Manual for release 2024.10

We are happy to announce the manual for OPM Flow for the latest release: OPM Flow 2024.10 manual. We are very grateful to Matthew Goodfield (OPM-OP AS) for this heroic effort of writing and reviewing all the docs. Also to Håkon Hægland (NORCE) for the very helpful Python scripts used for generating the document.

Of course this work is built on the shoulders of giants, The manual was started by David Baxendale back in 2017 and was extended and improved by him until his very last days in 2023. We are very grateful for this.

This version now contains also hyperlinks whenever there are cross-references to other keywords. We hope that this will make your life easier.

Excerpt from the release notes

The 2024-10 release consists of some new features and various improvements and bug fixes. These include the following highlights (for more information see the release notes on page 2350 ff.):

  • Linear solver default parameters have been updated to improve accuracy and performance including.
  • Add summary output vectors for stranded CO2 in the gas phase (GMST) and maximum potential residual trapping (GMTR).
  • Added PSI and OMEGA parameters to DRSDTCON to control the regime and rate of convective mixing. Now supports GAS/WATER systems in addition to OIL/GAS systems.
  • Support has been added for MPI communication being performed directly between GPUs instead of being sent via the CPU when using a multi-gpu linear solver.
  • Added support for WTMULT to multiply a well target or constraint by a constant.
  • Simulator is now able to make better usage of the Damaris middleware if enabled (
  • Extended the tracer model to include partitioning of tracers into free and solution states whenever dissolved gas/vaporized oil exist.
  • Added support for automatic chokes (NODEPROP item 3 CHOKE) in extended network models.
  • Added support for Killough’s hysteresis model for both wetting and non-wetting phase hysteresis in a water wet system (EHYSTR item 2 HYSTMOD = 4).
  • Added the option to specify the linear solver for subdomains when using the NLDD nonlinear solver.
  • Added foundations for future experiments using the four-byte float type instead of the eight-byte double type as the primary array element in order to save memory.
  • Support added for RFIP and SFIP mnemonics for the RPTRST keyword.
  • Support added for mnemonic WELLS=N for the RPTSCHED keyword.
  • Previously the THP was set to zero if a well was stopped or set to a zero rate (well or group). The
  • THP will now be calculated provided a VFP table is active.
  • Corrected transmissibilities calculated for pinched out cells when using PINCH option 4 equals ALL.
  • Support added for the EQUALREG keyword.
  • Added support for using METIS in addition to Zoltan to partition corner point grids.
  • Proper INIT file table output for the saturation functions in LET format.
  • Add support for outputting MULTPV to the Restart file.
  • Add support for additional keywords in PYACTION blocks.
  • Added support for DENAQA and VISCAQA keywords when using CO2STORE. Also added support for SALTMF keyword.
  • Support has been expanded for saving/restoring scaling factors for segment level devices (SICDs, AICDs and Valves) to/from the Restart file.
  • Added support for output of well level target or constraint summary vectors.
  • Added support for field, group and well gas mass injection rate and injection total summary vectors for use with CO2STORE.
  • Proper handling of the WHISTCTL in restarted simulations.
  • Expanded consistency checks for array operations such as ADD, COPY, and MULTIPLY, as well as the per-region counterparts.
  • Performance improvements in well name matching on platforms which support the Posix fnmatch() function.
  • Initial and experimental support for compositional simulations–currently supporting 2 to 7 components.
  • Fixed two-phase gas/water and gas/oil model initialisation (equilibration).