File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 Air.hppA simple class implementing the fluid properties of air.
 Air_Mesitylene.hppBinary coefficients for water and mesitylene.
 Air_Xylene.hppBinary coefficients for water and xylene.
 BaseFluidSystem.hppThe base class for all fluid systems.
 BlackOilFluidSystem.hppA fluid system which uses the black-oil parameters to calculate termodynamically meaningful quantities.
 Brine.hppA class for the brine fluid properties.
 Brine_CO2.hppBinary coefficients for brine and CO2.
 BrineCO2FluidSystem.hppA two-phase fluid system with water and CO2.
 BrooksCorey.hppImplementation of the Brooks-Corey capillary pressure <-> saturation relation.
 BrooksCoreyParams.hppSpecification of the material parameters for the Brooks-Corey constitutive relations.
 ClassName.hppA free function to provide the demangled class name of a given object or type as a string
 CO2.hppA class for the CO2 fluid properties.
 Common.hppImplements relations which are common for all regions of the IAPWS '97 formulation.
 Component.hppAbstract base class of a pure chemical species.
 CompositionalFluidState.hppRepresents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system assuming thermodynamic equilibrium
 CompositionFromFugacities.hppCalculates the chemical equilibrium from the component fugacities in a phase.
 ComputeFromReferencePhase.hppComputes all quantities of a generic fluid state if a reference phase has been specified.
 ConstantCompressibilityOilPvt.hppThis class represents the Pressure-Volume-Temperature relations of the oil phase without dissolved gas and constant compressibility/"viscosibility".
 ConstantCompressibilityWaterPvt.hppThis class represents the Pressure-Volume-Temperature relations of the gas phase without vaporized oil.
 Constants.hppA central place for various physical constants occuring in some equations.
 DeadOilPvt.hppThis class represents the Pressure-Volume-Temperature relations of the oil phase without dissolved gas.
 Dnapl.hppA simple implementation of a dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL).
 DryGasPvt.hppThis class represents the Pressure-Volume-Temperature relations of the gas phase without vaporized oil.
 DummyHeatConductionLaw.hppImplements a dummy law for heat conduction to which isothermal models can fall back to.
 EclDefaultMaterial.hppImplements the default three phase capillary pressure law used by the ECLipse simulator.
 EclDefaultMaterialParams.hppDefault implementation for the parameters required by the default three-phase capillary pressure model used by Eclipse.
 EclEpsConfig.hppSpecifies the configuration used by the endpoint scaling code.
 EclEpsTwoPhaseLaw.hppThis material law takes a material law defined for unscaled saturation and converts it to a material law defined on scaled saturations.
 EclEpsTwoPhaseLawParams.hppA default implementation of the parameters for the material law adapter class which implements ECL endpoint scaleing .
 EclHysteresisConfig.hppSpecifies the configuration used by the ECL kr/pC hysteresis code.
 EclHysteresisTwoPhaseLaw.hppThis material law implements the hysteresis model of the ECL file format.
 EclHysteresisTwoPhaseLawParams.hppA default implementation of the parameters for the material law which implements the ECL relative permeability and capillary pressure hysteresis.
 EclMaterialLawManager.hppProvides an simple way to create and manage the material law objects for a complete ECL deck.
 EclMultiplexerMaterial.hppImplements a multiplexer class that provides all three phase capillary pressure laws used by the ECLipse simulator.
 EclMultiplexerMaterialParams.hppMultiplexer implementation for the parameters required by the multiplexed three-phase material law.
 EclStone1Material.hppImplements the second phase capillary pressure/relperm law suggested by Stone as used by the ECLipse simulator.
 EclStone1MaterialParams.hppDefault implementation for the parameters required by the three-phase capillary pressure/relperm Stone 2 model used by Eclipse.
 EclStone2Material.hppImplements the second phase capillary pressure/relperm law suggested by Stone as used by the ECLipse simulator.
 EclStone2MaterialParams.hppDefault implementation for the parameters required by the three-phase capillary pressure/relperm Stone 2 model used by Eclipse.
 EclTwoPhaseMaterial.hppImplements a multiplexer class that provides ECL saturation functions for twophase simulations.
 EclTwoPhaseMaterialParams.hppImplementation for the parameters required by the material law for two-phase simulations.
 EffToAbsLaw.hppThis material law takes a material law defined for effective saturations and converts it to a material law defined on absolute saturations.
 EffToAbsLawParams.hppA default implementation of the parameters for the adapter class to convert material laws from effective to absolute saturations.
 Evaluation.hppRepresentation of an evaluation of a function and its derivatives w.r.t. a set of variables in the localized OPM automatic differentiation (AD) framework
 FluidConduction.hppImplements a heat conduction law which just takes the conductivity of a given fluid phase.
 FluidConductionParams.hppParameters for the heat conduction law which just takes the conductivity of a given fluid phase.
 FluidStateCompositionModules.hppModules for the ModularFluidState which represent composition
 FluidStateDensityModules.hppModules for the ModularFluidState which represent density
 FluidStateEnthalpyModules.hppModules for the ModularFluidState which represent enthalpy
 FluidStateFugacityModules.hppModules for the ModularFluidState which represent fugacity/chemical potential
 FluidStatePressureModules.hppModules for the ModularFluidState which represent pressure
 FluidStateSaturationModules.hppModules for the ModularFluidState which represent saturation
 FluidStateTemperatureModules.hppModules for the ModularFluidState which represent temperature
 FluidStateViscosityModules.hppModules for the ModularFluidState which represent viscosity
 FullerMethod.hppEstimate binary diffusion coefficents $\mathrm{[m^2/s]}$ in gases according to the method by Fuller.
 GasPhase.hppRepresents the gas phase of a single (pseudo-) component.
 GasPvtMultiplexer.hppThis class represents the Pressure-Volume-Temperature relations of the oil phase in the black-oil model.
 H2O.hppMaterial properties of pure water $H_2O$.
 H2O_Air.hppBinary coefficients for water and nitrogen.
 H2O_CO2.hppBinary coefficients for water and CO2.
 H2O_Mesitylene.hppBinary coefficients for water and mesitylene.
 H2O_N2.hppBinary coefficients for water and nitrogen.
 H2O_Xylene.hppBinary coefficients for water and xylene.
 H2OAirFluidSystem.hppA fluid system with a liquid and a gaseous phase and water and air as components.
 H2OAirMesityleneFluidSystem.hppA fluid system with water, gas and NAPL as phases and water, air and mesitylene (DNAPL) as components.
 H2OAirXyleneFluidSystem.hppA fluid system with water, gas and NAPL as phases and water, air and NAPL (contaminant) as components.
 H2ON2FluidSystem.hppA two-phase fluid system with water and nitrogen as components.
 H2ON2LiquidPhaseFluidSystem.hppA liquid-phase-only fluid system with water and nitrogen as components.
 HenryIapws.hppThe IAPWS formulation of Henry coefficients in water
 IdealGas.hppRelations valid for an ideal gas.
 ImmiscibleFlash.hppDetermines the pressures and saturations of all fluid phases given the total mass of all components.
 ImmiscibleFluidState.hppRepresents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system assuming thermodynamic equilibrium
 LinearMaterial.hppImplements a linear saturation-capillary pressure relation.
 LinearMaterialParams.hppReference implementation of params for the linear M-phase material material.
 LiquidPhase.hppRepresents the liquid phase of a single (pseudo-) component.
 LiveOilPvt.hppThis class represents the Pressure-Volume-Temperature relations of the oil phas with dissolved gas.
 Lnapl.hppA simple implementation of a LNAPL, e.g. a kind of oil.
 MaterialTraits.hppThis file contains helper classes for the material laws
 Math.hppA number of commonly used algebraic functions for the localized OPM automatic differentiation (AD) framework
 MathToolbox.hppA traits class which provides basic mathematical functions for arbitrary scalar floating point values
 Means.hppImplements some common averages
 Mesitylene.hppComponent for Mesitylene.
 MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition.hppComputes the composition of all phases of a N-phase, N-component fluid system assuming that all N phases are present.
 ModularFluidState.hppRepresents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system assuming thermodynamic equilibrium.
 N2.hppProperties of pure molecular nitrogen $N_2$.
 NcpFlash.hppDetermines the phase compositions, pressures and saturations given the total mass of all components.
 NonEquilibriumFluidState.hppRepresents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system not assuming thermodynamic equilibrium
 NullComponent.hppA component that only throws exceptions.
 NullMaterial.hppImplements a dummy linear saturation-capillary pressure relation which just disables capillary pressure.
 NullMaterialParams.hppReference implementation of params for the linear M-phase material material.
 NullParameterCache.hppA parameter cache which does nothing.
 OilPvtMultiplexer.hppThis class represents the Pressure-Volume-Temperature relations of the oil phase in the black-oil model.
 OpmFinal.hppThis file provides a wrapper around the "final" C++-2011 statement
 ParameterCacheBase.hppThe base class of the parameter caches of fluid systems.
 ParkerLenhard.hppImplements the Parker-Lenhard twophase p_c-Sw hysteresis model. This class adheres to the twophase capillary pressure API.
 ParkerLenhardParams.hppDefault parameter class for the Parker-Lenhard hysteresis model.
 PengRobinson.hppImplements the Peng-Robinson equation of state for liquids and gases.
 PengRobinsonMixture.hppImplements the Peng-Robinson equation of state for a mixture.
 PengRobinsonParams.hppStores and provides access to the Peng-Robinson parameters.
 PengRobinsonParamsMixture.hppThe mixing rule for the oil and the gas phases of the SPE5 problem.
 PiecewiseLinearTwoPhaseMaterial.hppImplementation of a tabulated, piecewise linear capillary pressure law.
 PiecewiseLinearTwoPhaseMaterialParams.hppSpecification of the material parameters for a two-phase material law which uses a table and piecewise constant interpolation.
 PolynomialUtils.hppProvides free functions to invert polynomials of degree 1, 2 and 3
 PressureOverlayFluidState.hppThis is a fluid state which allows to set the fluid pressures and takes all other quantities from an other fluid state.
 Region1.hppImplements the equations for region 1 of the IAPWS '97 formulation.
 Region2.hppImplements the equations for region 2 of the IAPWS '97 formulation.
 Region4.hppImplements the equations for region 4 of the IAPWS '97 formulation.
 RegularizedBrooksCorey.hppImplementation of the regularized Brooks-Corey capillary pressure / relative permeability <-> saturation relation.
 RegularizedBrooksCoreyParams.hppParameters that are necessary for the regularization of the Brooks-Corey capillary pressure model.
 RegularizedVanGenuchten.hppImplementation of the regularized van Genuchten's capillary pressure / relative permeability <-> saturation relation.
 RegularizedVanGenuchtenParams.hppParameters that are necessary for the regularization of VanGenuchten "material law".
 SaturationOverlayFluidState.hppThis is a fluid state which allows to set the fluid saturations and takes all other quantities from an other fluid state.
 SimpleCO2.hppA simplistic class representing the $CO_2$ fluid properties.
 SimpleH2O.hppA simple version of pure water.
 SimpleModularFluidState.hppRepresents all relevant thermodynamic quantities of a multi-phase, multi-component fluid system assuming thermodynamic equilibrium.
 SinglePhaseFluidSystem.hppA fluid system for single phase models.
 Somerton.hppImplements the Somerton law of heat conductivity in a porous medium.
 SomertonParams.hppThe default implementation of a parameter object for the Somerton heatconduction law.
 Spe5FluidSystem.hppThe fluid system for the oil, gas and water phases of the SPE5 problem.
 Spe5ParameterCache.hppSpecifies the parameter cache used by the SPE-5 fluid system.
 Spline.hppClass implementing cubic splines.
 SplineTwoPhaseMaterial.hppImplementation of a tabulated capillary pressure and relperm law which uses spline curves as interpolation functions.
 SplineTwoPhaseMaterialParams.hppSpecification of the material parameters for a two-phase material law which uses a table and spline-based interpolation.
 Tabulated1DFunction.hppImplements a linearly interpolated scalar function that depends on one variable.
 TabulatedComponent.hppA generic class which tabulates all thermodynamic properties of a given component.
 TemperatureOverlayFluidState.hppThis is a fluid state which allows to set the fluid temperatures and takes all other quantities from an other fluid state.
 ThreePhaseParkerVanGenuchten.hppImplementation of three-phase capillary pressure and relative permeability relations proposed by Parker and van Genuchten.
 ThreePhaseParkerVanGenuchtenParams.hppSpecification of the material params for the three-phase van Genuchten capillary pressure model.
 TridiagonalMatrix.hppProvides a tridiagonal matrix that also supports non-zero entries in the upper right and lower left.
 TwoPhaseImmiscibleFluidSystem.hppA fluid system for two-phase models assuming immiscibility and thermodynamic equilibrium.
 UniformTabulated2DFunction.hppImplements a scalar function that depends on two variables and which is sampled on an uniform X-Y grid.
 UniformXTabulated2DFunction.hppImplements a scalar function that depends on two variables and which is sampled uniformly in the X direction, but non-uniformly on the Y axis-.
 Unit.hppA component where all quantities are fixed at 1.0.
 Unused.hppProvides the OPM_UNUSED macro
 Valgrind.hppSome templates to wrap the valgrind client request macros
 VanGenuchten.hppImplementation of the van Genuchten capillary pressure - saturation relation.
 VanGenuchtenParams.hppSpecification of the material parameters for the van Genuchten constitutive relations.
 WaterPvtMultiplexer.hppThis class represents the Pressure-Volume-Temperature relations of the water phase in the black-oil model.
 WetGasPvt.hppThis class represents the Pressure-Volume-Temperature relations of the gas phas with vaporized oil.
 Xylene.hppComponent for Xylene.