The OPM software suite is one of three mathematical frameworks worked on and improved through the European research project “Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization for societal challenges with scientific computing“, or MSO4SC. The two other frameworks involved are Feel++ and Fenics. One aim of the project is to improve deployability, scalability and usability of the frameworks, especially in cloud or HPC settings. For each framework, one or more pilot applications have been chosen, and for OPM that is the reservoir simulator Flow.
Starting the coming Monday (22nd of May 2017) there is a workshop in Budapest, Hungary, organized by the MSO4SC project. The workshop web site contains information about the program and participants. It will be possible to follow most of the talks online, during or after the workshop.
If you have any questions or requests regarding OPM and the MSO4SC project please contact Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen (SINTEF).