#include <WellInterface.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum class  IndividualOrGroup { Individual , Group , Both }
using Grid = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Grid >
using Simulator = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Simulator >
using Scalar = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Scalar >
using FluidSystem = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem >
using Indices = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Indices >
using IntensiveQuantities = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::IntensiveQuantities >
using MaterialLaw = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::MaterialLaw >
using SparseMatrixAdapter = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::SparseMatrixAdapter >
using RateVector = GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::RateVector >
using GasLiftSingleWell = ::Opm::GasLiftSingleWell< TypeTag >
using GLiftOptWells = typename BlackoilWellModel< TypeTag >::GLiftOptWells
using GLiftProdWells = typename BlackoilWellModel< TypeTag >::GLiftProdWells
using GLiftWellStateMap = typename BlackoilWellModel< TypeTag >::GLiftWellStateMap
using GLiftSyncGroups = typename GasLiftSingleWellGeneric< Scalar >::GLiftSyncGroups
using VectorBlockType = Dune::FieldVector< Scalar, Indices::numEq >
using MatrixBlockType = Dune::FieldMatrix< Scalar, Indices::numEq, Indices::numEq >
using Eval = typename Base::Eval
using BVector = Dune::BlockVector< VectorBlockType >
using PressureMatrix = Dune::BCRSMatrix< Opm::MatrixBlock< Scalar, 1, 1 > >
using RateConverterType = typename WellInterfaceFluidSystem< FluidSystem >::RateConverterType
using ModelParameters = BlackoilModelParameters< Scalar >
using FluidState = BlackOilFluidState< Eval, FluidSystem, has_temperature, has_energy, Indices::compositionSwitchIdx >=0, has_watVapor, has_brine, has_saltPrecip, has_disgas_in_water, Indices::numPhases >

Public Member Functions

 WellInterface (const Well &well, const ParallelWellInfo< Scalar > &pw_info, const int time_step, const ModelParameters &param, const RateConverterType &rate_converter, const int pvtRegionIdx, const int num_components, const int num_phases, const int index_of_well, const std::vector< PerforationData< Scalar > > &perf_data)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~WellInterface ()=default
 Virtual destructor. More...
virtual void init (const PhaseUsage *phase_usage_arg, const std::vector< Scalar > &depth_arg, const Scalar gravity_arg, const int num_cells, const std::vector< Scalar > &B_avg, const bool changed_to_open_this_step)
virtual void initPrimaryVariablesEvaluation ()=0
virtual ConvergenceReport getWellConvergence (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const std::vector< Scalar > &B_avg, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger, const bool relax_tolerance) const =0
virtual void solveEqAndUpdateWellState (const Simulator &simulator, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
void assembleWellEq (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
void assembleWellEqWithoutIteration (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
void prepareWellBeforeAssembling (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
virtual void computeWellRatesWithBhp (const Simulator &ebosSimulator, const Scalar &bhp, std::vector< Scalar > &well_flux, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const =0
virtual std::optional< ScalarcomputeBhpAtThpLimitProdWithAlq (const Simulator &ebos_simulator, const SummaryState &summary_state, const Scalar alq_value, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const =0
virtual void recoverWellSolutionAndUpdateWellState (const Simulator &simulator, const BVector &x, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
virtual void apply (const BVector &x, BVector &Ax) const =0
 Ax = Ax - C D^-1 B x. More...
virtual void apply (BVector &r) const =0
 r = r - C D^-1 Rw More...
virtual void computeWellPotentials (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, std::vector< Scalar > &well_potentials, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
virtual void updateWellStateWithTarget (const Simulator &simulator, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
virtual void computeWellRatesWithBhpIterations (const Simulator &simulator, const Scalar &bhp, std::vector< Scalar > &well_flux, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const =0
bool wellUnderZeroRateTarget (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
bool wellUnderZeroGroupRateTarget (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger, std::optional< bool > group_control=std::nullopt) const
bool stoppedOrZeroRateTarget (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
bool updateWellStateWithTHPTargetProd (const Simulator &simulator, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
bool updateWellControl (const Simulator &simulator, const IndividualOrGroup iog, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
bool updateWellControlAndStatusLocalIteration (const Simulator &simulator, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const Well::InjectionControls &inj_controls, const Well::ProductionControls &prod_controls, const Scalar WQTotal, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger, const bool fixed_control=false, const bool fixed_status=false)
virtual void updatePrimaryVariables (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
virtual void calculateExplicitQuantities (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
virtual void updateProductivityIndex (const Simulator &simulator, const WellProdIndexCalculator< Scalar > &wellPICalc, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const =0
virtual Scalar connectionDensity (const int globalConnIdx, const int openConnIdx) const =0
virtual bool jacobianContainsWellContributions () const
 Wether the Jacobian will also have well contributions in it. More...
virtual void addWellContributions (SparseMatrixAdapter &) const =0
virtual void addWellPressureEquations (PressureMatrix &mat, const BVector &x, const int pressureVarIndex, const bool use_well_weights, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state) const =0
void addCellRates (RateVector &rates, int cellIdx) const
Scalar volumetricSurfaceRateForConnection (int cellIdx, int phaseIdx) const
void wellTesting (const Simulator &simulator, const double simulation_time, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, WellTestState &welltest_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
void checkWellOperability (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
bool gliftBeginTimeStepWellTestIterateWellEquations (const Simulator &ebos_simulator, const double dt, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
void gliftBeginTimeStepWellTestUpdateALQ (const Simulator &simulator, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
void updateWellOperability (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
bool updateWellOperabilityFromWellEq (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
virtual void updateWaterThroughput (const double dt, WellState< Scalar > &well_state) const =0
virtual std::vector< ScalarcomputeCurrentWellRates (const Simulator &simulator, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const =0
void updateWellStateRates (const Simulator &simulator, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
void solveWellEquation (const Simulator &simulator, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
const std::vector< RateVector > & connectionRates () const
virtual std::vector< ScalargetPrimaryVars () const
virtual int setPrimaryVars (typename std::vector< Scalar >::const_iterator)
std::vector< ScalarwellIndex (const int perf, const IntensiveQuantities &intQuants, const Scalar trans_mult, const SingleWellState< Scalar > &ws) const
void updateConnectionDFactor (const Simulator &simulator, SingleWellState< Scalar > &ws) const
void updateConnectionTransmissibilityFactor (const Simulator &simulator, SingleWellState< Scalar > &ws) const
virtual bool iterateWellEqWithSwitching (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, const WellInjectionControls &inj_controls, const WellProductionControls &prod_controls, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger, const bool fixed_control=false, const bool fixed_status=false)=0
int flowPhaseToModelCompIdx (const int phaseIdx) const
int modelCompIdxToFlowCompIdx (const unsigned compIdx) const
Scalar scalingFactor (const int phaseIdx) const
Eval restrictEval (const EvalWell &in) const
int flowPhaseToModelPhaseIdx (const int phaseIdx) const
const RateConverterTyperateConverter () const
const std::vector< PerforationData< FluidSystem::Scalar > > & perforationData () const
 Get the perforations of the well. More...
const std::string & name () const
 Well name. More...
bool isInjector () const
 True if the well is an injector. More...
bool isProducer () const
 True if the well is a producer. More...
const std::vector< int > & cells () const
 Well cells. More...
int indexOfWell () const
 Index of well in the wells struct and wellState. More...
void adaptRatesForVFP (std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &rates) const
const Well & wellEcl () const
Well & wellEcl ()
const PhaseUsagephaseUsage () const
bool underPredictionMode () const
 Returns true if the well is currently in prediction mode (i.e. not history mode). More...
bool isOperableAndSolvable () const
bool useVfpExplicit () const
bool thpLimitViolatedButNotSwitched () const
void initCompletions ()
void closeCompletions (const WellTestState &wellTestState)
void setVFPProperties (const VFPProperties< FluidSystem::Scalar > *vfp_properties_arg)
void setPrevSurfaceRates (WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &well_state, const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &prev_well_state) const
void setGuideRate (const GuideRate *guide_rate_arg)
void setWellEfficiencyFactor (const FluidSystem::Scalar efficiency_factor)
void setRepRadiusPerfLength ()
void setWsolvent (const FluidSystem::Scalar wsolvent)
void setDynamicThpLimit (const FluidSystem::Scalar thp_limit)
void setDynamicThpLimit (const std::optional< FluidSystem::Scalar > thp_limit)
std::optional< FluidSystem::Scalar > getDynamicThpLimit () const
void updatePerforatedCell (std::vector< bool > &is_cell_perforated)
bool wellHasTHPConstraints (const SummaryState &summaryState) const
 Returns true if the well has one or more THP limits/constraints. More...
void stopWell ()
void openWell ()
bool wellIsStopped () const
int currentStep () const
int pvtRegionIdx () const
const GuideRate * guideRate () const
int numComponents () const
int numPhases () const
int numPerfs () const
FluidSystem::Scalar refDepth () const
FluidSystem::Scalar gravity () const
const VFPProperties< FluidSystem::Scalar > * vfpProperties () const
const ParallelWellInfo< FluidSystem::Scalar > & parallelWellInfo () const
const std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > & perfDepth () const
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > & perfDepth ()
const std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > & wellIndex () const
const std::map< int, std::vector< int > > & getCompletions () const
FluidSystem::Scalar getTHPConstraint (const SummaryState &summaryState) const
FluidSystem::Scalar getALQ (const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &well_state) const
FluidSystem::Scalar wsolvent () const
FluidSystem::Scalar rsRvInj () const
void initInjMult (const std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &max_inj_mult)
void updateInjMult (std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &inj_multipliers, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
FluidSystem::Scalar getInjMult (const int perf, const FluidSystem::Scalar bhp, const FluidSystem::Scalar perf_pres) const
bool isVFPActive (DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
void reportWellSwitching (const SingleWellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &ws, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
bool changedToOpenThisStep () const
void updateWellTestState (const SingleWellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &ws, const double &simulationTime, const bool &writeMessageToOPMLog, const bool zero_group_target, WellTestState &wellTestState, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
bool isPressureControlled (const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &well_state) const
FluidSystem::Scalar wellEfficiencyFactor () const
void updateFilterCakeMultipliers (const std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &inj_fc_multiplier)
 Update filter cake multipliers. More...
void resetWellOperability ()

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr bool has_solvent = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableSolvent>()
static constexpr bool has_zFraction = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableExtbo>()
static constexpr bool has_polymer = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnablePolymer>()
static constexpr bool has_energy = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableEnergy>()
static const bool has_temperature = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableTemperature>()
static constexpr bool has_polymermw = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnablePolymerMW>()
static constexpr bool has_foam = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableFoam>()
static constexpr bool has_brine = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableBrine>()
static constexpr bool has_watVapor = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableVapwat>()
static constexpr bool has_disgas_in_water = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableDisgasInWater>()
static constexpr bool has_saltPrecip = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableSaltPrecipitation>()
static constexpr bool has_micp = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableMICP>()
static constexpr int Water
static constexpr int Oil
static constexpr int Gas

Protected Member Functions

Scalar wpolymer () const
Scalar wfoam () const
Scalar wsalt () const
Scalar wmicrobes () const
Scalar woxygen () const
Scalar wurea () const
virtual Scalar getRefDensity () const =0
const std::vector< Scalar > & compFrac () const
std::vector< ScalarinitialWellRateFractions (const Simulator &ebosSimulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state) const
virtual void checkOperabilityUnderBHPLimit (const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const Simulator &simulator, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
virtual void checkOperabilityUnderTHPLimit (const Simulator &simulator, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
virtual void updateIPR (const Simulator &simulator, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const =0
virtual void assembleWellEqWithoutIteration (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, const WellInjectionControls &inj_controls, const WellProductionControls &prod_controls, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
virtual bool iterateWellEqWithControl (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, const WellInjectionControls &inj_controls, const WellProductionControls &prod_controls, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
virtual void updateIPRImplicit (const Simulator &simulator, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)=0
bool iterateWellEquations (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
bool solveWellWithTHPConstraint (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, const Well::InjectionControls &inj_controls, const Well::ProductionControls &prod_controls, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
std::optional< ScalarestimateOperableBhp (const Simulator &ebos_simulator, const double dt, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const SummaryState &summary_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
bool solveWellWithBhp (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, const Scalar bhp, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
bool solveWellWithZeroRate (const Simulator &simulator, const double dt, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
bool solveWellForTesting (const Simulator &simulator, WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
Eval getPerfCellPressure (const FluidState &fs) const
template<class Value , class Callback >
void getMobility (const Simulator &simulator, const int perf, std::vector< Value > &mob, Callback &extendEval, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
void computeConnLevelProdInd (const FluidState &fs, const std::function< Scalar(const Scalar)> &connPICalc, const std::vector< Scalar > &mobility, Scalar *connPI) const
void computeConnLevelInjInd (const FluidState &fs, const Phase preferred_phase, const std::function< Scalar(const Scalar)> &connIICalc, const std::vector< Scalar > &mobility, Scalar *connII, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
Scalar computeConnectionDFactor (const int perf, const IntensiveQuantities &intQuants, const SingleWellState< Scalar > &ws) const
void calculateReservoirRates (const bool co2store, SingleWellState< Scalar > &ws) const
bool checkIndividualConstraints (SingleWellState< Scalar > &ws, const SummaryState &summaryState, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger, const std::optional< Well::InjectionControls > &inj_controls=std::nullopt, const std::optional< Well::ProductionControls > &prod_controls=std::nullopt) const
bool checkGroupConstraints (WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summaryState, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
bool checkConstraints (WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summaryState, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
std::optional< ScalargetGroupInjectionTargetRate (const Group &group, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summaryState, const InjectorType &injectorType, Scalar efficiencyFactor, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
Scalar getGroupProductionTargetRate (const Group &group, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, const Schedule &schedule, const SummaryState &summaryState, Scalar efficiencyFactor, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger) const
bool zeroGroupRateTarget (const SummaryState &summary_state, const Schedule &schedule, const WellState< Scalar > &well_state, const GroupState< Scalar > &group_state, DeferredLogger &deferredLogger) const
bool getAllowCrossFlow () const
FluidSystem::Scalar wmicrobes_ () const
FluidSystem::Scalar wfoam_ () const
FluidSystem::Scalar woxygen_ () const
FluidSystem::Scalar wpolymer_ () const
FluidSystem::Scalar wsalt_ () const
FluidSystem::Scalar wurea_ () const
int polymerTable_ () const
int polymerInjTable_ () const
int polymerWaterTable_ () const
bool wellUnderZeroRateTargetIndividual (const SummaryState &summary_state, const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &well_state) const
bool wellUnderGroupControl (const SingleWellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &ws) const
std::pair< bool, bool > computeWellPotentials (std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &well_potentials, const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &well_state)
void checkNegativeWellPotentials (std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &well_potentials, const bool checkOperability, DeferredLogger &deferred_logger)
void prepareForPotentialCalculations (const SummaryState &summary_state, WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &well_state, Well::InjectionControls &inj_controls, Well::ProductionControls &prod_controls) const

Protected Attributes

const ModelParametersparam_
std::vector< RateVectorconnectionRates_
std::vector< ScalarB_avg_
bool changed_to_stopped_this_step_ = false
bool thp_update_iterations = false
const RateConverterTyperateConverter_
OperabilityStatus operability_status_
Well well_ecl_
const ParallelWellInfo< FluidSystem::Scalar > & parallel_well_info_
const int current_step_
const int pvtRegionIdx_
const int num_components_
int number_of_phases_
int index_of_well_
const std::vector< PerforationData< FluidSystem::Scalar > > * perf_data_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > ipr_a_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > ipr_b_
std::vector< int > well_cells_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > well_index_
int number_of_perforations_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > perf_depth_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > perf_rep_radius_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > perf_length_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > bore_diameters_
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > completions_
FluidSystem::Scalar ref_depth_
std::vector< int > saturation_table_number_
Well::Status wellStatus_
const PhaseUsagephase_usage_
FluidSystem::Scalar gravity_
FluidSystem::Scalar wsolvent_
std::optional< FluidSystem::Scalar > dynamic_thp_limit_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > inj_multiplier_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > prev_inj_multiplier_
std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > inj_fc_multiplier_
FluidSystem::Scalar well_efficiency_factor_
const VFPProperties< FluidSystem::Scalar > * vfp_properties_
const GuideRate * guide_rate_
std::vector< std::string > well_control_log_
bool changed_to_open_this_step_

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr int INVALIDCOMPLETION

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BVector

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::BVector = Dune::BlockVector<VectorBlockType>

◆ Eval

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::Eval = typename Base::Eval

◆ FluidState

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::FluidState = BlackOilFluidState<Eval, FluidSystem, has_temperature, has_energy, Indices::compositionSwitchIdx >= 0, has_watVapor, has_brine, has_saltPrecip, has_disgas_in_water, Indices::numPhases >

◆ FluidSystem

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>

◆ GasLiftSingleWell

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::GasLiftSingleWell = ::Opm::GasLiftSingleWell<TypeTag>

◆ GLiftOptWells

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::GLiftOptWells = typename BlackoilWellModel<TypeTag>::GLiftOptWells

◆ GLiftProdWells

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::GLiftProdWells = typename BlackoilWellModel<TypeTag>::GLiftProdWells

◆ GLiftSyncGroups

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::GLiftSyncGroups = typename GasLiftSingleWellGeneric<Scalar>::GLiftSyncGroups

◆ GLiftWellStateMap

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::GLiftWellStateMap = typename BlackoilWellModel<TypeTag>::GLiftWellStateMap

◆ Grid

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::Grid = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Grid>

◆ Indices

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::Indices = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Indices>

◆ IntensiveQuantities

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::IntensiveQuantities = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::IntensiveQuantities>

◆ MaterialLaw

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::MaterialLaw = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::MaterialLaw>

◆ MatrixBlockType

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::MatrixBlockType = Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, Indices::numEq, Indices::numEq>

◆ ModelParameters

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::ModelParameters = BlackoilModelParameters<Scalar>

◆ PressureMatrix

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::PressureMatrix = Dune::BCRSMatrix<Opm::MatrixBlock<Scalar, 1, 1> >

◆ RateConverterType

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::RateConverterType = typename WellInterfaceFluidSystem<FluidSystem>::RateConverterType

◆ RateVector

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::RateVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::RateVector>

◆ Scalar

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>

◆ Simulator

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::Simulator = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Simulator>

◆ SparseMatrixAdapter

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::SparseMatrixAdapter = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::SparseMatrixAdapter>

◆ VectorBlockType

template<typename TypeTag >
using Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::VectorBlockType = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, Indices::numEq>

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ IndividualOrGroup

template<typename TypeTag >
enum class Opm::WellInterface::IndividualOrGroup

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WellInterface()

template<typename TypeTag >
Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::WellInterface ( const Well &  well,
const ParallelWellInfo< Scalar > &  pw_info,
const int  time_step,
const ModelParameters param,
const RateConverterType rate_converter,
const int  pvtRegionIdx,
const int  num_components,
const int  num_phases,
const int  index_of_well,
const std::vector< PerforationData< Scalar > > &  perf_data 

◆ ~WellInterface()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::~WellInterface ( )

Virtual destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ adaptRatesForVFP()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::adaptRatesForVFP ( std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  rates) const

◆ addCellRates()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::addCellRates ( RateVector rates,
int  cellIdx 
) const

◆ addWellContributions()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::addWellContributions ( SparseMatrixAdapter ) const
pure virtual

◆ addWellPressureEquations()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::addWellPressureEquations ( PressureMatrix mat,
const BVector x,
const int  pressureVarIndex,
const bool  use_well_weights,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state 
) const
pure virtual

◆ apply() [1/2]

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::apply ( BVector r) const
pure virtual

r = r - C D^-1 Rw

Implemented in Opm::MultisegmentWell< TypeTag >, and Opm::StandardWell< TypeTag >.

◆ apply() [2/2]

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::apply ( const BVector x,
BVector Ax 
) const
pure virtual

Ax = Ax - C D^-1 B x.

Implemented in Opm::MultisegmentWell< TypeTag >, and Opm::StandardWell< TypeTag >.

◆ assembleWellEq()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::assembleWellEq ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ assembleWellEqWithoutIteration() [1/2]

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::assembleWellEqWithoutIteration ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
const WellInjectionControls &  inj_controls,
const WellProductionControls &  prod_controls,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
protectedpure virtual

◆ assembleWellEqWithoutIteration() [2/2]

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::assembleWellEqWithoutIteration ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ calculateExplicitQuantities()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::calculateExplicitQuantities ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
pure virtual

◆ calculateReservoirRates()

void Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::calculateReservoirRates ( const bool  co2store,
SingleWellState< Scalar > &  ws 
) const

◆ cells()

const std::vector< int > & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::cells ( ) const

Well cells.

◆ changedToOpenThisStep()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::changedToOpenThisStep ( ) const

◆ checkConstraints()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::checkConstraints ( WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
const Schedule &  schedule,
const SummaryState &  summaryState,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ checkGroupConstraints()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::checkGroupConstraints ( WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
const Schedule &  schedule,
const SummaryState &  summaryState,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ checkIndividualConstraints()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::checkIndividualConstraints ( SingleWellState< Scalar > &  ws,
const SummaryState &  summaryState,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger,
const std::optional< Well::InjectionControls > &  inj_controls = std::nullopt,
const std::optional< Well::ProductionControls > &  prod_controls = std::nullopt 
) const

◆ checkNegativeWellPotentials()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::checkNegativeWellPotentials ( std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  well_potentials,
const bool  checkOperability,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ checkOperabilityUnderBHPLimit()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::checkOperabilityUnderBHPLimit ( const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const Simulator simulator,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
protectedpure virtual

◆ checkOperabilityUnderTHPLimit()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::checkOperabilityUnderTHPLimit ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
protectedpure virtual

◆ checkWellOperability()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::checkWellOperability ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ closeCompletions()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::closeCompletions ( const WellTestState &  wellTestState)

◆ compFrac()

template<typename TypeTag >
const std::vector< Scalar > & Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::compFrac ( ) const

◆ computeBhpAtThpLimitProdWithAlq()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual std::optional< Scalar > Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::computeBhpAtThpLimitProdWithAlq ( const Simulator ebos_simulator,
const SummaryState &  summary_state,
const Scalar  alq_value,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const
pure virtual

◆ computeConnectionDFactor()

template<typename TypeTag >
WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::computeConnectionDFactor ( const int  perf,
const IntensiveQuantities intQuants,
const SingleWellState< Scalar > &  ws 
) const

◆ computeConnLevelInjInd()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::computeConnLevelInjInd ( const FluidState fs,
const Phase  preferred_phase,
const std::function< Scalar(const Scalar)> &  connIICalc,
const std::vector< Scalar > &  mobility,
Scalar connII,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ computeConnLevelProdInd()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::computeConnLevelProdInd ( const FluidState fs,
const std::function< Scalar(const Scalar)> &  connPICalc,
const std::vector< Scalar > &  mobility,
Scalar connPI 
) const

References Opm::phaseUsage().

◆ computeCurrentWellRates()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual std::vector< Scalar > Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::computeCurrentWellRates ( const Simulator simulator,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const
pure virtual

Compute well rates based on current reservoir conditions and well variables. Used in updateWellStateRates().

Implemented in Opm::StandardWell< TypeTag >, and Opm::MultisegmentWell< TypeTag >.

◆ computeWellPotentials() [1/2]

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::computeWellPotentials ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
std::vector< Scalar > &  well_potentials,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
pure virtual

◆ computeWellPotentials() [2/2]

std::pair< bool, bool > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::computeWellPotentials ( std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  well_potentials,
const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  well_state 

◆ computeWellRatesWithBhp()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::computeWellRatesWithBhp ( const Simulator ebosSimulator,
const Scalar bhp,
std::vector< Scalar > &  well_flux,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const
pure virtual

◆ computeWellRatesWithBhpIterations()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::computeWellRatesWithBhpIterations ( const Simulator simulator,
const Scalar bhp,
std::vector< Scalar > &  well_flux,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const
pure virtual

◆ connectionDensity()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::connectionDensity ( const int  globalConnIdx,
const int  openConnIdx 
) const
pure virtual

◆ connectionRates()

template<typename TypeTag >
const std::vector< RateVector > & Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::connectionRates ( ) const

◆ currentStep()

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::currentStep ( ) const

◆ estimateOperableBhp()

template<typename TypeTag >
std::optional< typename WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar > Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::estimateOperableBhp ( const Simulator ebos_simulator,
const double  dt,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const SummaryState &  summary_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ flowPhaseToModelCompIdx()

int Opm::WellInterfaceIndices< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > , GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Indices > >::flowPhaseToModelCompIdx ( const int  phaseIdx) const

◆ flowPhaseToModelPhaseIdx()

int Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::flowPhaseToModelPhaseIdx ( const int  phaseIdx) const

◆ getAllowCrossFlow()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::getAllowCrossFlow ( ) const

◆ getALQ()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::getALQ ( const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  well_state) const

◆ getCompletions()

const std::map< int, std::vector< int > > & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::getCompletions ( ) const

◆ getDynamicThpLimit()

std::optional< FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::getDynamicThpLimit ( ) const

◆ getGroupInjectionTargetRate()

std::optional< Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::getGroupInjectionTargetRate ( const Group &  group,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
const Schedule &  schedule,
const SummaryState &  summaryState,
const InjectorType &  injectorType,
Scalar  efficiencyFactor,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ getGroupProductionTargetRate()

Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::getGroupProductionTargetRate ( const Group &  group,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
const Schedule &  schedule,
const SummaryState &  summaryState,
Scalar  efficiencyFactor,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ getInjMult()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::getInjMult ( const int  perf,
const FluidSystem::Scalar  bhp,
const FluidSystem::Scalar  perf_pres 
) const

◆ getMobility()

template<typename TypeTag >
template<class Value , class Callback >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::getMobility ( const Simulator simulator,
const int  perf,
std::vector< Value > &  mob,
Callback &  extendEval,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ getPerfCellPressure()

template<typename TypeTag >
WellInterface< TypeTag >::Eval Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::getPerfCellPressure ( const FluidState fs) const

◆ getPrimaryVars()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual std::vector< Scalar > Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::getPrimaryVars ( ) const

◆ getRefDensity()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::getRefDensity ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

◆ getTHPConstraint()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::getTHPConstraint ( const SummaryState &  summaryState) const

◆ getWellConvergence()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual ConvergenceReport Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::getWellConvergence ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const std::vector< Scalar > &  B_avg,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger,
const bool  relax_tolerance 
) const
pure virtual

◆ gliftBeginTimeStepWellTestIterateWellEquations()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::gliftBeginTimeStepWellTestIterateWellEquations ( const Simulator ebos_simulator,
const double  dt,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ gliftBeginTimeStepWellTestUpdateALQ()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::gliftBeginTimeStepWellTestUpdateALQ ( const Simulator simulator,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ gravity()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::gravity ( ) const

◆ guideRate()

const GuideRate * Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::guideRate ( ) const

◆ indexOfWell()

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::indexOfWell ( ) const

Index of well in the wells struct and wellState.

◆ init()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::init ( const PhaseUsage phase_usage_arg,
const std::vector< Scalar > &  depth_arg,
const Scalar  gravity_arg,
const int  num_cells,
const std::vector< Scalar > &  B_avg,
const bool  changed_to_open_this_step 

◆ initCompletions()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::initCompletions ( )

◆ initialWellRateFractions()

template<typename TypeTag >
std::vector< typename WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar > Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::initialWellRateFractions ( const Simulator ebosSimulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state 
) const

◆ initInjMult()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::initInjMult ( const std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  max_inj_mult)

◆ initPrimaryVariablesEvaluation()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::initPrimaryVariablesEvaluation ( )
pure virtual

◆ isInjector()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::isInjector ( ) const

True if the well is an injector.

◆ isOperableAndSolvable()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::isOperableAndSolvable ( ) const

◆ isPressureControlled()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::isPressureControlled ( const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  well_state) const

◆ isProducer()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::isProducer ( ) const

True if the well is a producer.

◆ isVFPActive()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::isVFPActive ( DeferredLogger deferred_logger) const

◆ iterateWellEquations()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::iterateWellEquations ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ iterateWellEqWithControl()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::iterateWellEqWithControl ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
const WellInjectionControls &  inj_controls,
const WellProductionControls &  prod_controls,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
protectedpure virtual

◆ iterateWellEqWithSwitching()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::iterateWellEqWithSwitching ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
const WellInjectionControls &  inj_controls,
const WellProductionControls &  prod_controls,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger,
const bool  fixed_control = false,
const bool  fixed_status = false 
pure virtual

◆ jacobianContainsWellContributions()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::jacobianContainsWellContributions ( ) const

Wether the Jacobian will also have well contributions in it.

Reimplemented in Opm::StandardWell< TypeTag >.

◆ modelCompIdxToFlowCompIdx()

int Opm::WellInterfaceIndices< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > , GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Indices > >::modelCompIdxToFlowCompIdx ( const unsigned  compIdx) const

◆ name()

const std::string & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::name ( ) const

Well name.

◆ numComponents()

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::numComponents ( ) const

◆ numPerfs()

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::numPerfs ( ) const

◆ numPhases()

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::numPhases ( ) const

◆ openWell()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::openWell ( )

◆ parallelWellInfo()

const ParallelWellInfo< FluidSystem::Scalar > & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::parallelWellInfo ( ) const

◆ perfDepth() [1/2]

std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::perfDepth ( )

◆ perfDepth() [2/2]

const std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::perfDepth ( ) const

◆ perforationData()

const std::vector< PerforationData< FluidSystem::Scalar > > & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::perforationData ( ) const

Get the perforations of the well.

◆ phaseUsage()

const PhaseUsage & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::phaseUsage ( ) const

◆ polymerInjTable_()

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::polymerInjTable_ ( ) const

◆ polymerTable_()

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::polymerTable_ ( ) const

◆ polymerWaterTable_()

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::polymerWaterTable_ ( ) const

◆ prepareForPotentialCalculations()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::prepareForPotentialCalculations ( const SummaryState &  summary_state,
WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  well_state,
Well::InjectionControls &  inj_controls,
Well::ProductionControls &  prod_controls 
) const

◆ prepareWellBeforeAssembling()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::prepareWellBeforeAssembling ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ pvtRegionIdx()

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::pvtRegionIdx ( ) const

◆ rateConverter()

const RateConverterType & Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::rateConverter ( ) const

◆ recoverWellSolutionAndUpdateWellState()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::recoverWellSolutionAndUpdateWellState ( const Simulator simulator,
const BVector x,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
pure virtual

using the solution x to recover the solution xw for wells and applying xw to update Well State

Implemented in Opm::MultisegmentWell< TypeTag >, and Opm::StandardWell< TypeTag >.

◆ refDepth()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::refDepth ( ) const

◆ reportWellSwitching()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::reportWellSwitching ( const SingleWellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  ws,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ resetWellOperability()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::resetWellOperability ( )

◆ restrictEval()

Eval Opm::WellInterfaceIndices< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > , GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Indices > >::restrictEval ( const EvalWell &  in) const

◆ rsRvInj()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::rsRvInj ( ) const

◆ scalingFactor()

Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceIndices< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > , GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::Indices > >::scalingFactor ( const int  phaseIdx) const

◆ setDynamicThpLimit() [1/2]

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::setDynamicThpLimit ( const FluidSystem::Scalar  thp_limit)

◆ setDynamicThpLimit() [2/2]

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::setDynamicThpLimit ( const std::optional< FluidSystem::Scalar >  thp_limit)

◆ setGuideRate()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::setGuideRate ( const GuideRate *  guide_rate_arg)

◆ setPrevSurfaceRates()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::setPrevSurfaceRates ( WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  well_state,
const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  prev_well_state 
) const

◆ setPrimaryVars()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual int Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::setPrimaryVars ( typename std::vector< Scalar >::const_iterator  )

◆ setRepRadiusPerfLength()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::setRepRadiusPerfLength ( )

◆ setVFPProperties()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::setVFPProperties ( const VFPProperties< FluidSystem::Scalar > *  vfp_properties_arg)

◆ setWellEfficiencyFactor()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::setWellEfficiencyFactor ( const FluidSystem::Scalar  efficiency_factor)

◆ setWsolvent()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::setWsolvent ( const FluidSystem::Scalar  wsolvent)

◆ solveEqAndUpdateWellState()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::solveEqAndUpdateWellState ( const Simulator simulator,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
pure virtual

◆ solveWellEquation()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::solveWellEquation ( const Simulator simulator,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ solveWellForTesting()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::solveWellForTesting ( const Simulator simulator,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ solveWellWithBhp()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::solveWellWithBhp ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
const Scalar  bhp,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ solveWellWithTHPConstraint()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::solveWellWithTHPConstraint ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
const Well::InjectionControls &  inj_controls,
const Well::ProductionControls &  prod_controls,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ solveWellWithZeroRate()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::solveWellWithZeroRate ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  dt,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ stoppedOrZeroRateTarget()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::stoppedOrZeroRateTarget ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ stopWell()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::stopWell ( )

◆ thpLimitViolatedButNotSwitched()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::thpLimitViolatedButNotSwitched ( ) const

◆ underPredictionMode()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::underPredictionMode ( ) const

Returns true if the well is currently in prediction mode (i.e. not history mode).

◆ updateConnectionDFactor()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateConnectionDFactor ( const Simulator simulator,
SingleWellState< Scalar > &  ws 
) const

◆ updateConnectionTransmissibilityFactor()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateConnectionTransmissibilityFactor ( const Simulator simulator,
SingleWellState< Scalar > &  ws 
) const

◆ updateFilterCakeMultipliers()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::updateFilterCakeMultipliers ( const std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  inj_fc_multiplier)

Update filter cake multipliers.

◆ updateInjMult()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::updateInjMult ( std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  inj_multipliers,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ updateIPR()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateIPR ( const Simulator simulator,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const
protectedpure virtual

◆ updateIPRImplicit()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateIPRImplicit ( const Simulator simulator,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
protectedpure virtual

◆ updatePerforatedCell()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::updatePerforatedCell ( std::vector< bool > &  is_cell_perforated)

◆ updatePrimaryVariables()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updatePrimaryVariables ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
pure virtual

◆ updateProductivityIndex()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateProductivityIndex ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellProdIndexCalculator< Scalar > &  wellPICalc,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const
pure virtual

◆ updateWaterThroughput()

template<typename TypeTag >
virtual void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateWaterThroughput ( const double  dt,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state 
) const
pure virtual

◆ updateWellControl()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateWellControl ( const Simulator simulator,
const IndividualOrGroup  iog,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ updateWellControlAndStatusLocalIteration()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateWellControlAndStatusLocalIteration ( const Simulator simulator,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
const Well::InjectionControls &  inj_controls,
const Well::ProductionControls &  prod_controls,
const Scalar  WQTotal,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger,
const bool  fixed_control = false,
const bool  fixed_status = false 

◆ updateWellOperability()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateWellOperability ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ updateWellOperabilityFromWellEq()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateWellOperabilityFromWellEq ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ updateWellStateRates()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateWellStateRates ( const Simulator simulator,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

Modify the well_state's rates if there is only one nonzero rate. If so, that rate is kept as is, but the others are set proportionally to the rates returned by computeCurrentWellRates().

References Opm::WellState< Scalar >::well().

◆ updateWellStateWithTarget()

◆ updateWellStateWithTHPTargetProd()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::updateWellStateWithTHPTargetProd ( const Simulator simulator,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ updateWellTestState()

void Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::updateWellTestState ( const SingleWellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  ws,
const double &  simulationTime,
const bool &  writeMessageToOPMLog,
const bool  zero_group_target,
WellTestState &  wellTestState,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ useVfpExplicit()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::useVfpExplicit ( ) const

◆ vfpProperties()

const VFPProperties< FluidSystem::Scalar > * Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::vfpProperties ( ) const

◆ volumetricSurfaceRateForConnection()

template<typename TypeTag >
WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::volumetricSurfaceRateForConnection ( int  cellIdx,
int  phaseIdx 
) const

References Opm::to_string().

◆ wellEcl() [1/2]

Well & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wellEcl ( )

◆ wellEcl() [2/2]

const Well & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wellEcl ( ) const

◆ wellEfficiencyFactor()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wellEfficiencyFactor ( ) const

◆ wellHasTHPConstraints()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wellHasTHPConstraints ( const SummaryState &  summaryState) const

Returns true if the well has one or more THP limits/constraints.

◆ wellIndex() [1/2]

const std::vector< FluidSystem::Scalar > & Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wellIndex ( ) const

◆ wellIndex() [2/2]

template<typename TypeTag >
std::vector< typename WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar > Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::wellIndex ( const int  perf,
const IntensiveQuantities intQuants,
const Scalar  trans_mult,
const SingleWellState< Scalar > &  ws 
) const

◆ wellIsStopped()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wellIsStopped ( ) const

◆ wellTesting()

template<typename TypeTag >
void Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::wellTesting ( const Simulator simulator,
const double  simulation_time,
WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
WellTestState &  welltest_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 

◆ wellUnderGroupControl()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wellUnderGroupControl ( const SingleWellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  ws) const

◆ wellUnderZeroGroupRateTarget()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::wellUnderZeroGroupRateTarget ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger,
std::optional< bool >  group_control = std::nullopt 
) const

◆ wellUnderZeroRateTarget()

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::wellUnderZeroRateTarget ( const Simulator simulator,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
DeferredLogger deferred_logger 
) const

◆ wellUnderZeroRateTargetIndividual()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wellUnderZeroRateTargetIndividual ( const SummaryState &  summary_state,
const WellState< FluidSystem::Scalar > &  well_state 
) const

◆ wfoam()

template<typename TypeTag >
WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::wfoam

◆ wfoam_()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wfoam_ ( ) const

◆ wmicrobes()

template<typename TypeTag >
WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::wmicrobes

◆ wmicrobes_()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wmicrobes_ ( ) const

◆ woxygen()

template<typename TypeTag >
WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::woxygen

◆ woxygen_()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::woxygen_ ( ) const

◆ wpolymer()

template<typename TypeTag >
WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::wpolymer

◆ wpolymer_()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wpolymer_ ( ) const

◆ wsalt()

template<typename TypeTag >
WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::wsalt

◆ wsalt_()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wsalt_ ( ) const

◆ wsolvent()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wsolvent ( ) const

◆ wurea()

template<typename TypeTag >
WellInterface< TypeTag >::Scalar Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::wurea

◆ wurea_()

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wurea_ ( ) const

◆ zeroGroupRateTarget()

bool Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::zeroGroupRateTarget ( const SummaryState &  summary_state,
const Schedule &  schedule,
const WellState< Scalar > &  well_state,
const GroupState< Scalar > &  group_state,
DeferredLogger deferredLogger 
) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ B_avg_

template<typename TypeTag >
std::vector<Scalar> Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::B_avg_

◆ bore_diameters_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::bore_diameters_

◆ changed_to_open_this_step_

bool Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::changed_to_open_this_step_

◆ changed_to_stopped_this_step_

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::changed_to_stopped_this_step_ = false

◆ completions_

std::map<int, std::vector<int> > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::completions_

◆ connectionRates_

template<typename TypeTag >
std::vector<RateVector> Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::connectionRates_

◆ current_step_

const int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::current_step_

◆ dynamic_thp_limit_

std::optional<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::dynamic_thp_limit_

◆ Gas

constexpr int Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::Gas

◆ gravity_

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::gravity_

◆ guide_rate_

const GuideRate* Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::guide_rate_

◆ has_brine

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_brine = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableBrine>()

◆ has_disgas_in_water

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_disgas_in_water = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableDisgasInWater>()

◆ has_energy

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_energy = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableEnergy>()

◆ has_foam

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_foam = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableFoam>()

◆ has_micp

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_micp = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableMICP>()

◆ has_polymer

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_polymer = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnablePolymer>()

◆ has_polymermw

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_polymermw = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnablePolymerMW>()

◆ has_saltPrecip

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_saltPrecip = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableSaltPrecipitation>()

◆ has_solvent

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_solvent = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableSolvent>()

◆ has_temperature

template<typename TypeTag >
const bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_temperature = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableTemperature>()

◆ has_watVapor

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_watVapor = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableVapwat>()

◆ has_zFraction

template<typename TypeTag >
constexpr bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::has_zFraction = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableExtbo>()

◆ index_of_well_

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::index_of_well_

◆ inj_fc_multiplier_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::inj_fc_multiplier_

◆ inj_multiplier_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::inj_multiplier_


constexpr int Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::INVALIDCOMPLETION

◆ ipr_a_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::ipr_a_

◆ ipr_b_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::ipr_b_

◆ num_components_

const int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::num_components_

◆ number_of_perforations_

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::number_of_perforations_

◆ number_of_phases_

int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::number_of_phases_

◆ Oil

constexpr int Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::Oil

◆ operability_status_

OperabilityStatus Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::operability_status_

◆ parallel_well_info_

const ParallelWellInfo<FluidSystem::Scalar >& Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::parallel_well_info_

◆ param_

template<typename TypeTag >
const ModelParameters& Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::param_

◆ perf_data_

const std::vector<PerforationData<FluidSystem::Scalar > >* Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::perf_data_

◆ perf_depth_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::perf_depth_

◆ perf_length_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::perf_length_

◆ perf_rep_radius_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::perf_rep_radius_

◆ phase_usage_

const PhaseUsage* Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::phase_usage_

◆ prev_inj_multiplier_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::prev_inj_multiplier_

◆ pvtRegionIdx_

const int Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::pvtRegionIdx_

◆ rateConverter_

const RateConverterType& Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::rateConverter_

◆ ref_depth_

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::ref_depth_

◆ saturation_table_number_

std::vector<int> Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::saturation_table_number_

◆ thp_update_iterations

template<typename TypeTag >
bool Opm::WellInterface< TypeTag >::thp_update_iterations = false

◆ vfp_properties_

const VFPProperties<FluidSystem::Scalar >* Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::vfp_properties_

◆ Water

constexpr int Opm::WellInterfaceFluidSystem< GetPropType< TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem > >::Water

◆ well_cells_

std::vector<int> Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::well_cells_

◆ well_control_log_

std::vector<std::string> Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::well_control_log_

◆ well_ecl_

Well Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::well_ecl_

◆ well_efficiency_factor_

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::well_efficiency_factor_

◆ well_index_

std::vector<FluidSystem::Scalar > Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::well_index_

◆ wellStatus_

Well::Status Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wellStatus_

◆ wsolvent_

FluidSystem::Scalar Opm::WellInterfaceGeneric< FluidSystem::Scalar >::wsolvent_

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: