New release 2024.04

Dear OPM community,

the 2024.04 OPM release is ready! Thanks a lot to all contributors for your improvements to the software and documentation, and to users for alerting us to bugs and problems.

Binary packages for the 2024.04 OPM release are available for RHEL7 and RHEL8 as well as for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) and 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat). The Ubuntu packages may be downloaded from the OPM Project’s Personal Package Archive (ppa:opm/ppa). If you have not already included this in your package sources, you can do so with the commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Then you can install the simulator and its prerequisites using the command:

sudo apt install libopm-simulators-bin

You can install python bindings for opm via pip ( using:

pip install opm

Full release notes will be available with the updated manual soon. Until then, please refer to the old manual.

The 2024.04 release consists of various new features, improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • A new brine-CO2 mutual solubility model has been implemented from Spycher & Pruess, Transp. Porous Med., 2010. This model improves the accuracy of the solubility calculations in CO2STORE at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius. In addition, a new keyword, ACTCO2S, has been added to choose between activity models.
  • Added CO2 mass in place summary vectors for the field and region level when using CO2STORE, including trapped masses based on the definition of immobile gas in the 11th SPE Comparative Solution Project.
  • Added support for the following keywords:
    •     CO2SOL and H2SOL keywords for modelling CO2 or H2 injection in hydrocarbon reservoirs
    •     SOURCE keyword for modelling a simple source term
    •     FBHPDEF, WDFAC and WDFACCOR keywords in the SCHEDULE section
    •     SKIP, SKIP100, SKIP300, ENDSKIP
    •     NONNC
    •     partial support for DATUMR and DATUMRX keywords in the SOLUTION section
    •     PCFACT and THCO2MIX keywords in the PROPS section
  • Added Support for output of addition summary vectors, initialization arrays and restart arrays and for an expanded set of summary vectors to be used in defining expressions for UDQs and in the condition blocks of the ACTIONX keyword
  • Removed the need for a run-function in PYACTION blocks. EclipseState, Schedule, ReportStep and SummaryState are now available as attributes of the module opm_embedded and tooltips are available in Python IDEs. The code maintains backwards compatibility with the previous usage.
  • Made end-of-simulation performance summary more precise, now also includes setup time.

Best regards,

Lisa Julia Nebel, opm-op
Release manager for 2024.04

Soon: New release 2024.04

Dear OPM community,

It is my pleasure to announce that we have started to test the first release candidate for the 2024.04 OPM release. You can checkout the release candidate:

  • from github: “git checkout release/2024.04/rc1” and then rebuild
  • use binary packages for Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 (not yet 24.04, but we are working on that).
    For the Ubuntu packages, follow the instructions on, but replace the command
    “sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/ppa” by “sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/testing”

If you find if you find any bugs/issues – please open an issue on github!

Thanks to all contributors for your improvements to the software and documentation, and to users for alerting us to bugs and problems.

Stay tuned for further updates!

Best Regards,
Lisa Julia Nebel, OPM-OP
Release manager for 2024.04

OPM Summit Oslo April 9-10, 2024


The 2024 Summit will be held at Meet Ullevål, at the Ullevål Stadium in Oslo, Norway. At the venue, take entrance D, and proceed to meeting room M6. How to get there.


Participation is open to all. Notify the local organizer, Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen, by email if you have not yet been in contact.

Program, April 9

1000OPM Flow maintenance and support in EquinorEdel Reiso,
Alf Birger Rustad [Equinor]
1030Recent OPM developments at TNOPaul Egberts [TNO]
1130SPE 11 scripts and frameworkDavid L Marban [NORCE]
1200Running a 101 million cell case in OPM Flow [video]Kjetil Olsen Lye [SINTEF],
video by Olav Møyner [SINTEF]
1330The CuIstl framework and new GPU preconditionersTobias Meyer Andersen [SINTEF]
1400Local grid refinement in OPMAntonella Ritorto [OPM-OP]
1430Examples of OPM Flow usage at TNONegar Khoshnevis Gargar [TNO]
1530The PYACTION keywordLisa Julia Nebel [OPM-OP]
1600Recent improvement in OPM Flow well handlingStein Krogstad [SINTEF]
1630Open discussion
1900Social Dinner at “Helt Vilt” at Mathallen, Vulkan 5

Program, April 10

0900CCS functionality in OPM FlowAlf Birger Rustad [Equinor]
0930Machine learning module in OPMBirane Kane [NORCE]
1000Higher-Order methods in OPMAnna Kvashchuk [Equinor]
1100Taming a collaborative Reference ManualMarkus Blatt [OPM-OP],
Matthew Goodfield [OPM-OP],
Håkon Hægland [NORCE]
1130Geomechanics in OPM FlowHalvor Møll Nilsen [SINTEF]
1200Reservoir coupling in OPM FlowTorbjørn Skille,
Trygve Kløv [Equinor]
1330Automated parameter tuning with accuracy controlErik Sæternes [Simula]
1400ML based Newton preconditioners [PPTX with video]Antoine Lechevallier [NORCE]
1430Open discussionVegard Kippe [Equinor]
1500Nonlinear domain decomposition solver in OPM FlowAtgeirr Flø Rasmussen [SINTEF]
1530Discussion and break
1600Discussion and break

OPM Summit venue and time

The OPM Summit 2024 will be held as previously announced in Oslo on April 9 – April 10. The venue will be “Meet Ullevaal” at Ullevål Stadion, close to the metro stop with the same name. A full program is not yet ready, but times will be as follows.

Tuesday April 9:
0930-1000: welcome and registration,
1000-1700: main program.
Wednesday April 10:
0900-1630: main program.

Flow manual for the 2023.10 release available

We are happy to announce that finally finished and published the manual for OPM Flow for the latest release: OPM Flow 2023-10.

The release notes are also available separately: OPM Flow release notes 2023.10.

This version along with older versions of the manual are available on the manual page.

This time this took a bit longer than usual. David Baxendale was responsible for the Manual and delivered great work from 2017 until 2023. He passed away last summer after a sudden and severe illness. Our thoughts are still with his wife and son. To honor him we dedicated the 2023-10 release of OPM-flow to him.

In September 2023, Matthew Goodfield took over the editing work of the manual. He was personally recommended by David and we are very thankful for that. Together with his colleagues from especially OPM-OP and NORCE (e.g. Håkon Hægland) we were able to split the manual into multiple libreoffice files stored as plain xml. Those are now available to the public under an open license in the opm-reference-manual github repository.

OPM summit 2024, call for contributions

This year, on April 9 – April 10 the OPM summit will be held in Oslo, Norway. This is a two-day workshop that is open to all users, developers and others who have an interest in OPM. We seek contributions in the form of talks and possibly also posters, if there is sufficient interest. If you would like to contribute, participate or have questions please contact one of the members of the preliminary program committee: Eduardo Barros, TNO (, Tor Harald Sandve, NORCE (, Alf Birger Rustad, Equinor ( or Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen, SINTEF (

More details including venue, registration and program, will be coming later.

Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen,
on behalf of the program committee.

New OPM Release 2023.10 available


Dear OPM community,

It is my pleasure to announce that the 2023.10 OPM release is now ready. Thanks to all contributors for your improvements to the software and documentation, and to users for alerting us to bugs and problems.

We dedicate this OPM 2023.10 release to our colleague and friend David Baxendale. David passed away in late June 2023 after a short severe illness. Our thoughts are with his wife and son. The OPM community is very thankful for all his contributions to OPM and the fruitful discussions with him about issues with and advancements of the simulator.

David started contributing to OPM in 2016 as OPMUSER on github and continued his good work until his very last days. We owe the OPM Reference manual to him. He started this heroic effort in 2017 and it now consists of thousands of pages. We, his colleagues and friends, are and will be surely missing him with his reservoir engineering expertise and know-how, his enthusiasm, and humor.

The 2023.10 release consists of some new features and various improvements and bug fixes. Our main target was to support more keywords used for relevant fields and reducing the differences between OPM flow and the commercial simulator. These improvements include

  • Added support for temperature (THERMAL) plus salt precipitation (PRECSALT) modeling in gas-water-brine (GAS-WATER-BRINE) systems
  • Added support for modelling dissolved gas in water (DISGASW) and vaporized water in the gas phase (VAPWAT) in the thermal-gas-water simulator
  • Support for modeling FOAM combined with SOLVENT
  • partial support for WAGHYSTR keyword (Water-Alternating-Gas hystersis)
  • Improvements to many user-facing error messages.
  • More graceful exits for problems in parallel runs.
  • Temperature is output if requested via RPTRST
  • Added support for WBP, WBP4, WBP5 and WBP9 in the SUMMARY section to output well block averaged pressures for open completions
  • Added support for initializing constant flux aquifers from a restart
  • Added support for WBP, WBP4, WBP5 and WBP9 in the SUMMARY section to output well block averaged pressures for open completions
  • Faster two-point flux-approximation introduced in the last release is now also used for linearizing gas-oil cases with energy (with diffusion) and gas-oil diffusion

Full release notes will be available with the updated manual soon. In the meantime you can take a look at our preliminary release notes. Please note that they are just a draft version right now.

Binary packages for the 2023.10 OPM release are available for RHEL 7, as well as for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (code name Jammy Jellyfish) and 20.04 LTS (code name Focal Fossa). The Ubuntu packages may be downloaded from the OPM Project’s Personal Package Archive (ppa:opm/ppa). If you have not already included this in your package sources, you can do so with the commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Then you can install the simulator and its prerequisites using the command:

sudo apt install libopm-simulators-bin

You can install python bindings for opm via pip ( using:

pip install opm

Please note that the new release of our OPM Reference manual still needs some time. We hope to publish it soon. In the meantime we hope that the installation instruction on the website or in the old manual will help you together with the above instructions.

Best Regards,

Markus Blatt

Release manager for 2023.10