Opm::Parameters Namespace Reference


namespace  detail


struct  AmgCoarsenTarget
struct  CellsX
 grid resolution More...
struct  CellsY
struct  CellsZ
struct  ContinueOnConvergenceError
 Continue with a non-converged solution instead of giving up if we encounter a time step size smaller than the minimum time step size. More...
struct  DomainSizeX
 domain size More...
struct  DomainSizeY
struct  DomainSizeZ
struct  DpMaxRel
struct  DsMax
struct  EnableAsyncVtkOutput
 Determines if the VTK output is written to disk asynchronously. More...
struct  EnableGravity
 Returns whether gravity is considered in the problem. More...
struct  EnableGridAdaptation
 Switch to enable or disable grid adaptation. More...
struct  EnableIntensiveQuantityCache
 Specify whether all intensive quantities for the grid should be cached in the discretization. More...
struct  EnableStorageCache
 Specify whether the storage terms for previous solutions should be cached. More...
struct  EnableThermodynamicHints
 Specify whether to use the already calculated solutions as starting values of the intensive quantities. More...
struct  EnableVtkOutput
 Global switch to enable or disable the writing of VTK output files. More...
struct  EndTime
 The default value for the simulation's end time. More...
struct  FlashTolerance
struct  FlashTwoPhaseMethod
 Two-phase flash method. More...
struct  FlashVerbosity
 The verbosity level of the flash solver. More...
struct  GMResRestart
 number of iterations between solver restarts for the GMRES solver More...
struct  GridFile
 Name of the grid file. More...
struct  GridGlobalRefinements
struct  InitialTimeStepSize
 The default value for the simulation's initial time step size. More...
struct  LinearSolverAbsTolerance
 Maximum accepted error of the norm of the residual. More...
struct  LinearSolverMaxError
struct  LinearSolverMaxIterations
 Maximum number of iterations eyecuted by the linear solver. More...
struct  LinearSolverOverlapSize
 The size of the algebraic overlap of the linear solver. More...
struct  LinearSolverTolerance
 Maximum accepted error of the solution of the linear solver. More...
struct  LinearSolverVerbosity
 Specifies the verbosity of the linear solver. More...
struct  MaximumWaterSaturation
struct  MaxTemperatureChange
struct  MaxTimeStepDivisions
 The maximum allowed number of timestep divisions for the Newton solver. More...
struct  MaxTimeStepSize
 Specify the maximum size of a time integration [s]. More...
struct  MetaData
struct  MinTimeStepSize
 Specify the minimal size of a time integration [s]. More...
struct  NewtonMaxError
struct  NewtonMaxIterations
 Number of maximum iterations for the Newton method. More...
struct  NewtonTargetIterations
 The number of iterations at which the Newton method should aim at. More...
struct  NewtonTolerance
 The value for the error below which convergence is declared. More...
struct  NewtonVerbose
 Specifies whether the Newton method should print messages or not. More...
struct  NewtonWriteConvergence
struct  NumericDifferenceMethod
 Specify which kind of method should be used to numerically calculate the partial derivatives of the residual. More...
struct  OutputDir
 The directory to which simulation output ought to be written to. More...
struct  ParameterFile
 Set a value for the ParameterFile property. More...
struct  ParamInfo
class  ParamRegFinalizer_
class  ParamRegFinalizerBase_
struct  PreconditionerOrder
 The order of the sequential preconditioner. More...
struct  PreconditionerRelaxation
 The relaxation factor of the preconditioner. More...
struct  PredeterminedTimeStepsFile
 By default, do not force any time steps. More...
struct  PressureMax
struct  PressureMin
struct  PressureScale
struct  PrintParameters
 Print all parameters on startup? More...
struct  PriVarOscilationThreshold
struct  ProjectSaturations
struct  PvsVerbosity
 The verbosity of the model (0 -> do not print anything, 2 -> spam stdout a lot) More...
struct  RestartTime
 The default value for the simulation's restart time. More...
struct  SeparateSparseSourceTerms
struct  TemperatureMax
struct  TemperatureMin
struct  ThreadsPerProcess
 Number of threads per process. More...
struct  VtkWriteAverageMolarMasses
struct  VtkWriteBiofilmConcentration
struct  VtkWriteCalciteConcentration
struct  VtkWriteDensities
struct  VtkWriteDiffusionCoefficients
struct  VtkWriteDofIndex
struct  VtkWriteEffectiveDiffusionCoefficients
struct  VtkWriteEnthalpies
struct  VtkWriteEquilibriumConstants
struct  VtkWriteExtrusionFactor
struct  VtkWriteFilterVelocities
struct  VtkWriteFluidEnthalpies
struct  VtkWriteFluidInternalEnergies
struct  VtkWriteFractureFilterVelocities
struct  VtkWriteFractureIntrinsicPermeabilities
struct  VtkWriteFractureMobilities
struct  VtkWriteFracturePorosity
struct  VtkWriteFractureRelativePermeabilities
struct  VtkWriteFractureSaturations
struct  VtkWriteFractureVolumeFraction
struct  VtkWriteFugacities
struct  VtkWriteFugacityCoeffs
struct  VtkWriteGasDissolutionFactor
struct  VtkWriteGasFormationVolumeFactor
struct  VtkWriteGasSaturationPressure
struct  VtkWriteInternalEnergies
struct  VtkWriteIntrinsicPermeabilities
struct  VtkWriteLiquidMoleFractions
struct  VtkWriteMassFractions
struct  VtkWriteMicrobialConcentration
struct  VtkWriteMobilities
struct  VtkWriteMolarities
struct  VtkWriteMoleFractions
struct  VtkWriteOilFormationVolumeFactor
struct  VtkWriteOilSaturationPressure
struct  VtkWriteOilVaporizationFactor
struct  VtkWriteOxygenConcentration
struct  VtkWritePhasePresence
struct  VtkWritePolymerAdsorption
struct  VtkWritePolymerConcentration
struct  VtkWritePolymerDeadPoreVolume
struct  VtkWritePolymerRockDensity
struct  VtkWritePolymerViscosityCorrection
struct  VtkWritePorosity
struct  VtkWritePotentialGradients
struct  VtkWritePressures
struct  VtkWritePrimaryVars
struct  VtkWritePrimaryVarsMeaning
struct  VtkWriteProcessRank
struct  VtkWriteRelativePermeabilities
struct  VtkWriteRockInternalEnergy
struct  VtkWriteSaturatedGasOilVaporizationFactor
struct  VtkWriteSaturatedOilGasDissolutionFactor
struct  VtkWriteSaturationRatios
struct  VtkWriteSaturations
struct  VtkWriteSolidInternalEnergy
struct  VtkWriteSolventDensity
struct  VtkWriteSolventMobility
struct  VtkWriteSolventRsw
struct  VtkWriteSolventSaturation
struct  VtkWriteSolventViscosity
struct  VtkWriteTemperature
struct  VtkWriteThermalConductivity
struct  VtkWriteTortuosities
struct  VtkWriteTotalMassFractions
struct  VtkWriteTotalMoleFractions
struct  VtkWriteTotalThermalConductivity
struct  VtkWriteUreaConcentration
struct  VtkWriteViscosities
struct  VtkWriteWaterFormationVolumeFactor
struct  VtkWriteWaterViscosityCorrection
struct  WaterOnlyThreshold


template<class Param >
auto Get (bool errorIfNotRegistered=true)
 Retrieve a runtime parameter. More...
template<class Param >
auto SetDefault (decltype(Param::value) new_value)
 Set a runtime parameter. More...
void printParamUsage_ (std::ostream &os, const ParamInfo &paramInfo)
void getFlattenedKeyList_ (std::list< std::string > &dest, const Dune::ParameterTree &tree, const std::string &prefix="")
std::string breakLines_ (const std::string &msg, int indentWidth, int maxWidth)
int getTtyWidth_ ()
void printParamList_ (std::ostream &os, const std::list< std::string > &keyList, bool printDefaults=false)
void printUsage (const std::string &helpPreamble, const std::string &errorMsg="", std::ostream &os=std::cerr, const bool showAll=false)
 Print a usage message for all run-time parameters. More...
void removeLeadingSpace_ (std::string &s)
std::string transformKey_ (const std::string &s, bool capitalizeFirstLetter=true, const std::string &errorPrefix="")
std::string parseKey_ (std::string &s)
std::string parseQuotedValue_ (std::string &s, const std::string &errorPrefix)
std::string parseUnquotedValue_ (std::string &s, const std::string &)
template<class PositionalArgumentCallback >
std::string parseCommandLineOptions (int argc, const char **argv, const std::string &helpPreamble="", const PositionalArgumentCallback &posArgCallback=noPositionalParameters_)
 Parse the parameters provided on the command line. More...
void parseParameterFile (const std::string &fileName, bool overwrite=true)
 Read the parameters from an INI-style file. More...
void printValues (std::ostream &os=std::cout)
 Print values of the run-time parameters. More...
bool printUnused (std::ostream &os=std::cout)
 Print the list of unused run-time parameters. More...
template<class Container >
void getLists (Container &usedParams, Container &unusedParams)
 Retrieves the lists of parameters specified at runtime and their values. More...
void reset ()
template<class Param >
bool IsSet (bool errorIfNotRegistered=true)
 Returns true if a parameter has been specified at runtime, false otherwise. More...
template<class Param >
void Register (const char *usageString)
 Register a run-time parameter. More...
template<class Param >
void Hide ()
 Indicate that a given parameter should not be mentioned in the help message. More...
void endRegistration ()
 Indicate that all parameters are registered for a given type tag. More...

Function Documentation

◆ breakLines_()

std::string Opm::Parameters::breakLines_ ( const std::string &  msg,
int  indentWidth,
int  maxWidth 

Referenced by printParamUsage_(), printUsage(), and start().

◆ endRegistration()

void Opm::Parameters::endRegistration ( )

Indicate that all parameters are registered for a given type tag.

If registerParam is called after the invocation of endParamRegistration, a std::logic_error exception will be thrown.

References Opm::Parameters::MetaData::registrationFinalizers(), and Opm::Parameters::MetaData::registrationOpen().

◆ getFlattenedKeyList_()

void Opm::Parameters::getFlattenedKeyList_ ( std::list< std::string > &  dest,
const Dune::ParameterTree &  tree,
const std::string &  prefix = "" 

◆ getLists()

template<class Container >
void Opm::Parameters::getLists ( Container &  usedParams,
Container &  unusedParams 

Retrieves the lists of parameters specified at runtime and their values.

The two arguments besides the TypeTag are assumed to be STL containers which store std::pair<std::string, std::string>.

References getFlattenedKeyList_(), Opm::Parameters::MetaData::registrationOpen(), Opm::Parameters::MetaData::registry(), and Opm::Parameters::MetaData::tree().

◆ getTtyWidth_()

int Opm::Parameters::getTtyWidth_ ( )

Referenced by printParamUsage_(), printUsage(), and start().

◆ Hide()

template<class Param >
void Opm::Parameters::Hide ( )

Indicate that a given parameter should not be mentioned in the help message.

This allows to deal with unused parameters

References Opm::Parameters::MetaData::mutableRegistry(), and Opm::Parameters::MetaData::registrationOpen().

◆ IsSet()

template<class Param >
bool Opm::Parameters::IsSet ( bool  errorIfNotRegistered = true)

Returns true if a parameter has been specified at runtime, false otherwise.

If the parameter in question has not been registered, this throws an exception.

References Opm::Parameters::MetaData::registrationOpen(), Opm::Parameters::MetaData::registry(), and Opm::Parameters::MetaData::tree().

◆ parseKey_()

std::string Opm::Parameters::parseKey_ ( std::string &  s)

◆ parseQuotedValue_()

std::string Opm::Parameters::parseQuotedValue_ ( std::string &  s,
const std::string &  errorPrefix 

Referenced by parseParameterFile().

◆ parseUnquotedValue_()

std::string Opm::Parameters::parseUnquotedValue_ ( std::string &  s,
const std::string &   

Referenced by parseParameterFile().

◆ printParamList_()

void Opm::Parameters::printParamList_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::list< std::string > &  keyList,
bool  printDefaults = false 

◆ printParamUsage_()

void Opm::Parameters::printParamUsage_ ( std::ostream &  os,
const ParamInfo paramInfo 

◆ removeLeadingSpace_()

void Opm::Parameters::removeLeadingSpace_ ( std::string &  s)

Referenced by parseParameterFile().

◆ reset()

void Opm::Parameters::reset ( )

◆ transformKey_()

std::string Opm::Parameters::transformKey_ ( const std::string &  s,
bool  capitalizeFirstLetter = true,
const std::string &  errorPrefix = "" 