◆ GetPropType

template<class TypeTag , template< class, class > class Property>
using Opm::GetPropType = typedef typename Properties::Detail::GetPropImpl<TypeTag, Property>::type::type

get the type alias defined in the property (equivalent to old macro GET_PROP_TYPE(...))

◆ GetSplicePropType

template<class TypeTag , class SpliceTypeTag , template< class, class > class Property>
using Opm::GetSplicePropType = typedef typename Properties::Detail::GetSplicePropImpl<TypeTag, SpliceTypeTag, Property>::type::type

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ElementType

The types of reference elements available.


Function Documentation

◆ aligned_alloc()

void * Opm::aligned_alloc ( std::size_t  alignment,
std::size_t  size 

◆ aligned_free()

void Opm::aligned_free ( void *  ptr)

◆ firstmatrixelement()

template<class K , int n, int m>
K & Opm::firstmatrixelement ( MatrixBlock< K, n, m > &  A)

◆ gatherStrings()

std::vector< std::string > Opm::gatherStrings ( const std::string &  local_string)

From each rank, gather its string (if not empty) into a vector.

Referenced by Opm::Simulator< TypeTag >::Simulator().

◆ getPropValue()

template<class TypeTag , template< class, class > class Property>
constexpr auto Opm::getPropValue ( )

get the value data member of a property

◆ make_guard()

template<class Callback >
GenericGuard< Callback > Opm::make_guard ( Callback &  callback)

◆ operator!=()

template<class T1 , class T2 , std::size_t Alignment>
bool Opm::operator!= ( const aligned_allocator< T1, Alignment > &  ,
const aligned_allocator< T2, Alignment > &   

◆ operator==()

template<class T1 , class T2 , std::size_t Alignment>
bool Opm::operator== ( const aligned_allocator< T1, Alignment > &  ,
const aligned_allocator< T2, Alignment > &   

◆ prefetch()

template<int temporalLocality = 3, int writeOnly = 0, class T = void>
void Opm::prefetch ( const T &  val,
unsigned  n = 1 

Template function which emits prefetch instructions for a range of memory.

This function does not change the semantics of the code, but used correctly it will improve performace because the number of cache misses will be reduced.

Referenced by Opm::PffGridVector< GridView, Stencil, Data, DofMapper >::prefetch().

◆ signum()

template<class Scalar >
int Opm::signum ( Scalar  val)

Template function which returns the sign of a floating point value.

This is a type safe and fast implementation of a sign() function for arbitrary floating point values. It a slightly modified variant of


Referenced by Opm::BlackOilNewtonMethod< TypeTag >::updatePrimaryVariables_().