[Opm] Pimp your favorite error message

Joakim Hove joakim.hove at opm-op.com
Wed Oct 14 09:30:18 UTC 2020


we have for some time made a concerted effort to improve the error 
messages from the startup phase of flow. All error messages hitting the 
user should look roughly like this:

    Error: Problem with keyword XXXX

    In /path/to/file line 123

    Some more details of what went wrong.

When it comes to the third line with details of the problem they come in 
two categories:

 1. For errors where we really understand the situation the message is
    quite good.
 2. Some unexpected condition and a std::exception has been thrown

In the second case the third line will look like "Internal error: 

For now I would appreciate feedback/comments from users/developers. 
Please create an Issue on GitHub with:

 1. Error messages which do not conform to the expected syntax outline
 2. Error messages of the type "Internal error: exception.what()" where
    you think the error messages should be "upgraded" beyond the
    exception.what() message from the failing callsite.


Heyerdahlsvei 12b, 0777 Oslo, Norway
Joakim Hove
T: +47 92 68 57 04
E: joakim.hove at opm-op.com

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